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The International System for Reporting Serous Fluid Cytopathology


The International System for Reporting Serous Fluid Cytopathology

October 18, 2021

October 14, 2021

Yale Pathology Grand Rounds

Ashish Chandra, MD, DNB FRCPath DirRCPath (Cytol)



  • 00:09I think you should go ahead baby.
  • 00:12Yeah, thank you. So thank you
  • 00:14everybody and it's my great pleasure
  • 00:17to introduce Dr Ashish can a gender
  • 00:21I hope it's right pronunciation.
  • 00:25Ajendra got a medical degree from
  • 00:29University of Delhi in 1989 and got
  • 00:33a FRCP diploma in Psychology in 1960
  • 00:37and diploma in histopathology in 2000.
  • 00:41He is a very active leader nationally
  • 00:45and internationally in the field,
  • 00:48both psychopathology and
  • 00:51Europe urological pathology.
  • 00:54He published 100 publication.
  • 00:57I hope I'm right.
  • 01:00182 publication and thank you
  • 01:02and he is the deputy editor
  • 01:05for very procedures anthology,
  • 01:08journal Psychopathologie, he's.
  • 01:10Executive Member of British
  • 01:14Association of Psychopathology,
  • 01:16and more importantly,
  • 01:18he is the vice President of International
  • 01:22Academy of Psychopathologie and
  • 01:24its chairperson elect for British
  • 01:28Association for Urological Pathology.
  • 01:30He has participated in so many
  • 01:34terminology inside pathology,
  • 01:37including professor system for
  • 01:39thyroid Paris system for urine.
  • 01:42Menards system plan and and
  • 01:46International Classification of zeros.
  • 01:49I don't know what is next,
  • 01:50but anyway, let's wait.
  • 01:52So we are very fortunate to have
  • 01:55a she's here to talk about the
  • 01:58International classification
  • 01:59of serious set of pathology.
  • 02:01Thank you.
  • 02:06Thank you so much Doctor Wang for
  • 02:09that very kind introduction and
  • 02:11thank you Doctor Prasad for inviting me
  • 02:14to contribute to today's grand round.
  • 02:16It is my great pleasure and privilege
  • 02:18to be speaking to an audience at the
  • 02:22prestigious Yale University and I would
  • 02:24have loved to have been there in person.
  • 02:27But of course you know times don't
  • 02:29allow that. So as it happens,
  • 02:31I'm attending a an executive board meeting of
  • 02:34the British Association of Psychopathology.
  • 02:36Today, not in London,
  • 02:37but in Nottingham and so I'm
  • 02:39sitting here from my hotel room,
  • 02:42which is why it might.
  • 02:43I might appear to be sitting
  • 02:45in a dark room somewhere.
  • 02:47But we've just finished a board
  • 02:50meeting and I'm here at your
  • 02:53disposal to introduce you to the.
  • 02:55International system for reporting
  • 02:58serious fluid psychopathology.
  • 03:00So this was announced in active
  • 03:03cytological in June 2019 and I'm very
  • 03:06pleased to say that the book is now
  • 03:10available both as an electronic book as
  • 03:13well as in paperback through Springer.
  • 03:17Who are the publishers?
  • 03:19And if you do decide to buy the book
  • 03:21please do buy it from Springer and not
  • 03:24other websites which are more expensive.
  • 03:26It is my duty to first acknowledge
  • 03:30my Co editors, Dr.
  • 03:32Barbara Crowther's,
  • 03:33doctor Daniel Curtis and abroad
  • 03:35Dr Fernando Schmidt who were the
  • 03:39leading lights in bringing this this
  • 03:42project together which is jointly
  • 03:45sponsored by the American Society of
  • 03:47Cyto Pathology and the International
  • 03:50Academy of Psychology and I'm very,
  • 03:52very much indebted to all the chapter
  • 03:55authors who have contributed.
  • 03:57To this book,
  • 03:59during a particularly difficult time
  • 04:01over the pandemic, and we were very,
  • 04:05very fortunate to see it come to
  • 04:08fruition and publication at the
  • 04:10end of last chair.
  • 04:12So what was the need for this project?
  • 04:15You know, we when we thought about,
  • 04:17you know,
  • 04:18do we really need a terminology
  • 04:20system for serious fluid cytology?
  • 04:23We had to have a discussion I had
  • 04:25to put forward a proposal to say,
  • 04:27you know?
  • 04:27What would be the point of doing
  • 04:29this and what motivated me was
  • 04:31the need for some answers to very
  • 04:34practical clinical questions.
  • 04:36The parish system had set a really
  • 04:38good precedent to evaluation of
  • 04:41adequacy criterion, fluid samples,
  • 04:43urine in the case of the parish system
  • 04:46and had linked it to volume and celularity,
  • 04:49and to my mind there would was a link
  • 04:52to fluid samples and adequacy taking
  • 04:55into account both volume the cell content.
  • 04:58And this in turn I thought would help
  • 05:00us define what is a true negative
  • 05:02sample for a particular patient.
  • 05:04That is to say,
  • 05:05if the cytology sample from
  • 05:06a pleural fluid is negative,
  • 05:09then it does in fact mean that
  • 05:12the patient is free of metastatic
  • 05:15disease to the pleural cavity.
  • 05:17There was also the issue of the use
  • 05:20of the existing terminology systems,
  • 05:23which weren't internationally accepted,
  • 05:25so everyone was doing their own thing.
