Medical student Terri Huynh (right) teaches Career High students in the medical school’s anatomy lab.
- Hervé Agaisse, NIH, High-Throughput Screen for Compounds Affecting Intracellular Pathogen Infection, 1 year, $82,500
- Robert Beech, NIH, A Genetic Model for the Role of Neurogenesis in Antidepressant Response, 2 years, $379,125
- Andrea Benin, NIH, Outpatient EHRs: Using Electronic Data to Improve Health and Health Care, 3 years, $486,000
- Zubin Bhagwagar, National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression, A Proton MRS Study of GABA and 5-HT Interactions, 2 years, $60,000
- Daniel Biemesderfer, NIH, Megalin Function in the Normal and Diseased Kidney, 5 years, $1,694,325
- Hal Blumenfeld, NIH, Functional Neuroimaging in Childhood Absence Epilepsy, 3.5 years, $1,889,682
- Arthur Broadus, NIH, PTHrP Function in the Periosteum and Entheses, 2 years, $330,000
- Robert Bruce, NIH, Substance Abuse, HIV and HVC Treatments to Improve Health Outcomes in Drug Users, 5 years, $870,852
- Sonia Caprio, NIH, Pathophysiology of Metabolic Defects of Juvenile Obesity, 5 years, $916,605
- Judy Cho, NIH, IBD Consortium Genetics Research Center, 1 year, $319,573; NIH, IBD Genetics Consortium Data Coordinating Center, 1 year, $922,200
- R. Todd Constable, NIH, Towards an Improved Understanding of BOLD Signal Changes, 5 years, $1,847,260
- Nihal Delanerolle, NIH, Proteomic Profiles in Human Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, 2 years, $408,375
- Caroline Easton, NIH, A Therapy Approach for SADV, 3 years, $873,000
- Erol Fikrig, NIH, Immunotherapeutics for Treatment of Flavivirus Infection, 5 years, $6,982,520
- Durland Fish, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Northeast Regional Tick Control Project, 1 year, $208,544
- Terri Fried, NIH, Treatment Goals at the End of Life, 3 years, $1,272,050
- Frank Giordano, NIH, Zinc Finger Proteins to Modify Heart Function, 5 years, $2,066,250
- Charles Greer, NIH, Neuron Glial Interactions, 5 years, $1,575,361
- Ruth Halaban, NIH, Yale SPORE in Skin Cancer, 5 years, $11,500,000
- Graeme Hammond, NIH, MHC Suppression as a Model for Transplant Tolerance, 2 years, $453,750
- Kevan Herold, NIH, Phase II Trial of HoKT3y, 4 years, $2,157,201
- Margaret Hostetter, NIH, Developmental Adaptation: Child Health Research Center, 4 years, $2,106,443
- Jeannette Ickovics, NIH, Integrating Prenatal Care to Reduce HIV/STDs Among Teens: A Translational Study, 5 years, $4,511,882
- Mustafa Khokha, NIH, Role of Gremlin in Embryonic Development, 1 year, $121,770
- Diane Krause, NIH, Epithelial Engraftment of Bone Marrow Derived Stem Cells, 3 years, $743,500
- Daeyeol Lee, NIH, Dynamics and Neural Mechanisms of Decision Making, 1 year, $56,110
- Douglas Leslie, NIH, Patterns of Service Use and Costs Associated with Autism, 3 years, $586,800
- Ming Li, NIH, TGF-beta 1 Regulation of Peripheral T Cell Tolerance, 5 years, $691,200
- Annette Molinaro, NIH, Statistical Methods for Predicting Survival Outcomes from Genomic Data, 3 years, $478,269
- Dhasakumar Navaratnam, NIH, Studies on Hair Cell BK Channels,5 years, $1,859,625
- Laura Niklason, NIH, Novel Cellular Life Span Extension for Tissue Engineering, 1 year, $187,977
- Michael Nitabach, NIH, Transgenic Tethered Spider Toxins, 4.5 years, $1,815,282
- Peter Novick, NIH, Genetics of Secretion in Yeast, 5 years, $2,182,490
- J. Peter Olausson, Nat’l Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression, Reinforcement of Neuroprotection for Stress Hormone-Induced Hippocampal Damage by FGF Signaling Pathways, 2 years, $60,000
- Godfrey Pearlson, NIH, Reward, Impulsivity and Cocaine Addiction: fMRI Studies, 4 years, $1,618,069
- Marina Picciotto, NIH, Antidepressant Effect of Nicotinic Receptor Blockade, 10 months, $1,580,604
