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The Role of Surgical Pathology

August 04, 2022

July 31, 2022

Yale Cancer Center



call: 203-785-4095



  • 00:00Funding for Yale Cancer Answers is
  • 00:02provided by Smilow Cancer Hospital.
  • 00:06Welcome to Yale Cancer Answers with
  • 00:09your host Doctor Anees Chagpar.
  • 00:11Yale Cancer Answers features the
  • 00:12latest information on cancer care by
  • 00:15welcoming oncologists and specialists
  • 00:16who are on the forefront of the
  • 00:18battle to fight cancer. This week,
  • 00:20it's a conversation about the role
  • 00:22of surgical pathology in certain
  • 00:24cancers with Doctor Marie Robert.
  • 00:26Doctor Robert is a professor
  • 00:28of pathology and of medicine at
  • 00:29the Yale School of Medicine,
  • 00:31where Doctor Chagpar is a
  • 00:33professor of surgical oncology.
  • 00:36Marie, maybe we can start off by
  • 00:38you telling us a little bit about
  • 00:39yourself and what it is that you do.
  • 00:42Sure, so I am a surgical pathologist
  • 00:45and this is somebody who goes to
  • 00:48medical school and does a residency
  • 00:51in the specialty of pathology.
  • 00:54And that specialty involves looking
  • 00:58at diseases in the tissues in
  • 01:02biopsy samples and and surgical
  • 01:05resection samples from patients.
  • 01:09And we look at that very
  • 01:11deeply under both with our naked
  • 01:13eye and under the microscope,
  • 01:15and then inform the surgeon or the
  • 01:20clinician oncologist
  • 01:22who's taking care of the patient
  • 01:23about what we're seeing and what
  • 01:25their disease process might be?
  • 01:27Yeah, you know I I often tell patients
  • 01:30that there's only two people who
  • 01:32can tell you anything for sure.
  • 01:34God and the pathologist because we
  • 01:36rely so heavily on the diagnosis
  • 01:40that's rendered by pathologists.
  • 01:42So you know, tell us a little bit
  • 01:45more about what got you interested in
  • 01:48pathology and what got you interested
  • 01:50in GI and liver pathology in particular.
  • 01:54So that is an easy question
  • 01:55to answer and no secret.
  • 01:57If you know my family at all,
  • 01:59so I am the daughter of a French Canadian.
  • 02:05Nurse and physician scientist.
  • 02:08My father Andre Robert,
  • 02:11who was a basic scientist studying
  • 02:13gastrointestinal diseases so
  • 02:15he had both the clinical side
  • 02:18MD and the scientific training.
  • 02:20And so I grew up visiting his lab
  • 02:23and seeing and actually, you know,
  • 02:25he would let me do a little help in the
  • 02:28lab in in participating in his experiments.
  • 02:31And so this is when I went to college and.
  • 02:35Medical school, I thought that medicine
  • 02:39was this the study of disease.
  • 02:42And so when I it was,
  • 02:44you know, not a far.
  • 02:47Challenge for me to decide that
  • 02:49pathology was where my heart really lay.
  • 02:51And of course,
  • 02:52the apple doesn't fall far from the tree
  • 02:54and I was immediately drawn towards
  • 02:56all things of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • 02:58liver, and pancreas.
  • 03:00So tell us a little bit more
  • 03:04about kind of what you do.
  • 03:07day-to-day. I mean, because one of
  • 03:09the things that is frustrating.
  • 03:11Anxiety provoking for patients is the wait.
  • 03:16They have the biopsy done and
  • 03:18then we say we need to wait and
  • 03:21I always tell patients you know,
  • 03:23never rush the pathologist because.
  • 03:26You you don't necessarily want a fast answer.
  • 03:30You want the right answer,
  • 03:31because everything that we
  • 03:33do rests on what you say.
  • 03:36So can you give us a little bit more
  • 03:39granularity in terms of what happens in
  • 03:42terms of that black box while we wait?
  • 03:46So delighted to talk about this
  • 03:49because we are believe it or not,
  • 03:51even though we are not meeting
  • 03:53your patient first hand,
  • 03:55we are constantly mindful of the fact
  • 03:57that there is a wonderful human being on
  • 04:00the other end of this specimen and we
  • 04:03are working as fast as we can to provide.
  • 04:06As you say the right answer.
  • 04:08So what does this entail?
