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Alexander-Bloch selected to receive NIMH Outstanding Resident Award

July 06, 2017

Aaron Alexander-Bloch, MD, PhD, a third-year resident in the Yale Department of Psychiatry, has been selected to receive the 2017 National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Outstanding Resident Award.

The award, in its 30th year, recognizes residents with outstanding research and academic potential.

Alexander-Bloch is a recent recipient of the Yale Department of Psychiatry’s Thomas P. Detre Fellowship Award in Translational Neuroscience Research in Psychiatry. The award supports translational research endeavors of residents; Alexander-Bloch’s project is to apply computational approaches to imaging genomics and schizophrenia risk.

He will be presented with the NIMH Outstanding Resident Award in September at the NIH campus in Bethesda, Maryland. The two-day program includes a tour of the NIH intramural campus and facilities, talks by NIMH investigators, and meetings with NIMH leadership, extramural staff, and current clinical fellows. Award recipients may also participate in poster sessions.

Alexander-Bloch obtained his medical degree from UCLA School of Medicine in 2015 and his PhD from University of Cambridge in 2013.