Multi-trait genome-wide association analyses leveraging alcohol use disorder findings identify novel loci for smoking behaviors in the Million Veteran Program
Cheng Y, Dao C, Zhou H, Li B, Kember R, Toikumo S, Zhao H, Gelernter J, Kranzler H, Justice A, Xu K. Multi-trait genome-wide association analyses leveraging alcohol use disorder findings identify novel loci for smoking behaviors in the Million Veteran Program. Translational Psychiatry 2023, 13: 148. PMID: 37147289, PMCID: PMC10162964, DOI: 10.1038/s41398-023-02409-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSingle-trait genome-wide association studiesGenome-wide association studiesNovel lociPower of GWASJoint genome-wide association studyGenome-wide significant lociMillion Veteran ProgramGenome-wide associationSubstance use traitsGWAS summary statisticsNovel genetic variantsMulti-trait analysisFunctional annotationUse traitsSignificant lociHeritable traitMultiple lociAssociation studiesColocalization analysisLociPleiotropic effectsMTAgVeteran ProgramGenetic variantsTraitsIdentification of Novel, Replicable Genetic Risk Loci for Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Among US Military Veterans
Kimbrel N, Ashley-Koch A, Qin X, Lindquist J, Garrett M, Dennis M, Hair L, Huffman J, Jacobson D, Madduri R, Trafton J, Coon H, Docherty A, Mullins N, Ruderfer D, Harvey P, McMahon B, Oslin D, Beckham J, Hauser E, Hauser M, Agarwal K, Ashley-Koch A, Aslan M, Beckham J, Begoli E, Bhattacharya T, Brown B, Calhoun P, Cheung K, Choudhury S, Cliff A, Cohn J, Crivelli S, Cuellar-Hengartner L, Deangelis H, Dennis M, Dhaubhadel S, Finley P, Ganguly K, Garvin M, Gelernter J, Hair L, Harvey P, Hauser E, Hauser M, Hengartner N, Jacobson D, Jones P, Kainer D, Kaplan A, Katz I, Kember R, Kimbrel N, Kirby A, Ko J, Kolade B, Lagergren J, Lane M, Levey D, Levin D, Lindquist J, Liu X, Madduri R, Manore C, Martins S, McCarthy J, McDevitt-Cashman M, McMahon B, Miller I, Morrow D, Oslin D, Pavicic-Venegas M, Pestian J, Pyarajan S, Qin X, Rajeevan N, Ramsey C, Ribeiro R, Rodriguez A, Romero J, Santel D, Schaefferkoetter N, Shi Y, Stein M, Sullivan K, Sun N, Tamang S, Townsend A, Trafton J, Walker A, Wang X, Wangia-Anderson V, Yang R, Yoon H, Yoo S, Zamora-Resendiz R, Zhao H, Docherty A, Mullins N, Coleman J, Shabalin A, Kang J, Murnyak B, Wendt F, Adams M, Campos A, DiBlasi E, Fullerton J, Kranzler H, Bakian A, Monson E, RenterÃa M, Andreassen O, Bulik C, Edenberg H, Kessler R, Mann J, Nurnberger J, Pistis G, Streit F, Ursano R, Awasthi S, Bergen A, Berrettini W, Bohus M, Brandt H, Chang X, Chen H, Chen W, Christensen E, Crawford S, Crow S, Duriez P, Edwards A, Fernández-Aranda F, Fichter M, Galfalvy H, Gallinger S, Gandal M, Gorwood P, Guo Y, Hafferty J, Hakonarson H, Halmi K, Hishimoto A, Jain S, Jamain S, Jiménez-Murcia S, Johnson C, Kaplan A, Kaye W, Keel P, Kennedy J, Kim M, Klump K, Levey D, Li D, Liao S, Lieb K, Lilenfeld L, Lori A, Magistretti P, Marshall C, Mitchell J, Myers R, Okazaki S, Otsuka I, Pinto D, Powers A, Ramoz N, Ripke S, Roepke S, Rozanov V, Scherer S, Schmahl C, Sokolowski M, Starnawska A, Strober M, Su M, Thornton L, Treasure J, Ware E, Watson H, Witt S, Woodside D, Yilmaz Z, Zillich L, Agerbo E, Børglum A, Breen G, Demontis D, Erlangsen A, Esko T, Gelernter J, Glatt S, Hougaard D, Hwu