  • 04:10So take a biopsy.
  • 04:12It is put in a fluid called.
  • 04:17Formalin, usually that is allowed that
  • 04:19sort of hardens the tissues so that we can
  • 04:22then put them through an overnight process.
  • 04:26And we actually.
  • 04:27This may sound crazy.
  • 04:28We actually take the small samples or large
  • 04:32samples and put them into paraffin wax.
  • 04:36Melted paraffin wax that then
  • 04:38hardens in a small little box.
  • 04:41If you will, we call it a tissue cassette.
  • 04:44And believe it or not,
  • 04:45old fashioned thing like paraffin wax
  • 04:48is what holds the tissue in place.
  • 04:50While we then apply a very sharp knife,
  • 04:54it's called a microtome to the
  • 04:57sample and we're actually taking
  • 04:59small slices of the sample.
  • 05:02We take that put it on a microscope slide.
  • 05:06Remember from science class.
  • 05:07And that microscope slide is then
  • 05:10with the tissue section on it is
  • 05:12stained with some very pretty colors.
  • 05:15Purples and pinks really.
  • 05:16Pathology is like looking at beautiful
  • 05:19art under the microscope and these dyes.
  • 05:22If you will are stains adhere to the
  • 05:25cells and we during our residency
  • 05:28have learned how to recognize cells
  • 05:30with these dyes under the microscope
  • 05:33so that whole process of just
  • 05:35getting to the glass slide takes.
  • 05:38At least one day so you know one day gone.
  • 05:41Now depending on the type of sample it is,
  • 05:46we can then grab it quickly,
  • 05:48begin our process of looking
  • 05:49under the microscope,
  • 05:50and in some situations we are
  • 05:52able to give an immediate answer
  • 05:54doing nothing else to the sample.
  • 05:56Just looking at the microscope for
  • 05:59three or four minutes and we're
  • 06:01able to assess everything and give
  • 06:03a give the the surgeon, oncologist,
  • 06:05whomever gastroenterologist,
  • 06:06and then the.
  • 06:08Patient the answer they need,
  • 06:10but in especially in cancer there
  • 06:13are often other steps we need to
  • 06:16take to get the best possible answer
  • 06:19with the greatest amount of detail.
  • 06:22And nuance that will really help the
  • 06:26person just treating the patient next
  • 06:29to know exactly what therapy to apply.
  • 06:32So these extra steps include things like
  • 06:34we we use these terms called special stains,
  • 06:38so if you think of a stain,
  • 06:39think of like paint or or these
  • 06:42colors I mentioned and there are a
  • 06:45variety of very technical and highly,
  • 06:48you know,
  • 06:49honed technologies that we can
  • 06:51apply to the tissue.
  • 06:53This is getting more and
  • 06:55more finessed every day.
  • 06:56We can now even do molecular and
  • 06:59genetic analysis and and put what we
  • 07:03call biomarker stains and approaches
  • 07:05so we can really get much further
  • 07:09now to helping to guide the even
  • 07:12the exact medication one might use.
  • 07:15But this does take time,
  • 07:17so sometimes there's a first answer.
  • 07:19And then there's another more detailed
  • 07:21answer that comes a day or a week later.
  • 07:23Sometimes we have to hold up the whole
  • 07:25thing for four or five days just to
  • 07:27get the right answer from the start,
  • 07:29so that's sort of a long answer to
  • 07:31your question, but it is complete.
  • 07:33Yeah, yeah, so I mean,
  • 07:35so This is why I think it's good
  • 07:38information for people who are listening
  • 07:40and potential patients to kind of
  • 07:42understand why it can take so long,
  • 07:44because sometimes we expect these days
  • 07:46to to get an answer instantaneously.
  • 07:50And and that's just not
  • 07:52practical or or feasible.
  • 07:54So I want to dig a little bit more into some
  • 07:56of the things that you mentioned, Marie.
  • 07:59So one is that you know in
  • 08:01medical school and in residency,
  • 08:03you, as a pathologist got very
  • 08:07good at recognizing patterns,
  • 08:10understanding what looks benign
  • 08:12under a microscope and what looks
  • 08:16malignant under a microscope.
  • 08:18But can you tell us a little bit more about
  • 08:21the secrets that go into that pattern?
  • 08:23Recognition?
  • 08:24Because that's another piece that
  • 08:27people don't really understand.