- Douglas Rothman, NIH, Acquisition of a 7T Human MR System for the Development of Ultra High Resolution Whole Brain MRSi and MRI, 1 year, $2,000,000
- David Rothstein, NIH, Peripheral Mechanisms of Immunologic Tolerance, 5 years, $7,039,959
- Gerard Sanacora, NIH, Studies of Amino Acid Neurotransmitter Contributions to Depression, 5 years, $634,230
- Alan Sartorelli, NIH, Hypoxia-Activated O6 Benzylguanine Prodrugs, 3 years, $880,401; NIH, Development of Anticancer 1.2-Bis(sulfonyl)hydrazines, 4 years, $1,214,240
- Samuel Sathyanesan, NIH, Choroid Plexus and Antidepressants: Genomics and Proteomics, 2 years, $337,582
- Nenad Sestan, Nat’l Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression, Characterization of a Novel Candidate Gene in Schizophrenia, 2 years, $60,000
- Eugene Shapiro, NIH, Effectiveness of Vaccines in Clinical Practice, 5 years, $760,280
- Mark Shlomchik, NIH, Role of B Cells and DCs in Lupus Pathogenesis, 5 years, $2,339,919
- Warren Shlomchik, NIH, Dendritic Cell Subsets and Paths of Maturation in GVHD, 5 years, $2,066,250
- Julie Staley-Gottschalk, NIH, Cognition, Tobacco Smoke and Nicotinic Receptor Occupancy, 1.5 years, $336,257
- Thomas Steitz, NIH, Structure of DNA and RNA Polymerases and their Functional Complexes, 4 years, $1,564,921
- Lisa Suter, NIH, The Cost-Effectiveness of MRI in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis, 5 years, $663,525
- Eugene Swenson, NIH, Liver Injury and Repopulation by Bone Marrow Stem Cells, 5 years, $671,290
- Hemant Tagare, NIH, Segmentation of Ultrasound Images, 4 years, $1,556,175
- Cenk Tek, Nat’l Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression, Mental Transformations in Schizophrenia in Relation to Negative Symptoms and Deficit Syndrome, 2 years, $59,992
- Benjamin Turk, U.S. Department of the Army, Identification of Substrates and Inhibitors of the Anthrax Lethal Factor, 1 year, $259,928
- Sandra Wolin, NIH, Antibodies to Ro Ribonucleoproteins as Biomarkers in Sjogren’s Syndrome, 2 years, $431,122
- Jonathan Bogan, W. M. Keck Foundation, Regulation of Glucose Transporter Trafficking, 5 years, $1,000,000
- Titus Boggon, American Society of Hematology, Structure/Function Studies of Janus Jinase Family Members, 2 years, $150,000
- Elizabeth Bradley, John D. Thompson Hospice Institute for Education, Training and Research, Inc., Improving Care for Patients with Irreversible Conditions and Their Families, 1 year, $100,000
- Pia Britto, Russell Sage Foundation, Man Ana: An Investigation of Ethnic Identity Formation of Muslim Arab Children in the United States, 2 years, $103,510
- Herta Chao, American Association for Cancer Research, The Detection of Pharmacodynamic Changes in Circulating Tumor Cells in Response to Chemotherapy Using Novel Robotic Epifluorescent Microscopy Platform, 2 years, $100,000
- Katarzyna Chawarska, Autism Speaks, Face and Gaze Processing in the Second Year of Life: Comparison between ASD, DD and Typical Infants, 2 years, $119,979; Autism Speaks, Why and When Do Children with Autism Develop Difficulties Recognizing Faces?, 2 years, $100,000
- Haijun Chen, American Heart Association, The Molecular and Structural Basis of Beta-Subunits MinK and MiRP1, 4 years, $260,000
- Lei Chen, Ambulatory Pediatric Association, Training of Pre-Hospital Personnel in the Use of Laryngeal Mask Airways in Simulated Pediatric Arrest Scenarios, 1 year, $8,000
- Hongbo Chi, Arthritis Foundation, Regulation of Immune Response and Systemic Autoimmunity by SIP Signaling, 2 years, $150,000
- Susan Compton, ACLAM Foundation, Murine Norovirus Pathogenesis and Transmissibility, 1 year, $24,998
- R. Todd Constable, The John B. Pierce Laboratory Inc., Cognitive and Affective Influences on Central Taste Processing, 5 years, $100,707
- Vladimir Coric, Obsessive Compulsive Foundation, Inc., A Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled Trial of N-Acetylcysteine in SRI-Resistant OCD, 1 year, $36,600
