activity Aldabra tortoises
Abstract/SynopsisProfessor Caccone is working with the Nature Protection Trust of the Seychelles on a project on the conservation genetics of Aldabra tortoises.
activity Amazonian Fishes
Abstract/SynopsisProfessor Caccone works with the Universitadade do Amazonas on the evolutionary divergence and biogeography of Amazonian Fishes.
activity Conservation Genetics of Amur Tigers
Abstract/SynopsisProfessor Caccone works with the Pacific Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Science, Vladivostock, on the conservation genetics of the Amur tiger.
activity Deer Populations
Abstract/SynopsisProfessor Caccone works with the Universita' di Roma "Tor Vergata," Roma, on the conservation genetics of roe deer populations.
activity European newts
Abstract/SynopsisProfessor Caccone is working with the National Museum of Natural History, Leiden, Netherlands, on the phylogeny of European newts.
activity Evolutionary Genetics of Galapagos Tortoises
Abstract/SynopsisProfessor Caccone works with the Charles Darwin Research Station, Santa Cruz Galapagos Islands, on the evolutionary genetics and conservation of Galapagos tortoises.
activity Malaria vector mosquitoes
Abstract/SynopsisTogether with researchers from the universities in Rome and Mali, Professors Powell and Caccone are studying the patterns of genetic differentiation in malaria carrying mosquitoes in Mali.