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More facts on Fulton

Yale Medicine Magazine, 2000 - Spring


To the Editor:

I recently received the Fall 1999|Winter 2000 issue of Yale Medicine. On page 12, there is a picture of Drs. Fleming and Blake. I am not sure, but I think Dr. Blake is on the left and Fleming is on the right. The article mentions that Dr. Fulton was in the hospital at the same time Mrs. Miller was being treated for postpartum infection. It does not mention what Dr. Fulton was being treated for. We were told years ago that he had developed coccidioidomycosis following a visit to California and that the penicillin was originally intended for him, but he got well without it and it was then used for Mrs. Miller.

Finally I must make a comment about which I imagine you can do nothing. Having had bilateral cataract surgery recently and several changes of eyeglasses, I find that I still cannot see clearly. The print in the magazine is so small I must use a bright light and a magnifying glass to read it. Even this is only of partial assistance. I wonder if other older alumni have this problem and if it might be possible to use larger type?

Paul R. Bruch, M.D. ’51
Southbury, Conn.

Thanks to Dr. Bruch and others who wrote to correct the identification in the photograph. Dr. Blake is indeed pictured on the left. As for the size of Yale Medicine’s body type, we are continuing to experiment with improvements to legibility. In addition, readers with access to the Internet may read the articles online (and control the type size via their Web browser) at

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