2-15-24 MSC Perspectives on Medicine - Akiko Iwasaki
February 21, 2024Information
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- 11333
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- 00:10OK, I think we've got a quorum here,
- 00:12so we'll go ahead and get started.
- 00:13Welcome everyone for joining
- 00:15their Perspectives on Medicine
- 00:17series February EDITION.
- 00:18Hope everyone's staying warm.
- 00:21I'm very excited today to introduce
- 00:23our speaker for today's session,
- 00:25Doctor Akiko Wasaki. Dr.
- 00:27Wasaki is the Sterling Professor of
- 00:29Immunobiology and Professor of Molecular,
- 00:32Cellular and Developmental Biology,
- 00:35dermatology, and of epidemiology
- 00:37at the Yale School of Medicine,
- 00:39and she is also a Principal Investigator
- 00:42at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
- 00:45Long recognizes.
- 00:46One of the most distinguished
- 00:47and respected immunologists,
- 00:48she has helped develop new methods
- 00:50of vaccine delivery and contributed
- 00:52greatly to our understanding of
- 00:54mucosal immunity and the immune
- 00:56response to the herpes simplex viruses,
- 00:58human rhinovirus,
- 00:59Zika virus and most recently
- 01:02the SARS COV Two virus.
- 01:04Her recent work led to the development
- 01:06of a mouse model for COVID-19 and then
- 01:08she is also credited with proposing
- 01:10hypothesis for the causes of long COVID,
- 01:12the post acute squali of
- 01:14SARS COVID 2 infection.
- 01:16She also currently Co leads the
- 01:18Yale Paxilvid for long COVID trial,
- 01:20a double-blind randomized control trial
- 01:22testing the efficacy of Paxilvid and
- 01:24treating people with long COVID alongside Dr.
- 01:27Harlan Krumholz.
- 01:28But above all,
- 01:29her contributions to science,
- 01:30which are impossible to cover all
- 01:32of them here Doctor Wassaki is a
- 01:34beacon of inspiration for women
- 01:36in science and a vocal advocate
- 01:38for combating sexism in academia.
- 01:40Dr.
- 01:40Wassaki completed her Bachelor's and
- 01:42PhD in immunology at the University
- 01:44of Toronto and her post doctorates
- 01:46at the National Institutes of Health.
- 01:48We're very excited to have her join
- 01:50us today on her talk titled The
- 01:53Immunology of Post Acute Infection Syndrome.
- 01:56Doctor Asaki,
- 01:56thank you so much for joining us.
- 01:58And I'll turn over to you and
- 01:59whenever you are ready.
- 02:01Thank you so much, Wilton.
- 02:03It's really my pleasure to be here today.
- 02:05And I'd like to just give you
- 02:08the most recent update of
- 02:09what we're doing in the lab.
- 02:11So let me share my screen.
- 02:18Can you see this? Yes. OK, great.
- 02:23So yeah, we've been studying many
- 02:26different types of viral infections
- 02:29and thinking about disease
- 02:31pathogenesis of infectious diseases.
- 02:33And so today I'd like to give our current
- 02:36thinking about what may be happening
- 02:38in post acute infection syndromes,
- 02:40which includes long COVID.
- 02:44So the this year's theme for the
- 02:48seminar series is Shaping the Future,
- 02:51Exploring Medicine,
- 02:52Research Society and Beyond.
- 02:53And I think I'll try to highlight
- 02:56how I think our research might
- 02:59contribute to this goal of shaping
- 03:02the sort of the right kinds of future
- 03:07where medicine incorporates patients
- 03:10perspective and true collaboration
- 03:12with patients to learn about complex
- 03:15diseases that are not yet clearly
- 03:18understood and how that can contribute
- 03:21to both rigor in research as well
- 03:25as a diagnosis and therapeutics for
- 03:28post acute infection syndromes.
- 03:32So before I get there,
- 03:34I just wanted to kind of pose this question.
- 03:37How do viruses cause disease?
- 03:39And I think most of you are probably
- 03:42think this is such an obvious
- 03:44question what the answer might be,
- 03:46but it's a little bit more complicated
- 03:49than a simple straight answer.
- 03:51We are constantly exposed
- 03:53to numerous viral agents,
- 03:56not all of them are pathogens.
- 03:59Some of them are in fact encoded
- 04:02in our genome.
- 04:038% of our genome is occupied
- 04:06by endogenous retroviruses,
- 04:07seemingly not really causing
- 04:09diseases of steady state.
- 04:12However,
- 04:12we've shown that in the case
- 04:15of lupus patients,
- 04:16these endogenous retroviral onogens become
- 04:19target of pathologic antibody responses.
- 04:22And so you know,
- 04:23right there are,
- 04:25we have this endogenous viruses that
- 04:27could be a trigger of autoimmune
- 04:29diseases and there are other viruses
- 04:32that we occasionally encounter
- 04:34through seasonal exposures,
- 04:36respiratory infections as well
- 04:38as those that we have.
- 04:41You know,
- 04:42vast majority of us carry as latent
- 04:44forms a herpes virus family members.
- 04:47So the relationship that we have
- 04:50as humans to viruses are you
- 04:52know really very dramatically
- 04:54between these kinds of agents.
- 04:58And so it's possible that the
- 05:01viruses are causing disease
- 05:03as a result of damage that is
- 05:06caused by the viral life cycle.
- 05:08For instance,
- 05:09if it's a lytic virus that causes a
- 05:12license and death of the host cells,
- 05:15that would be sufficient to cause disease.
- 05:20Whereas if immune response to an
- 05:23otherwise innocuous virus infection
- 05:25could be triggering the disease.
- 05:27An extreme example I gave of the lupus case,
- 05:30but there are many other pathogens
- 05:33that we may be reacting to overtly
- 05:36in a inadvertently or overtly
- 05:40to to cause diseases.
- 05:42And the real answer to this question is
- 05:45likely a combination of these features
- 05:47of virus itself causing some damage,
- 05:49but then the immune responses that
- 05:52are amplifying such pathologies.
- 05:56So we've been applying this question
- 05:59to multiple pathogens including the
- 06:02herpes simplex virus as well as Zika
- 06:06virus and rhinovirus and many others.
- 06:09And of course when the pandemic hit,
- 06:11it was,
- 06:12you know,
- 06:12we were in a in a perfect situation
- 06:15to be addressing how does SARS
- 06:18COV two infection cause disease.
- 06:21And this question has been sort of
- 06:25tackled by numerous laboratories
- 06:27around the world.
- 06:29And the current insights that we have
- 06:32is essentially a sequence of event
- 06:36that leads to severe acute disease.
- 06:38And this happens most dominantly in
- 06:42older adults and males over females.
