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Voiding Diary

December 18, 2019

How to fill out a voiding dairy.

Shailja Mehta


  • 00:00Welcome, in this video we'll go over how to fill out a voiding diary. Today, your doctor recommended you complete a worksheet called a voiding diary, to better understand how your bladder works. You may be accidentally losing urine, urinating too much or having a hard time just making it to the bathroom. Because each woman's issues may be a little bit different, your doctor needs details about your voting habits and determine which treatment may be best for you. These details include when you drink, when you void or pee,
  • 00:32and if and when you leak urine, you'll write all these things down on the voiding diary worksheet for your doctor to review at your next visit. Now let's go over how to fill out the voiding diary to make sure your doctor gets all the correct information.
  • 00:46You'll need a few things to get started. First you'll need that worksheet.
  • 00:52Next you'll have a urine collection hat, that will be given to you.
  • 00:57Finally, you'll need a pen.
  • 01:02Let's review the worksheet there are 3 times fluid goes in or out of our bodies. When you drink or fluid intake, when you pee or amount voided, and when you have accidents or leakage. For each of these events, there are several details you need to record. Let's go over them now.
  • 01:20What's your view fluid intake? This is a fancy term for how much you drink so anytime you drink. So anytime you drink any fluid, whether it's water, soda, tea, coffee or alcohol. We ask that you write it down.
  • 01:32Let's take a look.
  • 01:36Oh, 11:50.
  • 01:41It's important to include what you drank.
  • 01:45Coffee.
  • 01:46And what time you drank it.
  • 01:49As well as how much. And 12 ounces.
  • 01:55When you are done writing the entry, make sure to double check that you've included what type of fluid you drink, what time and how much. These are all important for your doctor to know, then cross out the rest of the row with a line as you are done with that entry.
  • 02:13It's important to write down every time you drink no matter how small the amount.
  • 02:22The next column of the voiding diary is the amount voided, or how much you peed when you went to the bathroom. The urine hat, has a grade scale that you should use to calculate exactly how much you peed.
  • 02:33Place the hat in the toilet seat, and measure how much urine was voided.
  • 02:38Then you should write down how much was voided, and at what time. You can then cross out the rest of the spaces
  • 02:45It's important to record each time you use the restroom, even at night.
  • 02:52The last section we will have you fill out is leakage, or when you accidentally lose or leak urine.
  • 02:59Let's take a look.
  • 03:09Whenever a leak happened, we ask that you write down what you were doing, how large it was
  • 03:15And if you had an urge.
  • 03:18Because it's difficult to know exactly how much you leak, we ask that you use a number scale from 1 to 3.
  • 03:25You can mark 1 if it was very little like a few drops, 3 If you emptied your entire bladder, or you can mark 2 if it was somewhere in the middle. You know best so use your best judgement.
  • 03:40For leaks, we also ask that you write down if you felt an urge or not. An urge means a sudden feeling of the need to urinate. If you did feel that way then write yes, under urge. If you did not feel any urge but the leak still happened without any warning then you can write no.
  • 03:59When you have completed your entry cross out the rest of the row.
  • 04:03Remember to write down each time a leakage occurs.
  • 04:23I'll have to call you back.
  • 04:35Now you know how to fill out a voiding diary. We will need you to collect this information for 3 days. They do not have to be 3 days in a row. They may be any three days you feel confident you will record every fluid intake,
  • 04:48Urination, and urine leakage event.
  • 04:53Thank you for watching this video. You're welcome to watch it again if you have any questions or just need a refresher. Make sure to keep your worksheet in a safe place and bring it back to your next visit.