Yale Radiology Meet the Sections: Emergency Radiology
October 19, 2020Learn more about the Yale Radiology ED Section
- ID
- 5792
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- 00:00Hey good morning guys.
- 00:01My name is Hattie Gharma Connie.
- 00:03We met on a previous video on one
- 00:05of the chief radiology residents and
- 00:07here we are outside the hospital.
- 00:08As you can see, Yale,
- 00:10New Haven Health and so.
- 00:13Today we're going to
- 00:15fill you. Be 80 Department will walk around,
- 00:17meet some staff, needs some faculty,
- 00:19look at the equipment we have and
- 00:21see how close we are to actually
- 00:23D Department and see how the
- 00:24Workflow goes. But let's go.
- 00:32Alright, Here's the RED
- 00:34Department with badge access.
- 00:39So here's a diagnostic radiology Department.
- 00:46And this is probably a good time
- 00:47to talk a little bit about call.
- 00:49So as a first year your own call with
- 00:52senior whenever your own call you
- 00:53have weekday call and weekend call
- 00:55pretty much on call from day one.
- 00:57So you'll come in annual.
- 00:58Have a buddy call who comes in with you,
- 01:00shows you the ropes,
- 01:01shows you how to protocol,
- 01:03walks you through some studies,
- 01:04and then after that you know you
- 01:06really start taking call with
- 01:07a senior and with an attending
- 01:09there so you're never on your own.
- 01:11People are always there to help
- 01:12and it's a really good way to get
- 01:14your feet wet and so you're really
- 01:16really seeing the depth of trauma.
- 01:18Community reading pretty much
- 01:19everything and you're over.
- 01:21Rent by the attending on the
- 01:22spot right there,
- 01:23so learning opportunities happen right away.
- 01:25A very,
- 01:26very unique thing that we have that
- 01:28when I was interviewing I was like wow.
- 01:31This is awesome.
- 01:32We have someone who sits at the front
- 01:34desk who all the phones are sent to them.
- 01:37There are triage person that can
- 01:39be a moonlighting opportunity
- 01:40for a resident that can work.
- 01:42Do some studying time,
- 01:43answer some phone calls to some
- 01:45protocols and get paid or we
- 01:47have Med students that actually.
- 01:49Also get paid and do that job.
- 01:51There are a million calls in the
- 01:52Ed and if you're stuck answering
- 01:54all the phone calls,
- 01:55that's really less time you have dictating.
- 01:57So the triage thing is a godsend is really,
- 02:00really wonderful.
- 02:00To have that,
- 02:01let's take a walk around and I'll
- 02:03show you guys some of the rooms.
- 02:08So here we have ultrasound.
- 02:10Here's where ultrasound techs
- 02:11hang out and have them.
- 02:13Ultrasound room here.
- 02:16When we're on EB, specially D2 or Ed Senior,
- 02:19it's so close to the reading room.
- 02:21Here we come and we scan with the text
- 02:23and we do some scanning ultrasound,
- 02:25scanning ourselves and then
- 02:27here is one of our floor rooms.
- 02:29So if we have any type of floral case,
- 02:32an esophagram something like
- 02:33that come through the Ed.
- 02:34Here's where we come and do that study.
- 02:40Here's another X Ray room.
- 02:42Here are the CTS. There's 2C T
- 02:44scanners going on at the same time.
- 02:46The text and us are very close.
- 02:49They're just like a
- 02:50hallways walk away from us,
- 02:52so if we have any issue we come here.
- 02:55We talked to them, they call us,
- 02:57we come and we review the trauma scans
- 02:59with the trauma team at times in the
- 03:02pediatric scans we can review them.
- 03:04The other day I came for a trauma case so
- 03:07there was a liver laceration on the spot.
- 03:10Said We need delayed imaging.
- 03:12Got the delayed imaging so there
- 03:14wasn't any active extravasation
- 03:16so very very fulfilling thing
- 03:17to be able to come and do that
- 03:19right away and help out the text.
