Beverly GageJohn Lewis Gaddis Professor of HistoryCardsAdditional TitlesAssistant ProfessorLearn moreabout Additional TitlesContact Infobeverly.gage@yale.edu203.432.6149Learn moreabout Contact InfoAboutNewsGet In TouchBeverly GageAboutCopy LinkTitlesJohn Lewis Gaddis Professor of HistoryAssistant ProfessorNewsCopy LinkNewsMay 20, 2015A Stroke that Changed the Course of HistoryRead moreabout A Stroke that Changed the Course of HistoryGet In TouchCopy LinkContactsEmailbeverly.gage@yale.eduSecondary Academic Office Number203.432.6149
May 20, 2015A Stroke that Changed the Course of HistoryRead moreabout A Stroke that Changed the Course of History