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Visual Fields: Examination and Interpretation, 3rd ed.

Yale Medicine Magazine, 2011 - Autumn


edited by Thomas J. Walsh, M.D., clinical professor of ophthalmology and visual science and of neurology (Oxford University Press) This edition contains revisions and updates of earlier material as well as a discussion of newer techniques for assessing disorders of the visual field. It provides an overview of the techniques of visual field examination in a number of eye disorders and will be of interest to ophthalmologists, neuro-ophthalmologists, retina specialists, and optometrists. The book begins with a short history of the field of perimetry and goes on to present basic clinical aspects of examination and diagnosis of visual field defects in the optic nerve, optic disc, chorioretina, optic chiasm, optic tract, lateral geniculate field bodies, and the calcarine complex. It includes a discussion of several new techniques of automated perimetry.

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