- 03:21So let's early so they might be
- 03:23asleep but let's let's walk in.
- 03:28Hey good morning.
- 03:34Alright, let's get outta here.
- 03:42Here is another area that I've
- 03:44come and scanned with the text
- 03:45before and as you can see all
- 03:47this is in very close proximity,
- 03:48which makes it very convenient
- 03:50and then write out this door.
- 03:53Is DD whenever there's a trauma,
- 03:55they announce it over head and
- 03:57we're in the reading room.
- 03:58So obviously we can hear it.
- 04:00And they say Trauma Bay whatever
- 04:02and hear all the trauma base.
- 04:04So we just literally walk out.
- 04:06Come put our eyes on the patient.
- 04:11And so we kind of get to see what brought
- 04:14them in and look at the external injuries
- 04:16and that helps guide us better to produce
- 04:19a better report to help with permissions.
- 04:22This way is the PCD and there are
- 04:25a lot of been a lot of times where
- 04:27I've come over here too as well.
- 04:29To either, you know, consent the
- 04:31family to do GI study to do an enema,
- 04:34whatever. The clinicians,
- 04:35both from the children's Ed and the ability,
- 04:38expect us to come by.
- 04:40Expect to have it working.
- 04:41Team relationship with us.
- 04:43Which I think is very very nice.
- 04:45Now let's go on to the reading room.
- 04:55So like I said,
- 04:56This is where the triage person sits.
- 04:58Kind of at the helm of everything,
- 05:00and they take all the phone calls
- 05:02here in this first effect to the
- 05:04room over this way because the
- 05:06reading room and you know we
- 05:07fit a lot of different people.
- 05:09We have the attending, we have the RA.
- 05:11We have the residents sometimes
- 05:12more than one resident.
- 05:13Each person's got specific job and then
- 05:15we have our pull up bar here and if
- 05:18you miss case the rule is you do temple lips.
- 05:20That's actually not true.
- 05:22It's $20.00, so if you come here,
- 05:24you'll get your pull up game strong.
- 05:26And let's meet everyone in the room.
- 05:30So here's our easy reading room.
- 05:32There are six workstations in here.
- 05:34Additionally, we have a dedicated
- 05:36workstation for the VA packs.
- 05:38Because we do read the VA studies overnight.
- 05:42Currently there's no Bing scan,
- 05:44but these two monitors up in the corner
- 05:46show the active scanning being done
- 05:48at the ctu that usually just saw.
- 05:50So if there's any trauma studies
- 05:52or anything that needs review,
- 05:54we don't have to walk over to the see T area.
- 05:57We can just look up and there they are.
- 06:01And reading today we have doctor Bukhari,
- 06:04our program director Hello you
- 06:05want to tell us a little bit about
- 06:08yourself how you got to Yale?
- 06:12I've been at Yale for close to 28 years now.
- 06:16I did my internship here residency here.
- 06:20Stayed on for fellowship here after
- 06:23serving two terms as chief resident
- 06:25at here and have been attending since
- 06:292000 so it's almost 20 years of being
- 06:32an attending in the ER did celebrate
- 06:35after graduating from residency my
- 06:37last night shift but then continued
- 06:40and I'm still doing nights after 20
- 06:43years of of that celebration and
- 06:46I think I found Yale to be a very,
- 06:50very collegial place.
- 06:51In addition, obviously to the center of.
- 06:55It's for learning radiology,
- 06:57and I couldn't be happier,
- 06:59but it's extremely exciting.
- 07:01Obviously working in radiology
- 07:03itself is extremely exciting.
- 07:06It's a matter of joy coming into
- 07:09work everyday and in great part
- 07:12'cause I work with residents.
- 07:15I think that really adds to great value.
- 07:19To my not only to my career,
- 07:22but to on a daily basis.
- 07:26The other ones who keep me sharpen
- 07:28on my tool and always learning
- 07:31and always staying up to date and
- 07:34I think that the highlight of my
- 07:37career if you were to ask me it
- 07:40is working with the residents.