- 06:46And what's happening here is that
- 06:49there is starting off with an
- 06:51inability to mount a timely response.
- 06:54This happens due to aging due to
- 06:58delayed interferon response as a
- 07:01result of having genetic lesions in
- 07:04these pathways or having impaired
- 07:07on neutralizing antibody responses.
- 07:10And this leads to replication
- 07:12and persistence of virus that
- 07:15sees multiple different organs,
- 07:17including the obviously from the lung
- 07:19but including many other organs.
- 07:21And it's really the excess myelopoiesis and
- 07:26release of these myeloid cells that are,
- 07:29you know, 'cause vascular damage,
- 07:31leakiness as well as blood clot
- 07:35and tissue damage,
- 07:36leading to severe cases of COVID.
- 07:40And so the the world of scientists
- 07:43really got together and figured
- 07:46out small pieces of this puzzle.
- 07:48And now we kind of have a pretty
- 07:50good idea of what's going on.
- 07:52And having this kind of insight at the
- 07:55cellular and molecular level really
- 07:57help the field to come up with an
- 08:00appropriate therapeutic modalities to
- 08:02target each of these defective pathways.
- 08:07And why is this important?
- 08:09To really think about? How does
- 08:11an infectious agent cause disease?
- 08:15To treat an infectious disease,
- 08:18we really need to understand
- 08:19which of the scenarios is
- 08:21responsible for the pathogenesis,
- 08:23because depending on that answer,
- 08:26the treatment strategy will greatly
- 08:28differ based on that knowledge.
- 08:30For instance, do we want to
- 08:31target the virus or do we want
- 08:33to target the immune cells?
- 08:34And if So, what part of the immune cells,
- 08:37the immune system should we be going
- 08:40after and also finding unexpected
- 08:43causes of disease will dramatically
- 08:45change the way we treat patients.
- 08:47For instance,
- 08:48the most recent and strong evidence
- 08:51linking Epstein Barr virus to multiple
- 08:54sclerosis and and systemic lupus
- 08:57erythematosis really, you know,
- 09:00makes us think differently about
- 09:03prevention of these diseases.
- 09:05So there's a lot of good reasons why
- 09:07we need to be thinking about this.
- 09:12But today I want to focus on this post
- 09:14acute phase of infectious disease,
- 09:16which is really these medically
- 09:18unexplained chronic diseases that happen
- 09:21after a number of different infections.
- 09:24And right now the, you know,
- 09:27underlying mechanisms is unclear.
- 09:31But it's important to note that
- 09:33there are number of infectious agents
- 09:36that can cause these unexplained
- 09:39post acute infection syndrome,
- 09:41including many viruses, Ebola,
- 09:44dengue, Poliosaurus, chikunya ebb,
- 09:46many others, as well as some
- 09:50bacterial and parasitic pathogens.
- 09:52And this is a review that I had the
- 09:55fortune of riding together with Yan Chokka,
- 09:57who himself is an MECFS patient.
- 10:02And this is one of the examples in which,
- 10:05you know, as I was saying in the beginning,
- 10:07how do we kind of plot out the
- 10:10future of medicine?
- 10:11It really requires collaboration,
- 10:13a true collaboration and learning
- 10:15from the patients themselves,
- 10:17who many of them are experts in the
- 10:21diseases that they're suffering from.
- 10:25So what are these post
- 10:27acute infection syndromes?
- 10:28There are over 200 symptoms
- 10:31reported for long COVID alone,
- 10:33but there are some core symptoms
- 10:35that most of these patients
- 10:38share which are listed here.
- 10:40Exertional intolerance,
- 10:41severe fatigue and many of these symptoms
- 10:46also involve neurocognitive impairment,
- 10:48sensory impairment,
- 10:50flu like symptoms,
- 10:52sleep disturbances.
- 10:53This is one of the major things that happen
- 10:57in these place conditions Dysautonomia,
- 10:59myalgia, arthralgia.
- 11:00These are some of the main
- 11:03sort of symptoms that are being
- 11:06reported by people regardless of
- 11:08how the disease was triggered.
- 11:13And the reality of these Long post Acute
- 11:17infection syndrome is quite serious.
- 11:19It's estimated that a 65 million people
- 11:22in the world are currently living with
- 11:26long COVID and about 20 million people
- 11:30with my Myalgic encephalomyelitis
- 11:32or Chronic Fatigue syndrome,
- 11:3525% of whom are bed bound or house bound.
- 11:40And any CFS can strike people of all ages
- 11:43and backgrounds and so can long COVID.
- 11:46And what what we do know is that it does
- 11:50strike people of female sex as well as
- 11:55ages between 30 to 50 more dominantly
- 12:01than in other demographic groups.
- 12:03But it doesn't mean that people outside
- 12:06of that cannot be susceptible to this.
- 12:09So it's really a problem that's
- 12:12plaguing the world right now and
- 12:15not only is the labor workforce and
- 12:21my schools are being impacted,
- 12:22but also becoming a social,
- 12:24economic and national security
- 12:28problem because it impacts everyone.
- 12:31It you know obviously shortage in the
- 12:34national security issues labor force will
- 12:38be a problem for World Peace I would say.
- 12:42So this is something that I think
- 12:45the world needs to pay more attention
- 12:47to and start to really put some
- 12:50resources to try to figure this out and
- 12:53provide therapeutics and diagnostics.
- 12:58So as a basic scientist,
- 13:00you know we are thinking about four
- 13:03possible root causes of disease.
- 13:05There are many sort of downstream
- 13:08pathologies that you find such as clotting
- 13:11issues or muscle damage and so on.
- 13:15But what is actually driving these diseases?
- 13:17The root causes.
- 13:19So we I listed four of them here.
- 13:22Viral reservoir of SARS COV two
- 13:24could be one of them for long.
- 13:27COVID autoimmunity that involves T
- 13:29cells and antibodies may be another
- 13:32one that can be triggered triggered as
- 13:35a result of SARS, COV two infection,
- 13:37tissue damage and dysfunction,
- 13:39and latent viral reactivation.
- 13:43As I mentioned earlier,
- 13:45we are all colonized with the
- 13:47number of viruses which are mostly
- 13:49latent and healthy individuals,
- 13:51but these these viruses can reactivate.
- 13:54So based on these hypotheses,
- 13:57we are now using every tools under
- 14:00the sun to try to figure out what,
- 14:03if any,
- 14:04of these root causes might
- 14:07be resulting in long COVID.
- 14:09And I'll give you snippets of several
- 14:12different studies to illustrate
- 14:14evidence for each of these hypothesis.
- 14:17So this first study is a Mount Sinai
- 14:20Yale long COVID study where I have
- 14:24the fortune of collaborating with
- 14:26Doctor David Petrino who sees patients
- 14:28thousands of patients with long COVID and
- 14:32he's at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine.