  • 05:29In particular,
  • 05:30the tippy and suspicious categories
  • 05:31showed a great degree of overlap
  • 05:34in published literature,
  • 05:35and I thought that the time had
  • 05:37come to try
  • 05:38and define a tipiya and suspicious.
  • 05:41As you know, individual categories and define
  • 05:44some criteria for putting cases into these.
  • 05:47Categories I also thought that visiting
  • 05:50revisiting the value of cytology in Miso,
  • 05:53thi Lio Ma was very timely.
  • 05:56Now, given that the diagnosis of mesothelioma
  • 05:59rests on ancillary work up and fish,
  • 06:03and although the gold standard
  • 06:06still remains a biopsy,
  • 06:08I do not contest that.
  • 06:09But it is possible to reach a
  • 06:12conclusive diagnosis of mesothelioma
  • 06:13based on a psychology sample.
  • 06:16And then there was this, really.
  • 06:17Tricky question about peritoneal washings
  • 06:20and how to report the presence of
  • 06:23epithelial cells in these specimens.
  • 06:25So there were a good number of reasons
  • 06:28in the proposal and I was very,
  • 06:29very pleased that both the American
  • 06:32Society of Psychopathology and
  • 06:34the International Academy thought
  • 06:36this was a project worth doing.
  • 06:38And So what does the system look like?
  • 06:40Happily,
  • 06:41it is a very familiar looking terminology
  • 06:45system where you have the nondiagnostic.
  • 06:47Category or and where you have the
  • 06:51negative for malignancy category
  • 06:53followed by atypia suspicious.
  • 06:55Just like you have in Paris,
  • 06:57Bethesda Thyroid and Milan terminologies.
  • 07:00With the only difference being that
  • 07:03the malignant category in fluid
  • 07:05cytology is split into primary,
  • 07:07which of course includes MISO.
  • 07:09Thi Lio,
  • 07:10Ma mainly and also secondary which
  • 07:12includes metastatic cost numbers
  • 07:14but also secondary involvement by
  • 07:16hematopoietic neoplasms such as leukemia.
  • 07:18And then foamers and hence the choice
  • 07:21of secondary rather than meta static.
  • 07:25So what are the factors involved in
  • 07:28adequacy in serious fluid cytology samples?
  • 07:30As I said, there's of course sample volume,
  • 07:32but then there's also sell
  • 07:35content and cellular preservation.
  • 07:36So is there a recommended volume
  • 07:39for serous fluid samples?
  • 07:41Was the question that we wanted to answer,
  • 07:43and for this there was already existing
  • 07:46evidence that came from Doctor Ruper
  • 07:49at all from Johns Hopkins who had
  • 07:51demonstrated through a very large
  • 07:53volume study of big sample size.
  • 07:56That 75 male was probably an optimal
  • 08:00volume for psychological assessment
  • 08:02and exclusion or confirmation of
  • 08:04milling malignancy between 50 and 75
  • 08:07was probably an acceptible volume
  • 08:10to request the clinicians to send
  • 08:13for psychological evaluation in
  • 08:15a couple of years time.
  • 08:16They also published data to
  • 08:18show that for pericardial fluid,
  • 08:2060 mil was an acceptable volume,
  • 08:23but that is not to say that smaller
  • 08:25volume samples should be rejected.
  • 08:27Perhaps you know everything does have
  • 08:29have to be booked in and accessioned in
  • 08:32the cytology laboratory and reported upon.
  • 08:34But if the sample volume is very small
  • 08:37and normal agency is demonstrated,
  • 08:39then perhaps a comment is warranted
  • 08:41to say that you know if the clinical
  • 08:44suspicion of malignancy is high,
  • 08:46then perhaps a 50 to 75 mil volume
  • 08:49of sample should be sent.
  • 08:52Also,
  • 08:52on that point worth mentioning that
  • 08:55aliquoting specimens for other
  • 08:57investigations on serious fluid samples
  • 09:00such as microbiology and biochemistry,
  • 09:03should all be done at the same time.
  • 09:06So when you collect the sample from the
  • 09:08patient on the ward or in the clinic,
  • 09:10split it up into sample to go to
  • 09:12psychology and biochemistry and
  • 09:14microbiology separately and not send
  • 09:16it all to microbiology and expect
  • 09:18them to then split it and send it to
  • 09:21cytology and biochemistry because.
  • 09:22That delay of course causes a
  • 09:25deterioration in the quality of
  • 09:27the sample for cytology and equally
  • 09:30for microbiology or biochemistry.
  • 09:32Cell content.
  • 09:33Big question was do we have to see
  • 09:36me that email cells in serous fluids
  • 09:38in order to call them adequate?
  • 09:41And the short answer to that is no,
  • 09:44you don't because it is completely
  • 09:46acceptable to find only lymphocytes,
  • 09:48say in a tuberculosis or chylous effusion,
  • 09:51or neutrophils,
  • 09:52or in an empire from an acute
  • 09:55bacterial infection,
  • 09:56and you may have benign effusions
  • 09:59without major female cells.
  • 10:00So and conversely,
  • 10:01also you could have malignancies
  • 10:03where there's a single cell.
  • 10:05Population of malignant cells only,
  • 10:07without mesothelial cells,
  • 10:08so it's nice to see me the serial
  • 10:10cells because it does give you the
  • 10:13confidence that the the plural or
  • 10:15pericardial or peritoneal cavity
  • 10:16has been sampled,
  • 10:18but you do not pronounce the specimen
  • 10:20as being non diagnostic simply because
  • 10:22you don't see me as a theory of cells.
