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Towards Predictive Biomarkers in Early-Stage Her2 Positive Breast Cancer

March 04, 2022

March 3, 2022

Yale Pathology Grand Rounds

Christina L. Curtis, PhD



  • 00:00OK, let's begin.
  • 00:02Welcome everybody to
  • 00:04pathology grand rounds today.
  • 00:06I'm excited to introduce our speaker,
  • 00:08Christina Curtis from Stanford.
  • 00:10Christina comes has quite
  • 00:12a long training history.
  • 00:14Beginning in Heidel, Heidelberg,
  • 00:16Germany for a Masters degree and
  • 00:18then did her doctorate at USC and in
  • 00:21computational and Molecular Biology program.
  • 00:23Did a postdoc back over
  • 00:25across the ocean in Cambridge,
  • 00:26then came back to USC to begin
  • 00:28as an assistant professor,
  • 00:30but shortly thereafter.
  • 00:31Joined Stanford as an assistant
  • 00:33professor there and is now at the
  • 00:36associate professor level at Stanford,
  • 00:37and as you can see.
  • 00:39We in pathology.
  • 00:41Most of the people are in pathology,
  • 00:43grand rounds or some way related to that.
  • 00:45I've had a long appreciation for the
  • 00:47importance of spatial information,
  • 00:48but many of our genomics colleagues
  • 00:51just grounded all up and I think
  • 00:53that one of the reasons I was
  • 00:55excited to invite Christina.
  • 00:56She's one of those people that
  • 00:58not only is an expert in genomics,
  • 01:00as you can see,
  • 01:01she's the director of the breast
  • 01:02Cancer Translational unit and the Co
  • 01:04director of the Molecular Tumor Board.
  • 01:05But she's also very conscious,
  • 01:07conscious of spatial information.
  • 01:09And so the mixing of genomic information
  • 01:12and spatial information is not an easy task,
  • 01:15but I think Christina Curtis is
  • 01:18one of the world leaders on this,
  • 01:19even though she's still fairly
  • 01:21junior and so rather than go through
  • 01:23all the awards and fellowships
  • 01:24and leadership positions she had,
  • 01:26I'm going to let her speak for herself.
  • 01:28And she's going to tell us about toward
  • 01:29predictive markers and early stage.
  • 01:31Her two positive breast cancer, Christina.
  • 01:34Great, thanks so much for the
  • 01:35kind introduction, David and I,
  • 01:37I am delighted to share this with you.
  • 01:39I hope next time. To be in person,
  • 01:42as I'm sure we all do but but yeah,
  • 01:45really delighted to share
  • 01:46this sort of recent work,
  • 01:48and I think often I have to say
  • 01:50I've drawn a lot of inspiration
  • 01:52from from you David in in this,
  • 01:54as you were obviously a
  • 01:55pioneer early in the field,
  • 01:56and so we've been sort of waiting
  • 01:58for these technologies to make
  • 02:00it to a place where where they
  • 02:02can be utilized by the masses,
  • 02:04and so that that's what I'll speak to today.
  • 02:05I'll just state these are my disclosures.
  • 02:08The only point that is relevant to
  • 02:10the discussion today is that I am a.
  • 02:12Scientific advisor,
  • 02:12banana string and I will discuss the
  • 02:16mastering DSP technology and work
  • 02:17that I had done Prior to joining.
  • 02:20So as we all know,
  • 02:22I'm a major objective of our current
  • 02:26times is to affect precision oncology,
  • 02:29and there's many pieces to this puzzle
  • 02:33that range from really improving
  • 02:35our understanding of prognostication
  • 02:37through biomarker discovery,
  • 02:38as well as predicting response to therapy,
  • 02:41improving patient stratification,
  • 02:42and ultimately,
  • 02:43this goes on and actually can inform
  • 02:46the drug development pipeline.
  • 02:48And so there's a number of key goals.
  • 02:50Here,
  • 02:50mainly what I will focus on as a key
  • 02:54area of interest from my own group is
  • 02:56on patient stratification and really
  • 02:59identifying aggressive subgroups of
  • 03:01disease and tailoring our therapeutic
  • 03:04approaches for these subgroups.
  • 03:07Another key objective and and
  • 03:08I will touch on this as well,
  • 03:10is really on being able to
  • 03:12predict response to therapy.
  • 03:13And of course this is not only
  • 03:15our new targeted and immunotherapy
  • 03:17therapeutic agents,
  • 03:18but also chemotherapeutic.
  • 03:20Back bones that really remain the
  • 03:23mainstay of many treatment regimes,
  • 03:25but have been hard.
  • 03:27A hard nut to crack with respect
  • 03:29to prediction of response and
  • 03:30ultimately a lot of the work in my
  • 03:32own lab and I I won't dwell on this.
  • 03:35I'll focus more on sort of the
  • 03:36applications of these approaches
  • 03:38is has been to use systems biology
  • 03:40techniques and and I would say
  • 03:41that one of the potential powers of
  • 03:43this type of approach is that we're
  • 03:45not only interested in developing
  • 03:47predictive models or classifiers,
  • 03:50but actually unraveling the biology
  • 03:51so that we can.
  • 03:53And develop mechanistic insights
  • 03:56into into disease,
  • 03:58and perhaps inform the next wave of
  • 04:01therapeutic approaches and so really,
  • 04:03what I'll talk about today is sort
  • 04:06of a few pieces from my own labs work
  • 04:09that have led from really omic technologies,
  • 04:12but that are now moving
  • 04:14towards clinical translation.
  • 04:15Of course, across a very long road,
  • 04:18and so the first story that
  • 04:20I'll talk about really is about
  • 04:22leveraging spatial approaches.
  • 04:24In situ proteomic profiling to
  • 04:25predict response in this case
  • 04:27to her two targeted agents and
  • 04:29her two positive breast cancer,
  • 04:31and I'll describe really how
  • 04:32we've gone about this.
  • 04:34Actually,
  • 04:34starting with dissociative and
  • 04:36bulk technologies that that let
  • 04:39us down some some harder paths and
  • 04:41moving forward to use new technologies
  • 04:44that are really quite emergent.
  • 04:45So that's the first story that I'll
  • 04:47share with you and really will be
  • 04:49the bulk of my discussion today.
  • 04:51Why I won't speak to some of the approaches
  • 04:53that we've developed to for example,
  • 04:56product, chemotherapy benefit and and
  • 04:57these are really based on epigenomic
  • 05:00biomarkers that have emerged from large
  • 05:02transcriptional profiling efforts
  • 05:03but also coupled with in vitro data.
  • 05:06But this is of course another area of
  • 05:08interest and I think that as we think
  • 05:10about personalizing therapy again,
  • 05:11we must be cognizant about how
  • 05:14we do this for standard of care
  • 05:17chemotherapeutic agents and really
  • 05:19deescalating whenever possible.
  • 05:21And of course. Escalating when necessary.
  • 05:24I will try to close and and really
  • 05:26speak to some of our other efforts
  • 05:29that have been leveraging genomic
  • 05:31biomarkers to guide therapy selection
  • 05:33and high risk of relapse breast cancer
  • 05:36and I'll just touch on some of the
  • 05:39work that was foundational for this
  • 05:41and our ongoing trials in this area.
  • 05:44Right,
  • 05:44so I think it goes without saying that
  • 05:47really her two positive breast cancer
  • 05:49is an archetype for precision medicine.
  • 05:52This is of course one of our first
  • 05:54exemplars where we had a targeted
  • 05:56therapy for this copy number,
  • 05:57amplified subgroup of disease,
  • 05:59and we know that trustees map has
  • 06:02been tremendously effective and
  • 06:04has really changed.
  • 06:05The landscape and outcomes
  • 06:07for these patients.
  • 06:08It's still the case,
  • 06:09however,
  • 06:10that despite the effectiveness of this
  • 06:13agent that a subset of patients recur,
  • 06:15and this has really led then.
  • 06:16Down a path of developing a
  • 06:19number of additional FDA approved
  • 06:22agents including purchase Mab,
  • 06:24TDM,
  • 06:25one as well as small molecule
  • 06:27inhibitors such as Neurontin and Pat
  • 06:29nib to overcome this resistance,
  • 06:32and so there's been numerous
  • 06:33efforts in this area.
  • 06:34We now have a wealth of FDA
  • 06:36approved drugs and of course,
  • 06:38in tandem to this.
  • 06:39There have been considerable efforts to
  • 06:41start to understand the mechanisms of
  • 06:44resistance convergence on PR3 kinase.
  • 06:46Pathway involvement of P-10 and
  • 06:48so forth and and two dissect the
  • 06:51contribution of these pathways to
  • 06:53resistance and her two positive
  • 06:55breast cancer.
  • 06:55But really sort of coming back to this.
  • 06:58It's still the case that while
  • 06:59we need to escalate therapy for
  • 07:01a subset of patients,
  • 07:02there may be a subset of patients who
  • 07:04actually do not require chemotherapy,
  • 07:07and who could be spared these
  • 07:09agents and so really,
  • 07:10this sort of highlights the very
  • 07:12critical need at this point in
  • 07:14time to develop predictive mile
  • 07:15markers to tailor therapy.
  • 07:17And this is both for escalation but also
  • 07:21deescalation and so just to highlight,
  • 07:23you know how important this is.
  • 07:25I I thought I would just demonstrate some
  • 07:28of the pivotal trials in this space.
  • 07:31Of course, NSA, BP,
  • 07:33B31,
  • 07:33amongst others that demonstrated
  • 07:35the benefit of trustees Mab with
  • 07:38respect to disease free survival.
