Integrating genetics and transcriptomics to study major depressive disorder: a conceptual framework, bioinformatic approaches, and recent findings
Hicks E, Seah C, Cote A, Marchese S, Brennand K, Nestler E, Girgenti M, Huckins L. Integrating genetics and transcriptomics to study major depressive disorder: a conceptual framework, bioinformatic approaches, and recent findings. Translational Psychiatry 2023, 13: 129. PMID: 37076454, PMCID: PMC10115809, DOI: 10.1038/s41398-023-02412-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBioinformatics approachTranscriptomic dataBrain transcriptomeGenome-wide analysisDynamic transcriptional landscapeBrain gene expression dataGene expression dataTranscriptional landscapeTranscriptomic studiesIntegrating GeneticExpression dataPhenotypic signaturesGenomic driversTranscriptomeMajor depressive disorderValuable resourceRecent findingsEnvironmental influencesTranscriptomicsDepressive disorderGeneticsMultiple approachesPathophysiology of depressionSignaturesDysregulation
Molecular and cellular evolution of the primate dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
Ma S, Skarica M, Li Q, Xu C, Risgaard RD, Tebbenkamp ATN, Mato-Blanco X, Kovner R, Krsnik Ž, de Martin X, Luria V, Martí-Pérez X, Liang D, Karger A, Schmidt DK, Gomez-Sanchez Z, Qi C, Gobeske KT, Pochareddy S, Debnath A, Hottman CJ, Spurrier J, Teo L, Boghdadi AG, Homman-Ludiye J, Ely JJ, Daadi EW, Mi D, Daadi M, Marín O, Hof PR, Rasin MR, Bourne J, Sherwood CC, Santpere G, Girgenti MJ, Strittmatter SM, Sousa AMM, Sestan N. Molecular and cellular evolution of the primate dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Science 2022, 377: eabo7257. PMID: 36007006, PMCID: PMC9614553, DOI: 10.1126/science.abo7257.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMolecular differencesSingle-nucleus transcriptomesSubset of speciesNeuropsychiatric risk genesCellular evolutionCellular repertoireEvolutionary specializationDorsolateral prefrontal cortexRate-limiting enzymeDivergent featuresRisk genesAnthropoid primatesPrefrontal cortexPrimate dorsolateral prefrontal cortexCertain interneuronsNeuropeptide somatostatinDopamine productionGranular neuronsTyrosine hydroxylaseCell subtypesExpressionTranscriptomeAdult humansGenesPrimates
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Brain Transcriptomics: Convergent Genomic Signatures Across Biological Sex
Wang J, Zhao H, Girgenti MJ. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Brain Transcriptomics: Convergent Genomic Signatures Across Biological Sex. Biological Psychiatry 2021, 91: 6-13. PMID: 33840456, DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2021.02.012.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsMeSH KeywordsBrainFemaleGenomicsHumansMaleSex CharacteristicsSex FactorsStress Disorders, Post-TraumaticTranscriptomeConceptsPosttraumatic stress disorderConvergent genomic signaturesSpecific cell typesGene regulationGenomic regulationGenomic signaturesGenomic technologiesMolecular determinantsCell typesBrains of malesMolecular effectsGABAergic signalingMolecular pathologyImmune functionPTSD brainsSex impactRegulationStress disorderStructural differencesEffects of sex
Transcriptomic organization of the human brain in post-traumatic stress disorder
Girgenti MJ, Wang J, Ji D, Cruz DA, Stein M, Gelernter J, Young K, Huber B, Williamson D, Friedman M, Krystal J, Zhao H, Duman R. Transcriptomic organization of the human brain in post-traumatic stress disorder. Nature Neuroscience 2020, 24: 24-33. PMID: 33349712, DOI: 10.1038/s41593-020-00748-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAutopsyBrain ChemistryCohort StudiesDepressive Disorder, MajorFemaleGene Expression RegulationGene Regulatory NetworksGenetic Predisposition to DiseaseGenome-Wide Association StudyHumansInterneuronsMaleMiddle AgedNerve Tissue ProteinsSex CharacteristicsStress Disorders, Post-TraumaticTranscriptomeYoung AdultConceptsGenome-wide association studiesSignificant gene networksDifferential gene expressionSystems-level evidenceSignificant genetic liabilityMajor depressive disorder cohortGene networksTranscriptomic organizationTranscriptomic landscapeDownregulated setsGenomic networksGene expressionAssociation studiesMolecular determinantsExtensive remodelingGenotype dataSexual dimorphismSignificant divergenceMolecular profileNetwork analysisELFN1TranscriptsDimorphismPostmortem tissueDivergenceStress and Its Impact on the Transcriptome