  • 10:25Perhaps the most important feature,
  • 10:28very much like FNA samples or samples
  • 10:32fluid samples from other sides you know.
  • 10:35You could have a very cellular specimen,
  • 10:37but it is poorly preserved and it
  • 10:39could still be non diagnostic and
  • 10:41this could be because there's a
  • 10:43loss of quality
  • 10:44due to degenerative changes because
  • 10:45of delays in reaching the laboratory.
  • 10:48There could be bacterial overgrowth and of
  • 10:51course technical artifacts and contaminants.
  • 10:54So I'm going to walk you through the
  • 10:57terminology system using six cases,
  • 10:59one for each of the diagnostic categories,
  • 11:01and then at the end.
  • 11:02I'd be very pleased to take any questions
  • 11:05during the time that we have a discussion,
  • 11:07so let's start with the first case of 54
  • 11:10year old man with a left sided pleural
  • 11:12effusion is a smoker and suffers from
  • 11:14cough and chest pain for one week.
  • 11:17I will take a moment here to talk
  • 11:19about the importance of macroscopic
  • 11:21findings in serious effusion samples.
  • 11:24Because this is frequently overlooked,
  • 11:26as soon as we get the request form and
  • 11:28the slides we read the clinical data
  • 11:30and we start to look at the slide,
  • 11:33perhaps without even turning the form
  • 11:35over or scrolling down the screen to
  • 11:37see what was the macroscopic appearance
  • 11:39of this fluid or cytotechnology
  • 11:41colleagues work very hard in the
  • 11:43laboratory to record the volume and the
  • 11:46physical appearances of old samples,
  • 11:48in particular fluid samples,
  • 11:50and their descriptions are important
  • 11:52and clinically.
  • 11:54Meaningful so you could have,
  • 11:55you know a stroke alert fluid,
  • 11:58which is probably just a a transit date.
  • 12:00Or you could have apparent diffusion,
  • 12:03which is almost certainly an exit date.
  • 12:06You could have a heavily bloodstained fluid
  • 12:09you could have Milky or chylous fluid,
  • 12:12and all of these words have meanings
  • 12:14and so it is important to look at the
  • 12:18macroscopic appearance of the sample and
  • 12:21also in the light of what I've just said.
  • 12:24About the volume of sample to see
  • 12:26if a sufficient sample was sent,
  • 12:28because based on a small volume sample you
  • 12:31may not get the full representative picture.
  • 12:34The second point I want to mention
  • 12:36on this slide again is the the fact
  • 12:39that you should ideally examine
  • 12:41a combination of a panda.
  • 12:42Games are for serious fluid cytology samples,
  • 12:45pretty much the same as you probably already
  • 12:48do for FNA samples from various sites.
  • 12:52So it doesn't matter.
  • 12:53What the PAP stain is,
  • 12:55whether it's on a direct spread or it's
  • 12:57on a cytospin or it's a liquid based
  • 13:01preparation such as either thin prep
  • 13:03or show pad up app is a PAP and in
  • 13:06the same way your romanowsky based dye
  • 13:08orgainzer stain could either be a diff,
  • 13:10quik or hemo color or main may Grunwald
  • 13:13games are preparation so as long
  • 13:15as you are using a combination of a
  • 13:19romanowsky die and a PAP you should get
  • 13:21the best information on that particular.
  • 13:24Sample having said all of that,
  • 13:26in this particular case, of course,
  • 13:28you probably don't even need to put
  • 13:29this slide under the microscope,
  • 13:30because you can simply look at it,
  • 13:32glance at it,
  • 13:33hold it up to the light,
  • 13:34and say there's not much there.
  • 13:35It looks like there's probably just
  • 13:37some lies.
  • 13:37Red blood cells at the periphery
  • 13:39of this thin prep,
  • 13:41and there are no major fetal cells
  • 13:43or macrophages or any other kind
  • 13:46of cells to give you any confidence
  • 13:48that this is a representative sample.
  • 13:51It's probably just a traumatic aspirate.
  • 13:54And therefore nondiagnostic,
  • 13:55even on the games are,
  • 13:57you will probably just see a red
  • 14:00and white cells. Again.
  • 14:01A point to mention at this step is
  • 14:04that when you see the neutrophils and
  • 14:07lymphocytes which are probably all
  • 14:09just part of the peripheral blood.
  • 14:11Don't call them inflammatory
  • 14:13cells because that to a clinician
  • 14:15breeds like oh so there is an
  • 14:18inflammatory pathology in this sample.
  • 14:19These are simply white blood
  • 14:21cells from the peripheral blood.
  • 14:22They're not indicative or a
  • 14:24pathology in the pleura,
  • 14:25so you know simply calling it blood
  • 14:28and non diagnostic is adequate.
  • 14:30Rather than listing all the white blood
  • 14:32cells that you might be seeing on the sample.
  • 14:35So of course the terminology systems
  • 14:38are all about standardizing,
  • 14:40uh, you know, reports,
  • 14:42and so the structure of a report,
  • 14:45whether it's Paris but Esther or Milan,
  • 14:47follows a certain protocol,
  • 14:49and so the sample report here
  • 14:52should include an adequacy comment,
  • 14:55a diagnostic category,
  • 14:57and a clinical comment where appropriate.
