Fellow Focus in Four will introduce you to fellows from each section of the Department of Internal Medicine. This month's fellow is Anam Rehan, MD, fellow, nephrology.
Why did you choose medicine?
For the simplest reason: my mother. I grew up seeing her practice medicine and the recognition she received as a result. Following that, the general interest in sciences reaffirmed that interest to become a doctor. The intricacies of the human body with the investigative nature of medicine is what drew me to the specialty of nephrology.
Why did you choose Yale Department of Internal Medicine for your fellowship?
It was one of the most enjoyable interviews I had ever had, the camaraderie was striking. And then the bus tour with the program director sealed the deal.
What was your path to Yale?
Starting from Pakistan, I did my medical school at Aga Khan University. Afterwards, I moved to the U.S. and did my internal medicine residency at University of Connecticut. I got to learn from Yale graduates and found my way here.
Perks of living in New Haven? Connecticut?
You get to see the beautiful fall colors of New England each year. But I just moved to New Haven so yet to explore more.