- Priscilla Dannies, Elsa U. Pardee Foundation, Enhancing the Ability of Human Growth Hormone to Reduce Tumor Burden in a Mouse Model of Human Ovarian Cancer, 1 year, $131,631
- Alan Dardik, American Vascular Association, Flow Responses to Carotid Angioplasty, 1 year, $75,000
- Enrique De La Cruz, American Heart Association, Actin Filament Cooperativity and Actin Binding Protein Function, 3 years, $198,000
- Ronald Duman, Sepracor Inc., Influence of Eszopiclone on Neurogenesis and Cell Proliferation in Adult Limbic Brain Structures, 1 year, $80,025
- Richard Flavell, American Diabetes Association, Inc., Prevention of Type 1 Diabetes by tgf-Beta-Induced Regulatory T Cells, 3 years, $300,000
- Gerald Friedland, University of Natal, Collaborative AIDS Program of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA), 1 year, $19,282
- David Geller, American Heart Assoc. (Heritage Affiliate), Renal and Extrarenal Effects of Aldosterone, 3 years, $198,000; Amgen Nephrology Institute, Molecular Mechanisms of Hypertension in the Metabolic Syndrome, 1 year, $58,868
- Satish Ghatpande, Charles H. Hood Foundation, Novel Mechanisms of Embryo Protection: The Role of Adenosine Action in the Developing Heart, 2 years, $150,000
- Daniel Goldstein, Society of Geriatric Cardiology, Role of Aging in Vascular Injury, 1 year, $10,000
- Fred Gorelick, Brentwood Biomedical Research Inst., Alcohol and the Exocrine Pancrease ER Stress Responses, 1 year, $32,600
- Jonathan Grauer, Medtronic, Inc., Modeling the Deleterious Effect of Infection on Posterolateral Lumbar Fusion in a Rabbit Model and Evaluating the Potential Effect of BMP2 to Overcome this Effect, 1 year, $155,362
- Kalpana Gupta, The Patrick and Catherine Weldon Donaghue Medical Research Foundation, Cranberry for UTI Prevention in Nursing Home Residents, 2 years, $238,710
- Bryan Hains, International Association for the Study of Pain, Sodium Channel Blockers and Pain after Spinal Cord Injury, 1 year, $5,000
- James Hill III, Albert Einstein Healthcare Network, The Impact of Healthy Work Organization on Return to Work Outcomes in an Aging Workforce, 3 years, $190,374
- Selby Jacobs, State of Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, PCP: Person-Centered Care for Psychosis, 1 year, $432,166
- Sven-Eric Jordt, State of Connecticut Department of Public Health, Sensory Irritant Receptors in the Pathogenesis of Smoking-Induced Lung Disease, 2 years, $299,723
- Anil Karihaloo, American Heart Assoc. (Heritage Affiliate), Role of VEGF in Renal Ischemic Repair, 3 years, $198,000
- Haifan Lin, Stem Cell Research Foundation, Translation Regulation of Stem Cell Self-Renewal, 2 years, $80,575
- Kangmo Lu, American Diabetes Association, Inc., New Risk Factors for Diabetic Retinopathy, 1 year, $100,000
- James Macy, ACLAM Foundation, Strategies for MPV Screening, 1 year, $25,000
- Arya Mani, American Heart Assoc. (Heritage Affiliate), Mapping a Gene for Premature Coronary Artery Disease, 3 years, $198,000
- Ira Mellman, Sandler Program for Asthma Research, Dendritic Cell Biology and Asthma, 3 years, $750,000
- Guillermo Mor, The Johns Hopkins University, Multiplex Protein Test for Early Detection of Ovarian Cancer, 1 year, $50,000
- Laura Niklason, Texas A&M University, Ex Vivo Delineation of Mechanisms of Cerebral Vasospasm, 3 years, $89,182
- Marcella Nunez Smith, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Minority Faculty in Academic Medicine: How to Successfully Support Diversity, 1 year, $49,868
- A. David Paltiel, Massachusetts General Hospital, The Cost-Effectiveness of Preventing HIV Complications,1 year, $22,287