  • 07:39But since this time there's
  • 07:41been numerous studies that have
  • 07:43sought to further escalate therapy.
  • 07:44These include the affinity trial of
  • 07:47adjuvant trustees map in combination
  • 07:49with pertuzumab as well as the
  • 07:52Katherine trial which compared
  • 07:53T DM one versus trustees map.
  • 07:56And so really critical studies in
  • 07:59the field have been highlighted
  • 08:01very recently at ASCO and in tandem.
  • 08:05There have been efforts to deescalate
  • 08:07therapy and and one example of this is
  • 08:10the a peachy trial which examined adjutant.
  • 08:12Paclitaxel plus trustees map but
  • 08:14with omission of chemotherapy,
  • 08:16mainly anthracyclines.
  • 08:16So this is a huge area and there's
  • 08:19a lot happening in this space to
  • 08:21really personalize therapy and
  • 08:22in part enabled by by the many
  • 08:25therapeutic options we do have.
  • 08:26So I don't expect you to
  • 08:27read this slide over here,
  • 08:28but I want to say that this is really
  • 08:31a place where there's been just
  • 08:33tremendous efforts spanning multiple
  • 08:35neoadjuvant trials in the early stage.
  • 08:38Her two positive setting looking at both
  • 08:41single and or dual agent approaches,
  • 08:43and of course a key goal and the
  • 08:45correlative science that has been
  • 08:47done in tandem has really focused on.
  • 08:49Can we develop predictive biomarkers?
  • 08:53In the neoadjuvant setting,
  • 08:54and so I'll just say that there's been a
  • 08:57huge amount of sequencing of these cohorts.
  • 08:59Calgb for 601 Pamela includes some of
  • 09:01the most in depth data where there's
  • 09:04been both EXO mandor targeted sequencing.
  • 09:07There's been expression profiling some
  • 09:08using arrays, some using RNA seek,
  • 09:11really as discovery efforts to
  • 09:13identify these biomarkers, and then,
  • 09:15of course,
  • 09:16a big component of embedded in that
  • 09:18work has been the use and intrinsic
  • 09:21subtyping or pan 50 based subtyping.
  • 09:23To ask whether there is enrichment for
  • 09:25the intrinsic subgroups and some of the
  • 09:28associations that have been identified,
  • 09:29there are an enrichment amongst
  • 09:31responders in the her 2E or her two
  • 09:34enriched group and then on treatment.
  • 09:36As some of these trials have
  • 09:39included a non treatment biopsy,
  • 09:41there's been associations demonstrated
  • 09:43between us which from her two enriched,
  • 09:46for example,
  • 09:47to normal like and so.
  • 09:49This is clearly an important area where
  • 09:51there's been numerous correlative studies.
  • 09:53And then the other area that I
  • 09:55that I also want to point out is
  • 09:57that of course many have turned to
  • 10:00assessment of tumor infiltrating
  • 10:02lymphocytes or thiles in attempts
  • 10:04to predict response to her two
  • 10:06targeted therapy both at baseline
  • 10:08and in a subset of trials on therapy.
  • 10:11And so,
  • 10:12just to speak a little bit more to that,
  • 10:15this is one of the more recent studies
  • 10:17that actually examined both the Pamela
  • 10:20trial as well as the validation trial.
  • 10:22And really, the goal was to ask,
  • 10:24could we,
  • 10:25for example,
  • 10:26predict response to therapy and
  • 10:28so just to highlight a few pieces
  • 10:31of data from this study?
  • 10:33And really one of the.
  • 10:37If not further efforts to predict
  • 10:40probably needs, but not at the moment.
  • 10:43Sorry I hear some noise.
  • 10:45Please please go on mute Susanna.
  • 10:49Right so here really what they had
  • 10:51done in this study was to assess
  • 10:54tills at baseline, and at day 15.
  • 10:57So this was our running biopsy
  • 10:59prior to administration.
  • 11:00Actually, of any chemotherapy it's
  • 11:01not administered in this trial,
  • 11:03and what you can look at is the change
  • 11:05in tumor infiltrating lymphocytes,
  • 11:07with orange showing an increase
  • 11:09blew a decrease and stable,
  • 11:12and in tandem in this study,
  • 11:13they also actually examined
  • 11:15tumor cellularity,
  • 11:16and you can see some exemplars here.
  • 11:18And so this really led to the development.
  • 11:20Of an approach called cell till which
  • 11:23attempts to combine the estimates
  • 11:24based on tills with celularity you
  • 11:26can see the area under the curve
  • 11:29here about .7 in the panelist study.
  • 11:31Actually it's higher for cellularity
  • 11:33and so the goal was to sort of
  • 11:36develop a combined classifier here,
  • 11:38and this has really been.
  • 11:39You know,
  • 11:39one of the great successes in trying
  • 11:41to predict response to her two targeted
  • 11:43therapy all be it with variable
  • 11:45responses across different cohorts.
  • 11:47And so I'll just show that when
  • 11:48this group went on to corroborate.
  • 11:50These findings in the LPT trial.
  • 11:52You can see that the performance was
  • 11:56substantially inferior with an AUC
  • 11:58under .7 using cell till here and
  • 12:00so this shows you one of the recent
  • 12:02attempts and of course this group
  • 12:05probably needs no introduction to the
  • 12:07opportunities and challenges around
  • 12:09scoring tumor infiltrating lymphocytes
  • 12:11and really standardizing these assays.
  • 12:13But I wanted to present this to set
  • 12:15the stage sort of for where the fields
  • 12:16at and to say that you know really,
  • 12:18despite many many attempts.
  • 12:20To develop predictive biomarkers from
  • 12:22the genomic from the transcriptomic,
  • 12:25we still do not have a validated
  • 12:27predictive biomarker and sell tools
  • 12:29have emerged in the forefront.
  • 12:30But there's more work to be done to
  • 12:33really ask how consistent this is.
  • 12:35Also across different agents and
  • 12:37so this really sets the stage for
  • 12:39where we began.
  • 12:40Our journey in this field,
  • 12:41which was a collaboration with Sarah
  • 12:44Hurvitz and Dennis Slamon at UCLA
  • 12:47on the trio USB 07 clinical trial.
  • 12:49Now this trial looked at
  • 12:51neoadjuvant trustees.
  • 12:52Vanderlip at mid in early stage
  • 12:53her two positive breast cancer.
  • 12:55It was an investigator initiated
  • 12:57trial and here you can see the sort
  • 13:00of sample size is 130 patients.
  • 13:02They were assigned either to our one
  • 13:05trustees Mobileone ARM 2 lapatinib or
  • 13:08the combination and what was you know,
  • 13:10really intriguing to me about this
  • 13:12trial was that core biopsies were
  • 13:14collected not only at baseline but
  • 13:16actually at run in after a single
  • 13:18cycle of targeted therapy alone.
  • 13:20Prior to the administration of chemotherapy.
  • 13:22Now you can see the pathologic
  • 13:24complete response rates,
  • 13:25which was the primary endpoint here of 47%.
  • 13:28The PATNAM was inferior here as it
  • 13:30has been in other trials and the
  • 13:33combination was modestly improved but
  • 13:35not statistically significantly different,
  • 13:37and so really this is this trial
  • 13:40is distinct in the collection of
  • 13:41a non treatment core biopsy prior
  • 13:43to administration of chemo and at
  • 13:45the time I felt that this would
  • 13:47really afford us some unique
  • 13:49insights into biomarkers of
  • 13:51response after targeted therapy.
  • 13:53Alone without having to deconvolve
  • 13:55the effects of chemotherapy and so
  • 13:57in initial work that was led by
  • 13:59Sarah Hurvitz and Jennifer Castle,
  • 14:01Gin a former fellow in my lab.
  • 14:03Now, faculty at Stanford,
  • 14:05we had embarked on an initiative,
  • 14:07and this was actually embedded in the B
  • 14:1007 trial design to leverage these pre
  • 14:13on treatment and surgical samples to
  • 14:16conduct bulk RNA expression profiling.
  • 14:18And this was done using
  • 14:21actually dual color microarrays.
  • 14:23Which have now been largely
  • 14:25supplanted by by RDC,
  • 14:27but nonetheless you.
  • 14:28You can see here the sort of try the
  • 14:31design for this after a single cycle of
  • 14:34of either of these agents we collected
  • 14:37actually fresh frozen material and
  • 14:38this was from a total of 89 patients.
  • 14:40The fresh frozen material was then
  • 14:42sent for RNA profiling and so of
  • 14:44course the key question here is
  • 14:45based on these expression profiles,
  • 14:47could we predict pathologic
  • 14:50complete response and?
  • 14:52You can see that we took actually
  • 14:54quite a deep dive into understanding
  • 14:57the baseline clinical covariates and
  • 14:59tumor features for these individuals.
  • 15:02What you can see are the different
  • 15:04measurements that were made.
  • 15:05These include the her two fish ratio,
  • 15:08which was.
  • 15:10Obviously performed as part of
  • 15:11the enrollment crunch cereal.
  • 15:12We then went on to calculate
  • 15:15the immune score.
  • 15:16Her two IHC was also performed.
  • 15:18Tills were scored and based on
  • 15:20the RNA expression profiling,
  • 15:22we were able to infer both
  • 15:23intrinsic subtype M50 as well as
  • 15:25the integrative subtypes which
  • 15:27my group defined some years ago,
  • 15:29and I'll speak to that more later
  • 15:31and and then you have hormone
  • 15:32receptor status and of course,
  • 15:34Pathologic complete response.