- 14:34These team members, Jamie,
- 14:36Laura and Dana contributed
- 14:38significantly to the study.
- 14:40And on the Yale side, John Klein,
- 14:43who some of you may know is an MDPHD
- 14:47student about to to graduate Rahul,
- 14:50he was an MD student here at Yale.
- 14:54He's already gone to presidency in California
- 14:57pay when a post doctor fell on the lab.
- 15:01Jill J Cox,
- 15:02a graduate MSDP student here at
- 15:05Yale in Aaron Ring's lab.
- 15:07Jeff Gelhausen,
- 15:08he is a dermatology fellow in my lab.
- 15:11And Sasha Tabachnikova,
- 15:13she is a graduate student in the lab,
- 15:15And David Van **** also contributed
- 15:18his computational approaches.
- 15:20And Aaron Ring developed this rapid
- 15:23extracellular antigen profiling,
- 15:25which we used to identify
- 15:27antibody reactivity.
- 15:30So in this study,
- 15:32we've recruited five sets of participants,
- 15:35long COVID participants,
- 15:3799 people convalescent control.
- 15:39These are the people who got COVID
- 15:42around the same time as those who
- 15:44got long COVID but then recovered.
- 15:47We have 39 healthy controls who weren't
- 15:49infected at the time of the study.
- 15:52There are also healthcare workers from
- 15:55Yale that contributed blood for a vaccine
- 15:58study and external long COVID participants.
- 16:00These are the patients that are seen by
- 16:03the Yale Pulmonary long COVID Clinic.
- 16:07And so we collected their blood and analyzed
- 16:11variety of factors including cell subsets,
- 16:16activation status using full cytometry,
- 16:19looking at linear epitope mapping using
- 16:22serumen psoroscovie 2 antigen profiling,
- 16:26peptide display, oh sorry,
- 16:27this is the the saramine peptide
- 16:29display library and the human
- 16:31extraprotium library is the one that
- 16:33I mentioned that Aaron Ring developed.
- 16:35And then proteomics of plasma as
- 16:39well as EMR and symptom survey.
- 16:42And combining these things we did
- 16:45find significant changes in immune
- 16:47profiles of those with long COVID.
- 16:50First, the types of participants
- 16:53that were recruited.
- 16:54We're the age group of about
- 16:5730 to 50 years of age.
- 17:00That's the the,
- 17:01the most sort of high risk factor
- 17:04group that that are seen by the
- 17:06Mount Sinai long COVID clinic.
- 17:08We have dominantly female participants
- 17:12and again this Pais and long COVID
- 17:16are female dominant disease.
- 17:18We also focused on acute severity that
- 17:21was not hospitalized because vast
- 17:24majority of people with long COVID
- 17:26were not hospitalized to begin with.
- 17:29And then based from acute COVID were
- 17:32were around 400 days plus or minus.
- 17:35So this is a much later time point than
- 17:37other studies that have been published.
- 17:40Looking at the full cytometry data,
- 17:42we identified that there are increases
- 17:47in non conventional monocyte populations.
- 17:50In people with long COVID we have
- 17:53reduction in circulating dendritic
- 17:54cell type one.
- 17:56These are the cells that are very
- 17:59important for priming T cell immune
- 18:01responses and we see increased activation
- 18:03of B cells and double negative B cells.
- 18:08On the T cell side,
- 18:10we see reduced circulating tissue,
- 18:14central memory T cells of the CD4 type,
- 18:17as well as increases in exhausted T cells.
- 18:20And another study from UCSF identified
- 18:24that this increase in exhausted
- 18:26T cells are seen in SARS COV,
- 18:29two specific T cells,
- 18:31so suggestive of persistent virus
- 18:33driving the Exhaustion phenotype.
- 18:38We also saw an increases in
- 18:42cytokine secretion from T
- 18:44cells including Illinois 2,
- 18:45Illinois four and Illinois 6.
- 18:47And long COVID participants were
- 18:49pretty much the only people who
- 18:52had diesels that secreted both
- 18:53Illinois four and Illinois 6.
- 18:58Looking at the long COVID patients is
- 19:02antibody responses to SARS COV 2 antigens.
- 19:06We noticed that the anti spike antibodies
- 19:09were elevated in those with long
- 19:12COVID whether we looked at the whole
- 19:15spike at the S1 region or the RBD.
- 19:19So this suggested that there again
- 19:21there may be a viral reservoir that's
- 19:24driving the increases in these anti
- 19:28antiviral antibodies over time.
- 19:30Notice that there is a mark X2.
- 19:33This denotes the fact that we only
- 19:36included participants who had two doses
- 19:39of mRNA vaccine just to remove any impact
- 19:42of the vaccines in what the antibodies
- 19:45that we're you know looking at here.
- 19:48So T cell site and B cell site are
- 19:51telling us that there may be a SARS
- 19:53Scooby 2 viral reservoir that may be
- 19:56driving a chronic immune responses
- 20:00when we looked at the
- 20:02levels of plasma factors.
- 20:04So the way in which you read this
- 20:07graph is to look at the the right
- 20:09side which is elevated in people
- 20:11with long COVID and you see things
- 20:14like complement C4B elevated and
- 20:16several different chemokines and
- 20:19cytokines that are upregulated.
- 20:21Whereas one factor that really stood
- 20:24out for us was the cortisol level.
- 20:27So cortisol level was almost uniformly
- 20:30reduced in people with long COVID,
- 20:34and there's also slight reduction of
- 20:36Illinois 5 S The cortisol was by far
- 20:40the most impressively different factor
- 20:42that we find in the people with long COVID,
- 20:44and this is sort of AZ score
- 20:46representation of that data.
- 20:48So the long COVID participants
- 20:50had much lower levels,
- 20:51almost half of the level of cortisol
- 20:55in compared to healthy controls.
- 20:58And of course cortisol is the urinal
- 21:01hormone and we wanted to ensure that
- 21:03the time of collection of blood from
- 21:05these participants were similar and
- 21:08indeed they were pretty similar people.
- 21:11So.
- 21:12So because this was quite striking,
- 21:15we wanted to validate this
- 21:17finding in another cohort.
- 21:19And so we looked at the blood of
- 21:22this Yale Pulmonary Clinic patients
- 21:25and they also exhibited significant
- 21:28reduction in the levels of cortisol.
- 21:33So cortisol is a very important hormone.
- 21:37It's known as a stress hormone but
- 21:40it's actually very important for the
- 21:42physiological functioning of the of
- 21:44the of the Organism on a daily basis
- 21:47and it's regulated by the central
- 21:51hypothalamic and pituitary axis.