  • 15:00So in a case like the one I've
  • 15:02just shown you,
  • 15:03a sample report might read as follows
  • 15:06evaluation limited by heavy blood staining,
  • 15:08likely non representative sample
  • 15:10and it is then assigned to the non
  • 15:13diagnostic category in the international
  • 15:15system and as a clinical comment you
  • 15:18would be advising for repeat sample
  • 15:20and stating in your report until your
  • 15:23clinicians begin to get used to the
  • 15:25idea that they really need to try
  • 15:27and send 50 to 75 mil volume sample.
  • 15:30And not just two or five mil of sample
  • 15:33'cause they may not get their answer.
  • 15:36So that was nondiagnostic
  • 15:38moving on to case number two,
  • 15:40and here's a clinical history of a 64 year
  • 15:43old man with liver cirrhosis and ascites.
  • 15:46We've got 60 mil or straw colored
  • 15:48fluid and two sided spins have
  • 15:50been prepared a PAP and a games.
  • 15:53A combination as I said is ideal and here
  • 15:56on this games of preparation you can see
  • 15:59some beautiful basophilic mesothelial cells.
  • 16:02You will appreciate their peripheral,
  • 16:06Lacy borders.
  • 16:07You could appreciate.
  • 16:09Perhaps there are the gaps or windows
  • 16:12between the mesothelial cells,
  • 16:14the music penal cells show,
  • 16:16or two tone staining
  • 16:18pattern of the cytoplasm,
  • 16:20their nuclei,
  • 16:20or very much of the same size and
  • 16:23shape without much pleomorphism,
  • 16:26and they are infiltrated by these
  • 16:29neutrophils and lymphocytes.
  • 16:30So there is this interaction between the
  • 16:33inflammatory cells and mesothelial cells.
  • 16:36You can appreciate the same features.
  • 16:37On the papanikolau cytospin,
  • 16:40where again you are able to pay more
  • 16:44attention to the nuclear detail,
  • 16:47which is the strength of the PAP
  • 16:48stain and you will see that the
  • 16:51nuclei have very smooth margins.
  • 16:52The nuclear membrane is very regular,
  • 16:55the chromatin is finally dispersed
  • 16:57with the presence of small multiple
  • 16:59nuclei rather than a single
  • 17:01large prominent nucleolus.
  • 17:03And again, these groups are
  • 17:06infiltrated by inflammatory cells.
  • 17:08So no obvious signs of malignancy.
  • 17:13The sample is certainly
  • 17:14adequate for evaluation,
  • 17:16and you saw some neutrophils,
  • 17:18mesothelial cells, and lymphocytes,
  • 17:20and so this will go into the
  • 17:23negative for malignancy category.
  • 17:25And given that there was a history of
  • 17:27cirrhosis and ascites in this patient,
  • 17:29you could put in a comment about the high
  • 17:31proportion of neutrophils being present,
  • 17:33which may represent spontaneous bacterial
  • 17:36peritonitis and therefore correlation.
  • 17:38With clinical and microbiological
  • 17:40findings would be advised.
  • 17:44So the negative for malignancy
  • 17:47category you would expect to
  • 17:49see normal or the expected cell
  • 17:51populations in variable numbers,
  • 17:53and these could be lymphocytes.
  • 17:56Macrophages means a female cells,
  • 17:58neutrophils and eosinophils.
  • 18:01Doctor Evil Chick,
  • 18:02who is one of the lead
  • 18:03authors of the Paris system,
  • 18:04was also the lead author for the
  • 18:08negative for Malignancy Chapter
  • 18:10and she created this awesome
  • 18:14algorithm for effusions and once you
  • 18:17separated out the inadequate ones,
  • 18:20the remainder that are adequate
  • 18:22could be just broadly divided into
  • 18:25two main categories of those having
  • 18:28the expected cellular findings.
  • 18:30Uh, and so here you would just
  • 18:33have variable numbers of the,
  • 18:35you know,
  • 18:36lymphocytes or mesothelial cells etc.
  • 18:39And on the other hand you could
  • 18:41have some unexpected cellular
  • 18:42and non cellular findings if
  • 18:45you have malignant cells.
  • 18:47Obviously you've got a diagnosis and
  • 18:48then you've got to do your ancillary
  • 18:51work up to confirm the diagnosis.
  • 18:53But you could also have some noncellular
  • 18:55findings which do indicate a careful
  • 18:58search in the background formula.
  • 19:00And see because some of these
  • 19:02non cellular findings may be
  • 19:04associated with malignancy,
  • 19:05but if you don't see malignancy
  • 19:07you don't have to call the
  • 19:09sample atypical or suspicious.
  • 19:11You should still sign it out as negative.
  • 19:13Having done a careful search to exclude
  • 19:17malignancy and As for the reactive effusions,
  • 19:21you could have different patterns
  • 19:23based on the relative preponderance
  • 19:25of a particular cell type.
  • 19:27So whether it's eosinophilic
  • 19:29or lymph ascitic.
  • 19:30You would need to state you know
  • 19:32what the possible causes of this
  • 19:35cinephilic preponderance might be,
  • 19:36whether there's been a recent
  • 19:39pleural fluid aspiration,
  • 19:40or whether there is an allergic
  • 19:43condition in the patient.
  • 19:44And likewise as I said earlier,
  • 19:47for lymphocytic and neutrophilic effusions.
  • 19:51So that's a negative for malignancy category,
  • 19:55moving onto a third case.
  • 19:56And here's the history of a 46
  • 19:58year old female with a history
  • 20:00of breast carcinoma six years
  • 20:02ago and now presents with cough
  • 20:04and a small pleural effusion.