  • 15:35So really quite a rich data set with
  • 15:38with numerous molecular correlate's.
  • 15:39I'll cut to the chase and say that
  • 15:42despite having all of these in hand,
  • 15:44really none of them were
  • 15:47robustly predictive of PCR.
  • 15:48And that was true both at
  • 15:50baseline as well as on therapy.
  • 15:53But what we did learn from this
  • 15:54study is that we were able to
  • 15:56really start to deconvolve some of
  • 15:58the contributions and something
  • 15:59and illuminate some of the real
  • 16:01challenges that come up with
  • 16:04bulk admic sequencing data,
  • 16:06and so many of the patterns that we
  • 16:08saw are in line with what might.
  • 16:10One might expect So what this plot
  • 16:12shows here is actually the changes
  • 16:15in gene expression during the
  • 16:17short term on treatment biopsy.
  • 16:19So after just a single cycle you
  • 16:22can see the normalized enrichment
  • 16:24scores for a variety of gene sets,
  • 16:26and amongst those that are downregulated
  • 16:29we have decreases in her two signaling
  • 16:32proliferation and so forth.
  • 16:34In in contrast we see increased enrichment
  • 16:37for stromal and immune signatures.
  • 16:40Just started after the short
  • 16:42term therapy and there's a
  • 16:43variety of signatures included.
  • 16:44Many of them are of course correlated,
  • 16:46and that's actually something that's
  • 16:48really important to examine as we
  • 16:50seek to parse these signatures,
  • 16:51and so this is just showing really the
  • 16:54Pearson correlation coefficient matrix
  • 16:55based on the gene set enrichment,
  • 16:58and hopefully what you can take away
  • 17:00from this is that there's a huge
  • 17:02degree of correlation for many of
  • 17:04these pathways with one another,
  • 17:05and this just sort of mirrors
  • 17:07what we see over here. So indeed,
  • 17:08in this short time course we are.
  • 17:11Observing a number of patterns
  • 17:12that we might expect to see.
  • 17:16But there are, you know,
  • 17:17we can also use these data to start to
  • 17:19deconvolve what happens on therapy,
  • 17:20and so, like many others,
  • 17:22we also performed intrinsic subtyping.
  • 17:25You can see that there's a preponderance
  • 17:26of the her two enriched subgroup.
  • 17:28This comprises roughly 53%
  • 17:30of patients pretreatment.
  • 17:32There's also a substantial normal,
  • 17:33like composition here at treat.
  • 17:36You know, prior to therapy, but on therapy,
  • 17:39we do see this pretty dramatic switching,
  • 17:41where a number of the her 2E
  • 17:43cases actually become normalized.
  • 17:44There is some other switching
  • 17:46going on amongst.
  • 17:47Luminous, but that's more modest,
  • 17:48so we can assess these,
  • 17:50and in these patterns are in
  • 17:51line where others have reported
  • 17:53and Pamela and similar trials.
  • 17:55We can also use the bulk data to attempt
  • 17:58to deconvolve the immune composition,
  • 18:01but this is an exceedingly hard task,
  • 18:04really, uh,
  • 18:04you know there are many algorithms for this.
  • 18:07I show one example,
  • 18:08the cyber sort approach,
  • 18:10which uses a reference matrix,
  • 18:11and what I hope you take away from this
  • 18:13is that you know apparent from these
  • 18:15plots there's actually relatively.
  • 18:17Modest changes from pre to on treatment
  • 18:19or even at the time of definitive surgery.
  • 18:22After completion of both
  • 18:25targeted and chemotherapy.
  • 18:26So this is a hard nut to crack.
  • 18:29And actually the admixture
  • 18:31in these populations.
  • 18:33Really, we believe,
  • 18:34hindered our ability to discover
  • 18:36biomarkers in this context,
  • 18:38and so I'll leave off there
  • 18:40and say that this in tandem.
  • 18:41You know,
  • 18:42having sort of early reads into this
  • 18:43and what others had been observing,
  • 18:44which was similar.
  • 18:46Let us too.
  • 18:47Then take a new approach and so
  • 18:50in collaboration with ministering
  • 18:52while they were developing the
  • 18:54digital spatial profiling platform,
  • 18:56we really embarked on.
  • 18:57This study was led by Katherine
  • 18:59McNamara and MD,
  • 19:00PhD student,
  • 19:02who will match very soon and and
  • 19:04was just a stellar lead and really
  • 19:06taking on these new data types.
  • 19:07And So what we did was to
  • 19:09go back to this cohort.
  • 19:10Now we turn to the formalin,
  • 19:12fixed paraffin embedded tissue
  • 19:14and we selected data from a.
  • 19:16You know it was a total of 100 and.
  • 19:18There were 122 samples that
  • 19:20derived from 57 patients,
  • 19:22and these were the ones that we
  • 19:23felt we had adequate material
  • 19:25left for for this assay,
  • 19:26and so there were a total of
  • 19:2820 in the discovery cohort,
  • 19:2929 in the validation,
  • 19:31again sampled at baseline,
  • 19:33pretreatment at run in and at surgery.
  • 19:36Right,
  • 19:37so for those of you that are
  • 19:39not familiar with this assay,
  • 19:41we were focused on the Multiplex
  • 19:44proteomic piece.
  • 19:45There are indeed also technologies
  • 19:48that allow one to profile the
  • 19:50transcriptome that we're still very
  • 19:52much in development at this time.
  • 19:53The basic premise of this assay
  • 19:55is that we have an indexing
  • 19:57oligo nucleotide that is attached
  • 19:59to this UV linker,
  • 20:00and So what we can essentially
  • 20:02do is to sustain our slide or FP
  • 20:04slide with probes or antibodies of.
  • 20:06Interest these oligos are UV,
  • 20:09photo,
  • 20:09cleavable and so that we can
  • 20:11image the slides.
  • 20:12Go in and select regions of interest or
  • 20:14our allies and cleave off these oligos,
  • 20:17aspirate them, and especially dispense them,
  • 20:20and then they can be read off digitally,
  • 20:22either using the Nanostring
  • 20:23encounter or indeed via sequencing.
  • 20:25And this process is repeated for a number
  • 20:29of antibodies up to approximately 40 Plex,
  • 20:31and so to give you a flavor for what we did.
  • 20:34These were all four Micron
  • 20:35sections that we took from this.
  • 20:37You know almost this clinical trial for which
  • 20:39we were using the sort of residual material,
  • 20:42and we actually arrayed the pre on and
  • 20:45surgical sample onto the same slide
  • 20:47to mitigate batch effects and went
  • 20:49in then and essentially use one of
  • 20:51the the features of DSP which is to
  • 20:54select based on phenotypic markers,
  • 20:56in this case pants ID keratin to
  • 20:59enrich for tumor cells as well as CD
  • 21:0245 to illuminate immune cells.
  • 21:05And of course this is coupled with the.
  • 21:07Does DNA marker and so we can go
  • 21:09in and really then take the tumor,
  • 21:11enrich mask,
  • 21:11or indeed take the inverted mask and enrich
  • 21:15for the surrounding microenvironment?
  • 21:16And we profiled a 43 Plex marker panel.
  • 21:21This was really the panel that was in
  • 21:23development at Nanostring at the time.
  • 21:25We were fortunate that included a
  • 21:28number of her two pathway members,
  • 21:31AKT Phospho, AKT, and so forth.
  • 21:33We actually had to add her to on.
  • 21:34We could not convince them at
  • 21:36the time to add.
  • 21:38IAR, which was you know,
  • 21:39disappointing in many respects,
  • 21:41but I think many of the immune markers
  • 21:44are really well represented here,
  • 21:45and so this is the panel that we had now,
  • 21:48just to give you a flavor,
  • 21:49you know our eyes select selection.
  • 21:51We could spend a lot of time talking about.
  • 21:52There are huge study design
  • 21:54considerations for how we do this.
  • 21:56You know,
  • 21:57in this trial cohort we essentially
  • 21:59our goal was to select an average
  • 22:02of four or ROI's part issue.
  • 22:04This shows you an example where we
  • 22:06selected 6 and in a different case where.
  • 22:08You can see three of the four
  • 22:10in this non PCR case,
  • 22:12so you know we are essentially
  • 22:14picking similar regions,
  • 22:15but trying to be representative here and
  • 22:17there are many ways to go about doing
  • 22:19this now just to convince ourselves
  • 22:21that the technology was working because
  • 22:23we were amongst the first to view this,
  • 22:26we went in and compared the
  • 22:29normalized DSP KY 67 levels with the
  • 22:31immunohistochemistry CHI 67 that we had
  • 22:34for the same subset of samples and you
  • 22:36can see that the correlation is .62.
  • 22:38Reasonably good here.
  • 22:40We did a similar analysis for her
  • 22:43to where we had compared with,
  • 22:45you know,
  • 22:46I see based staining and again
  • 22:48we're seeing trends that we would
  • 22:50expect that convinced us of.
  • 22:52You know that we were at least reading
  • 22:54out some of this appropriately.
  • 22:56So to give you a sense for the data.
  • 22:59Really,
  • 22:59what you can see here are just
  • 23:01two examples
  • 23:02of case 69.
  • 23:03A pathologic complete response and case 58.
  • 23:06I'm showing you individual regions.
  • 23:09That we went in and profiled,
  • 23:10and you can see the her two levels are
  • 23:13indicated for these different regions above.
  • 23:15And so this is just to show how
  • 23:17we could visualize the data.
  • 23:19But of course,
  • 23:20what we're really interested in are the
  • 23:22quantifications that we derive for this.