  • 08:29I mean,
  • 08:30how can you tell the difference between.
  • 08:33You know a benign polyp,
  • 08:36something that then is perhaps a
  • 08:39carcinoma in situ, a precancer.
  • 08:43And then something that is truly
  • 08:46cancerous that for many people is a
  • 08:49nuance that we don't really understand.
  • 08:52How.
  • 08:52How do you make that distinction?
  • 08:56So thank you for these wonderful
  • 09:00pathology type questions.
  • 09:01The the answer is it all starts
  • 09:05with knowing what is normal,
  • 09:07what is normal tissue appearance?
  • 09:10We use the term Histology,
  • 09:12it doesn't matter,
  • 09:13but it's just what are you expecting to see.
  • 09:16That is normal.
  • 09:17So in anything that you look at and
  • 09:19in looking at, you know anything
  • 09:21around your house or in your workplace.
  • 09:23Your desk is something out of place.
  • 09:25Were first to understand what is normal
  • 09:29tissue, so you want to talk about,
  • 09:30say, a colon polyp.
  • 09:32We first have to learn,
  • 09:34and this is actually, you know,
  • 09:35at least a four year training
  • 09:37process and residency,
  • 09:38and then often today one or two years
  • 09:41of specialty fellowship training,
  • 09:44we learn very quickly what is normal in
  • 09:46our first couple of years of residency,
  • 09:48training and normal means,
  • 09:49how in health are the this
  • 09:52wonderful machine that is?
  • 09:54Our body is organized at the cellular
  • 09:57level so that you know you look at
  • 10:00your skin and you see your skin.
  • 10:02You might.
  • 10:03The freckles or some blood vessels
  • 10:06underneath under the microscope
  • 10:08we learn what all those layers
  • 10:10from the outside of the skin to
  • 10:13underneath the skin down into even
  • 10:15the muscles and the bone look like.
  • 10:19So once we have that template,
  • 10:22sort of that pattern if you will
  • 10:24pattern recognition in our mind.
  • 10:26Then we begin very slowly to build
  • 10:29to learn abnormal and the one of
  • 10:31the first things we start with is.
  • 10:34Inflammation,
  • 10:34you know you get a cut and you
  • 10:37notice that there are bee sting and
  • 10:39you notice swelling right away.
  • 10:41Redness.
  • 10:41Well,
  • 10:42we learn what that looks like
  • 10:44under the microscope with,
  • 10:45you know,
  • 10:46too much fluid and and inflammatory
  • 10:48cells from the immune system
  • 10:49being called to that area.
  • 10:51The same is true when we
  • 10:53start talking about cancer.
  • 10:55There's often a process starting from
  • 10:58an early, let's say, neoplastic,
  • 11:01meaning that the cell is stopped.
  • 11:04Just minding its own business and
  • 11:06staying put where it should be
  • 11:08to maintain the normal but is now
  • 11:11dividing and growing and and we can
  • 11:13see that under the microscope by
  • 11:15changes and actually how the cell looks.
  • 11:19Over overtime that growth.
  • 11:23Can then.
  • 11:25Disrupt the normal to the point
  • 11:28that there is disruption of the
  • 11:30the little little boxes of the the
  • 11:33little alleys and lanes that that
  • 11:35cells need to stay in and they invade.
  • 11:38We talk about invasive cancer.
  • 11:40It's because those cells actually
  • 11:42go into a compartment that they have
  • 11:45no business being like an epithelial
  • 11:47cell which should be on the surface.
  • 11:49So if you look at your skin,
  • 11:50it's lined by a certain kind of cell.
  • 11:52We call it an epithelial cell,
  • 11:54just the lining.
  • 11:55Now if it becomes a tumor,
  • 11:58it can then go down into the soft tissues,
  • 12:01even the muscle and bone,
  • 12:03et cetera.
  • 12:04And we can see this all under the microscope.
  • 12:07So recognizing cancer or recognizing
  • 12:10an abnormal process is recognizing
  • 12:12that the normal has been disrupted.
  • 12:16And so so you know, one of the
  • 12:19questions that people often ask is.
  • 12:22You know how important is it?
  • 12:24Or is it important to get a second
  • 12:27opinion with regards to your pathology?
  • 12:29So very often you may have your
  • 12:32biopsy done at one place if you go
  • 12:35to another place to get treatment,
  • 12:38they'll say, well, we need our
  • 12:40pathologist to look at the slides.