Girgenti MJ, Pothula S, Newton SS. Stress and Its Impact on the Transcriptome. Biological Psychiatry 2020, 90: 102-108. PMID: 33637305, PMCID: PMC8213869, DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2020.12.011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsBrainFemaleHumansMaleStress Disorders, Post-TraumaticStress, PsychologicalTranscriptomeConceptsTranscriptomic dysregulationMajor gene expression changesGene expression changesDevelopmental time pointsAnimal modelsGenomic studiesNeuropsychiatric disordersTranscriptomic methodsAnimal kingdomComparable animal modelsGene expressionExpression changesEarly life stressPhenotypic signaturesSex-specific changesTransgenerational impactTranscriptomeSingle cellsEntire brain regionsPowerful approachDiseased brainBrain regionsChronic stressMolecular profileSame disorderCortical Transcriptomic Alterations in Association With Appetitive Neuropeptides and Body Mass Index in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Stone LA, Girgenti MJ, Wang J, Ji D, Zhao H, Krystal JH, Duman R. Cortical Transcriptomic Alterations in Association With Appetitive Neuropeptides and Body Mass Index in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. The International Journal Of Neuropsychopharmacology 2020, 24: 118-129. PMID: 32951025, PMCID: PMC8611677, DOI: 10.1093/ijnp/pyaa072.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUpstream regulatorGene co-expression network analysisCo-expression network analysisFunctional genomic studiesPutative upstream regulatorsIngenuity Pathway Analysis softwarePathway Analysis softwarePathway annotationGenomic studiesTranscriptomic modulesTranscriptomic dataTranscriptomic alterationsGene expression
Prefrontal cortex interneurons display dynamic sex-specific stress-induced transcriptomes
Girgenti MJ, Wohleb ES, Mehta S, Ghosal S, Fogaca MV, Duman RS. Prefrontal cortex interneurons display dynamic sex-specific stress-induced transcriptomes. Translational Psychiatry 2019, 9: 292. PMID: 31712551, PMCID: PMC6848179, DOI: 10.1038/s41398-019-0642-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFluorescence-activated cell sortingInitiation factor 2Distinct transcriptome profilesTranslational machineryTranscriptome profilesEnriched pathwaysTranscriptional pathwaysTranscriptional profilesRNA sequencingDepressive-like behaviorSST interneuronsKey pathwaysChronic stressInterneuron subtypesSex-specific differencesPrefrontal cortexCell sortingSignificant dysregulationFactor 2PathwayStress-induced depressive-like behaviorDecreased expressionReporter miceGrowth factorNon-stressed females
Analysis of Bulk Tissue Transcriptome Data Reveals Convergence of Cell Types Altered in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder
Girgenti MJ, Duman RS. Analysis of Bulk Tissue Transcriptome Data Reveals Convergence of Cell Types Altered in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder. Biological Psychiatry 2018, 84: 772-774. PMID: 30409264, DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2018.09.014.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Transcriptome Alterations in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Girgenti MJ, Duman RS. Transcriptome Alterations in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Biological Psychiatry 2017, 83: 840-848. PMID: 29128043, DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2017.09.023.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPosttraumatic stress disorderNext-generation sequencing technologiesAberrant gene expressionGene expression changesAmount of transcriptsGene expression studiesGene profiling studiesAlternative splicingTranscriptome alterationsTranscriptomic technologiesRNA sequencingSequencing technologiesTranscript identificationExpression studiesGene expressionExpression changesStress disorderBlood of patientsCellular mechanismsPeripheral blood cellsProfiling studiesHuman peripheral bloodPeripheral bloodLifetime prevalenceGeneral population