BIDS Special Seminar - Dov Greenbaum PART 2
BIDS Special Seminar with Dr. Dov Greenbaum, presenting: "Privacy in the Digital Health Era: Recent Updates in US and EU Health Information Law" (Part 2).
Professor Dov Greenbaum is a lecturer in BIDS. He is a professor of law at Harry Radzyner Law School at Reichman University and Professor designate in the soon to be established Dina Recanti School of Medicine. He is Founder and Director of the Zvi Meitar Institute for Legal Implications of Emerging Technologies. Dov has degrees and postdocs from Yale, Berkeley, Stanford and ETH Zurich. He is licensed to practice law in California and before the United States Patent and Trademark Office. He is an IAPP privacy professional.
Host Organization
- Biomedical Informatics & Data Science
Lectures and Seminars
Snacks and beverages will be provided.