  • 23:24So coming back to the sort of
  • 23:27baseline characteristics that
  • 23:28I had shared with you before,
  • 23:30we were now very interested in looking at
  • 23:32two key markers starting with her two.
  • 23:35Of course as well as CD 45.
  • 23:37So these are the protein markers of
  • 23:39interest you can see on the bottom
  • 23:41that we've stratified by intrinsic
  • 23:42subtype as well as ER status obviously
  • 23:44critical to account for here,
  • 23:46and Patsy R,
  • 23:46and so each of these dots represents
  • 23:48a not at the log 2 normalized digital
  • 23:51spatial profiling protein levels.
  • 23:52You can see that there is reasonably.
  • 23:54You know,
  • 23:55good clustering for some of these in
  • 23:57terms of the levels of expression
  • 23:59within a sample, but some cases also exhibit,
  • 24:01you know, pretty considerable variability,
  • 24:04and so this is if we want to look at
  • 24:07each of the regions individually.
  • 24:08And that's of course something
  • 24:10we can do with these data.
  • 24:11So this gives us a sense for
  • 24:15the heterogeneity present.
  • 24:16In these markers,
  • 24:17and neither were predictive at baseline,
  • 24:19neither of these protein
  • 24:21markers were predictive of PCR.
  • 24:23We can also, of course,
  • 24:25look at her two heterogeneity
  • 24:27with far greater granularity,
  • 24:29and so one of the ways that you
  • 24:32could envision doing this is,
  • 24:33as we've represented here,
  • 24:34taking the PCR cases and non
  • 24:36PCR cases on the bottom.
  • 24:37This is again for each each individual
  • 24:41region or summarizing the her two
  • 24:44protein levels and you can see.
  • 24:46How they look pretreatment
  • 24:49versus on treatment.
  • 24:50Whenever available,
  • 24:51you can see that there's quite a bit
  • 24:53more variability in the on treatment,
  • 24:55her two levels,
  • 24:55and actually we quantified this.
  • 24:57You can look at the mean square error
  • 25:01within patients versus between patients
  • 25:03and see that they're far more comparable.
  • 25:05Pretreatment versus on treatment.
  • 25:07I mean,
  • 25:08we really have a quite dramatic degree
  • 25:10of change in her two heterogeneity,
  • 25:14and so this this tells us
  • 25:16something of course about.
  • 25:17You know both that were
  • 25:19likely hitting the target,
  • 25:20but what that you know?
  • 25:21How do we interpret the functional
  • 25:24importance of this heterogeneity
  • 25:25so you know the beauty of the
  • 25:27multiplexing here is that it's not
  • 25:29just her two that's of interest,
  • 25:30but we can actually do these
  • 25:32kinds of analysis for all of the
  • 25:34markers that we've profiled.
  • 25:35And so this is just stratifying
  • 25:37by pretreatment on treatment,
  • 25:39looking at all two all tumor markers.
  • 25:42Not surprisingly,
  • 25:43the greatest change in her two heterogeneity.
  • 25:47Is in heterogeneous for her too,
  • 25:49but this is followed by Phospho S6.
  • 25:51If we instead look at the immune markers,
  • 25:53we see that the change is
  • 25:56overall relatively less compared
  • 25:57to the tumor markers,
  • 25:59but amongst the top markers we do
  • 26:01see differences in our CD3 and CD8.
  • 26:04And I should emphasize right now that all
  • 26:06of the data that I'm showing you at this
  • 26:08point is based on the pan cytokeratin
  • 26:10enriched regions and focusing in on those.
  • 26:12So similarly we can ask, well, you know,
  • 26:14how do these markers change or differ?
  • 26:16Or is there any association between patients
  • 26:18that achieve a PCR versus those that don't?
  • 26:21And this is now beginning to compare
  • 26:23these on treatment values and and you
  • 26:25can see that there are indeed pretty
  • 26:27dramatic differences between responders
  • 26:29and non responders.
  • 26:30So this is all very well.
  • 26:32I want to come back to say that
  • 26:33of course you know we were.
  • 26:34Being fairly pragmatic in
  • 26:35our initial approach here,
  • 26:36asking well can we.
  • 26:37What can we learn from these
  • 26:39samples at baseline?
  • 26:40It would be ideal if we had strong
  • 26:42predictors of response at baseline,
  • 26:44so this is just showing you the CD
  • 26:4745 pretreatment levels in a vial
  • 26:49implant for the PCR cases versus
  • 26:51non PCR as well As for CD 56 and
  • 26:53what you can hopefully appreciate
  • 26:55based on these violins are that
  • 26:58there's really very no association
  • 27:02in in the pretreatment markers,
  • 27:04but once we start to look.
  • 27:05On treatment,
  • 27:06we're actually starting to see
  • 27:07that there are significant
  • 27:09differences between these markers
  • 27:11in the PCR versus non PCR cases.
  • 27:13So that gave us some,
  • 27:14you know,
  • 27:14sort of encouragement just in from
  • 27:16a univariate analysis perspective.
  • 27:18But what really got us excited?
  • 27:22Was when we started to look at
  • 27:24these markers in concert and So
  • 27:26what I'm showing you here in this.
  • 27:31It plot is that we're looking at the
  • 27:33significance or the negative log 10
  • 27:35FDR adjusted P value from the change
  • 27:38from run into baseline again in the pan,
  • 27:40CK enriched regions and so now you
  • 27:43can look at the PCR cases and see that
  • 27:45a whole host of markers are lower,
  • 27:48quite dramatically lower at running.
  • 27:50These include her two but also
  • 27:52phospho 6 phospho Akt Chi 67,
  • 27:54phospho, Erk and so forth.
  • 27:57So really the whole ham pathway.
  • 28:01Is showing a decrease?
  • 28:03On treatment in patients that respond,
  • 28:06there is a concomitant increase
  • 28:07in a number of immune markers,
  • 28:09including CD45, CD, eight others,
  • 28:12really quite dramatic opposition here,
  • 28:15and in contrast,
  • 28:16we did not observe these patterns
  • 28:18in the non PCR cases,
  • 28:20so you can see that a handful of
  • 28:22these markers are indeed achieved.
  • 28:24Significance based on the FDR and there is a,
  • 28:27you know, sort of a modest log 2 fold change,
  • 28:30but it is much attenuated relative
  • 28:33to the PCR cases,
  • 28:34so this was the 1st.
  • 28:35Sign that we had some signal and
  • 28:37these data and was really quite encouraging.
  • 28:41Now I wanted to come back to the
  • 28:43RNA seek data RNA data that I
  • 28:45showed you in the very beginning,
  • 28:47and to say that we took the match samples.
  • 28:49So just subsetting the larger
  • 28:51RNA fresh frozen cohort where
  • 28:53we failed to observe an association
  • 28:55and asking what if we take these
  • 28:57markers and just look at the
  • 28:58RNA level and what you can see.
  • 29:00Is that really we see no signal
  • 29:03here now this of course could
  • 29:06be attributed to many factors.
  • 29:07It could be due to admixture in the bulk RNA.
  • 29:11It could be due to the fact that
  • 29:13we've actually enriched for a pan
  • 29:15set of keratin tumor enriched,
  • 29:16you know, population using DSP.
  • 29:19And thirdly, it could be due to the fact
  • 29:21that you know protein is more proximal.
  • 29:23Readout of these signaling pathway
  • 29:24changes that we want to observe.
  • 29:25So multiple factors here, of course,
  • 29:27the ideal comparator would be to do DSP RNA.
  • 29:31Unfortunately,
  • 29:32when we did this at the time,
  • 29:34the RNA probes, it was a 96 Plex panel.
  • 29:36We did do it the signal to noise was.
  • 29:39Incredibly poor and we really
  • 29:41couldn't use those data,
  • 29:42so it is an experiment that that
  • 29:43I'm sort of curious about to get
  • 29:45back to which of these factors is
  • 29:47driving our observations and I'll
  • 29:49speak a little bit more to that more,
  • 29:52but but you know,
  • 29:53I will place some bets on the fact
  • 29:56that we are enriching for tumor,
  • 29:59and we are reading this out of the
  • 30:01protein level so encouraged by our
  • 30:03the previous slide and showing that
  • 30:05there was an association between
  • 30:07multiple markers in the PCR.
  • 30:09Cases we then went on to take the
  • 30:12logical next step which was to
  • 30:14ask could we develop a classifier
  • 30:16in our discovery cohort?
  • 30:19Our very small discovery cohort and
  • 30:22ask whether we could potentially
  • 30:24predict response and so this is an L2
  • 30:27regularized regression model because
  • 30:28we were really trying to understand
  • 30:30what these data could tell us.
  • 30:32What we have done is to look at the
  • 30:35DSP markers combined ingredients.
  • 30:37So this is an and.
  • 30:39Yep,
  • 30:40pre and on treatment and we're
  • 30:42comparing this with the sort of classic
  • 30:44markers that we have in the field today.
  • 30:46Which is estrogen receptor status,
  • 30:49which we know is associated with PCR in the
  • 30:51her two positive setting as well as Pam.
  • 30:5350 You can see that this is this
  • 30:54purple line with amine OC of .5
  • 30:56so not telling us a whole bunch.
  • 30:58We also try to combine these and
  • 31:00ask whether this would improve our
  • 31:02prediction and answer is no but but
  • 31:04we were reasonably encouraged by
  • 31:07this AUC of .733. Obviously this is.
