Bart de Laat, PhD, associate research scientist at the Yale PET Center, was awarded a Young Investigator travel award from the International Society for Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism (ISCBFM) to attend the BRAIN PET 2019 conference in Yokohama, Japan. In addition, he received a Young Investigator travel award from the Research Society on Alcoholism to attend the 42nd annual RSA scientific meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The RSA also nominated de Laat for the Enoch Gordis award, named for the former NIAAA director, which highlights outstanding work in the alcohol-research field by a young researcher. All the awards are for PET imaging studies of the role of the kappa opioid receptor in treatments for alcoholism. Profs. Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin and Evan Morris are senior authors on the study