Scientific research is a shared experience between faculty and trainees, where the resilience and well-being of both parties is essential for optimal learning, thriving and success. Training on the responsible conduct of research for students, as well as on professionalism and mandated mentor training for faculty who participate in our NIGMS-funded training grants are cornerstones for productive and successful laboratories, and yet the infrastructure to promote the resilience of students and faculty is lacking. Evidence-informed practices to cultivate well-being and a workplace culture of wellness are imperative in our mission to train emotionally intelligent and visionary leaders in biomedical research.
We recently received a supplement to the Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) T32 training grant from NIGMS to create Resilience at Yale — “R@Y”— a data-driven, scalable and sustainable infrastructure for resilience training and wellness activities to enable trainees and their mentors to 1) develop the vocabulary to discuss challenges faced in the research environment, such as marginalization and isolation, cognitive distortions, cultural biases; 2) develop resilient attitudes, behaviors and skills through education, self-reflection and role-play; and 3) practice physical and mental wellness and self-care activities.
We will be launching the Yale Resilience and Wellness Survey for MD-PhD and PhD trainees at the School of Medicine in September, 2021. A series of 5 resilience training webinars will be given by Dr. Sharon Milgram at the NIH Office of Intramural Training and Education starting at the end of September through November; stay tuned for more information on how to sign up to join the confidential discussion small group sessions and journaling activities. For more information, please contact