  • 31:10In, you know, in the discovery cohort alone,
  • 31:14using cross validation and so you know,
  • 31:17encouraged by this the next question was,
  • 31:19well, OK,
  • 31:20what markers are actually informative here,
  • 31:22and so looking at the marker coefficients
  • 31:24with this within this L2 model,
  • 31:26what we noticed was that really CD
  • 31:2945 and adjacent to this the next
  • 31:31one up was Vista were amongst the
  • 31:34the largest marker coefficient,
  • 31:36so that gave us some clues and
  • 31:38this was in the on treatment.
  • 31:40Right,
  • 31:40shown here in pink in the
  • 31:43on treatment biopsy.
  • 31:44So with this in hand we then you know,
  • 31:46got a bit bolder and said, well, OK.
  • 31:48What if we just look at CD 45 DSP alone?
  • 31:52I mean, this would obviously be a
  • 31:53simpler way to approach this problem,
  • 31:55and the answer was that
  • 31:57in our discovery cohort,
  • 31:58so this is using cross validation.
  • 32:00We got a very very high AUC,
  • 32:03almost too good to be true of .9 and
  • 32:05so then we actually took this into our,
  • 32:09you know, withheld validation set where
  • 32:11we assess this in the AC was .75.
  • 32:14So not too bad.
  • 32:15Still encouraging enough and and this
  • 32:16LED us to then kind of come back to
  • 32:18what I mentioned at the beginning,
  • 32:19which was what we had on treatment pills.
  • 32:22We had scored these for the entire cohort.
  • 32:24We hadn't seen an association at
  • 32:26large with that and we had reported
  • 32:28that along with the trial.
  • 32:30But you know what are these trends look like?
  • 32:32So so here you can see the on
  • 32:35treatment tell score broken down
  • 32:37by non PCR versus PCR and you know
  • 32:41we really see a far more striking
  • 32:43separation of PCR versus non PCR cases.
  • 32:45Saying CD 45 DSP they are correlated
  • 32:47but not as well as one would like.
  • 32:50And that begs a number of questions
  • 32:52and and of course it would be really
  • 32:55interesting to ask you know why is that
  • 32:57the case in in this PO7 clinical trial?
  • 32:59And why have others seen more of an
  • 33:01association? For example in Pamela?
  • 33:02But as I showed you before,
  • 33:04not this doesn't always validate,
  • 33:05and I think you know it raises the question.
  • 33:07There's of course a lot of inter and intra
  • 33:10observer variability in scoring chills,
  • 33:12and so perhaps that's a contributing factor.
  • 33:16But so with this information in hand
  • 33:18and encouraged by the fact that CD
  • 33:2145 DSP protein alone on treatment
  • 33:23seem to be predictive of a PCR,
  • 33:27we then went on to really try to reduce
  • 33:30this approach to a more simplistic strategy.
  • 33:33And So what we did was to then
  • 33:35come back and perform CD.
  • 33:3745 I mean a histochemistry on
  • 33:40the cohort we had in hand,
  • 33:42and we gathered as many additional
  • 33:44cases from this clinical trial which
  • 33:46was near expended at this point.
  • 33:48To use that as a validation set,
  • 33:50and so importantly,
  • 33:52we built into this an effort to enrich
  • 33:56with expert pathology guidance for
  • 33:58tumor for tumor and rich regions,
  • 34:00and this was really trying to mimic
  • 34:02what we had done with the pants
  • 34:05cytokeratin enrichment using DSP.
  • 34:07We then use Q path to really
  • 34:09automate this process and develop
  • 34:10a digital pathology workflow.
  • 34:12So how does this look?
  • 34:13Well, so now this is taking, you know,
  • 34:16a comparison of the match cases where we had.
  • 34:19And then CD 45 immunohistochemistry
  • 34:21shown in orange versus those
  • 34:24cases where we had CD 45 DSP.
  • 34:26You can see that they're
  • 34:27largely in agreement.
  • 34:28The IHC does slightly better,
  • 34:31but really these are very,
  • 34:34you know, reasonable AUC's to observe
  • 34:35and just to put this in context,
  • 34:37then what we're what we really want
  • 34:39to be able to do is ask, well,
  • 34:40what is the positive predictive value?
  • 34:42The chance that a tumor will
  • 34:45have a pathologic complete
  • 34:47response to TCLTCH or TCHL?
  • 34:49So the three different arms in the study
  • 34:51and we were able to then, you know,
  • 34:54use this to sort of set a cut point and
  • 34:56the positive predictive value for a CD.
  • 35:0045% positivity greater than 20% is .82 here,
  • 35:03and this is in this combined cohort.
  • 35:05If we do this only in the validation set.
  • 35:08Where we have fewer cases,
  • 35:10it drops to about .71.
  • 35:12But Needless to say,
  • 35:13this was really encouraging and
  • 35:14begs the question, you know,
  • 35:15sort of just to come back to this,
  • 35:16but we could go from a Multiplex assay
  • 35:18and reduce this down to a single
  • 35:20marker that could be run in any lab.
  • 35:22We know that CD 45 is incredibly
  • 35:24robust and raises the possibility that
  • 35:27perhaps this kind of approach could
  • 35:30be used to guide therapy D escalation.
  • 35:33Now I'll come back to this.
  • 35:34This will require further validation
  • 35:36in additional trial cohorts, namely.
  • 35:39Ideally those that did not administer
  • 35:42chemotherapy.
  • 35:42Afterwards,
  • 35:43and we are actively now validating
  • 35:45us in a in a retrospectively in
  • 35:48one of those trial cohorts,
  • 35:50and if that pans out then of course then
  • 35:53next steps would be a prospective effort.
  • 35:55So moving you know back,
  • 35:58I just want to spend a few more minutes
  • 36:00saying that we of course had much more
  • 36:02data in this cohort that we could mine.
  • 36:04We are very keen to really leverage
  • 36:07what started out as a discovery effort,
  • 36:10but LED us to this new biomarker.
  • 36:11I mean,
  • 36:12this really was a piloting of the technology.
  • 36:14That uncovered some pretty
  • 36:15interesting biology here,
  • 36:16but sort of coming back to the data
  • 36:19I showed you before that the non
  • 36:21PCR cases really didn't show very
  • 36:23dramatic changes at the pretreatment
  • 36:26versus run in time point.
  • 36:28However,
  • 36:28if we take those same patients and
  • 36:30now look at them at at the surgical
  • 36:33versus pretreatment time points,
  • 36:34so after they've completed the full course,
  • 36:36what we see is actually that by
  • 36:39then they do indeed exhibit a
  • 36:42a reduction in her two.
  • 36:44We'll see that there is a reduction in
  • 36:46CHI 67 these other downstream markers,
  • 36:48however, are less downregulated,
  • 36:50and this potentially suggests
  • 36:52compensatory signaling in the non PCR
  • 36:55cases that's active at the time of surgery.
  • 36:57I will point out as well that we do
  • 36:59see shifts by the time of surgery
  • 37:01in immune markers, including CD 56.
  • 37:03And of course you know this raises
  • 37:07the question.
  • 37:08Why that might be the most enriches
  • 37:10this because we're seeing an
  • 37:12effective natural killer cells
  • 37:13in identifying and killing these
  • 37:15chemotherapy stressed tumor cells.
  • 37:17You know that's that's possible.
  • 37:20And so really a lot to unpack here,
  • 37:22but I think it's quite
  • 37:23interesting that now we do
  • 37:24start to see these changes now.
  • 37:26On top of this, I haven't really
  • 37:28talked at all beyond what we can
  • 37:30do with the tumor in rich regions.
  • 37:32But as I mentioned in the beginning,
  • 37:33you know a benefit of the DSP
  • 37:36approach and the phenotypic
  • 37:37selection strategy that we deployed.
  • 37:40There are many others that one could
  • 37:42envision is that we can now select the
  • 37:46surrounding tumor microenvironment area,
  • 37:47and so we wanted to explore that.
  • 37:50You know a bit here,
  • 37:52and So what I'm showing you is
  • 37:54now looking at the enrichment of
  • 37:56just immune genes in either the
  • 37:58surrounding microenvironment that's
  • 37:59shown over here on the right.
  • 38:02So that's an enrichment towards the TME.
  • 38:05The TME area versus in the tumor over here,
  • 38:08and so this is in the first instance
  • 38:10looking at the pretreatment time point
  • 38:12where you can see is that there's really
  • 38:14a number of immune suppressive marks
  • 38:16evident in the tumor in rich region.
  • 38:18We see evidence for T cell exclusion.
  • 38:20Based on you know, CD3 CD,
  • 38:22four other markers.
  • 38:23I do want to be cautious here
  • 38:25and why we sort of, you know,
  • 38:27interpret this a little bit
  • 38:28carefully is that you know,
  • 38:30I think there's a lot of
  • 38:31open questions around,
  • 38:32just the relative.
  • 38:33So we say stickiness affinity of these
  • 38:35antibodies in tumor versus immune
  • 38:38populations that we don't understand well,
  • 38:40and that will need to be parsed further.
  • 38:43And I say that in part,
  • 38:44just noting that we see very, you know,
  • 38:46high enrichment of B7H4 over here.
  • 38:48So we could take that with a grain of salt,
  • 38:51but of course what we can do is
  • 38:52assume that those are going to be
  • 38:54equivalent overtime and now ask well
  • 38:56what happens in terms of these marks
  • 38:58from pretreatment to on treatment,
  • 39:00and you can see that you know really
  • 39:03in the tumor enriched region,
  • 39:05things stay large,
  • 39:05largely the same at this first time point,
  • 39:07by the time we get to the post
  • 39:09treatment time point,
  • 39:10we actually do see that you know many
  • 39:14of these markers have now shifted.