  • 12:42So is it that you know a
  • 12:45pathologist is a pathologist,
  • 12:47is a pathologist and this is a black
  • 12:49and white answer and everybody is going
  • 12:50to say the same thing, in which case.
  • 12:53Why repeat it?
  • 12:55Or is there some nuance there and
  • 12:57and how important or not important
  • 13:00is it to get a second opinion
  • 13:02on your pathology slides?
  • 13:05So another great question.
  • 13:07I am a big fan of second opinions
  • 13:10and I recommend that when folks
  • 13:12are getting impactful diagnosis.
  • 13:15Like a cancer diagnosis,
  • 13:16that's going to change their life and
  • 13:20start a train in motion of serious
  • 13:23therapeutics and operations that a
  • 13:25second opinion should always be obtained.
  • 13:29And I'm not offended if someone would
  • 13:31like to get a second opinion on a
  • 13:35pathology diagnosis that I have made it.
  • 13:37You know it many times as you sort of
  • 13:41allude to probably 90% or more of the time.
  • 13:44There will be no disagreement
  • 13:47in an original diagnosis.
  • 13:49But sometimes there is either a
  • 13:51really a complete disagreement,
  • 13:52very, very rarely,
  • 13:53a complete disagreement between hey,
  • 13:55you know, I actually,
  • 13:56I'm not sure this is cancer.
  • 13:57I know that.
  • 13:58This was thought to be cancer,
  • 14:01but actually I'm doing a little more
  • 14:02extra work on it and I'm finding that
  • 14:04maybe it might be just a precancer,
  • 14:06or it may some nuance about that.
  • 14:09In addition,
  • 14:11in tertiary care centers tend
  • 14:14to have specialized pathologists
  • 14:17that are only doing one thing.
  • 14:20So in my case I'm only doing
  • 14:25gastrointestinal pathology,
  • 14:26whereas in other centers there's
  • 14:28a group of wonderful general.
  • 14:30Pathologists who are looking at all all
  • 14:34all specimens from all parts of the body,
  • 14:36and they are all all outstanding
  • 14:38and and this is a good system.
  • 14:41But if it's a really impactful diagnosis,
  • 14:44it's not a bad idea to have a
  • 14:46very impactful diagnosis reviewed
  • 14:47by someone who is a recognized
  • 14:49specialist and they exist all over
  • 14:51the country and all over the world,
  • 14:54perfect, well, we're going to
  • 14:55pick up the story learning more
  • 14:58about surgical pathology right
  • 14:59after we take a short break.
  • 15:01For a medical minute,
  • 15:02please stay tuned to learn more
  • 15:04with my guest Doctor Marie Robert.
  • 15:06Funding for Yale Cancer answers
  • 15:08comes from Smilow Cancer Hospital,
  • 15:10where you can view videos from their
  • 15:12survivorship team by searching for the
  • 15:15smilo survivorship playlist on YouTube.
  • 15:19The American Cancer Society
  • 15:21estimates that more than 65,000
  • 15:23Americans will be diagnosed with
  • 15:25head and neck cancer this year,
  • 15:27making up about 4% of all cancers
  • 15:30diagnosed when detected early.
  • 15:32However, head and neck cancers are
  • 15:34easily treated and highly curable.
  • 15:37Clinical trials are currently
  • 15:39underway at federally designated
  • 15:41Comprehensive cancer centers such
  • 15:42as Yale Cancer Center and Smilow
  • 15:45Cancer Hospital to test innovative new
  • 15:47treatments for head and neck cancers.
  • 15:49Yale Cancer Center was recently awarded
  • 15:52grants from the National Institutes
  • 15:54of Health to fund the Yale Head and
  • 15:57neck Cancer Specialized program of
  • 15:59Research Excellence or SPORE to
  • 16:02address critical barriers to treatment
  • 16:04of head and neck squamous cell
  • 16:06carcinoma due to resistance to immune
  • 16:08DNA damaging and targeted therapy.
  • 16:11More information is available at
  • you're listening
  • 16:15to Connecticut Public Radio.
  • 16:18Welcome back to Yale Cancer Answers.
  • 16:20This is doctor Anees Chagpar and I'm joined
  • 16:23tonight by my guest Doctor Marie Robert.
