- Deane Aikins, Dept. of Defense (U.S.), Using Propranolol to Block Combat Memory Reconsolidation in Female Veterans withPTSD, 3 years, $90,577
- Laura Almstead, NIH, Identification of Genes Required for Cellular Senescence, 2 years, $96,472
- Frederick Altice, NIH, Intervention ofHIVDrug Use and the Criminal Justice System in Malaysia, 5 years, $2,733,430; SAMHSA, Targeted Capacity Expansion Program for Substance Abuse Treatment andHIV/AIDS, 5 years, $2,256,027
- Karen Anderson, NIH, Mechanism and Inhibition ofHIVReverse Transcriptase, 4 years, $1,786,819
- Jacob Appelbaum, NIH, A Small Molecular Approach to Detect Specific Peptide-MHCComplexes, 2 years, $92,148
- Peter Aronson, NIH, George M. O’Brien Kidney Center at Yale, 5 years, $4,056,990
- Lisa Barry, NIH, Depression and Disability in Older Persons: Untangling Complexities, 5 years, $628,425
- Jennifer Bordeaux, Dept. of Defense (U.S.), Met (HGFReceptor) in Breast Cancer, 3 years, $97,200
- Michael Bracken, NIH, National Children’s Study Centers, 5 years, $10,673,273
- Jerrica Breindel, Dept. of Defense (U.S.), HER2 and Genomic Instability, 3 years, $96,210
- Michael Caplan, NIH, Cellular and Molecular Studies of Renal Transport, 5 years, $5,655,475
- Zhe Chen, NIH, Prostate Edema in Permanent Interstitial Brachytherapy, 3 years, $810,000
- Geoffrey Chupp, NIH, Gene Expression Profiling in Asthma Severity:CHI3L1 Geneotypes & SerumYKL40, 4 years, $3,223,586
- Daniel Colón-Ramos, NIH, Synaptic Target Selection in the Thermotaxis Neural Circuit of C. elegans, 3 years, $748,598
- Pietro De Camilli, Nat’l Science Foundation (NSF), MRI:Acquisition of a 200 kV Electron Tomography Microscope for Quantitative High Resolution Imaging of Cells in 3 Dimensions, 3 years, $718,000
- Kavita Dhodapkar, NIH, Immune Resistance to Glioma via Dendritic Cells, 18 months, $169,048
- Madhav Dhodapkar, NIH, Immunity to Stem Cell Antigens in Preneoplastic Gammopathy, 5 years, $1,349,000
- Gail D’Onofrio, NIH, Models ofSBIRTfor Opioid Dependent Patients in the Emergency Department, 5 years, $4,921,509
- Gerald Friedland, NIH, Drug Interactions in Substance Abusers withHIVand Related Comorbid Conditions, 5 years, $1,861,875
- Daniel Goldstein, NIH, Impact of Aging on Atherosclerosis, 5 years, $737,100
- Rosana Gonzalez-Colaso, Department of Health and Human Services, Early Childhood Literacy Project, 2 years, $2,500
- Elena Grigorenko, NIH, Reading Disabilities in Zambian Children, 4.5 years, $748,428
- Cary Gross, NIH, Multimorbidity and Screening Colonoscopy: A Framework for Patients and Policy Makers, 2 years, $304,215
- Jonas Hannestad, Dept. of Defense (U.S.), Validation of theSPECTLigandCLINDEas a marker of Microglial Activation in Baboons, 18 months, $223,583
- Whitney Harris, NIH, The Role of ProteinTUGin Glucose Homeostasis, 4 years, $163,888
- Richard Hochberg, NIH, 123I Ligands forSPECTImaging the Estrogen Responsive Regions of the Brain, 2 years, $409,613
- Dennis Jones, NIH, The Role ofBMXin Lymphangiogenesis, 5 years, $155,200
- Richard Kibbey, NIH, Characterization of MitochondrialGTPas an Intramitchondrial Metabolic Signal, 5 years, $759,208
- Kenneth Kidd, Nat’l Science Foundation (NSF), ALFRED: Making Very High Throughput Data Accessible, 1 year, $200,000
- Yilun Liu, NIH, Understanding the Role ofRAD51C Complexes in Recombination and Repair, 5 years, $1,373,650
- Shuangge Ma, NIH, Efficient Microarray Meta-Analysis and Cancer Biomarker Selection, 2 years, $191,142
- Steve Martino, NIH, Options in Psychotherapy Training for Four Scientifically Validated Behavioral Treatments, 5 years, $161,062
- Susan Mayne, NIH, Yale/NCICooperative Training Program in Cancer Epidemiology, 5 years, $994,275