  • 39:15We see far less evidence of, you know,
  • 39:17sort of this T cell exclusion.
  • 39:19Now they've.
  • 39:19Appeared to infiltrate and and I'll
  • 39:21point out that this Last Post treatment,
  • 39:23timepoint were of course only
  • 39:25looking at the non PCR cases.
  • 39:27We're not looking at the responders who
  • 39:29presumably had no tumor cells present.
  • 39:32Right,
  • 39:32so this this gives us some clues as
  • 39:34to also potentially the timing of
  • 39:37changes of these immune markers,
  • 39:39and you know raises the question
  • 39:41as to whether further efforts to
  • 39:43profile at multiple time points
  • 39:45on therapy might actually inform
  • 39:47you know the timing of these,
  • 39:49I mean infiltrates and maybe have
  • 39:52relevance for contemplating the timing
  • 39:54of immunotherapy in these populations.
  • 39:55And of course that will
  • 39:57require further study as well.
  • 39:59So I guess you know just to
  • 40:00really wrap up this part.
  • 40:02I'll say that Multiplex proteomic profiling,
  • 40:05coupled with pan Cytokeratin and
  • 40:06Richemond can reveal dynamic changes
  • 40:08in the tumor microenvironment
  • 40:10during her two targeted therapy.
  • 40:12These data are data really under score the
  • 40:14value of having a non treatment biopsy.
  • 40:16That's obviously can be difficult to achieve,
  • 40:19but this was instrumental.
  • 40:21And really where we saw the most predictive.
  • 40:25A potential of any of these biomarkers.
  • 40:29We see that CD 45,
  • 40:31either expression or cell counts as measured
  • 40:34by HC predicted PCR in an independent
  • 40:37set and this really did outperform
  • 40:40other candidate biomarkers such as ER
  • 40:42or her to enrich status and so we do.
  • 40:46We think that these findings have
  • 40:48implications for tailoring therapy.
  • 40:49Of course, far more work is needed,
  • 40:51but really the dream would be to
  • 40:53be able to scare to spare patients
  • 40:56who safely can omit chemotherapy.
  • 41:00And to make that determination
  • 41:02early during their treatment course
  • 41:03and so this will require further
  • 41:06validation which is ongoing.
  • 41:07But I'll just say that you know,
  • 41:08I think there's many other open
  • 41:10questions that this work informs.
  • 41:12Of course,
  • 41:12you know it will be interesting to see
  • 41:15how predictive CD 45 is in other cohorts,
  • 41:17as well As for other anti
  • 41:19her two targeted agents.
  • 41:20I'm still very interested to better
  • 41:22understand the comparison with
  • 41:24cell till that hasn't really been
  • 41:26head-to-head in larger cohorts.
  • 41:27I think this raises the question
  • 41:28about what is the optimal timing.
  • 41:30We had this essentially one cycle of
  • 41:32targeted therapy two week window because
  • 41:34that's when patients were biopsied,
  • 41:36and it's convenient.
  • 41:38There may be better windows,
  • 41:40but of course understanding this
  • 41:42timing is going to be critical for
  • 41:45really optimizing our interventions.
  • 41:46And then there's many other
  • 41:49questions about whether CD 45,
  • 41:51you know will correlate with long term
  • 41:53outcomes and whether its prognostic
  • 41:56and or predictive in other subgroups
  • 41:58of breast cancer and other cancers.
  • 42:01So I'll say that you know there are
  • 42:03many other efforts to contemplate
  • 42:05D escalation strategies.
  • 42:07One of these is the ADAPT trial,
  • 42:11which is looking at neoadjuvant
  • 42:13pertuzumab plus trustees.
  • 42:14Mab with or without paclitaxel.
  • 42:16Another trial is for gain,
  • 42:19which is looking at and FDG PET based
  • 42:23biomarker of Pathologic complete
  • 42:25response and of course these are
  • 42:28you know ongoing and reporting out.
  • 42:30And really, just highlight,
  • 42:32I think the the real efforts of
  • 42:35the Community to try to identify
  • 42:37these biomarkers and two to optimize
  • 42:40for our patients.
  • 42:41Now I will say that of course
  • 42:43I've I've mentioned this in the
  • 42:45context of deescalation.
  • 42:45Really the flip side of that coin is that
  • 42:49ultimately we're very likely to need risk.
  • 42:52Adapted novel trial designs to tailor
  • 42:55therapy and deliver new drugs to
  • 42:58high risk patients as needed and so.
  • 43:00We've been contemplating that a little
  • 43:02bit more in the ER positive her two
  • 43:03negative setting and I'll just say that,
  • 43:05you know,
  • 43:05sort of building on from this work
  • 43:07we've now embarked on a number of
  • 43:09other efforts to really chart not only
  • 43:12the tumor immune microenvironment,
  • 43:13but to characterize tumor
  • 43:15evolution through therapy.
  • 43:16And that's been on a really
  • 43:18long standing interest in
  • 43:19my lab. We are using a
  • 43:21variety of tools to do this,
  • 43:22not only spatial proteomics,
  • 43:24but also transcriptomics,
  • 43:26which you know affords us maybe
  • 43:29a less biased approach, and.
  • 43:30Enables discovery efforts and and for many
  • 43:32of these cohorts that we're working on,
  • 43:35we've previously performed end up
  • 43:37sequencing mainly at the bulk DNA level,
  • 43:40but in some cases when possible.
  • 43:42We're also doing this, you know,
  • 43:44at the single cell level,
  • 43:45to try to tease apart this biology,
  • 43:47and so one of the areas that
  • 43:50we're particularly interested in,
  • 43:51and that I'll just summarize
  • 43:53briefly is in understanding the
  • 43:56determinants of breast cancer relapse
  • 43:58and so to highlight this problem.
  • 44:01You know,
  • 44:01I think we all appreciate that
  • 44:03prognosis has improved dramatically for
  • 44:04early stage breast cancer patients,
  • 44:06in part due to new therapeutic
  • 44:08strategies and screening and,
  • 44:10and we certainly know this is the
  • 44:11case for her two positive disease,
  • 44:13but but for many other subgroups.
  • 44:15And yet at the same time more
  • 44:17than 20% of patients will recur
  • 44:19with Mets at distant sites,
  • 44:22and this remains largely incurable.
  • 44:24There was a very powerful meta
  • 44:27analysis performed by panel
  • 44:29published several years ago.
  • 44:31Which demonstrated that there's a
  • 44:32subset of women with early stage ER,
  • 44:35positive breast cancer who have a
  • 44:36persistent risk of recurrence and death
  • 44:382 decades after their initial diagnosis,
  • 44:41and these include women
  • 44:43with node negative disease.
  • 44:45As you can see over here,
  • 44:48and so really illuminating what's
  • 44:50been observed in clinical practice.
  • 44:51Now,
  • 44:52a key challenge of this has been
  • 44:54that it's evident that our classic
  • 44:57characteristics of nodal status,
  • 44:59size, grade are insufficient.
  • 45:01To predict recurrence,
  • 45:02and really that the progress in the
  • 45:04space has been impeded by the lack
  • 45:07of cohorts with long term clinical
  • 45:09follow-up and molecular data.
  • 45:11And so this is really a segue to
  • 45:15just a brief summary of of other
  • 45:17work that we've been pursuing where
  • 45:19several years ago now a decade ago.
  • 45:21Actually,
  • 45:22we sought to unpack the genomic
  • 45:25landscape of breast cancer,
  • 45:28really focusing on combining whole
  • 45:30genome copy number based profiling.
  • 45:33Quick transcriptomics and using
  • 45:35unsupervised approaches we discovered
  • 45:37that there are at least 10 molecularly
  • 45:39distinct groups of disease.
  • 45:41You can see these over here.
  • 45:42This is the chromosome copy number
  • 45:45in red shows amplifications,
  • 45:46deletions in blue looking along
  • 45:48the chromosome,
  • 45:48and you'll recognize the Pam 50
  • 45:50intrinsic subgroups and then our
  • 45:52integrative subgroups on the outside.
  • 45:54You can see that we really
  • 45:56discover a number of groups.
  • 45:58Not only do we recover, of course,
  • 46:00the her two positive Group A great control,
  • 46:02but we see other groups such
  • 46:03as integrative cluster.
  • 46:04One which has amplification of ARP,
  • 46:056 KB,
  • 46:06one on chromosome 17 Q integrative cluster,
  • 46:096 amplification.
  • 46:10Overexpression of FGFR,
  • 46:11one on chromosome 8P12 and then this
  • 46:15highly complex integrated cluster
  • 46:17two with amplification of a cassette
  • 46:19of chromatin regulators on 11 Q.
  • 46:22So additional subgroups that are
  • 46:24very much copy number defined
  • 46:26and we were able to further show
  • 46:28that these integrative
  • 46:29subgroups really have
  • 46:31distinct clinical outcomes.
  • 46:32This is this cohort,
  • 46:33obviously by virtue of the long
  • 46:35follow-up predated the use of trustees,
  • 46:37and Ave can see the integrative Cluster
  • 46:385 or her two positive group here,
  • 46:40but numerous other groups
  • 46:42have very steep trajectories.
  • 46:43So just to recap what what
  • 46:45this really told us is that in
  • 46:48addition to the her two positive
  • 46:50subgroup or integrated Cluster 5.