H, Kuo P, Lewis C, Li Q, Liu C, Martin N, McIntosh A, Medland S, Mors O, Nordentoft M, Nurnberger J, Olsen C, Porteous D, Smith D, Stahl E, Stein M, Wasserman D, Werge T, Whiteman D, Willour V, Coon H, Ruderfer D, Dedert E, Elbogen E, Fairbank J, Hurley R, Kilts J, Martindale S, Marx C, McDonald S, Moore S, Morey R, Naylor J, Rowland J, Shura R, Swinkels C, Tupler L, Van Voorhees E, Yoash-Gantz R, Gaziano J, Muralidhar S, Ramoni R, Chang K, O’Donnell C, Tsao P, Breeling J, Hauser E, Sun Y, Huang G, Casas J, Moser J, Whitbourne S, Brewer J, Conner T, Argyres D, Stephens B, Brophy M, Humphries D, Selva L, Do N, Shayan S, Cho K, Churby L, Wilson P, McArdle R, Dellitalia L, Mattocks K, Harley J, Whittle J, Jacono F, Wells J, Gutierrez S, Gibson G, Hammer K, Kaminsky L, Villareal G, Kinlay S, Xu J, Hamner M, Mathew R, Bhushan S, Iruvanti P, Godschalk M, Ballas Z, Ivins D, Mastorides S, Moorman J, Gappy S, Klein J, Ratcliffe N, Florez H, Okusaga O, Murdoch M, Sriram P, Yeh S, Tandon N, Jhala D, Liangpunsakul S, Oursler K, Whooley M, Ahuja S, Constans J, Meyer P, Greco J, Rauchman M, Servatius R, Gaddy M, Wallbom A, Morgan T, Stapley T, Sherman S, Ross G, Strollo P, Boyko E, Meyer L, Gupta S, Huq M, Fayad J, Hung A, Lichy J, Hurley R, Robey B, Striker R. Identification of Novel, Replicable Genetic Risk Loci for Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Among US Military Veterans. JAMA Psychiatry 2023, 80: 135-145. PMID: 36515925, PMCID: PMC9857322, DOI: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2022.3896.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMolecular genetic basisRisk lociSingle nucleotide variantsGWS lociGenetic basisGenomic risk lociRisk genesGenome-wide association studiesSignificant enrichmentGene-based analysisGenetic risk lociCandidate risk genesCyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) signalingIdentification of novelPolygenic risk score analysisGene clusterFocal adhesionsGenetic substructureUbiquitination processChromosome 2Enrichment analysisAssociation studiesAxon guidanceAfrican ancestryNCAM1-TTC12
Association of Gulf War Illness with Characteristics in Deployed vs. Non-Deployed Gulf War Era Veterans in the Cooperative Studies Program 2006/Million Veteran Program 029 Cohort: A Cross-Sectional Analysis
Duong L, Djotsa A, Vahey J, Steele L, Quaden R, Harrington K, Ahmed S, Polimanti R, Streja E, Gaziano J, Concato J, Zhao H, Radhakrishnan K, Hauser E, Helmer D, Aslan M, Gifford E. Association of Gulf War Illness with Characteristics in Deployed vs. Non-Deployed Gulf War Era Veterans in the Cooperative Studies Program 2006/Million Veteran Program 029 Cohort: A Cross-Sectional Analysis. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health 2022, 20: 258. PMID: 36612580, PMCID: PMC9819371, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20010258.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGulf War IllnessGulf War Era VeteransChronic multisymptom illnessStudy inclusion criteriaCross-sectional analysisGW theaterGW veteransMultisymptom illnessEligible participantsUncertain etiologyInclusion criteriaKS symptomsDisease controlIllnessEra veteransMilitary characteristicsVeteransCohortPersistent presencePhenotypeFurther explorationPathophysiologyEtiologySymptomsPrevalenceGenome-Wide Investigation of Maximum Habitual Alcohol Intake in US Veterans in Relation to Alcohol Consumption Traits and Alcohol Use Disorder