- Wang Min, NIH, Thioredoxin and Endothelial Cell Function, 5 years, $2,068,750
- Andrew Miranker, NIH, Small Molecule Interference of Bilayer Catalyzed Fiber Formation, 2 years, $428,925
- Linda Niccolai, NIH, Potential forHIVTransmission in Relationships of Drug-Using Women in Russia, 1 year, $146,581
- A. David Paltiel, NIH, Evaluating the Link BetweenHIVPrevention and Treatment, 3 years, $2,328,711
- Chirag Parikh, NIH, Progression of Acute Kidney Injury to Chronic Kidney Disease, 5 years, $2,502,987
- Godfrey Pearlson, NIH, Alcohol Use in College Students: Cognition and fMRI, 5 years, $3,067,554
- Kevin Pelphrey, NIH, Functional Neuroimaging of Children with Autism, 16 months, $180,854; NIH, Neuroimaging of the Development of Neural Mechanisms for Number Processing, 4.5 years, $1,222,089
- Pasko Rakic, NIH, Origin of Cortical Species-Specific Distinctions, 5 years, $3,817,515
- Michael Robek, NIH, IL-22 inHBVPathogenesis, 2 years, $398,720; NIH, Viral Vaccine Vectors to Prevent Hepatocellular Carcinoma, 3.5 years, $1,091,448
- James Rothman, NIH, Mechanisms of Intracellular Membrane Fusion, 2 years, $1,116,182
- Matthew Scotch, NIH, Informatics for Zoonotic Disease Surveillance: Combining Animal and Human Data, 2 years, $180,000
- Erik Shapiro, NIH, Single CellMRIof Directed Cell Migration to Stroke, 5 years, $2,477,533
- Robert Sherwin, NIH, Glucoregulatory Hormone Interactions in Diabetes, 5 years, $3,208,724
- Arthur Simen, NIH, Epigenetic Factors in Vulnerability to Aging and Stress, 3 years, $324,000
- Michael Simons, NIH, Angiogenesis and Ischemia, 4.5 years, $2,598,413; NIH, Syndecan Function in Endothelial Cells, 4.5 years, $3,049,367
- Elenoe Smith, NIH, Effect ofMKL1 on Murine Embryonic Megakaryocytopoiesis, 3 years, $122,916
- Julie Staley-Gottschalk, NIH, Tobacco Smoking, Genes, and Nicotinic Receptors, 5.5 years, $2,231,440
- Denis Sukhodolsky, NIH, Neurobiology of Behavior Therapy for Children with Tourette Syndrome, 5 years, $846,035
- Mary Tomayko, NIH, Elucidating Functional Properties of Memory B Cells, 5 years, $673,650
- Christopher van Dyck, NIH, Guanfacine Treatment for Prefrontal Cognitive Dysfunction in Elderly Subjects, 3 years, $1,164,123
- Nadia Ward, Dept. of Education (U.S.), Yale University Gear Up Partnership Grant, 6 years, $6,945,598
- Allison Welsh, Dept. of Defense (U.S.), The Presence of Non-Nuclear Estrogen Receptor-Alpha in Breast Cancer and its Prognostic/Predictive Value, 3 years, $97,200
- Scott Woods, NIH, 8/8 Predictors and Mechanisms of Conversion to Psychosis, 4.5 years, $3,209,370
- Ali Abu-Alfa, Baxter Health Care Corporation, Baxter Education Grant, 15 months, $5,002
- Karen Anderson, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, A Targeted Stealth Weapon of Viral Destruction forHIV, 18 months, $100,000
- Nancy Angoff, American Medical Association Foundation, Pedestrian Safety Month at Yale, 1 year, $2,000
- Francisco Barrera Olivares, Foundation Alfonso Martin Squire, Activation against Tumors of Specific Immune System Pathways Via Labeling, 2 years, $90,474
- Colleen Barry, Harvard Medical School, The Effects of Mental Health/Substance Abuse (MH/SA) Parity on Individuals with High MH/SA Spending, 1 year, $27,002; Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Message Framing and Regulation of Food Marketing to Children, 2.5 years, $419,400
- Diana Beardsley, American Thrombosis and Hemostasis Network, Data Quality Counts, 1 year, $27,866
- Kevin Bentley, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Int’l, Lymphatic Vessels inTLOSin T1DM, 1 year, $77,000
- Margaret Bia, Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Sponsorship, 1 year, $2,500
