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ACCELERATE Advancing Clinical Care and Empowering Research through Technology Lab

About the Lab

Dr. Ted Melnick is a transformational leader in clinical informatics and emergency medicine research. As PI of ACCELERATE Advancing Clinical Care and Empowering Research through Technology Lab and Director of the Yale-VA Clinical Informatics Fellowship program, Dr. Melnick and his team's primary goal is to improve the digital health user experience for clinicians and their patients by rigorous application of systems engineering science and principles throughout the lifecycle of digital health innovations.

The Lab also has a special emphasis on implementation of scientifically sound EHR use metrics and health services research to improve current delivery systems. ACCELERATE Advancing Clinical Care and Empowering Research through Technology Lab research is funded by the National Institute of Health (currently, NIDA and NIMH), the American Medical Association, and the Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality.

Weekly Lab Meeting

Weekly lab meetings are held on Tuesday mornings. At these weekly meetings, project updates are discussed in presence of a diverse group to encourage brainstorming and new perspective and inspiration for future projects. Fellows, residents, and students with relevant interest in informatics are encouraged to join these meetings to learn more about the Melnick Lab and discuss their interest. For questions, please reach out to Dr. Bidisha Nath or Dr. Melnick.

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