Deak JD, Levey DF, Wendt FR, Zhou H, Galimberti M, Kranzler HR, Gaziano JM, Stein MB, Polimanti R, Gelernter J, Muralidhar S, Moser J, Deen J, Gaziano J, Beckham J, Chang K, Tsao P, Luoh S, Casas J, Churby L, Whitbourne S, Brewer J, Brophy M, Selva L, Shayan S, Cho K, Pyarajan S, DuVall S, Connor T, Argyres D, Aslan M, Stephens B, Concato J, Gelernter J, Gleason T, Huang G, Koenen K, Marx C, Radhakrishnan K, Schork N, Stein M, Zhao H, Kaufman J, Nunez Y, Pietrzak R, Beck D, Cissell S, Crutchfield P, Lance W, Cheung K, Li Y, Sun N, Chen Q, Rajeevan N, Sayward F, Gagnon D, Harrington K, Quaden R, O'Leary T, Ramoni R. Genome-Wide Investigation of Maximum Habitual Alcohol Intake in US Veterans in Relation to Alcohol Consumption Traits and Alcohol Use Disorder. JAMA Network Open 2022, 5: e2238880. PMID: 36301540, PMCID: PMC9614582, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.38880.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGenome-wide association studiesGenome-wide significant lociGenomic structural equation modelingSignificant lociAlcohol traitsAssociation studiesAfrican ancestry participantsGenome-wide investigationAncestry-specific genome-wide association studiesGenetic correlationsPsychiatric traitsLinkage disequilibrium score regressionGenetic associationStrong genetic correlationSingle nucleotide variantsGenetic architectureGenetic association studiesGenetic lociTop associationsNegative rgEuropean ancestry participantsNucleotide variantsFunctional variantsScore regressionTraitsGlaucoma Genetic Risk Scores in the Million Veteran Program
Waksmunski A, Kinzy T, Cruz L, Nealon C, Halladay C, Simpson P, Canania R, Anthony S, Roncone D, Rogers L, Leber J, Dougherty J, Greenberg P, Sullivan J, Wu W, Iyengar S, Crawford D, Peachey N, Bailey J, Gaziano J, Ramoni R, Breeling J, Chang K, Huang G, Muralidhar S, O’Donnell C, Tsao P, Muralidhar S, Moser J, Whitbourne S, Brewer J, Concato J, Warren S, Argyres D, Tsao P, Stephens B, Brophy M, Humphries D, Do N, Shayan S, Nguyen X, O’Donnell C, Pyarajan S, Cho K, Pyarajan S, Hauser E, Sun Y, Zhao H, Wilson P, McArdle R, Dellitalia L, Harley J, Whittle J, Beckham J, Wells J, Gutierrez S, Gibson G, Kaminsky L, Villareal G, Kinlay S, Xu J, Hamner M, Haddock K, Bhushan S, Iruvanti P, Godschalk M, Ballas Z, Buford M, Mastorides S, Klein J, Ratcliffe N, Florez H, Swann A, Murdoch M, Sriram P, Yeh S, Washburn R, Jhala D, Aguayo S, Cohen D, Sharma S, Callaghan J, Oursler K, Whooley M, Ahuja S, Gutierrez A, Schifman R, Greco J, Rauchman M, Servatius R, Oehlert M, Wallbom A, Fernando R, Morgan T, Stapley T, Sherman S, Anderson G, Tsao P, Sonel E, Boyko E, Meyer L, Gupta S, Fayad J, Hung A, Lichy J, Hurley R, Robey B, Striker R. Glaucoma Genetic Risk Scores in the Million Veteran Program. Ophthalmology 2022, 129: 1263-1274. PMID: 35718050, PMCID: PMC9997524, DOI: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2022.06.012.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPrimary open-angle glaucomaInvasive glaucoma surgeryRisk stratificationMillion Veteran ProgramEffect estimatesPOAG casesEuropean ancestryOpen-angle glaucomaCross-sectional studyDegenerative eye diseasesAfrican ancestryVeteran ProgramGenetic risk scoreAggressive treatmentGlaucoma surgeryEarly treatmentIrreversible blindnessEye diseaseHigh riskRisk scoreIncremental riskVisual impairmentGenetic riskVeteransRisk variants