- 07:42It is the absolute joy of seeing
- 07:45my own students exceed me.
- 07:47That is when I feel that I have
- 07:50really been successful in being
- 07:52a mentor and training relevant.
- 07:56And I guess as a final word.
- 07:59Any advice for applicants as program
- 08:01director or head of the selection
- 08:03committee since they're going through
- 08:05the season virtually this year?
- 08:07Yeah, absolutely.
- 08:08My first thing would be don't be anxious.
- 08:10I know these are times which are different,
- 08:13either hard times things
- 08:15are being differently.
- 08:16I would strongly recommend not being anxious.
- 08:18Get as much information about
- 08:20the program you're visiting.
- 08:21Go online, visit their sites,
- 08:23be engaged with their with the trainees
- 08:26of the program that you are visiting.
- 08:28That is the best source of information
- 08:31about any program is to talk to
- 08:33and be engaged with the current
- 08:34training of the program and recently
- 08:37graduated trainees of any program.
- 08:38They are the ones who are really
- 08:41going to tell you not only what
- 08:43the quality of the program is,
- 08:45but also how your day to
- 08:47day life is going to be.
- 08:49After all,
- 08:50you're going to be there for
- 08:52four or five or six years,
- 08:54depending on whether your dri are
- 08:56and whether you do internal medicine
- 08:58or your preliminary year there.
- 09:00And it's a very significant part
- 09:02of your life and you really want
- 09:04to be in a program which takes care
- 09:07of you and takes care of their
- 09:10residents and is a place where you
- 09:12come into work with a sense of joy
- 09:14and that that you can only gather
- 09:17from the training of the program.
- 09:19So I would very strongly recommend
- 09:21that you engage with the training
- 09:23and get your information there.
- 09:27Thank you. I'm going to keep moving along,
- 09:31though this is great.
- 09:32She's just finishing up
- 09:33her night shift in the Ed.
- 09:35There we want to say hi and maybe
- 09:37talk about how the night shift
- 09:39is going and on the YD rotation.
- 09:43And a second years.
- 09:44Here again we start our TV night shifts.
- 09:47I was lucky enough to be scheduled
- 09:49with our program director for
- 09:50the duration of this week,
- 09:52and I think it did next week.
- 09:56Been going great.
- 09:57I'm lucky to work with him.
- 09:58He's one of the best so.
- 10:00I was all nervous at first, but
- 10:02she's not just saying that 'cause
- 10:03He's right around the corner.
- 10:06But no, it's really great opportunity
- 10:08for us to learn from the best get.
- 10:11We actually start call or first
- 10:13year and then we start doing
- 10:15overnights are stepping here.
- 10:17So great exposure.
- 10:20And what things do you like about Yale?
- 10:23What attracted you to this program?
- 10:24I think what attracted me?
- 10:27The people I loved.
- 10:28I know it's going to be hard this
- 10:30year 'cause you can't meet us,
- 10:32but I really when I met the
- 10:34residents they were all happy,
- 10:35which is something that I,
- 10:37you know looking at looked at.
- 10:40So I just love the people.
- 10:42For instance, I came in tonight
- 10:44as a newly minted second year.
- 10:45This is.
- 10:46This is my first like easy rotation
- 10:48and there was a bad trauma that
- 10:50came in right at the beginning of
- 10:52my shift and one of my upper year.
- 10:54He offered to stay to help me out.
- 10:56So it's just the collegiality
- 10:57here that I really love.
- 11:00And any advice Rapkin's who are applying
- 11:03virtually this year don't get to see
- 11:05the campus or the science. You know I do
- 11:08one of my mentors when I was applying
- 11:10had really good advice and his advice
- 11:13was radiology Department is only as
- 11:15good as the other subspecialties.
- 11:17So you really want to look at,
- 11:20you know, when you are applying
- 11:22the other subspecialties at
- 11:23those programs and here at Yale,
- 11:25we have amazing everything we have.
- 11:27Exposure to, neurosurgery, EMT.