  • 20:05We've received 20 Miller stroke,
  • 20:07bullet fluid and sitis pins have
  • 20:11been prepared and on the side
  • 20:14of spins at high magnification.
  • 20:16This is times 20.
  • 20:18You have a very cellular sample
  • 20:20in the background you can see.
  • 20:22Blood and you can see quite
  • 20:23a few years cinefile,
  • 20:24so it's possible that this is
  • 20:27a repeat aspirate.
  • 20:29In the center fielder,
  • 20:31simply a reaction to the introduction
  • 20:33of small amounts of air during
  • 20:35the previous procedure and which
  • 20:37irritates the pleura and insights
  • 20:39in your cinephilic reaction.
  • 20:41But what you also see are of course
  • 20:43these means arterial cells with
  • 20:45the gaps or windows between them,
  • 20:47some of them showing by nucleation.
  • 20:49Overall looking very,
  • 20:50very bland indeed and then also some
  • 20:53other cells which by their association
  • 20:56with the same group of material
  • 20:59cells are probably just degenerate.
  • 21:01But they all showing micro valuation
  • 21:03of the cytoplasm and and so you know
  • 21:06there's some doubt in your mind given
  • 21:08the history of breast carcinoma,
  • 21:10should I really worry
  • 21:11about these or can I write
  • 21:13these off as degenerative
  • 21:14changes in medial cells?
  • 21:16And then you look at your thin prep PAP?
  • 21:18And again you see this population
  • 21:20of likely means arterial cells,
  • 21:23but scattered within.
  • 21:24These are also some cells which
  • 21:26draw your attention because they
  • 21:29have slightly prominent nucleoli.
  • 21:31Although the nuclear chromatin overall
  • 21:33is not cause and so you're not strongly
  • 21:36suspicious that these are malignant,
  • 21:38you believe that these amazing serial cells,
  • 21:40but there is a clinical history
  • 21:43that is making you pause and wonder
  • 21:46whether you need to investigate the
  • 21:49sample further through ancillary
  • 21:51tests to exclude the possibility
  • 21:53of small volume metastases from the
  • 21:57known previous breast carcinoma,
  • 21:59and so that is the sort of clinical.
  • 22:01Scenario or setting for the use of
  • 22:04the atypical category when you have
  • 22:07occasional body preserved cells
  • 22:08with some nuclear enlargement,
  • 22:11subtle changes like hyperchromasia,
  • 22:13but no obvious chromatin and
  • 22:15nuclear membrane abnormalities.
  • 22:18You believe that these are
  • 22:19lightly degenerated macrophages,
  • 22:20amazing theater cells and you're
  • 22:23performing ancillary tests to exclude the
  • 22:26possibility of metastatic cost Sonoma.
  • 22:29So you do your epithelial markers
  • 22:31and mesothelial markers.
  • 22:33And you can then downgrade the
  • 22:35sample to negative for malignancy.
  • 22:37Once the epithelial markers
  • 22:39are shown to be negative.
  • 22:40So in this case you prepare a cell block
  • 22:43and again all you see or miso thi lio cells,
  • 22:45macrophages some fiber in a few
  • 22:48lymphocytes and your epithelial
  • 22:50markers come back negative and so
  • 22:54the atypical category really is an
  • 22:58uncommonly used category in effusions.
  • 23:00Some experience title pathologists
  • 23:02don't like to use it.
  • 23:03At all,
  • 23:04and in fact,
  • 23:05one of the biggest questions for me for
  • 23:07this particular terminology system was,
  • 23:09could we simply just collapse the
  • 23:11atypia and suspicious category
  • 23:13into one and do away with it appear
  • 23:15completely because they just didn't
  • 23:17seem to be good diagnostic criteria
  • 23:19in literature for a for a tipiya.
  • 23:21However,
  • 23:22before we embarked on the project
  • 23:24and our literature search,
  • 23:26we conducted a survey which was sent
  • 23:29out by the University of Wisconsin
  • 23:31doctor Dan Curtis's department.
  • 23:33And we got about 600 respondents
  • 23:35telling us that they would like us
  • 23:38to include the tipiya category in
  • 23:41the terminology system because they
  • 23:42do use it and they have clinical
  • 23:44circumstances in which they use it.
  • 23:47And so for the time being,
  • 23:48we decided to include it in
  • 23:50the terminology system.
  • 23:51But we're going to watch its progress
  • 23:53and the performance of this category.
  • 23:55What was becoming increasingly
  • 23:57apparent from the survey was that
  • 23:59in our minds we are following the
  • 24:02two step process for the atypical.
  • 24:04And suspicious cases where we were
  • 24:06putting a case aside while we
  • 24:09were doing the ancillary work up
  • 24:11and some colleagues were actually
  • 24:13issuing a preliminary report,
  • 24:15which is of course optional and
  • 24:17not mandated by the international
  • 24:19system simply to give them the
  • 24:23time to assess this sample.
  • 24:25And in order to prevent, you know,
  • 24:28clinical queries and emails,
  • 24:30and you know where's the result to put
  • 24:32something out there for the clinicians.
  • 24:34To receive to say we're working on this case,
  • 24:37there's something odd about it,
  • 24:39and we need a little bit more time to come
  • 24:43to a final conclusion about this case.
  • 24:46And so the diagnostic algorithm
  • 24:48for the atypical category really
  • 24:51is that you you're you perform a
  • 24:53preliminary assessment over tipiya,
  • 24:55and then if your immuno chemistry
  • 24:57demonstrates these atypical cells to
  • 25:00be just macrophages or mesothelial
  • 25:02cells you just downgrade that
  • 25:04report to a negative for malignancy
  • 25:06in a small number of cases.