  • 16:25We're talking about the important role
  • 16:27that pathology plays in cancer and
  • 16:29right before the break we were talking
  • 16:32about the role that pathology plays
  • 16:34in actually making the diagnosis.
  • 16:36Like you go for a biopsy and is
  • 16:39this cancer or is this not cancer?
  • 16:41That distinction is actually made by
  • 16:44a pathologist whom you may never meet,
  • 16:48but that your team really relies on.
  • 16:50Now Marie, the other thing that
  • 16:54pathologists often really provide
  • 16:57is some of the genomic information.
  • 17:00Whether that comes in the form
  • 17:02of special stains like you were
  • 17:04telling us about before the break,
  • 17:06or whether it comes in.
  • 17:08Actually you know doing things like
  • 17:11sequencing and telling us about
  • 17:13genetic and genomic mutations,
  • 17:15can you talk a little bit more
  • 17:17about how that's done and and the
  • 17:19importance that that plays in various?
  • 17:21Answers
  • 17:22yes, delighted so I would say so.
  • 17:25I've been practicing for,
  • 17:27you know about 3 decades now and.
  • 17:30Over the course of my career
  • 17:33there has been really in the past.
  • 17:3510 to 15 and I would say even in the past
  • 17:39five an explosion of new technologies
  • 17:43and new information that help,
  • 17:45especially in cancer, help,
  • 17:47oncologists and surgeons fine tune
  • 17:50and find a very specific therapies
  • 17:54for a specific patients tumor.
  • 17:57How is this done?
  • 17:59And it comes under the general
  • 18:01heading of molecular pathology and.
  • 18:06This means that so we talked
  • 18:07about looking at the microscope,
  • 18:09the light microscope and we
  • 18:10can determine a lot from there.
  • 18:12Now we're getting inside the cell
  • 18:15and specifically the cell nucleus.
  • 18:18For the most part.
  • 18:19And so every cell I should say has
  • 18:23a central brain called a nucleus,
  • 18:25and then something called the cytoplasm,
  • 18:27which is where all the working
  • 18:29parts of the cell that do what
  • 18:31they're supposed to do reside.
  • 18:33But the nucleus is where the chromosomes are.
  • 18:36The genetic material that are the,
  • 18:40you know,
  • 18:40the blueprint for what that cell
  • 18:43should do all over the body.
  • 18:45Tumors tend to occur when those
  • 18:47genes or chromas or the chroma,
  • 18:50the genes on the chromosomes.
  • 18:53The chromosome is divided up
  • 18:55into a gazillion genes,
  • 18:56each one doing something and tumors
  • 19:00happen when what we call mutations occur.
  • 19:04Or deletions or other types
  • 19:07of fusions and other damage.
  • 19:10Overall damage to the genes and the
  • 19:14genetic structure on the chromosomes.
  • 19:17When this happens,
  • 19:18when there's an alteration for the bad.
  • 19:22Several things can happen.
  • 19:23One is that a cell just recognizes that.
  • 19:26Oh,
  • 19:26you are no longer functioning normally
  • 19:28and the body's going to sort of
  • 19:30take you right out of Commission
  • 19:31and you're you're off the assembly
  • 19:33line and actually kills the cell.
  • 19:35That's a good thing.
  • 19:37Unfortunately, other times the cell,
  • 19:40the mutations or genetic
  • 19:42alterations give the cell power.
  • 19:45To divide,
  • 19:46make more cells with those same problems
  • 19:50and that is the beginning of a tumor.
  • 19:53We can now detect very smart
  • 19:56scientists have created technologies
  • 19:58that allow us to look even from
  • 20:01the biopsy that you gave us the
  • 20:03same piece of tissue that we made.
  • 20:05The diagnosis of a tumor on.
  • 20:08We can take the rest of that sample
  • 20:11and apply something called next
  • 20:13generation sequencing and other.
  • 20:15Techniques. Why is this important?
  • 20:18This is important because these days
  • 20:21there are more and more specific therapies.
  • 20:25How do you know when you say this doesn't
  • 20:27apply to every patient and to every tumor?
  • 20:29How do you know whether your tumor should
  • 20:32have all of those fancy shmancy tests done,
  • 20:36or whether simply looking at
  • 20:39that pink and purple dyes under
  • 20:42the microscope is sufficient?
  • 20:44So maybe you had your biopsy done.
  • 20:47At a given institution and you were told
  • 20:50that this was a particular kind of cancer.