- 11:31Trauma centers we also get trauma here.
- 11:33We have great pathology so I would just,
- 11:35you know, look at the program itself
- 11:37and make sure that it's Well rounded
- 11:40because all the other subspecialties
- 11:41are going to be feeding radiology
- 11:43so you would
- 11:44make sure that there's strong as well.
- 11:47Great advice. Thank you.
- 11:48We have a 10 here who's going to show us a
- 11:51little bit of our work station or Paksan?
- 11:54Some of the AI software that we've started
- 11:56to incorporate into the
- 11:58Ed Workflow so recently.
- 12:01We go our entire pack
- 12:03system as far as them are.
- 12:05We use epic for the viewer.
- 12:08We use visage, one of few institutions
- 12:11in the country that have started
- 12:13using visage and we use primordial
- 12:16as our list manager to manage
- 12:18what studies will be reading.
- 12:20We have also a IDOK artificial intelligence
- 12:23incorporated into our clinical workflow,
- 12:25so not just for research
- 12:27but for daily practice.
- 12:29So for example, I'm looking at this.
- 12:33Who embolism study?
- 12:34CTA chest began with shortness of breath
- 12:37and extreme ligman see, so I concern
- 12:40for thrombus within the pulmonary
- 12:43arteries and the cool thing about this pack
- 12:46system is very light and
- 12:49make reformats on the fly.
- 12:52So you can pull up anything here
- 12:54you can see it in multiple planes
- 12:57and the other thing to note is that
- 13:00once you see a study on the list,
- 13:02you'll see this AI model come up which
- 13:04tells you that there's potential
- 13:06finding that the artificial intelligence
- 13:08software that's running in the background
- 13:10and stuff so you can click on that
- 13:13study and you know that some higher
- 13:15priority study that you want to read.
- 13:17In addition, you have this.
- 13:20Icon here that you can go through
- 13:22and see all the cases that is running
- 13:25in the background and which started
- 13:28from telligence software skin.
- 13:30So for example in this case you can Scroll
- 13:34down and basically you're looking for any.
- 13:38Clot or any difference in attenuation
- 13:41within plumbing arteries to
- 13:42see if there is a thrombus,
- 13:44and if you're really going fast.
- 13:46In this case,
- 13:47it will be very hard to see and
- 13:49potentially miss upon realism,
- 13:51which really changes clinical management.
- 13:53So once you've gone through the case,
- 13:55there is a sequence here that you can
- 13:57pull up gives you a screenshot where
- 14:00it thinks there's a pulmonary embolism.
- 14:02So if you missed it,
- 14:04you can go back and try to find
- 14:07it to see in the similar area.
- 14:10Yeah,
- 14:11so right there we see it matches up there.
- 14:14So now you just diagnose comma
- 14:17number is on in the event that
- 14:19you missed it or saw it,
- 14:21but you said the icon here so you got
- 14:25that out earlier and this works on
- 14:28sea chest also works on the see T head cases.
- 14:31So for example in this case.
- 14:37Subtle intra ventricular hemorrhage.
- 14:39You can see it. Very clearly.
- 14:44So it really helps you, you know,
- 14:47prioritize cases helps you
- 14:49access the second reader,
- 14:51and identifying subtle bleeds.
- 14:53So this is available for
- 14:56entertaining hemorrhages,
- 14:56cervical spine fractures,
- 14:58pulmonary embolism,
- 14:59upcoming Nodules, and
- 15:00that's from the clinical
- 15:02side fully integrated.
- 15:04We also do research with it.
- 15:07We have shown that using
- 15:09artificial intelligence
- 15:10is decreased. Turn around times in the.
- 15:14You're setting for studies
- 15:16and patient management.
- 15:17There's other ongoing
- 15:18research going on as well,
- 15:21which the residents, trainees,
- 15:22fellows everyones available
- 15:24to to work with. But this also this pack
- 15:28system is so light that you can
- 15:31look at cases away from here
- 15:33through a VPN system that we