  • 25:07If the immuno chemistry demonstrates that
  • 25:10the atypical cells are epithelial then you
  • 25:13can upgrade your diagnosis too suspicious.
  • 25:17Or malignant secondary.
  • 25:18And then you would be left with a very
  • 25:21small number of cases where there are
  • 25:24insufficient representative cells or
  • 25:26the you know chemistry is equivocal,
  • 25:28and so you reduce the burden of the
  • 25:31cases that you would sign out as that
  • 25:34appear on serious fluid cytology.
  • 25:37And so that is the kind of reasoning behind
  • 25:40both the tibia and as I will show you,
  • 25:44the suspicious category.
  • 25:45In my next case,
  • 25:47a 68 year old man with pleural
  • 25:49fluid history of lung carcinoma,
  • 25:5130 mil of blood tinged fluid is received.
  • 25:54And here on the map you can appreciate
  • 25:59that there are just two cells,
  • 26:01but these two cells stand out
  • 26:04in the background because they
  • 26:06are much larger than the.
  • 26:08Inflammatory cells,
  • 26:09the UM, the macrophages,
  • 26:12and the means of teal cells in the
  • 26:14background on the games are again.
  • 26:16You see that these nuclei, or quite large,
  • 26:19irregular and again the cells are much,
  • 26:21much louder than the surrounding
  • 26:24lymphocytes and macrophages,
  • 26:26and made me feel cells.
  • 26:27So these three cells,
  • 26:28or you know,
  • 26:29on the PAP and on the games
  • 26:31are or to an experienced I at
  • 26:34least suspicious for malignancy.
  • 26:36Depending on your experience.
  • 26:38And expertise.
  • 26:39Of course, you could say I'm
  • 26:41pretty sure that's malignant.
  • 26:42Uhm,
  • 26:43you know,
  • 26:44but I need to do my immunostains
  • 26:46to be able to just confirm that
  • 26:49these cells are indeed epithelial.
  • 26:51Before I make a diagnosis of metastatic
  • 26:54cost Sonoma in this particular patient.
  • 26:57And so you were suspicious while
  • 26:59you were appreciating just the uh,
  • 27:01the cytological appearances.
  • 27:03But you needed backup from
  • 27:05your ancillary work up.
  • 27:07To upgrade the diagnosis from
  • 27:09suspicious to malignant,
  • 27:11and so the suspicious scenarios in
  • 27:13serous fluid cytology is where you
  • 27:16have either small numbers of cases
  • 27:18or groups with nuclear pleomorphism
  • 27:20that require ancillary tests
  • 27:22for confirmation of malignancy.
  • 27:24Sometimes you may have cells with
  • 27:28relatively bland appearances
  • 27:29or mild plum Orphism.
  • 27:31They may even be numerous,
  • 27:33but they look very bland,
  • 27:34or they may be simply in small.
  • 27:37Numbers like we talked about in
  • 27:39the case of breast or another
  • 27:41scenario where you have music in
  • 27:44the background but very few or
  • 27:46no cells or very bland looking
  • 27:48cells in ascitic fluid in say
  • 27:50a pseudomyxoma pair tonight.
  • 27:52But in the absence of cells you can't
  • 27:54really make a diagnosis of malignancy,
  • 27:56but you could certainly raise
  • 27:58the suspicion of pseudomyxoma
  • 28:01based simply on the museum scene,
  • 28:04lymph ascitic effusions with
  • 28:06the monotonous population.
  • 28:07Again, would need a a an ancillary.
  • 28:10Work up to confirm the diagnosis of lymphoma
  • 28:12or exclude the diagnosis of lymphoma,
  • 28:15and so again till you get the
  • 28:16results of your ancillary work up.
  • 28:18You could put that into the
  • 28:22suspicious category provisionally.
  • 28:23And so similar to the algorithm for
  • 28:25atypia in the suspicious category.
  • 28:27Again, we are basically worried
  • 28:30about a small number of cells
  • 28:33or preliminary assessment is.
  • 28:36In the favor of malignancy rather
  • 28:38than in favor of benign as
  • 28:40opposed to the atypical category.
  • 28:43And then once you do your immunostains
  • 28:45you confirm malignancy and your final
  • 28:47report would be malignant and so again
  • 28:49you would be only left with a very
  • 28:52small number of cases where there is
  • 28:54insufficient material or the immuno
  • 28:57chemistry is not supportive of the
  • 28:59diagnosis where you would be left
  • 29:02with a suspicious category as the
  • 29:04final diagnosis and you could of course.
  • 29:06Just request further sample
  • 29:09to confirm the diagnosis.
  • 29:11At this point I would just take a
  • 29:13moment to talk about answer retesting
  • 29:15of lung padmakar Sonoma in this case
  • 29:17because in such a case you might
  • 29:19be able to arrive at the diagnosis
  • 29:21of metastatic lung carcinoma.
  • 29:22A once you've done your TTF one immunostain,
  • 29:25but you may not have sufficient
  • 29:28material remaining for PDL 1 alpenrose,
  • 29:30and for doing your next generation
  • 29:33sequencing which may be needed
  • 29:35for targeted chemotherapy.
  • 29:36In this particular case,
  • 29:37and so my plea to you is to restrict the.
  • 29:41Amount of immuno chemistry.
