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1950s - Keggi

Yale Medicine Magazine, 2001 - Spring


Kristaps J. Keggi, M.D. ’59, HS ’63, received an honorary doctorate of humane letters from Quinnipiac University last May for his work as an orthopaedic surgeon. Quinnipiac president John L. Lahey said, “His medical and administrative skills have been tested from prestigious American hospitals to the battlefields of Vietnam. But above all, Keggi has been instrumental in renewing understanding between the peoples of the former Soviet Union and the West. He also has brought a sense of hope, self-reliance and self-respect to people nearly engulfed by economic crisis and national emergency.” In 1988, Keggi founded the Keggi Orthopaedic Foundation, which provides professional exchanges and training opportunities for orthopaedic surgeons in the former Soviet republics.

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William H. Prusoff, Ph.D.