- 21:53Hypothalamus secrets the CRH which
- 21:56then trigger ACTH secretion from
- 21:58the pituitary which then acts on the
- 22:01adrenal glands to produce cortisol
- 22:03which then has a negative feedback
- 22:06regulation of these upstream hormones.
- 22:11So we wanted to understand whether the
- 22:15there was any kind of impact of having
- 22:17long COVID on the adrenal hormone ACTH level.
- 22:21And we thought that because the
- 22:24level of the cortisol is so much
- 22:27lower than the healthy control,
- 22:29it would expect an elevated level of
- 22:31ACTH to compensate for that low level,
- 22:34but that's not what we saw here.
- 22:37So this suggests that there may
- 22:40be a central dysregulation of the
- 22:43hypothalamus pituitary axis and that's
- 22:45something that we are now investigating
- 22:48using MRI and other models that the
- 22:51animal models that we're creating.
- 22:55So what about the latent
- 22:58viral reactivation hypothesis?
- 23:00To this end, we looked at the antibody
- 23:04reactivity against lytic proteins
- 23:06of herpes virus family members.
- 23:08And what we noted is that there is
- 23:11an elevated level of IgG against
- 23:14Epstein Barr virus onnogens P23 and
- 23:17GP42 as well as varicella zoster
- 23:20virus GE in patients with long COVID.
- 23:24And and and this difference cannot
- 23:27be accounted for by the latent virus
- 23:32status in these people because when we
- 23:35looked at the chronic or latent antigens,
- 23:38antibody reactivity were equal between
- 23:41controls and long COVID participants.
- 23:45So this really suggested that there may
- 23:47have been a recent reactivation of EVV
- 23:50and VCV in a subset of participants.
- 23:53And since we reported this study,
- 23:56there have been two other studies
- 23:58that have confirmed EBB reactivation
- 24:01in patients with long COVID.
- 24:05So the long COVID patients here
- 24:07again are in purple.
- 24:09This is the REAP score that illustrates
- 24:12how much higher the antibody levels
- 24:15are in people with long COVID
- 24:18against the ebb P23 and and.
- 24:22But we use two other types of
- 24:24approaches to confirm this.
- 24:26One is to look at the the ceremian,
- 24:29the linear epitope mapping strategy
- 24:32to map a particular epitope the
- 24:35peptide within the GP 42 of EBV.
- 24:39And here again you see that increase
- 24:42in the Z score for this antibody
- 24:46in patients with on COVID BZ Beach.
- 24:50GE is similarly elevated for reactivity.
- 24:54And curiously the the EBB reactive antibody
- 24:59score correlated positively with Illinois 4,
- 25:02Illinois 6 double positive CD4T cells
- 25:04which I showed you is pretty much
- 25:07only present in those with long COVID.
- 25:09So whether there's a functional link
- 25:12between the the cytokine secreting
- 25:14T cells and the antibody score as
- 25:16something that we're investigating.
- 25:22And so with David Van **** and Rahul,
- 25:26they they looked at the our immunological
- 25:30phenotyping and determined that a handful
- 25:33of immune factors alone can distinguish
- 25:36people with long COVID with 94% accuracy.
- 25:39And those factors turned out to be
- 25:42things like cortisol reduced levels of
- 25:45CD4TCM and dendritic cell type one,
- 25:49as well as increased levels of EBB GP42,
- 25:52reactive antibody and Galactin
- 25:54one and a handful of other sort
- 25:58of cellular and cytokine markers.
- 26:00So this really kind of painted the
- 26:03picture that long COVID can be explained
- 26:06by immunological perturbations and
- 26:08endocrinological perturbations alone.
- 26:10And this is something that we really need
- 26:13to pay attention to with respect to both
- 26:16biomarker for diagnosis and for treatment.
- 26:21So we took the same set of data
- 26:24and now asked the question,
- 26:26what are the sex differences in
- 26:28long COVID immune phenotype, if any?
- 26:30And this is a work done by Julio Silva
- 26:33who is a current MDPHD student here,
- 26:36and Takahira Takahashi who's a former postdoc
- 26:39who who now runs his own lab in Japan.
- 26:43So taking the same set of data,
- 26:45we are now dividing people into male
- 26:48versus female and control versus
- 26:50long COVID and applying some machine
- 26:53learning analysis to understand you know
- 26:56what are the the different features
- 26:59that are found in these two sexes.
- 27:02So females with long COVID A females
- 27:04here are always indicated in blue,
- 27:06males are in red.
- 27:08You can see that the symptom burden
- 27:11is higher in females with long COVID
- 27:13compared to the males and organ
- 27:15system involvement is also higher
- 27:17in the female compared to the males.
- 27:22This is a very interesting
- 27:24chart showing that the distinct
- 27:27symptoms affect males and females.
- 27:29So at the top, the relative frequency
- 27:32of symptoms such as sleep and
- 27:35disorientation and urinary issues are
- 27:38equally reported in males and females.
- 27:41However, if you go down this list
- 27:43further and further on the bottom,
- 27:45here are female dominance symptoms.
- 27:48That includes things like dizziness
- 27:51and body temperature issues, throat,
- 27:53chest pain, pins and needles,
- 27:55and so on, which is more frequently
- 27:58reported in females over males.
- 28:00And the most sexually dimorphic
- 28:03symptom was the sexual dysfunction
- 28:06in male and hair loss in female.
- 28:10So this this alone tells us that people
- 28:13are experiencing long COVID differently,
- 28:15that based on their biological sex and that
- 28:19there may be different drivers of disease.
- 28:25Looking at the immune features,
- 28:27we saw things like the exhausted
- 28:30T cells being elevated,
- 28:32particularly in the female cohort.
- 28:36Females with bone COVID and cytokine
- 28:38secreting T cells were also
- 28:41dominantly in females with bone COVID.
- 28:44Ebb reactive antibodies were
- 28:45also found mostly in females with
- 28:48bone COVID indicating that those
- 28:50features that I showed you just a
- 28:53few slides ago that distinguished
- 28:55male distinguished long COVID versus
- 28:57non long COVID that many of them
- 28:59are driven by the female patients.
- 29:04Males also do have differences in
- 29:07their immune features including
- 29:09elevated natural killer cells,
- 29:11TGF beta and April.
- 29:13These are cytokine levels that are
- 29:15higher in males with long COVID.
- 29:21And then when we looked at different
- 29:25hormones that are circulating
- 29:27in patients versus control,
- 29:30obviously testosterone is much higher
- 29:32in males compared to the females here.
- 29:35But what you know is that the
- 29:38females with long COVID have lower
- 29:41levels of testosterone compared
- 29:42to their healthy counterpart.