- Joshua Breunig, Connecticut Innovations Inc., Regulation of hESC-Derived Neural Stem Cells by Notch Signaling, 2 years, $188,676
- Richard Bucala, Brookdale Foundation, Aging and Ischemic Injury, 3 years, $375,000
- Lloyd Cantley, Connecticut Innovations Inc., Functional Use of Embryonic Stem Cells for Kidney Repair, 2 years, $200,000
- Owen Chan, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Int’l, The Role of Inhibitory Neurotransmission in Regulating Glucose Counterregulation, 5 years, $750,000
- Gary Cline, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Int’l, G-Protein Coupled Receptor TargetedPETImaging of Beta-Cell Mass, 1 year, $285,000
- James Comer, New Haven Board of Education, New Haven Public Schools Comer 2009, 9 months, $125,000
- Pietro De Camilli, Lowe Syndrome Association, Cell Biology of the Lowe Syndrome ProteinOCRL, 1 year, $25,000
- Francesco D’Errico, Advanced Fuel Research, Inc., Radiological Source Surveillance with Videocentric Radiation Detection, 2 years, $35,968
- Andrew Epstein, University of Pennsylvania, Implications of Cardiovascular Technology Diffusion among Medicare Beneficiaries, 2 years, $35,230
- Jason Fletcher, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Evaluating the Effects of “Easy” State Interventions to Combat Childhood Obesity, 18 months, $146,237
- Jorge Galán, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Development of a Type III Protein Secretion System as a Quasi-Synthetic Protein Antigen Delivery Nano Machine, 2 years, $100,000
- Elena Grigorenko, Tufts University, Triarchic Intelligence Manuscript, 4 months, $11,500
- Jeffrey Gruen, Manton Foundation, Developing a Dyslexia Screening Test for American Children, 5 years, $5,256,679
- Ala Haddadin, John B. Pierce Laboratory Inc., Estrogen and Progesterone Effects on Orthostatic Tolerance, 1 year, $58,361
- Lyndsay Harris, Breast Cancer Research Foundation, Personalized Medicine: Using Tumor and Host Response to Validate Biomarkers, 1 year, $249,898
- Kevan Herold, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Int’l, Circulating HypomethylatedDNAas a Biomarker of Beta Cell Destruction, 4 years, $389,400
- Josephine Hoh, Rosebay Medical Company, LP, Developing a Mouse Model to Investigate Predisposition Genes for Age-Related Macular Degeneration, 5 years, $2,246,804
- Changyun Hu, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Int’l, B Cell Depletion Therapy and Islet Transplantation for Type 1 Diabetes, 2 years, $103,040; Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies, FOCIS-JDRFResearch Scholarship Award, 2 years, $37,500
- Jeannette Ickovics, Donaghue Medical Research Foundation, CARECommunity Interventions for Health, 1 year, $300,000
- Natalia Ivanova, Connecticut Innovations Inc., Molecular Control of Pluripotency in Human ES Cells, 2 years, $200,000
- Elizabeth Jonas, Gemin X Biotechnologies, Inc., Fellowship Support Agreement, 1 year, $68,580
- Sven-Eric Jordt, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Mechanisms of Chlorine Hypersensitivity in Asthma, 2 years, $533,924
- Roger Jou, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Characterization of Abnormal Neural Connectivity in Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorders, 1 year, $15,000
- Amy Justice, University of Pittsburgh, Cardiovascular Disease Mechanisms inHIVInfected and Uninfected Veterans, 9 months, $85,595
- Barbara Kazmierczak, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Manipulating Gut Flora to Improve Vaccine Responses, 1 year, $100,000
- Mustafa Khokha, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Craniofacial and Cardiac Development in Xenopus: A Genetic Approach, 5 years, $1,105,795