  • 20:53Should patients know which particular types
  • 20:58of cancer should get advanced kind of
  • 21:02diagnostics done that might help their care.
  • 21:06How do people figure that out?
  • 21:08How do you know which cancers and
  • 21:11which patients need to have more
  • 21:13studies done and which ones don't?
  • 21:15So that is a terrific question.
  • 21:18I think that every patient and I hope every
  • 21:21patient listening who has a some sort of.
  • 21:24Tumor or cancer diagnosis and is
  • 21:27beginning down that path of getting
  • 21:30treated should ask the question.
  • 21:33Does my sample? Will my sample?
  • 21:36Will this tumor benefit from genetic testing,
  • 21:39molecular testing or whatever
  • 21:41phrase you want to use?
  • 21:43And it is the oncologist who knows best,
  • 21:46so if you're not talking to an oncologist,
  • 21:48talk to an oncologist.
  • 21:50The oncologist will know best that,
  • 21:53Oh yes, this tumor,
  • 21:55if it has this mutation,
  • 21:57we have these three drugs that
  • 21:58we might want to try, and this is
  • 22:01certainly true in many tumors of the.
  • 22:03Of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • 22:05liver and pancreas.
  • 22:06And the oncologist will also know well today.
  • 22:10As things stand,
  • 22:11we don't have anything that we're
  • 22:13giving based on genetic analysis,
  • 22:16and so they may say at this
  • 22:18moment in time we know what to do.
  • 22:20This is.
  • 22:21This is exactly what we should do,
  • 22:22and we don't need further information.
  • 22:25I will also share that at many
  • 22:28academic centers there is a philosophy
  • 22:30that really we want to sequence.
  • 22:33Every tumor and we want to start
  • 22:35moving towards a world where every
  • 22:38diagnosis of malignancy, cancer,
  • 22:40type of tumor will automatically
  • 22:43have a gene you know.
  • 22:46Sequencing of the genetics of that tumor,
  • 22:50and this is for two reasons.
  • 22:51One is that.
  • 22:53We want to continue learning about
  • 22:55tumors because we we we are continuing
  • 22:58to develop medicines based on the
  • 23:01information we're finding and the second
  • 23:03reason is that sometimes a tumor of 1 type.
  • 23:07May have a mutation that we
  • 23:09weren't expecting and hey,
  • 23:10you know there's a drug out here.
  • 23:12We usually use this drug to
  • 23:14treat to treat another tumor.
  • 23:16Usually not this tumor,
  • 23:17but now that you tell us this tumor
  • 23:20surprisingly has this mutation.
  • 23:21Well,
  • 23:22you know,
  • 23:22now we've got another thing to
  • 23:23put in the toolkit.
  • 23:26And so one of the questions
  • 23:28that people may be asking as
  • 23:30they're thinking about this is,
  • 23:32you know. Oftentimes,
  • 23:33when patients think about genetics,
  • 23:36they think about their family history
  • 23:38and whether they need to have a
  • 23:41blood test or a saliva test to
  • 23:43look for genetic mutations that may
  • 23:45predispose them to certain cancers.
  • 23:47So, for example, you know the one
  • 23:49that is most often talked about,
  • 23:51at least in my sphere is BRC A1 and two,
  • 23:55which will increase your risk
  • 23:57of breast and ovarian cancer.
  • 23:59How is that different from the
  • 24:02work that you're talking about?
  • 24:05Where you're looking at the
  • 24:07genetics of the cancer itself?
  • 24:10Yeah, that is super and these things
  • 24:14go actually hand in hand so the
  • 24:17the the thing we just discussed
  • 24:20was any particular tumor that one
  • 24:23might have and that is something
  • 24:26that an oncologist and discussion
  • 24:28with their patient may may initiate.
  • 24:32But in addition, the patient their
  • 24:34physician oncologist and sometimes
  • 24:36the pathologist will discover that
  • 24:38there's something about the patient
  • 24:41as they walk in the door with
  • 24:43their first diagnosis of cancer.
  • 24:44That, or even they don't have it yet.
  • 24:47But there's a family history should be
  • 24:50at something in them should be analyzed
  • 24:54for a specific genetic disorder.
  • 24:57Like bracca as you discuss or like in
  • 24:59the GI tract, familial polyposis syndrome,
  • 25:02or something called Lynch syndrome,
  • 25:05which are colon cancer syndromes and
  • 25:08endometrial and other cancer syndromes.
