A new program for first-time faculty is fast-becoming a Department signature. Dubbed "Life of a Surgeon," the three-part dinner-discussion series aims to lessen the steep learning curve following fellowship, creating a forum for peer mentorship and professional development around topics that are universal to early-career surgeons. More than 30 Assistant Professors are participating — all of whom began first-time faculty appointments at Yale at the height of the pandemic.
Led by faculty host Dr. Benjamin Judson and external consultant J3P Healthcare Solutions, the first session focused on quantifying self-awareness to improve practice management. "It changed my life!" one surgeon said.
A second session dedicated to academic focus and career planning is scheduled to take place in September, with a final session on practicing wellness and the importance of community on the books for December.
Zoom Link: https://yale.zoom.us/j/93762505361?pwd=dlVlNkFCSlpvaUdIeG40cjJ3c3Zidz09&from=addon
Session II: Academic Focus & Career Planning
Monday, 9/11
Location: FMB 115 Conference Room
Dinner available
*Alternative Date is with Cohort 2 on Monday, 9/18, 6-8pm
Session III: Wellness & Community
Monday, 12/4
Location: The Study @ Yale, Drafting Room
Dinner available
*Alternative Date is with Cohort 2 on Monday 12/11, 6-8pm