Genome-wide association analyses of post-traumatic stress disorder and its symptom subdomains in the Million Veteran Program
Stein MB, Levey DF, Cheng Z, Wendt FR, Harrington K, Pathak GA, Cho K, Quaden R, Radhakrishnan K, Girgenti MJ, Ho YA, Posner D, Aslan M, Duman RS, Zhao H, Polimanti R, Concato J, Gelernter J. Genome-wide association analyses of post-traumatic stress disorder and its symptom subdomains in the Million Veteran Program. Nature Genetics 2021, 53: 174-184. PMID: 33510476, PMCID: PMC7972521, DOI: 10.1038/s41588-020-00767-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGenome-wide association analysisAssociation analysisMillion Veteran ProgramGenomic structural equation modelingSignificant lociGenetic varianceGene expressionDrug repositioning candidatesBiological coherenceVeteran ProgramMultiple testing correctionSymptom phenotypeLociRepositioning candidatesAfrican ancestryHeritabilityPhenotypeAncestryExpressionPTSD symptom factorsRegionSubdomainsEnrichment
Genetic Architecture of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in the Million Veteran Program
Klarin D, Verma S, Judy R, Dikilitas O, Wolford B, Paranjpe I, Levin M, Pan C, Tcheandjieu C, Spin J, Lynch J, Assimes T, Åldstedt Nyrønning L, Mattsson E, Edwards T, Denny J, Larson E, Lee M, Carrell D, Zhang Y, Jarvik G, Gharavi A, Harley J, Mentch F, Pacheco J, Hakonarson H, Skogholt A, Thomas L, Gabrielsen M, Hveem K, Nielsen J, Zhou W, Fritsche L, Huang J, Natarajan P, Sun Y, DuVall S, Rader D, Cho K, Chang K, Wilson P, O’Donnell C, Kathiresan S, Scali S, Berceli S, Willer C, Jones G, Bown M, Nadkarni G, Kullo I, Ritchie M, Damrauer S, Tsao P, Gaziano J, Ramoni R, Beckham J, Breeling J, Chang K, Huang G, Muralidhar S, O’Donnell C, Casas Romero J, Tsao P, Muralidhar S, Moser J, Whitbourne S, Brewer J, Concato J, Warren S, Argyres D, Tsao P, Gaziano J, Stephens B, Brophy M, Humphries D, Do N, Shayan S, Nguyen X, O’Donnell C, Pyarajan S, Tsao P, Cho K, Pyarajan S, Hauser E, Sun Y, Zhao H, Wilson P, McArdle R, Dellitalia L, Harley J, Zablocki C, Whittle J, Beckham J, Wells J, Gutierrez S, Gibson G, Kaminsky L, Villareal G, Kinlay S, Xu J, Hamner M, Haddock K, Bhushan S, Iruvanti P, Godschalk M, Ballas Z, Buford M, Mastorides S, Klein J, Ratcliffe N, Florez H, Swann A, Murdoch M, Sriram P, Yeh S, Washburn R, Jhala D, Aguayo S, Cohen D, Sharma S, Callaghan J, Oursler K, Whooley M, Ahuja S, Gutierrez A, Schifman R, Greco J, Rauchman M, Servatius R, Oehlert M, Wallbom A, Fernando R, Morgan T, Stapley T, Sherman S, Anderson G, Tsao P, Sonel E, Boyko E, Meyer L, Gupta S, Fayad J, Hung A, Lichy J, Hurley R, Robey B, Striker R. Genetic Architecture of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in the Million Veteran Program. Circulation 2020, 142: 1633-1646. PMID: 32981348, PMCID: PMC7580856, DOI: 10.1161/circulationaha.120.047544.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAbdominal aortic aneurysmBlood pressurePolygenic risk scoresAortic aneurysmFamily historyDiastolic blood pressureSystolic blood pressureGenome-wide polygenic risk scoreRisk variantsSmoking risk factorsMendelian randomization analysisAAA prevalenceCardiovascular mortalityRisk factorsAAA developmentArterial bedCurrent guidelinesVascular territoriesLower extremitiesMillion Veteran ProgramRisk scoreTherapeutic implicationsCurrent screeningImportant causeAAA risk