  • 29:43You perform in a posse,
  • 29:46cellular samples or samples that have
  • 29:48small numbers of malignant cells.
  • 29:50Because you really want to try
  • 29:52and conserve material as far as
  • 29:55possible for molecular testing,
  • 29:56it may still not be possible given
  • 29:58on the small number of malignant
  • 30:00cells in such a sample,
  • 30:02but at least we should not exhaust all
  • 30:05of our cells doing immuno chemistry.
  • 30:08So just to summarize,
  • 30:10the difference between the atypical.
  • 30:11In suspicious categories in
  • 30:13the international system,
  • 30:15in the atypical category we have
  • 30:18subtle psychological abnormalities
  • 30:20where we think we're dealing
  • 30:23with a benign cell type,
  • 30:25but we can't completely or confidently
  • 30:28exclude malignancy because there
  • 30:31may be a clinical factor that
  • 30:33is influencing us to exclude it.
  • 30:35But you do expect in the vast
  • 30:38majority of cases that the outcome
  • 30:40would be benign and so the.
  • 30:42Suggested risk of malignancy in this
  • 30:44category is to the tune of 20%.
  • 30:46This needs to be borne out by future data,
  • 30:49but we would like to maintain a
  • 30:51good degree of separation from the
  • 30:53suspicious category with a sort of a 20.
  • 30:5680 split for the suspicious category
  • 30:58so that in in the suspicious category
  • 31:01we really expect that the outcome will
  • 31:05be usually be malignant because we
  • 31:07favored an epithelial origin of the cells,
  • 31:10but we just needed more of the same,
  • 31:14so it's a quantitative factor
  • 31:16in the suspicious category,
  • 31:18whereas it could be a qualitative
  • 31:20factor in the atypical category
  • 31:22where the cells that you see
  • 31:24simply do not fulfill the criteria.
  • 31:27Or high grade malignancy and therefore
  • 31:29you are being cautious and you know,
  • 31:32erring on the side of caution
  • 31:34and calling it a typical.
  • 31:36Whereas in suspicious you're fairly
  • 31:38confident that if you had another 10
  • 31:40cells or if the ancillary work up proves
  • 31:43these suspicious cells to be malignant,
  • 31:46then you would be shown to be
  • 31:49correct in your assessment.
  • 31:51OK, moving on to the last two cases,
  • 31:53then #5 is a 68 year old man with a
  • 31:56history of exposure to asbestos and a
  • 32:00unilateral hemorrhagic pleural effusion.
  • 32:0280 mil of blood fluid with a clot.
  • 32:05And again,
  • 32:06I'm just going to take a moment
  • 32:07to say that if there is a cloth
  • 32:09present within the sample,
  • 32:11the lab should really automatically
  • 32:13process it because it's very likely
  • 32:16that the cytospin's may not contain the
  • 32:18material that it is trapped within the cloth.
  • 32:21And so getting additional value
  • 32:24from processing the cloth should
  • 32:26almost be an automatic procedure,
  • 32:29whereas if you there isn't a
  • 32:31spontaneous clot and you want to
  • 32:34perform additional ancillary work up,
  • 32:36you could request a cell block from
  • 32:39the sample whereby you're actually
  • 32:41adding thrombin or other chemicals
  • 32:43to the sample to precipitate a clot
  • 32:46from which you can then cut sections
  • 32:48and perform immuno chemistry.
  • 32:51So of course you know.
  • 32:52The history there,
  • 32:53you know is a very directed one
  • 32:56and it is about mesothelial cells.
  • 32:58And here is this,
  • 32:59you know,
  • 33:00really happy looking miso thi deal
  • 33:02cell that's bursting at the edges with
  • 33:04you know it's this sort of Lacy skirt,
  • 33:06like peripheral blips.
  • 33:07It's got the sub membranous
  • 33:10glycogen vacuoles.
  • 33:10It's got the two tone staining
  • 33:13of the cytoplasm.
  • 33:14It's got a relatively bland looking
  • 33:16nucleus which is showing a relatively
  • 33:19low nucleocytoplasmic ratio.
  • 33:21You know, there there.
  • 33:23Chromatin and the nuclear membrane,
  • 33:25or look relatively smooth,
  • 33:26but by looking at it you can't
  • 33:28always tell whether this means
  • 33:30ethereal cell is benign or malignant,
  • 33:32and that is the challenge of
  • 33:35mesothelial proliferations.
  • 33:36Of course,
  • 33:38there are features like hypercellularity,
  • 33:41and you know if you have presence
  • 33:44of significant pleomorphism abnormal
  • 33:46mitotic figures in mesothelial cells,
  • 33:49then of course you could suspect me
  • 33:51the thielemier straight away based on.
  • 33:52Morphology,
  • 33:53but usually it is quite difficult
  • 33:56because the morphology of medial
  • 33:58cells can be very very bland even
  • 34:01in neoplastic proliferations,
  • 34:03but they also tend to be relatively
  • 34:07monomorphic from one cell to the
  • 34:10next from 1 nucleus to the next,
  • 34:13and from one group to the next.
  • 34:14The groups are typically very equal sized,
  • 34:17unlike in adenocarcinomas,
  • 34:19and of course at high magnification
  • 34:22they will still.
  • 34:23Then the properties of mesothelial cells,
  • 34:25which are the gaps or windows
  • 34:27between the cells,
  • 34:28the clasping feature of mesothelial cells.