  • 46:52Many other subgroups are
  • 46:53copying overdriven and might
  • 46:54share similar characteristics,
  • 46:56and so in recent years we've been
  • 46:58able to go back and obtain the 20
  • 47:01year clinical follow up for this
  • 47:04metabolic cohort of over 2000 patients,
  • 47:06and So what I'm showing you here is
  • 47:08just a summary broken down by ear
  • 47:10positive and ear negative patients.
  • 47:12Each patient along the vertical.
  • 47:14You can see the site of metastasis
  • 47:16for these patients.
  • 47:17You can see that they're vast,
  • 47:18so there's a huge degree of organic tropism.
  • 47:22But really,
  • 47:23what's critical about these data
  • 47:24with long term follow up is that
  • 47:26now having this complete recurrence
  • 47:28information allows us to study
  • 47:29the rates and routes of distant
  • 47:31relapse and their lethality,
  • 47:32and so I won't dwell on these data.
  • 47:35They're all publicly available,
  • 47:37but what this led us to is to then really
  • 47:40revisit these integrative subgroups
  • 47:41and their association with relapse risk,
  • 47:44and So what I'm showing you here is
  • 47:47the probability of relapse ordered
  • 47:49by increasing risk for individuals.
  • 47:51And I'll walk through starting
  • 47:53with her two positive.
  • 47:53Again,
  • 47:54before the use of trustees met Ian Black,
  • 47:56you can see after surgery there risks
  • 47:58over this 20 year interval in red
  • 48:00after being disease free five years
  • 48:02and in green disease free 10 years.
  • 48:04And of course these trajectories
  • 48:06are are very steep.
  • 48:07We know her too is a bad actor
  • 48:09prior to trustees moving.
  • 48:10This has changed the game,
  • 48:12but we were intrigued to see that just
  • 48:14adjacent to the her two positive group
  • 48:16where these four what we term high
  • 48:18risk ER positive her two negative subgroups,
  • 48:20integrative clusters 169 and two which
  • 48:22happened to be defined by those.
  • 48:24Hallmark copying appropriations.
  • 48:25I just showed you,
  • 48:27and so really.
  • 48:28Hopefully you can appreciate that the
  • 48:30risks of relapse are in excess of,
  • 48:32you know,
  • 48:32in some cases 55% and this persists.
  • 48:35Five 1020 years after diagnosis,
  • 48:37so we believe that this subset of
  • 48:40patients may correspond to the late
  • 48:42relapsing groups defined by PAN
  • 48:44at all for which biomarkers have
  • 48:46been lacking now adjacent to this.
  • 48:48There are two subgroups of
  • 48:49triple negative disease,
  • 48:50so I see 10 is a classic baselight group.
  • 48:53You can see the risk of relapse
  • 48:55plateaus after five years.
  • 48:56Integrative cluster for this,
  • 48:57ER negative group actually has
  • 48:59a increased risk of relapse,
  • 49:00which better mirrors the ER positive
  • 49:02groups and they have dramatically
  • 49:04different immune landscapes and then
  • 49:06over here we have our more typical risk.
  • 49:08The majority of ER positive her
  • 49:10two negative patients who really
  • 49:12show show much more modest risk,
  • 49:15so. Taking this information and comparing
  • 49:17it to a sort of a typical risk group,
  • 49:19we built the most powerful
  • 49:21clinical models we could,
  • 49:23incorporating all of the known covariates
  • 49:25and what I'm comparing here is the
  • 49:27clinical model plus immunohistochemistry
  • 49:28versus integrative subtype information,
  • 49:31and what I hope you can appreciate is that
  • 49:33if we just look at immunohistochemistry
  • 49:34data to separate these groups,
  • 49:36we see that the risk is really
  • 49:37homogenized the green line triangles
  • 49:39are very similar across these groups,
  • 49:40whereas when we incorporate
  • 49:42intricate subtype,
  • 49:42we see pretty dramatic separation and
  • 49:44in this varies over time and it varies.
  • 49:46In a subgroup,
  • 49:47so we believe that this information
  • 49:49informs the prediction of relapse risk.
  • 49:51But critically, you know,
  • 49:53really these groups have distinct drivers,
  • 49:55and so I've already talked to you about
  • 49:56what the integrative subtypes are.
  • 49:58This is just showing you the
  • 50:00landscape or amplification frequency
  • 50:01for these different drivers.
  • 50:02And really,
  • 50:03there's many genes in these
  • 50:05large copy number regions,
  • 50:06so pinpointing the precise
  • 50:07driver is a challenging task,
  • 50:08but there's a number of candidates
  • 50:10that emerge for each one and just to
  • 50:13say that while individually these
  • 50:15groups account for eight or five.
  • 50:17Or you know, another 8% of the population.
  • 50:19Together they account for 25% of all,
  • 50:22ER positive, her two negative cancers,
  • 50:24and the vast majority of distant relapses.
  • 50:27And so we've been really intrigued
  • 50:28to contemplate the fact that this
  • 50:30may nominate new therapeutic targets
  • 50:31in these high risk populations,
  • 50:33thinking about honing in on their
  • 50:35downstream targets, either the FGFR.
  • 50:38Receptor itself, or indeed the ligands.
  • 50:40And of course many downstream
  • 50:42targets in the AKT mtor pathway.
  • 50:44And so this actually motivated us to
  • 50:47develop a window of opportunity trial
  • 50:49to evaluate new therapeutic strategies
  • 50:51in these high risk populations,
  • 50:53and this is funded by the Department
  • 50:56of Defense and and really this is
  • 50:58a multicenter trial terpsichore,
  • 51:00which we will biomarker stratify patients
  • 51:03according to their integrative subtypes.
  • 51:06Assign them into these individual groups.
  • 51:08And conduct a window study where patients
  • 51:11receive two weeks of targeted therapy.
  • 51:13The readout of interest is a
  • 51:16reduction in CHI 67 after therapy,
  • 51:19and of course we're comparing the
  • 51:21targeted agent alone or in combination.
  • 51:22Sorry,
  • 51:23the targeted agent in combination with
  • 51:25ending therapy or endocrine therapy alone,
  • 51:27and they are randomized,
  • 51:28and so we're really excited about.
  • 51:30This is a very ambitious trial,
  • 51:31of course,
  • 51:32to biomarker stratify in a very short window,
  • 51:34and to do this in the early stage setting,
  • 51:35but we believe that additionally,
  • 51:37by collecting on treatment.
  • 51:39And core biopsy surgical samples
  • 51:41will actually be able to conduct
  • 51:43similar studies to what I described
  • 51:45before looking at the change in
  • 51:47in these in these tissue samples
  • 51:50in response to short term therapy.
  • 51:52And so to enable this,
  • 51:54we've really also set up a whole
  • 51:56pipeline to do prospective biobanking.
  • 51:58Both plasma tissue collection,
  • 52:00but also the generation of organoids.
  • 52:02And I'll say that that's been
  • 52:04really ongoing work in
  • 52:05my group to establish organized
  • 52:07models that are representative of
  • 52:09these high risk of relapse subgroups,
  • 52:11because in fact they are vastly
  • 52:13underrepresented by existing cell lines,
  • 52:16and this is afforded us a real opportunity
  • 52:18to have very high quality viable
  • 52:20material for a number of assays and.
  • 52:23And I hope to share with you
  • 52:24some of that at another time,
  • 52:26but also just to say that this is
  • 52:28also really fueled a new center that
  • 52:30we have for breast cancer metastasis.
  • 52:32It's very much focused on delineating
  • 52:34the evolutionary dynamics as well
  • 52:35as micro environmental determinants
  • 52:37of metastatic breast cancer,
  • 52:38and it's really oriented around
  • 52:40these integrative subgroups which
  • 52:42we've defined seeking to define
  • 52:44their definitive drivers as well
  • 52:46as to leverage real-world data
  • 52:48to evaluate these associations,
  • 52:50but also to do a deep dive
  • 52:52into the cellular topography.
  • 52:54Of both the primary tumor and
  • 52:56metastasis through therapy.
  • 52:58And, of course,
  • 52:59these are inexorably LinkedIn breast
  • 53:01cancer and then a final piece of this
  • 53:03and sort of give you the overwhelming
  • 53:05schematic is actually now with these
  • 53:07organoid models that we've established.
  • 53:09We're actually conducting our very
  • 53:11first crisper screens in 3D models
  • 53:13to really pinpoint the definitive
  • 53:15drivers of these subgroups,
  • 53:16and and of course,
  • 53:17we hope that this information
  • 53:19will ultimately inform the next
  • 53:21wave of clinical trials.
  • 53:23It's all closed by thanking the many
  • 53:26people in my lab who led this work.
  • 53:28Fabulously.
  • 53:28Talented scientists that it's really a
  • 53:30privilege for me to work with every day.
  • 53:33And you saw some of their
  • 53:34pictures along the way.
  • 53:35I just want to thank our collaborators at
  • 53:37Sarah Hurvitz densely man and and Mike Press.
  • 53:39And of course the initial work was also
  • 53:41done in collaboration with Nanostring,
  • 53:44and I'd be very happy to take any questions.
  • 53:51Great thank you Christina.
  • 53:53That was terrific.
  • 53:55Vic lecture and we would all be
  • 53:56clapping except that you can hear us.
  • 53:58You can see is the logos these days,
  • 54:01but I'm sure there must be questions.
  • 54:04Anyone can either raise their
  • 54:06hand or if they have questions
  • 54:08just unmute and go ahead.
  • 54:14Hi hi Christina, very nice work.
  • 54:16This is iron crop.
  • 54:19In the it's a very nice study when
  • 54:22you have these the the neoadjuvant
  • 54:24trial with the window of the her two
  • 54:27therapy alone and you saw that you
  • 54:29know this decrease in in her two
  • 54:31signaling and increase in in immune
  • 54:33markers in the responders or the people
  • 54:35who eventually would be responders.