International meta-analysis of PTSD genome-wide association studies identifies sex- and ancestry-specific genetic risk loci
Nievergelt CM, Maihofer AX, Klengel T, Atkinson EG, Chen CY, Choi KW, Coleman JRI, Dalvie S, Duncan LE, Gelernter J, Levey DF, Logue MW, Polimanti R, Provost AC, Ratanatharathorn A, Stein MB, Torres K, Aiello AE, Almli LM, Amstadter AB, Andersen SB, Andreassen OA, Arbisi PA, Ashley-Koch AE, Austin SB, Avdibegovic E, Babić D, Bækvad-Hansen M, Baker DG, Beckham JC, Bierut LJ, Bisson JI, Boks MP, Bolger EA, Børglum AD, Bradley B, Brashear M, Breen G, Bryant RA, Bustamante AC, Bybjerg-Grauholm J, Calabrese JR, Caldas- de- Almeida J, Dale AM, Daly MJ, Daskalakis NP, Deckert J, Delahanty DL, Dennis MF, Disner SG, Domschke K, Dzubur-Kulenovic A, Erbes CR, Evans A, Farrer LA, Feeny NC, Flory JD, Forbes D, Franz CE, Galea S, Garrett ME, Gelaye B, Geuze E, Gillespie C, Uka AG, Gordon SD, Guffanti G, Hammamieh R, Harnal S, Hauser MA, Heath AC, Hemmings SMJ, Hougaard DM, Jakovljevic M, Jett M, Johnson EO, Jones I, Jovanovic T, Qin XJ, Junglen AG, Karstoft KI, Kaufman ML, Kessler RC, Khan A, Kimbrel NA, King AP, Koen N, Kranzler HR, Kremen WS, Lawford BR, Lebois LAM, Lewis CE, Linnstaedt SD, Lori A, Lugonja B, Luykx JJ, Lyons MJ, Maples-Keller J, Marmar C, Martin AR, Martin NG, Maurer D, Mavissakalian MR, McFarlane A, McGlinchey RE, McLaughlin KA, McLean SA, McLeay S, Mehta D, Milberg WP, Miller MW, Morey RA, Morris CP, Mors O, Mortensen PB, Neale BM, Nelson EC, Nordentoft M, Norman SB, O’Donnell M, Orcutt HK, Panizzon MS, Peters ES, Peterson AL, Peverill M, Pietrzak RH, Polusny MA, Rice JP, Ripke S, Risbrough VB, Roberts AL, Rothbaum AO, Rothbaum BO, Roy-Byrne P, Ruggiero K, Rung A, Rutten BPF, Saccone NL, Sanchez SE, Schijven D, Seedat S, Seligowski AV, Seng JS, Sheerin CM, Silove D, Smith AK, Smoller JW, Sponheim SR, Stein DJ, Stevens JS, Sumner JA, Teicher MH, Thompson WK, Trapido E, Uddin M, Ursano RJ, van den Heuvel LL, Van Hooff M, Vermetten E, Vinkers CH, Voisey J, Wang Y, Wang Z, Werge T, Williams MA, Williamson DE, Winternitz S, Wolf C, Wolf EJ, Wolff JD, Yehuda R, Young RM, Young KA, Zhao H, Zoellner LA, Liberzon I, Ressler KJ, Haas M, Koenen KC. International meta-analysis of PTSD genome-wide association studies identifies sex- and ancestry-specific genetic risk loci. Nature Communications 2019, 10: 4558. PMID: 31594949, PMCID: PMC6783435, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-12576-w.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGenome-wide association studiesDisease genesAssociation studiesGenome-wide significant lociAfrican-ancestry analysesNon-coding RNAsGenetic risk lociParkinson's disease genesEuropean ancestry populationsNovel genesSignificant lociGenetic variationSpecific lociRisk lociAdditional lociLociAncestry populationsCommon variantsHeritability estimatesGenesGWASRNABiologySNPsPARK2Genome-wide association study of post-traumatic stress disorder reexperiencing symptoms in >165,000 US veterans