- Chirag Parikh, American Heart Assoc. (Heritage Affiliate), A Pilot Study Investigating Novel Biomarkers in Cardiac Surgery to Detect Acute Kidney Injury, 1 year, $74,931; The Patrick and Catherine Weldon Donaghue Medical Research Foundation, Novel Biomarkers to Detect Delayed Graft Function, 3 years, $197,144; Satellite Healthcare, Inc., The Diagnostic and Prognostic Value of Biomarkers for Acute Kidney Injury in Critically Ill Patients, 3 years, $150,000
- Albert Perrino, Alcoholic Beverage Medical Research Foundation, Heightened Pain Processing in Individuals at Risk for Alcoholism, 6 months, $40,000
- Edward Perry, Alcoholic Beverage Medical Research Foundation, Interactive Psychopharmacologic Effects of Alcohol and Nicotine in Humans, 2 years, $90,000
- George Porter, Charles H. Hood Foundation, Calcium Channels Regulate the Formation of the Cardiac Outflow Tract from the Anterior Heart Field, 2 years, $150,000
- Nandhini Ramamoorthi, Arthritis Foundation, Tick Salivary Protein, Salp 15 and Control of Lyme Arthritis, 2 years, $150,000
- Jill Reiter, Breast Cancer Alliance, Inc., Quantitative Analysis of EGFR Variants in Breast Cancer, 2 years, $125,000
- Scott Rivkees, Chemical Diversity Labs, Inc., Identification of Novel ACTH Antagonists, 1 year, $183,356
- Haleh Saadat, Foundation for Anesthesia Education Research, Implementation and Testing of a Wellness Program Conducted with Anesthesiology Residents at Yale, 2 years, $100,000
- Robert Sherwin, American Diabetes Association, Inc., CNS Responses to Hypoglycemia in Diabetes, 4 years, $180,000
- Warren Shlomchik, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Memory T Cells for Immune Reconstitution Post-Allogenic Stem Cell Transplantion, 5 years, $550,000
- Peter Smith, ACLAM Foundation, Mouse Parvovirus: Effects of Immune Status and Pregnancy on Duration and Potential Reactivation of Viral Shedding, 1 year, $25,000
- Julie Sosa, American Geriatrics Society, A Multi-Institutional Randomized Controlled Trial Measuring the Effects of Surgery on Depression, Memory and Concentration Among Elderly Patients with Asymptomatic Primary Hyperparathyroidism, 2 years, $150,000
- Matthew State, Tourette Syndrome Association, Inc., Investigation of SLIT and Trk-Like Family 1 (SLTRK1): A New Candidate Gene for Tourette Syndrome, 1 year, $75,000
- Meredith Stowe, The Patrick and Catherine Weldon Donaghue Medical Research Foundation, Reducing Isocyanate Exposure in the CT Autobody Industry, 3 years, $91,180
- Lynn Sullivan, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Reducing HIV Sexual Risk Behaviors in Patients Receiving Treatment for Opioid Dependence, 3 years, $46,183
- Lisa Suter, Arthritis Foundation, Defining Best Practices for MRI in Rheumatoid Arthritis, 2 years, $150,000
- Ning Tian, Research To Prevent Blindness, Inc., Research to Prevent Blindness Dolly Green Scholar, 1 year, $70,000
- Susumu Tomita, Esther and Joseph Klingenstein Fund, Inc., Regulation of Excitatory Synaptic Strength in the Brain, 3 years, $150,000
- Elizabeth Triche, State of Connecticut Department of Public Health, Genetics and Smoking in Pregnancy, 2 years, $349,893
- Marianne Ulcickas Yood, Henry Ford Health System, Oral Antidiabetic and Insulin Use Among Patients with Diabetes, 2 years, $35,000
- Jack Van Hoff, St. Baldrick’s Foundation, St. Baldrick’s Foundation Award, 1 year, $25,000
- Joanne Weidhaas, State of Connecticut Department of Public Health, Analysis of miRNA Mutations in Lung Cancer, 2 years, $265,050
- Stuart Weinzimer, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International, Advanced Studies of Closed Loop Glucose Control on Type 1 Diabetes, 2 years, $618,082
- Erin Wolff, University of California—San Francisco, Regulation of HOXA 10 by Putative Co-Factor Spastin, 1 year, $119,450
- Xuchen Zhang, American Heart Assoc. (Heritage Affiliate), Role of HO-1 and STAT3 in Oxidant-Induced Lung Injury, 3 years, $198,000
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