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Year 1 | Class of 2026

November 16, 2022

YSM Curricular Update

Master & Longitudinal Course Update

Genes & Development

The Genes and Development qualifier opens Wednesday afternoon November 16th and closes on Sunday, November 20th at 11:45 PM. The course faculty will host a Heme/Onc/Genetics Career Lunch on the final day of the course, Wednesday, November 16th at noon in the library classroom; you will get to hear what careers are like in this field and will be able to ask questions of the faculty about their careers; lunch will be provided.

Attacks & Defenses

Attacks and Defenses starts Monday, November 28th with an introduction to the course.


The Anatomy Chest and Neck Practical exam will be held on November 16th from 9:00am – noon. Anatomy resumes on Thursday, December 1st with a lecture and lab on the abdomen.

Professional Responsibility

Professional Responsibility continues with sessions after the Thanksgiving break on “Should physicians assist in dying” and “How to be a useful physician and course wrap”. The course also continues with the student-led, peer-reviewed journal article presentations. Presenters should be sure to have an adapter handy for connection to the projection system.

Please check the BlueDogs learning management system with the filter settings on “PreClerkship” for details of the MS1 and “Year Two” for MS2 schedules.

If you have questions, concerns, or suggestions about the Pre-Clerkship curriculum, please contact the Pre-Clerkship Co-Directors, Dr. Peter Takizawa and Dr. Michael DiGiovanna or the Manager of the Pre-Clerkship period, Marion Miller.

Clinical Skills Course - MS1s

On November 17th, you will attend one of two concurrent sessions. Once again, each week half the class will be doing small group interview practice while the other half engages in a large group Clinical Reasoning exercise with Thilan Wijesekera, MD. Note that the Clinical Reasoning session has been changed to Zoom but interview practice will be in person. Your interview practice sessions will be student-run – be sure to review the material in BlueDogs (video and instructions) so you know what to do! The sessions will not make sense to you unless you review these materials in advance!

Pain is a nearly universal experience, and you have already learned some skills that are effective in diagnosing and treating pain. On December 1st, join faculty from addiction medicine and pain management who will lead small group discussions to help you apply your history-taking and clinical reasoning skills as you learn about a multi-modal approach to pain management.

If you have questions, concerns, or suggestions about the CS curriculum please contact Dr. Jaideep Talwalkar or Tracy Yale or any of your CS faculty.

Interprofessional Longitudinal Clinical Experience (ILCE)

Simulation 1 is well underway with our first session held last Friday, November 11th; many of you are scheduled in the coming weeks. Here are some quick reminders; 1) arrive 15 minutes prior to the start of your session as you will not be admitted into the session if you are late. Arriving late is very distracting to the simulation in progress. 2.) Please be aware that the simulations are being held at the YSN campus in Orange, CT (400 West Campus Dr) . Thus, we ask that you plan your commute accordingly. 3.) Swapping of scheduled sessions amongst students should never be taking place. If there are extenuating circumstances that require a schedule change, the course co-directors should be notified. 4.) Please reach out to your Simulation 1 student team prior to your session, to plan your approach with splitting the interview. 5.) Remember to let your coaches know which week you’re scheduled for SIM and remind them there are no Clinical Experiences that week. Thank you. We hope you enjoy your break next week as it is much deserved.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email ILCE Co-Director, Dr. Alina Tsyrulnik, or ILCE Coordinator, Danette Morrison. We look forward to seeing you soon.