  • 54:37Did you see any difference in that
  • 54:40association when you looked at the
  • 54:42type of her two therapy that they
  • 54:44had given the potential for the
  • 54:46putative differences met different
  • 54:48mechanism action between.
  • 54:49Antibodies and T keys.
  • 54:51Yes we did and it was something near
  • 54:54and dear to my heart to explore,
  • 54:56but I have to say we were pretty
  • 54:59underpowered because, you know,
  • 55:00the whole trial whole trial was
  • 55:02130 patients and then just for the
  • 55:04subsets that we did DSP on that that
  • 55:06that there was adequate material.
  • 55:08The numbers in each of the arms were low.
  • 55:10We kind of course grouped the
  • 55:13trustees amebo only and the trustees
  • 55:15met platinum are we see some hints
  • 55:17of signal that would suggest that.
  • 55:19You know, ABC mechanisms are are distinct,
  • 55:22but we're really underpowered
  • 55:24to fully tease that apart,
  • 55:26and I think that it's ultimately just
  • 55:28going to require a greater sample size,
  • 55:30but it's a wonderful question,
  • 55:31one that I ruminated on long and hard,
  • 55:35and you know,
  • 55:36I think I suspect that it's
  • 55:38that that it will be different.
  • 55:41We just didn't have the data.
  • 55:42Yeah, thanks.
  • 55:49Right, this is my year. Thank you.
  • 55:51That was sharing the exciting
  • 55:54part that was really nice.
  • 55:57Difference in the pattern?
  • 55:59You know signature or markers
  • 56:01between the ACB 2 and three?
  • 56:04If y'all look at those or with
  • 56:06ACB 3 just you know worst thing
  • 56:08you know the same type of markers
  • 56:11persisting but much worse.
  • 56:14Yeah, I mean we did.
  • 56:16We did group them again
  • 56:17because of power issues.
  • 56:18You know just in terms of
  • 56:20stratifying further on that.
  • 56:21I agree it would be interesting
  • 56:22we could go back.
  • 56:23I think we're just we're really limited
  • 56:25by the numbers here and you know.
  • 56:27This was intended to be sort of a pilot
  • 56:29effort to understand the technology,
  • 56:31and we went back once we saw these
  • 56:33results and gathered as many samples
  • 56:35from this cohort as we could to go
  • 56:37back and really bolster the numbers,
  • 56:39but I think we're still just just fall short,
  • 56:41and so you know,
  • 56:42I think would be very
  • 56:44interesting to to do this.
  • 56:45Not not that there's so many
  • 56:46of these additional cohorts
  • 56:47that have on treatment,
  • 56:48but there are others that are larger,
  • 56:50so yeah,
  • 56:51unfortunate.
  • 56:54Thank you. Both very nice talk.
  • 56:59So for the first part of Orlando strain
  • 57:02studies when where you showed pretty
  • 57:05good prediction power with on treatment
  • 57:08parameter but not pre treatment.
  • 57:10But I wonder whether you actually
  • 57:12look like the the difference or ratio
  • 57:15between some of the parameters and
  • 57:16see whether there's a correlation.
  • 57:18It might be better prediction power,
  • 57:20that's right so we did so initially many
  • 57:23of our models were actually combining
  • 57:25sort of trying to get at this delta.
  • 57:27The delta which I I thought was going to be,
  • 57:29you know where it's at?
  • 57:33Additional information that you're
  • 57:34leveraging from having these
  • 57:36pairs and it really turned out.
  • 57:38That it seems that it's the
  • 57:41that the on treatment value in
  • 57:43and of itself held its own.
  • 57:44It really held its own and we
  • 57:46didn't get a huge benefit from that.
  • 57:48Now there there may be many reasons
  • 57:49why I mean, I'll say that you know,
  • 57:52we were struck by the reduction in
  • 57:54celularity in this cohort on treatment.
  • 57:55Many of these patients,
  • 57:56and of course we know that you know,
  • 57:57there's cellularity estimates
  • 57:59are not always concordant.
  • 58:01We estimated this both molecularly,
  • 58:03but obviously with expert pathology
  • 58:05review and the sections were not
  • 58:07identical for the different assays,
  • 58:08of course.
  • 58:09So there were a number of cases that
  • 58:12you know had essentially 0 celularity
  • 58:14upon path review on treatment more
  • 58:17so than I would have expected we
  • 58:18see in association with cellularity.
  • 58:20But of course then what's interesting
  • 58:22is you go in with DSP and you you start
  • 58:24to illuminate this and we can see
  • 58:26evident tumor markers there, right?
  • 58:29So I mean just coming back to sort of
  • 58:31some of the questions about the delta,
  • 58:32I think.
  • 58:35Yeah.
  • 58:35You know some some questions emerge
  • 58:37about like what's the heterogeneity
  • 58:39in the pretreatment sample versus
  • 58:41the on treatment?
  • 58:43We're limited by the core biopsies.
  • 58:44I think we see quite a bit of it and
  • 58:46I I would say that we do detail some
  • 58:48of this in the supplement and methods.
  • 58:50There's a lot of comparisons one can
  • 58:51do if you reduce the number of regions,
  • 58:53which is one way to kind of come
  • 58:55back to this question of, you know,
  • 58:56are we measuring enough in terms
  • 58:58of the delta?
  • 58:59Because we had some cases for up
  • 59:01to four ROI's and it looked to us,
  • 59:03just, you know,
  • 59:03sort of from a study design consideration
  • 59:05that a minimum of two regions.
  • 59:06Would be really helpful here,
  • 59:09whether for improved that a ton is a you
  • 59:11know another matter, not always feasible.
  • 59:15But I think it's a.
  • 59:16It's a great question that
  • 59:17was our intuition as well,
  • 59:19but for these various reasons
  • 59:20we didn't really see a dramatic
  • 59:22benefit of the delta.
  • 59:27Maybe I'll take a chance to
  • 59:28ask a question here as well.
  • 59:29We're kind of running out of time,
  • 59:31but maybe we have a couple more minutes.
  • 59:33In particular one of those
  • 59:34things we struggle with is how
  • 59:36many fields of you are enough,
  • 59:37and in your DSP study it's it
  • 59:39looked like that there was.
  • 59:41You were struggling with that same thing.
  • 59:43Did you look at in in DSP?
  • 59:45One of the blessings and curses of
  • 59:47that technology is it's way more
  • 59:49data than you can analyze years,
  • 59:51and there's lots of other questions I
  • 59:53have for you that I'll discuss later
  • 59:55about other ways of analyzing that data.
  • 59:57Did you look at averaging your
  • 59:59fields of view versus looking at
  • 01:00:01them individually and with that
  • 01:00:03with the average or individual
  • 01:00:05fields more informative?
  • 01:00:07And did you look also at like how many
  • 01:00:09you know comparing 2 versus 6 that
  • 01:00:11looked like you had different numbers?
  • 01:00:14Can you comment?
  • 01:00:14That's right.
  • 01:00:15Yeah, it's a hugely important question.
  • 01:00:17I would say we were very.
  • 01:00:19We spent a lot of time trying to parse
  • 01:00:22this with this with the data that we had.
  • 01:00:24I think that some of the analysis I've
  • 01:00:27presented we did indeed take the average.
  • 01:00:30There are ways to also,
  • 01:00:32you know, wait that information,
  • 01:00:34but in the sort of logistic regression
  • 01:00:36models we were actually predicting,
  • 01:00:38we did take an average across them.
  • 01:00:41We subsequently, you know,
  • 01:00:43we also investigated sort of.
  • 01:00:44What if you had only?
  • 01:00:45One versus 2 versus 4 and some had up
  • 01:00:47to six and and as I sort of hinted at
  • 01:00:50and actually analogous to what we've
  • 01:00:52seen with genomic heterogeneity at
  • 01:00:54minimum of two regions gets you a lot
  • 01:00:56this ability to say anything about
  • 01:00:58how heterogeneous these markers are,
  • 01:01:00even between sort of two regions
  • 01:01:03is hugely important,
  • 01:01:05informative,
  • 01:01:05and then there starts to be what appears
  • 01:01:07to be a trail off in terms of the added
  • 01:01:09benefit when you get up higher to six,
  • 01:01:11you know,
  • 01:01:11I think I wouldn't stake my life on
  • 01:01:13whether choose the absolute Max we we
  • 01:01:15try to collect more whenever possible
  • 01:01:17because we're interested in the discovery.
  • 01:01:19You know,
  • 01:01:19and sort of questions around this.
  • 01:01:20And I, I think also questions arise as to,
  • 01:01:23you know how variable is this going to be
  • 01:01:24for different subgroups of disease, right?
  • 01:01:27So I don't think we've mastered that,
  • 01:01:29but I felt at least encouraged that with two.
  • 01:01:32We seem to be gaining information that that
  • 01:01:35the heterogeneity itself was informative.
  • 01:01:37Yeah,
  • 01:01:38great thanks.
  • 01:01:40Are there any other questions?
  • 01:01:41Were already 5 minutes past,
  • 01:01:42but if there's one more question,
  • 01:01:44maybe we could take that if not.
  • 01:01:48I don't see anyone raising their hands,
  • 01:01:50so I'll assume that we're all
  • 01:01:53happy with where we are and
  • 01:01:55thank you very much for a very
  • 01:01:57interesting lecture and well, thank.
  • 01:01:59Thank you all for joining.
  • 01:02:01Thank you.