- Hetal Kocinsky, Charles H. Hood Foundation, Child Health Research Grant, 2 years, $150,000
- Sean Landrette, American Cancer Society, Inc., Identifying Mutations that Promote Cancer Progression and Metastasis, 3 years, $138,000
- Gregory Larkin, Te Pou, New Zealand’s Nat’l Centre of Mental Health Research, Geospatial Mapping of Suicide and Suicide Attempt Clusters in New Zealand, 16 months, $24,150
- Patty Lee, Roche Pharmaceuticals, Novel Biomarkers inCOPD, 2.5 years, $27,912
- Haifan Lin, Connecticut Innovations Inc., Maintaining and Enhancing the hESCCore at the Yale Stem Cell Center, 3 years, $1,800,000
- Nita Maihle, Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Overcoming Primary Herceptin Resistance in Breast Cancer, 3 years, $180,000
- Robert Makuch, Bayer Healthcare, LLC, Regulatory Affairs Program, 1 year, $50,000
- Rory McCrimmon, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Int’l, Potassium Channel Openers as a Treatment forHAAF, 3 years, $486,750
- Thomas Melia, Columbia University, Autophagy and Neurodegeneration, 1 year, $827,500
- Gilbert Moeckel, C.B. Fleet Company, Inc., Acute Phosphate Infusion Study, 1 year, $12,958
- Laura Niklason, Connecticut Innovations Inc., Human Embryonic and Adult Stem Cells for Vascular Regeneration, 4 years, $449,999
- James Noonan, Edward Mallinckrodt, Jr. Foundation, Elucidating the Regulatory Architecture of Development Using Enhancer Target Capture, 3 years, $180,000
- Brandon Ogbunugafor, United Negro College Fund, Defective Interfering Particle inRNAViral Infections, 1 year, $52,000
- Sachin Paranjape, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Int’l, Role of Hypothalamic Insulin Signaling in Glucose Homeostasis, 2 years, $96,224
- Kevin Pelphrey, Autism Speaks, Functional Neuroimaging of the Developing Social Brain in Children with Autism, 16 months, $104,172; John Merck Fund, Charting the Normal and Abnormal Development of the Social Brain, 2 years, $150,000
- Joseph Piepmeier, Chicago Institute of Neurosurgery & Neuroresearch, Targeted Delivery of Nanoparticle-Based Drugs for Glioma Stem Cells, 1 year, $50,000
- Margaret Pisani, chest Foundation, Gender Differences as They Relate to Outcome in an OlderICUCohort, 1 year, $10,000
- Caihong Qiu, Connecticut Innovations Inc., Definitive Hematopoietic Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells under Feeder-Free and Serum-Free Conditions, 2 years, $200,000
- Valerie Reinke, Connecticut Innovations Inc., VRK-1 Mediated Regulation of p53 in the Human ES Cell Cycle, 2 years, $200,000
- Anna Rhoades, University of Washington, Drug Interactions, 1 year, $7,977
- Scott Rivkees, Thrasher Research Fund, Identification and Treatment of Biological Clock Dysfunction in Optic Nerve Hypoplasia, 3 years, $310,341
- Elissa Robbins, Autism Speaks, CASPR2 Dysfunction in Autism Spectrum Disorder, 2 years, $56,000
- Michael Robek, Dana Foundation, Antiviral and Antitumor Activity of IL-29 in the Brain, 3 years, $200,000
- Douglas Rothman, University of Massachusetts, Skeletal Muscle Fatigue in Older Adults, 2 years, $177,166
- Joseph Santos-Sacchi, Stanford University, Synaptic Specializations in Auditory Hair Cells, 5 years, $218,786
- Masanori Sasaki, Connecticut Innovations Inc., Cortical Neuronal Protection in Spinal Cord Injury following Transplantation of Dissociated Neurospheres Derived from Human Embryonic Stem Cells, 2 years, $200,000
- Margretta Seashore, University of New Hampshire, Meeting the Challenge of Identifying Urea Cycle Disorders by Newborn Screening, 9 months, $20,000
- Montrell Seay, Ford Foundation, High-Throughput Identification of Factors that Contribute to Stem Cell Differentiation Programs, 9 months, $40,000