  • 25:11So in these scenarios,
  • 25:13there may or may not be a cancer
  • 25:16diagnosis yet in the patient,
  • 25:19but they may on their annual visit
  • 25:21to their you know physician,
  • 25:22discover that, Oh yeah, well,
  • 25:24you know my mom,
  • 25:25dad and three uncles had colon cancer.
  • 25:28Before the age of 50,
  • 25:29that person that will be a series
  • 25:31of things set in motion like early
  • 25:34screening in the 1st place with
  • 25:36a colonoscopy and possibly some
  • 25:38blood tests in it with a genetic
  • 25:40counselor that might go on where
  • 25:42a pathologist might be.
  • 25:43The first one to initiate something
  • 25:45is that when we get a sample.
  • 25:48From someone of of the right age group,
  • 25:50or maybe a young person,
  • 25:51or that they have for example on colonoscopy,
  • 25:55have you know 10 or more types of
  • 25:58polyps that are all precancerous polyps?
  • 26:01We will raise our hands and say,
  • 26:03hey, here's your diagnosis,
  • 26:04and oh, by the way,
  • 26:06please sign this patient up for
  • 26:08some for genetic screening,
  • 26:09because they they have too many
  • 26:11polyps at age 50 that you know
  • 26:13that's the we want to make sure
  • 26:15it doesn't mean something more.
  • 26:18Right and but, but there's a clear
  • 26:20difference in terms of, you know,
  • 26:23in the one instance when we're
  • 26:25talking about molecular diagnostics,
  • 26:27we're really talking about
  • 26:28doing these tests to look for
  • 26:31mutations in the cancer itself,
  • 26:33whereas when we're looking at
  • 26:36predispositions and genetic screening,
  • 26:39for example, we're really talking about
  • 26:42cells that are baseline that are in
  • 26:45your blood or in your saliva that.
  • 26:48All of your cells carry versus in.
  • 26:50The tumor itself.
  • 26:51Is that right?
  • 26:52That's absolutely right,
  • 26:53and it's such a good, nuanced point.
  • 26:56And and so this again,
  • 26:59it's all good tools that physicians at
  • 27:04all levels of interacting with folks.
  • 27:06So in the in the you know, annual physical
  • 27:10exam at that level by family history,
  • 27:14personal and family history, the physician.
  • 27:18Can can begin the process and say, yeah,
  • 27:20we probably want to check into this.
  • 27:23And at the same time finding finding
  • 27:25early lesions that the pathology level,
  • 27:28in addition to finding a truly already
  • 27:31invasive cancer as they walk in the door.
  • 27:34Someone walks in the door at
  • 27:36age 45 with colon cancer.
  • 27:38They already have it.
  • 27:39We're going to work on that.
  • 27:40They're going to get testing of the
  • 27:42tumor itself to see what might work,
  • 27:44but because they're young,
  • 27:45this will, with all the clinicians,
  • 27:47will say, Oh yes.
  • 27:48And by the way, we want to screen
  • 27:50your family members now too.
  • 27:52We want to just make sure this is.
  • 27:54Not just an isolated thing.
  • 27:56Right,
  • 27:57so Marie, in our last kind of 30
  • 28:00seconds here, where do you think
  • 28:02the field of pathology is going?
  • 28:04Should we be expecting more of these
  • 28:06kinds of genetic and genomic tests?
  • 28:09Yes, I think it's going to go further
  • 28:13and further and deeper in this
  • 28:15direction with hopefully much more
  • 28:17useful information down the line.
  • 28:19I believe we are also poised to enter
  • 28:22the digital era and with artificial
  • 28:24intelligence to apply to samples.
  • 28:27To improve even further,
  • 28:29our ability to glean treatable information.
  • 28:34Doctor Marie Robert is a professor
  • 28:36of pathology and of medicine
  • 28:37at the Yale School of Medicine.
  • 28:39If you have questions,
  • 28:41the address is
  • 28:43and past editions of the program
  • 28:46are available in audio and written
  • 28:48form at
  • 28:49We hope you'll join us next week to
  • 28:52learn more about the fight against
  • 28:54cancer here on Connecticut Public
  • 28:55radio. Funding for Yale Cancer Answers
  • 28:57is provided by Smilow Cancer Hospital.