- 29:44And this is interesting because testosterone,
- 29:47even though it's mostly thought
- 29:49of as a male hormone,
- 29:51has important physiological function in
- 29:54females and reduced levels of testosterone.
- 29:56Testosterone could be leading to
- 29:58some of the symptoms that people
- 30:01are experiencing and doing this
- 30:04logistic regression analysis.
- 30:06Accounting for HDMI and other Co founders,
- 30:09we noted that the test the per
- 30:12unit changes in the testosterone
- 30:14is the top factor that can predict
- 30:17long COVID status within females.
- 30:23And conversely, we see that males have
- 30:25lower levels of estradiol compared
- 30:28to males with long COVID compared
- 30:30to their control male counterpart.
- 30:33And estradiol per unit change
- 30:37is again the top predictor of
- 30:40long COVID status in males,
- 30:42which is better than say,
- 30:44something like cortisol here.
- 30:48So this already told us that there's a
- 30:50very big difference between the sexes
- 30:53with respect to EBV reactivation,
- 30:56the cytokine secreting T cells and NK cells,
- 30:59as well as hormonal changes
- 31:01that are seen in these people.
- 31:04And I haven't said much about autoimmunity,
- 31:07but so when we use the read to identify
- 31:12broadly what patients might be
- 31:14reacting to with respect to their IgG,
- 31:16we did not see a public auto antigen that
- 31:20like everyone in long COVID group had.
- 31:24However, we didn't give up.
- 31:28We, meaning Kayla, saw a postdoc
- 31:30who's very talented in the lump,
- 31:32decided to do a functional experiment
- 31:35where she purified IgG from healthy people,
- 31:39homeless and control,
- 31:41severe acute COVID patients
- 31:43and long COVID patients,
- 31:45and possibly transfer these into B6 mice.
- 31:48And she did a battery of behavioral
- 31:51tests to look at anxiety and
- 31:55other sort of behavioral issues
- 31:57that we could measure in mice.
- 32:02She did many, many tests,
- 32:04but I'm only going to show you what's
- 32:06different in the recipients of these animals.
- 32:10One thing Kayla found was that the
- 32:13balance and coordination of mice that
- 32:17are injected with IgG from patients
- 32:20from with long COVID were quite reduced.
- 32:23So this is a rotorod analysis where you
- 32:27let the mice hang on to this rotating
- 32:30rod and the mice have to kind of keep
- 32:33balanced in order to hang on to it.
- 32:36When they lose balance,
- 32:37they fall off and the latency
- 32:39to fall is measured in.
- 32:40Here you can see that the PBS or the
- 32:44healthy control IgG injected animals were
- 32:47able to hang on for 200 seconds or so.
- 32:51However, those who were injected
- 32:53with IgG from long COVID patients
- 32:56had a much reduced latency to fall,
- 32:59indicating that auto antibodies
- 33:01are sufficient to induce loss
- 33:03of balance and coordination.
- 33:07Another change that she noticed
- 33:09is a grip strength of mice.
- 33:11Again, animals are allowed to
- 33:14hang on to this sort of a mesh
- 33:18and we're measuring the amount of
- 33:20grip strength that these animals
- 33:22have until they kind of fall off.
- 33:24And this indicated that auto antibodies
- 33:26can induce reduction in muscle
- 33:28strength because you can look at the
- 33:30peak force being quite diminished
- 33:32in those animals that received IgG.
- 33:37And thermal sensation using hot plate
- 33:40test also demonstrated that latency
- 33:43to pain behavior is much shortened,
- 33:46meaning that auto antibodies are sufficient
- 33:49to increase sensitivity to thermal pain.
- 33:53So these tests are now indicating
- 33:55to us that there's a physiological
- 33:57change that happened only by injecting
- 34:00IgG from patients into the mice.
- 34:02And it also implies that whatever auto
- 34:04antigens that are being detected are
- 34:07shared between these two two species.
- 34:11And finally, I'd like to give you
- 34:14a little example of tissue damage
- 34:16and dysfunction that can happen
- 34:18after even a very mild acute COVID.
- 34:21This is a study that we had the fortune
- 34:24of doing with Professor Michelle Monje's
- 34:26group at Stanford where she's a a
- 34:29neuroscientist and A and a psychiatrist
- 34:32who have been studying the impact of
- 34:35chemotherapy on brain dysfunction.
- 34:38And based on her knowledge of this area,
- 34:43we collaborated to look at the impact of
- 34:47mild respiratory only infection on the CNS.
- 34:51So a respiratory infection can
- 34:54cause CNS impact by either directly
- 34:57infecting brain cells or generating
- 35:00autoimmunity that targets the brain.
- 35:03Or it's possible that distal
- 35:05inflammation alone is capable of
- 35:08making chronic changes in the brain.
- 35:11So this study really probes
- 35:14the third hypothesis.
- 35:15And the way in which we did this
- 35:18is to we had an established animal
- 35:20model in which we can introduce
- 35:22the viral entry receptor,
- 35:24human ACE 2 into any organ of choice.
- 35:28Here we're doing intratracheal
- 35:30administration so that the lung
- 35:32is the only organ in which the
- 35:35Tsarsco V2 can infect and replicate.
- 35:37Then we give a Tsarsco V2 intranasally
- 35:40after about a couple weeks.
- 35:42And then we looked at the brain
- 35:45sections here and of course there
- 35:46is no entry receptor in the brain.
- 35:48So we don't see any Tsarsco
- 35:50V2 antigen in the brain.
- 35:52Animals don't lose much weight either.
- 35:54This is a very mild infection,
- 35:56but we know that the viral antigen
- 35:59is abundantly expressed in the lung
- 36:02around 7:00 and which is cleared
- 36:04within about seven days post infection.
- 36:07So using this respiratory only
- 36:09mild COVID model,
- 36:11we then went on to look in the
- 36:13cytokine in the serum and within
- 36:16the cerebral spinal fluid of these
- 36:19animals and at seven days post
- 36:21infection on the left and seven
- 36:23weeks post infection on the right.
- 36:25And what we noted is that even at
- 36:287 weeks post infection you see a
- 36:31still elevation of cytokines and
- 36:34chemokines in the both the serum
- 36:37and serial spinal fluid.
- 36:38And one thing to know is the
- 36:41OR elevated CCL 11 expression.
- 36:45Now CCL 11 has been shown by others
- 36:48in the past to correlate with
- 36:51neurocognitive decline during aging.
- 36:55And so we're seeing the elevated
- 36:56levels of that here.
- 37:00And interestingly, when we look in
- 37:03the brain of these animals either
- 37:06seven days on on the top or seven
- 37:08weeks post infection on the bottom,
- 37:09we see a a consistently elevated
- 37:13reactive microglia in the subcortical
- 37:15white matter of two strains of animals.