- Patty Seo-Mayer, Nat’l Kidney Foundation, The Role ofAMP-Activated Protein Kinase in Acute Kidney Injury and Renal Cell Polarity, 1 year, $50,000
- Nenad Sestan, James S. McDonnell Foundation, Evolutionary Specializations and Development of the Human Frontal Cortex, 6 years, $600,000
- Gordon Shepherd, University of California - San Diego, Neuroinformatic-Based Neuroscience Information Framework Operation Maintenance Support and Enhancement of the Neuroscience Information Framework, 2 years, $604,854
- Robert Sherwin, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Int’l, Investigation of the Direct Effects of Reg Proteins on Beta Cell Regeneration, 2 years, $479,472
- Michael Simons, Medstar Research Institute, Data-Aging and Micro-CT Studies, 1 year, $25,818; Dartmouth College, Mechanisms of PAI-1, 15 months, $24,801; Johns Hopkins University, Molecular Determinants of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, 16 months, $103,972
- Steven Southwick, Dartmouth College, National Center for Disaster Mental Health Research, 1 year, $27,130
- Patrick Sung, Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Role of the Tumor SuppressorsBRCA2 andPALB2 in Chromosome Damage Repair, 3 years, $180,000
- Eugene Swenson, Nat’l Organization for Rare Disorders, Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation for Liver Disease, 1 year, $30,000
- William Tamborlane, U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation, Early Identification of Traditional and Novel Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Children with Type 1 Diabetes, 3 years, $139,725
- Hugh Taylor, Environment & Human Health, Radiofrequency Non-ionizing Radiation Exposure in Pregnancy and Developmental Defects, 1 year, $195,125
- Jane Taylor, Nat’l Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression, Corticolimbic-Striatal Substrates of Cognitive Impulsivity:PCP-Dependent Mechanisms, 2 years, $100,000
- Daniela Tirziu, American Heart Association, Nat’l Center, The Role of Endothelial Cell Nuclear Factor Kappa B in Arteriogenesis, 2 years, $130,000
- Alda Tufro, Emerald Foundation, Inc., Semaphorins in Kidney Disease, 1 year, $50,000
- Marianne Ulcickas Yood, Boston Medical Center, Long-Term Survivorship in Older Women with Early Stage Breast Cancer, 2 years, $178,540
- Elisabetta Ullu, U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation, RNomics in Trypanosoma brucei—Bioinformatics and Functional Approaches, 4 years, $127,529
- Flora Vaccarino, Connecticut Innovations Inc., Effect of Hypoxia on Neural Stem Cells and their Function inCNSRepair, 3 years, $449,692
- Joshua Van Houten, Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, The Role ofPMCA2 in Mammary Tumorigenesis, 3 years, $450,000
- Qiaoqiao Wang, Connecticut Innovations Inc., The Role of the piRNAPathway in Epigenetic Regulation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells, 2 years, $200,000
- Joanne Weidhaas, Radiation Therapy Oncology Group, Defining the Prevalence of a Novel microRNA(miRNA) Binding SiteSNPin all Cancer Types and Defining its Role as a Biomarker of Outcome and Toxicity, 1 year, $50,000
- Scott Woods, Biomedisyn Corporation, Huperzine for Cognitive and Functional Impairment in Schizophrenia, 1 year, $146,569
- Dianqing Wu, Connecticut Innovations Inc., Wnt Signaling and Cardiomyocyte Differentiation from Human Embryonic Stem Cells, 2 years, $443,665
- Hitten Zaveri, ITN Energy Systems, Inc., Implantable,FET-Based, Multimodal Sensor for Biomedical Applications, 1 year, $44,940
- Yong Zhu, T.R.U.E. Research Foundation, Circadian Genes and Risk for Prostate Cancer, 3 years, $14,787
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