Gelernter J, Sun N, Polimanti R, Pietrzak R, Levey DF, Bryois J, Lu Q, Hu Y, Li B, Radhakrishnan K, Aslan M, Cheung KH, Li Y, Rajeevan N, Sayward F, Harrington K, Chen Q, Cho K, Pyarajan S, Sullivan PF, Quaden R, Shi Y, Hunter-Zinck H, Gaziano JM, Concato J, Zhao H, Stein MB. Genome-wide association study of post-traumatic stress disorder reexperiencing symptoms in >165,000 US veterans. Nature Neuroscience 2019, 22: 1394-1401. PMID: 31358989, PMCID: PMC6953633, DOI: 10.1038/s41593-019-0447-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGenome-wide association studiesAssociation studiesHigh linkage disequilibrium regionLinkage disequilibrium regionWide association studyDisequilibrium regionBioinformatics analysisTranscriptomic profilesMillion Veteran ProgramChromosome 17Genetic risk factorsNew insightsUK Biobank dataReexperiencing of traumaStriatal medium spiny neuronsVeteran ProgramSignificant regionsCAMKVEuropean AmericansBiobank dataMedium spiny neuronsTCF4BiologyKANSL1African American cohortGender Differences in Demographic and Health Characteristics of the Million Veteran Program Cohort
Harrington K, Nguyen X, Song R, Hannagan K, Quaden R, Gagnon D, Cho K, Deen J, Muralidhar S, O’Leary T, Gaziano J, Whitbourne S, Gaziano J, Ramoni R, Breeling J, Chang K, Huang G, Muralidhar S, O’Donnell C, Tsao P, Muralidhar S, Moser J, Whitbourne S, Brewer J, Concato J, Warren S, Pharm D, Argyres D, Tsao P, Gaziano J, Stephens B, Brophy M, Humphries D, Do N, Shayan S, Nguyen X, O’Donnell C, Pyarajan S, Tsao P, Cho K, Pyarajan S, Hauser E, Sun Y, Zhao H, Wilson P, McArdle R, Dellitalia L, Harley J, Whittle J, Beckham J, Wells J, Gutierrez S, Gibson G, Kaminsky L, Villareal G, Kinlay S, Xu J, Hamner M, Haddock K, Bhushan S, Iruvanti P, Godschalk M, Ballas Z, Buford M, Mastorides S, Klein J, Ratcliffe N, Florez H, Swann A, Murdoch M, Sriram P, Yeh S, Washburn R, Jhala D, Aguayo S, Cohen D, Sharma S, Callaghan J, Oursler K, Whooley M, Ahuja S, Gutierrez A, Schifman R, Greco J, Rauchman M, Servatius R, Oehlert M, Wallbom A, Fernando R, Morgan T, Stapley T, Sherman S, Anderson G, Tsao P, Sonel E, Boyko E, Meyer L, Gupta S, Fayad J, Hung A, Lichy J, Hurley R, Robey B, Striker R. Gender Differences in Demographic and Health Characteristics of the Million Veteran Program Cohort. Women's Health Issues 2019, 29: s56-s66. PMID: 31253243, PMCID: PMC7061933, DOI: 10.1016/j.whi.2019.04.012.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAgedCardiovascular DiseasesCohort StudiesFemaleHealth StatusHumansMaleMental DisordersMiddle AgedMigraine DisordersMusculoskeletal DiseasesPhysical FitnessPrevalenceSex DistributionSex FactorsSmokingSurveys and QuestionnairesUnited StatesUnited States Department of Veterans AffairsVeteransVeterans HealthYoung AdultConceptsMillion Veteran ProgramHealth characteristicsHealth statusSelf-reported health conditionsHealth conditionsHealth care characteristicsResearch participation ratesWomen Veteran populationExcellent health statusMillion Veteran Program cohortVeterans Health AdministrationPoor physical fitnessMental health disordersMVP cohortGender differencesSurvey completion rateResponder rateDecreased prevalenceMusculoskeletal conditionsMedical historyHigh cholesterolCardiovascular diseaseMigraine headacheCare characteristicsLifetime smokingGenome-wide Association Study of Maximum Habitual Alcohol Intake in >140,000 U.S. European and African American Veterans Yields Novel Risk Loci