- 37:18We tested CD1 and Bob C and you can
- 37:22see the micrograph showing here.
- 37:27We also validated or looked at humans.
- 37:30We validated in mice, we look at humans.
- 37:33We looked at humans who
- 37:35have had died with COVID.
- 37:38So these people had source COVID 2 PCR
- 37:41positive at the time of death but they
- 37:44weren't suffering from acute respiratory
- 37:47distress syndrome at that point.
- 37:49They they they died of some other causes.
- 37:52And even though that's the case,
- 37:55the mild COVID patients autopsy
- 37:58results show that there is increases
- 38:00in the reactive Mycoglia in the white
- 38:03matter of these these patients who
- 38:05or people who passed away with COVID.
- 38:10We also see an accompanying impairment
- 38:14of the hippocampal neurogenesis in seven
- 38:17days and seven weeks post infection.
- 38:19You can see that these neuroblasts
- 38:22are significantly reduced in those
- 38:24animals that had these mild COVID as
- 38:28well as elevated levels of CCL 11
- 38:31that I noted if a few slides ago.
- 38:34We see this not only in the mouse cerebral
- 38:37spinal fluid at 7 weeks post infection,
- 38:40but also in human serum.
- 38:42This was elevated in long COVID
- 38:45participants who who had brain fog,
- 38:51and we also examined some of the
- 38:53sort of downstream consequences of
- 38:56having these reactive microglia,
- 38:58which is expected to impact
- 39:01other glial cells and neurons.
- 39:04For instance, the oligodendrocytes
- 39:06in the corpus callosum of these
- 39:09animals were also reduced,
- 39:12as you can see at 7 weeks post infection.
- 39:16And as a result of that we also
- 39:20see loss of myelination of axons
- 39:23within the cingulum of the corpus
- 39:27callosum as indicated here at 7
- 39:29weeks and seven days post infection.
- 39:32So All in all this study that
- 39:37combines mouse model and human
- 39:39brain illustrated that even a mild
- 39:42respiratory psoroscovito infection can
- 39:44have lasting impact on the CNS both
- 39:48within the subcortical white matter
- 39:50as well as within the hippocampus.
- 39:53And then specifically received
- 39:55reactive mycoglia elevated in these
- 39:58tissues accompanied by a reduction
- 40:01in oligodendrocyte numbers as well as
- 40:04myelination of axons and a reduction in
- 40:08neurogenesis within the hippocampus.
- 40:10So this illustrates that you know,
- 40:13you don't have to have direct infection
- 40:16or direct immune pathology in the
- 40:18brain to have a chronic changes that
- 40:20could result in cognitive impairment.
- 40:25So collectively our findings
- 40:26show that reactivation of latent
- 40:28viruses like ebb is happening in a
- 40:30subset of people with long COVID.
- 40:32We see elevation of auto antibodies
- 40:35that are functionally pathological in
- 40:37in the mouse model that we created.
- 40:40And we also see that hormonal
- 40:43dysregulation is happening both
- 40:46likely stemming from the hypothalamus
- 40:49pituitary axis as well as sex
- 40:51hormone differences that we see.
- 40:53And there's a significant difference
- 40:55in male and female with respect to
- 40:58the symptoms and organ involvement
- 41:00and immune features that are
- 41:02happening in people with long COVID.
- 41:06So what do we do about these?
- 41:08Well, we'd love to kind of bring
- 41:11this forward to something that's
- 41:13useful in patients.
- 41:15So now that we kind of see evidence
- 41:17for these four types of root causes,
- 41:20one thing that one can do is to
- 41:22do a randomized clinical trial
- 41:24coupled with biological analysis.
- 41:27So for example, autoimmunity,
- 41:29there are many very useful biologics
- 41:32and drugs that are currently
- 41:34being used to treat autoimmunity.
- 41:36And whether we can use those types of
- 41:39approved drugs for treatment of long COVID,
- 41:43it's something to be seen.
- 41:47As Wilton already mentioned,
- 41:49we are collaborating with Harlan Krumholz
- 41:52group to carry out this Yelpak Slovak trial.
- 41:55This is a decentralized trial in that
- 41:58anyone in the contiguous US can participate.
- 42:02It's an online recruitment.
- 42:05We send the drugs to the the
- 42:07homes of the participants.
- 42:08We send phlebotomist to collect blood and
- 42:12saliva before and after the treatment.
- 42:14And we are doing a deep symptom
- 42:18survey all kind of electronically.
- 42:20And this is a revolutionary thing that
- 42:23Harlan is doing with this trial and I'm
- 42:26really kind of excited to be part of it.
- 42:29We are contributing more of the
- 42:33biological analysis that accompanies
- 42:35this and I think that's very important
- 42:37because let's say Pakslovid improves
- 42:40the symptoms in 10% of the participants.
- 42:43We should be able to find biomarkers
- 42:47of success in those temptations that
- 42:51then would help others who have those
- 42:55biomarkers as potential sort of you know
- 42:58candidates for treatment with Pakslovid.
- 43:00And it also gives us an empirical
- 43:03biomarker for success with Paxlovid
- 43:05which really implies persistent
- 43:07virus replication as being the the
- 43:10root cause for those patients.
- 43:12So this is a 15 day oral Paxlovid trial
- 43:14which is much longer than the five day
- 43:17course that we're using for the acute phase.
- 43:19We think it's 15 days are necessary
- 43:22because of the slowly replicating
- 43:24nature of these persistent reservoir.
- 43:28We're also very excited to have another
- 43:31trial ongoing which we're just starting.
- 43:33Actually Doctor was Eli from Vanderbilt
- 43:36is leading this anti-inflammatory agent
- 43:39study well Jack inhibitor this is called
- 43:43reverse LC trial which we are beginning
- 43:45soon and again we will be contributing some
- 43:49immunological analysis and insights there.
- 43:52And finally with David Petrino we're
- 43:56doing antiviral randomized clinical
- 43:58trial targeting latent EBB reactivation.
- 44:01So I think you know knowing some of these
- 44:04key features are really helping us to
- 44:07target the right kinds of pathways with
- 44:10an already approved drug that can we we
- 44:14are hoping to help patients with on COVID.
- 44:17So the mystery is there,
- 44:20but it's being solved and we are
- 44:22scratching the surface of this mystery,
- 44:24but at least we're seeing
- 44:26something underneath this the the,
- 44:28the thin layer that we are scratching and
- 44:31very excited to be able to progress in this
- 44:35both for the diagnosis and therapeutics
- 44:38and looking further into the future,
- 44:40of course we want to prevent these
- 44:42diseases from ever happening and we are
- 44:45pursuing mucosal vaccine strategies
- 44:47that would enable people not only to
- 44:50be preventing severe disease but also
- 44:52infection and transmission altogether,
- 44:55which would by definition prevent
- 44:58post acute infection syndromes.
- 45:00And we're also looking at therapies
- 45:02for post acute infection syndromes that
- 45:05hopefully will inform things like MECFS.
- 45:07Once we identify the root causes in one pies,
- 45:11we know we should be able to apply
- 45:14the same strategy for others.
- 45:16So I want to acknowledge the the,
- 45:19the amazing team that I have
- 45:20the fortune of working with.
- 45:22I have only was able to tell
- 45:23you a couple of stories,
- 45:25but they're just like amazing things
- 45:27going on right now and the very generous
- 45:29funders that support our research.
- 45:32And finally,
- 45:32just a special thank you to all
- 45:34the participants and the patients
- 45:37who provided efforts,
- 45:38time and their specimen in order
- 45:40for us to learn together.
- 45:42So thank you so much for your attention.
- 45:49Some thank you so much Doctor Rasaki,
- 45:50that was a great presentation for those
- 45:53of us who are still in the on the call.
- 45:55If you have a question,
- 45:56you can use the Q&A function,
- 45:58you can just type in your question
- 46:00and then we'll relay them over.
- 46:02But again, thank you so much.
- 46:03I just had a quick question, you know,
- 46:06especially regarding you know some of
- 46:08the data you showed about you know,
- 46:10lower levels of cortisol and like
- 46:12testosterone or estradiol and some of
- 46:14those patients who had long COVID.
- 46:15I think given since long COVID has
- 46:18all these different symptoms and it's
- 46:20really hard to sort of diagnose and
- 46:22and sort of sort of spot like how
- 46:24feasible would it be to use those sorts
- 46:26of levels to as like a screening tour
- 46:28or like a bio marker that people could
- 46:31clinically use to sort of indicate, hey,
- 46:33maybe this person does have long COVID.
- 46:34So just wanted to kind of hear
- 46:36your thoughts on that.
- 46:38Yeah. So in in our own cohort,
- 46:41those handful of markers were sufficient
- 46:44to very accurately diagnose long
- 46:47COVID using the machine learning.
- 46:49So I I think we can get there.
- 46:52It's just that because every
- 46:55physician diagnosed this long
- 46:56COVID slightly differently.
- 46:58So that that's really kind of the
- 47:00problem is that because the diagnostic
- 47:03criteria used are not uniform,
- 47:07you know we may not be able to use one type
- 47:11of biomarkers to as a diagnostic tool.
- 47:14So the Mount Sinai clinic where
- 47:17these patients were recruited from,
- 47:19they have pretty strict guidelines
- 47:21as to how they define long COVID.
- 47:23And I think that's helping us
- 47:25come up with these markers.
- 47:26But so yeah,
- 47:27it's kind of a chicken and egg question,
- 47:29right, 'cause if you're not
- 47:32diagnosing them properly,
- 47:34those patients cannot be used as a sort
- 47:37of platform to generate a biomarker.
- 47:40And so it's kind of a problem both ways,
- 47:44but we are hoping to be able to,
- 47:46for instance,
- 47:47let's say if these four drivers are,
- 47:50you know, creating the disease,
- 47:52we should be able to get biomarkers
- 47:54for each of these.
- 47:55I mean there's some of them are pretty
- 47:57simple, right, Like if it's SARS,
- 47:58COVID 2 that's persistent,
- 48:00we should be able to just
- 48:02measure their you know,
- 48:04viral antigens and circulations or
- 48:06something like this which some people
- 48:08are doing already autoimmunity.
- 48:10You know if we had a panel of auto
- 48:12antibody we can order right from Quest
- 48:14that that that should also cover it.
- 48:16So I think if we can identify more the
- 48:20molecular sort of agents that we can target,
- 48:24we're hoping to to be able to
- 48:25do that as a diagnostic tool.
- 48:29Awesome. Thank you so much.
- 48:30It looks like we do have one
- 48:33question as you know from someone
- 48:35related to my question was would
- 48:37you consider the clinical syndrome
- 48:39of adrenal fatigue to be some sort
- 48:41of a post acute infection syndrome?
- 48:44Yeah, great question.
- 48:45So adrenal fatigue is something
- 48:47that we are really interested in.
- 48:50I mean that was a basically the the
- 48:52biggest thing that hit us in the in
- 48:55the face right with this analysis.
- 48:57So right now what we are doing is we
- 49:01collected A saliva from long COVID
- 49:04patients over the 48 hours time window.
- 49:07There are 12 collections and and we're
- 49:10doing a very kind of detailed high
- 49:13resolution mapping of the cortisol level,
- 49:16you know over that time period.
- 49:18And so we should be able to tell,
- 49:20you know, is it like a general, you know,
- 49:23adrenal fatigue and insufficiency or is
- 49:25there some sort of circadian, you know,
- 49:28this regulation that's leading to this?
- 49:32I think there's circadian rhythm is
- 49:34quite disrupted in these people.
- 49:36We know that from not only survey but
- 49:39also from other people's analysis.
- 49:41Jim Heath for example published
- 49:43this early on.
- 49:44So it could be many things happening.
- 49:47But yeah,
- 49:47that that that's a really key thing
- 49:49to nail down and and we're excited.
- 49:51We just shipped the saliva samples yesterday.
- 49:54So very,
- 49:56very exciting. It really is very,
- 49:58you know, hot off, depressed, awesome.
- 50:03Next question, are there any lessons
- 50:05learned from long COVID that could
- 50:07inform will be relevant to other
- 50:08conditions like chronic fatigue syndrome?
- 50:11I really hope so.
- 50:13That's why we are now including
- 50:16MECFS patients as a as a separate
- 50:19cohort as well as you know chronic
- 50:23Lyme patients because you know as
- 50:27I mentioned these Pais syndromes,
- 50:29they are not unique to COVID and the
- 50:33more we can understand the overlap and
- 50:36distinction between these diseases,
- 50:37the more we can sort of
- 50:39learn from each other.
- 50:41And so for instance it let's say
- 50:43you know a third of the people
- 50:45reactivated EBV and that's sort
- 50:47of causing some of the symptoms.
- 50:50I would expect similar kinds of
- 50:53impact in other conditions like
- 50:56MECFS and if if a drug works in EBV
- 51:01long COVID patients that should
- 51:04also work in EBVME patients.
- 51:06So, you know,
- 51:07we're hoping that these are going to
- 51:09be cross fertilizing and you know,
- 51:11able to come up with proper treatment
- 51:14that that's another thing that really
- 51:16drives me and others in the lab
- 51:19is the suffering that's happening
- 51:20and in people with ME it's just,
- 51:22it's just it's devastating.
