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Thoughts on "Ten Reasons People Resist Change"

October 03, 2012

"Loss of control. Change interferes with autonomy and can make people feel that they've lost control over their territory."

We all know this feeling. Something new comes along and we have to adapt to it. This is doubly true in the web sphere where new technologies, browsers, and tools are always over the horizon. Generally, many of these changes improve how things worked before so we should try to embrace them.

"Excess uncertainty. If change feels like walking off a cliff blindfolded, then people will reject it. People will often prefer to remain mired in misery than to head toward an unknown."

Uncertainty can underlie much of what we do – or DON'T do – when it comes to working with Tridion, such as trying to get a page to look right or adopting a new tool. It's easier to just ignore a project if we think it might eventually go away, right? But of course it never does. Better to jump in, feet first. Fortunately, there's lots of support so even if feels like you're jumping off a cliff, the Web Group has plenty of safety nets for you!

"Surprise, surprise! Decisions imposed on people suddenly, with no time to get used to the idea or prepare for the consequences, are generally resisted."

This is an area that the Web Group is looking to improve. As we roll out new templates and tools, we will focus more on preparing editors better to adopt them in the future. If you ever feel like you need more context or explanation, always feel free to get in touch with us. We'll be happy to help.

"Everything seems different. Change is meant to bring something different, but how different? We are creatures of habit."

Like the comment above regarding loss of control, change is going to be ever present in web work. It is actually an expectation that websites will improve and grow – in short, change. Unlike a book, people go to a website assuming that it will periodically be updated. This creates a challenge for the Web Group to make new options available on a regular basis. Of course, this also means you, as a content editor, are challenged to make use of them!

"Concerns about competence. Can I do it? Change is resisted when it makes people feel stupid."

With technology racing non-stop, it may seem like there is no way to grasp it all. You may be surprised to know that we feel the same way sometimes. With that in mind, we're always looking for ways to help people learn at their own pace and provide little tips and tricks via this news page.

"More work. Here is a universal challenge. Change is indeed more work.

While we often hear that a new tool or way of doing things will make our lives so much easier, what we see first is the upfront work required to adopt the tool. The Web Group is certainly available to help you manage these mini-projects as they come up. With our project management experience, we know that a good plan can make all the difference in the world.

"Sometimes the threat is real. Now we get to true pain and politics. Change is resisted because it can hurt."

There is no getting around the real possibility that change can be very disruptive. Roles and responsibilities sometimes have to change in order to accommodate a new process. The best we can do is work hard to adapt and embrace the improvements and responsibilities brought by change.

Hopefully, some of this has given you food for thought. I'll leave you with this great quote from Albert Einstein:

"The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking."