Drugs, guns and cars: how far we have come to improve safety in the United States; yet we still have far to go
Dodington J, Violano P, Baum CR, Bechtel K. Drugs, guns and cars: how far we have come to improve safety in the United States; yet we still have far to go. Pediatric Research 2016, 81: 227-232. PMID: 27673424, DOI: 10.1038/pr.2016.193.Commentaries, Editorials and LettersConceptsPoison Prevention Packaging ActMotor vehicle crashesInjury preventionPrevention researchVehicle crashesInjury prevention researchOpioid overdose preventionPublic health approachChild passenger safetySignificant reductionInjury morbidityUnintentional injuriesLeading causeOpiate overdosesFirearm injuriesOverdose preventionInjury dataInjuryHealth approachMajor causeYoung adultsDriver’s license lawChild passenger safety lawsPreventionAdolescents