- 51:24People are taking their lives.
- 51:26So this is an urgent and really
- 51:29severely unmet medical need.
- 51:34Yeah. Next question asks,
- 51:35do you know how diverse the
- 51:37four factors that you mentioned
- 51:39are with persistent virus,
- 51:40auto antibodies, reactivation and
- 51:42the dysregulation of the hormones?
- 51:44And what do you think is sort of
- 51:46the relationship with a chain of
- 51:48causality between being being between
- 51:49those four different factors? Yeah,
- 51:52great question. I wish I had a
- 51:55longitudinal sampling of all these
- 51:57people so I can see like what actually
- 52:00happened over the time course.
- 52:02But my thinking is that it
- 52:05all starts with SARS Co V2.
- 52:07Of course that infection,
- 52:10if it's not being properly
- 52:12managed in the body,
- 52:14the the virus can seed other organs,
- 52:18things like small intestine or large
- 52:20intestine where people are finding
- 52:21viral antigens or in the meninges
- 52:23there's spike proteins everywhere.
- 52:25So you know,
- 52:26these types of events can happen if
- 52:28you don't control it at the respiratory
- 52:31tract and that can certainly trigger,
- 52:34you know,
- 52:35tissue dysfunction easily imaginable
- 52:37that can also trigger activation of
- 52:40bystander immune cells that can start
- 52:43to create these auto antibodies.
- 52:46And of course these old antibodies then
- 52:48can target things like hypothalamus,
- 52:51brain stem,
- 52:52whatever that then trigger these
- 52:55adrenal insufficiency, right.
- 52:56So I mean there are lots of
- 52:58arrows that one can draw,
- 53:00but that's sort of the way
- 53:01we're kind of thinking about it.
- 53:02It's just starting with the virus
- 53:04and all these other triggers
- 53:05that come come forward.
- 53:09Awesome. And then a follow up question
- 53:12for the very first question was there,
- 53:13are there any connections to long
- 53:15bacterial infections as well like
- 53:17the controversial like chronic Lyme
- 53:20syndrome. Yeah, exactly.
- 53:21So that that is why we're using this,
- 53:24we're we're kind of recruiting
- 53:27people with chronic Lyme.
- 53:29It is controversial unfortunately,
- 53:32but I I think we can sort of weed
- 53:35out some of the controversy by
- 53:37really focusing on the science,
- 53:41you know, science alone.
- 53:42Like it's just ensuring that what they
- 53:45have is explainable by biological factors.
- 53:49And if those factors are overlapping,
- 53:51say with long COVID,
- 53:52that will bring some sort of insights and
- 53:55legitimacy to these kinds of conditions.
- 53:58So, you know,
- 54:00we're completely open minded.
- 54:02We're just want to know what's
- 54:03going on and science will tell us,
- 54:06you know what way we need
- 54:07to interpret things but
- 54:09right. Awesome.
- 54:10The next question wanted you to
- 54:12ask if you could sort of elaborate
- 54:15regarding the the sex hormones,
- 54:17testosterone and and estrogen
- 54:18and do you think these are
- 54:20correlated or are they causative
- 54:21of the long COVID syndrome?
- 54:24Yeah. So there's a huge amount of
- 54:27correlation that I said already.
- 54:29The lower levels of testosterone really
- 54:31seems to be a a, a bad, you know,
- 54:36prognostic factor for developing
- 54:37all kinds of symptoms and and and
- 54:40other other immune pathologies.
- 54:42So testosterone has long been known
- 54:46to be have a immunosuppressive
- 54:48impact and it's also thought to be
- 54:50one of the reasons why women develop
- 54:53autoimmunity more often than men.
- 54:56And actually this whole thing started
- 54:59with a a parent of a a a trans child
- 55:02contacting me and telling me that the
- 55:05this child who has long COVID when they
- 55:08went on to a testosterone treatment,
- 55:10completely resolved in their symptoms
- 55:13and then when the testosterone levels
- 55:16were reduced for the treatment,
- 55:18they went back back onto the
- 55:20sort of original symptoms.
- 55:22So we know that there's anecdotal
- 55:25evidence of cause and effect,
- 55:27but obviously you know it's just end of one,
- 55:30but that that's sort of the the kind
- 55:32of driving force is by learning
- 55:34about these types of anecdotes from
- 55:36patients and really kind of trying to
- 55:40understand that at the population level.
- 55:42So yes,
- 55:43I think there may even be a
- 55:45cause and effect there,
- 55:46but something we really need
- 55:48to do a large scale study,
- 55:51yeah, awesome.
- 55:51And I think we'll probably only have
- 55:54time for one more question just
- 55:56to make sure we have, you know,
- 55:57we respect Doctor Osaki's time,
- 55:59but the next question that was
- 56:00on the list is, you know,
- 56:02thank you for your work on long COVID.
- 56:03Do you find that individual
- 56:05participants had a combination of
- 56:07the findings from each of the four
- 56:08root causes and or do you think,
- 56:10you know, maybe there's certain
- 56:11individuals who have a greater
- 56:13dominance of 1 cause over another?
- 56:15Yeah, that's definitely our next step.
- 56:18I mean we we have you know like 100
- 56:20people in the Mylan COVID study which
- 56:22is a little bit too small to start
- 56:25doing this kind of cluster analysis.
- 56:27But cortisol reduction was a pretty uniform,
- 56:32so that that that's probably
- 56:34happening in most people.
- 56:35But the persistent virus,
- 56:37persistent source could be two
- 56:39again it may be happening in
- 56:41like a third 40% of the people.
- 56:43Ebb reactivation happening mostly
- 56:45in females and not in every female.
- 56:48So you start to see these clusters,
- 56:50but you know there's definitely
- 56:52overlapping as well.
- 56:53So it's not that one person has one
- 56:55and the other person has another.
- 56:57It's it's an overlapping cluster.
- 56:58But we're starting to see these separate.
- 57:02We need thousands of people to be
- 57:03able to do that cluster analysis.
- 57:05But we're hoping to get there.
- 57:07Yeah,
- 57:08awesome. And we're just out of
- 57:09time and we're very sorry that we
- 57:11couldn't answer every single question,
- 57:13but want to thank everyone for
- 57:15joining during their lunch time today.
- 57:16And thank you for those of you
- 57:18who asked such great questions.
- 57:19And then thank you again,
- 57:20Doctor Saki, for joining us.
- 57:22That was a very,
- 57:23very great presentation and
- 57:24we're glad that please join us.
- 57:26If anyone has any additional questions,
- 57:28they can always contact her.
- 57:29But otherwise,
- 57:30have a great rest of your Thursday
- 57:32and and a great weekend.
- 57:34Thank you so much.
- 57:35Thank you. Bye, bye.