Gelernter J, Sun N, Polimanti R, Pietrzak RH, Levey DF, Lu Q, Hu Y, Li B, Radhakrishnan K, Aslan M, Cheung KH, Li Y, Rajeevan N, Sayward F, Harrington K, Chen Q, Cho K, Honerlaw J, Pyarajan S, Lencz T, Quaden R, Shi Y, Hunter-Zinck H, Gaziano JM, Kranzler HR, Concato J, Zhao H, Stein MB, Program D, Program M. Genome-wide Association Study of Maximum Habitual Alcohol Intake in >140,000 U.S. European and African American Veterans Yields Novel Risk Loci. Biological Psychiatry 2019, 86: 365-376. PMID: 31151762, PMCID: PMC6919570, DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2019.03.984.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAdditional genome-wide significant lociRisk lociWide association study (GWAS) analysisAssociation studiesGenome-wide significant lociGenome-wide association studiesGenetic correlationsWide association studyNovel risk lociAlcohol-related traitsStrong statistical supportSmoking-related traitsAdditional genomesSignificant lociPancreatic delta cellsChromosome 4Chromosome 11Protein productsChromosome 8Quantitative phenotypesMillion Veteran ProgramVeterans Affairs Million Veteran ProgramLociCell typesChromosome 17
Effects of Genetic Variants Associated with Familial Hypercholesterolemia on Low-Density Lipoprotein-Cholesterol Levels and Cardiovascular Outcomes in the Million Veteran Program
Sun Y, Damrauer S, Hui Q, Assimes T, Ho Y, Natarajan P, Klarin D, Huang J, Lynch J, DuVall S, Pyarajan S, Honerlaw J, Gaziano J, Cho K, Rader D, O’Donnell C, Tsao P, Wilson P, Ramoni R, Breeling J, Chang K, Huang G, Muralidhar S, Muralidhar S, Moser J, Whitbourne S, Brewer J, Concato J, Warren S, Argyres D, Stephens B, Brophy M, Humphries D, Do N, Shayan S, Nguyen X, Hauser E, Sun Y, Zhao H, Wilson P, McArdle R, Dellitalia L, Harley J, Whittle J, Beckham J, Wells J, Gutierrez S, Gibson G, Kaminsky L, Villareal G, Kinlay S, Xu J, Hamner M, Haddock K, Bhushan S, Iruvanti P, Godschalk M, Ballas Z, Buford M, Mastorides S, Klein J, Ratcliffe N, Florez H, Swann A, Murdoch M, Sriram P, Yeh S, Washburn R, Jhala D, Aguayo S, Cohen D, Sharma S, Callaghan J, Oursler K, Whooley M, Ahuja S, Gutierrez A, Schifman R, Greco J, Rauchman M, Servatius R, Oehlert M, Wallbom A, Fernando R, Morgan T, Stapley T, Sherman S, Anderson G, Tsao P, Sonel E, Boyko E, Meyer L, Gupta S, Fayad J, Hung A, Lichy J, Hurley R, Robey B, Striker R. Effects of Genetic Variants Associated with Familial Hypercholesterolemia on Low-Density Lipoprotein-Cholesterol Levels and Cardiovascular Outcomes in the Million Veteran Program. Circulation Genomic And Precision Medicine 2018, 11 PMID: 31106297, PMCID: PMC6516478, DOI: 10.1161/circgen.118.002192.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCoronary heart diseasePathogenic FH variantsFamilial hypercholesterolemiaFH variantsClinical outcomesHigh prevalenceLow-density lipoprotein cholesterolPremature coronary heart diseasePeripheral artery diseaseLDL-C levelsLow-density lipoproteinMulti-ethnic populationCardiovascular outcomesArtery diseaseLipoprotein cholesterolCholesterol levelsHeart diseaseMillion Veteran ProgramRisk individualsPhenome-wide scanGenetic Variants AssociatedClinical diagnosisClinical encountersHypercholesterolemiaMulti-ethnic participants