  • 34:32They may begin to show very
  • 34:34prominent single cherry,
  • 34:35red large nucleoli which would
  • 34:38alert you to the possibility
  • 34:40of mesothelioma. But you are going
  • 34:43to need your ancillary work up
  • 34:45to confirm the diagnosis on say,
  • 34:48a cell block and again you can
  • 34:50appreciate all of those features
  • 34:51of major female cells in this.
  • 34:53Cell block here and so this is
  • 34:55really the the panel that will help
  • 34:58you arrive at the conclusion about
  • 35:00what the nature of this means.
  • 35:02Ethereal proliferation is.
  • 35:03Is it just reactive and therefore
  • 35:06to be put in the negative
  • 35:08for malignancy category and.
  • 35:10For this, uh,
  • 35:11this is a suggested and commonly used panel.
  • 35:15Immuno chemistry certainly in Europe
  • 35:17and other parts of the world.
  • 35:19Desmin is very frequently used thinking
  • 35:22it is quite variably used in the states,
  • 35:25but we certainly find it very
  • 35:27valuable because Desmond retains its
  • 35:30cytoplasmic positivity in reactive
  • 35:32mesothelial cells and it is lost in
  • 35:35a high proportion of mesotheliomas
  • 35:37epithelial membrane antigen shows a dense,
  • 35:41very thick membranous staining
  • 35:44in mesothelioma.
  • 35:46Which is not seen in mesothelial
  • 35:48reactive medial cells,
  • 35:50and it will show a diffuse cytoplasmic
  • 35:53staining in adenocarcinoma.
  • 35:54So it you know this is one stain
  • 35:56that can help you distinguish
  • 35:57between reactive means.
  • 35:59Arterial cells, miso, thi Lio,
  • 36:00Mars and adenocarcinomas,
  • 36:01but of course we are now in
  • 36:04the day and age of BAP.
  • 36:05One bracket associated protein one,
  • 36:09the loss of which is associated with
  • 36:11a very high proportion of medium.
  • 36:13As you know 80 to 90% of me is a theomars.
  • 36:16Will show a loss of nuclear
  • 36:18staining with BAP one which will
  • 36:21be retained in a reactive measure.
  • 36:23Theal cells and also interestingly
  • 36:26in lung adenocarcinomas.
  • 36:27So if BAP one is included in
  • 36:30your panel and it is positive,
  • 36:32it's almost certainly not miso,
  • 36:34thi Lio Ma and your panel here could
  • 36:36then help you distinguish between an
  • 36:39adenocarcinoma and mesothelioma and
  • 36:41back one is quite helpful in that regard,
  • 36:44but of course you know ancillary.
  • 36:46Testings using fish or mtap and
  • 36:50P16 deletions are the ones which
  • 36:53you know will clinch the diagnosis
  • 36:56in the equivocal cases,
  • 36:58and so this is the panel which I
  • 37:01would recommend and is recommended in
  • 37:04the international system for sorting
  • 37:06out your mesothelial proliferations.
  • 37:09I won't read out this slide to
  • 37:11you of ancillary tests,
  • 37:13but just to say that a good
  • 37:15place to start if you have.
  • 37:17A differential diagnosis of
  • 37:19amazing theal proliferation versus
  • 37:21carcinoma used to good miso,
  • 37:25thi lio and epithelial marker,
  • 37:26and a macrophage marker user panel
  • 37:29that works well in your laboratory.
  • 37:31Historically,
  • 37:31if it's worked well for you know years
  • 37:34and years and there's no reason to
  • 37:37think of switching to something else.
  • 37:39But bear in mind that there are some
  • 37:41very good adenocarcinomas that are
  • 37:43coming up all the time and perhaps one
  • 37:45of these could replace some of the.
  • 37:47Older ones that you may have
  • 37:48been using in the laboratory.
  • 37:50I'll come to the site specific markers later,
  • 37:52but also to alert you to the
  • 37:54fact that there can be an overlap
  • 37:57with certain immunostains like
  • 37:59WT1 GATA 3 which can overlap between
  • 38:03carcinomas and mesothelial proliferation.
  • 38:05So you do need to be aware
  • 38:08of published literature,
  • 38:08and of course the importance of clinical
  • 38:12correlation and every single case.
  • 38:14But by and large you could
  • 38:16perform answer retests.
  • 38:17To resolve the dilemma between Mesothelial
  • 38:20proliferations and metastatic carcinoma.
  • 38:22So a sample report for a MISO thi live
  • 38:25proliferation in the international
  • 38:26system would read something like
  • 38:28this satisfactory for evaluation,
  • 38:30you would give a brief description
  • 38:32of the cellular findings,
  • 38:34the fact that immunostains have
  • 38:35been requested for confirmation
  • 38:37either on the cell block.
  • 38:38Of course, if there is an accompanying
  • 38:40biopsy in the same department,
  • 38:42there probably is no need to replicate.
  • 38:45The same immunol work up on two different.
  • 38:48Uh, you know specimens and you could
  • 38:51just do them on either one of those two,
  • 38:54and then if the immunostains
  • 38:56are confirmatory,
  • 38:57you can have a final diagnosis
  • 39:00of malignant primary,
  • 39:02which is means a theory OMA.
  • 39:03And of course always always advise
  • 39:06clinical correlation because.
  • 39:08Radial radiological appearance is
  • 39:10and the biopsy confirmation of
  • 39:13invasive mesothelioma is still
  • 39:14the gold standard for diagnosis,
  • 39:17but it can be achieved with cytology with
  • 39:21a confirmatory panel of immunostains.
  • 39:24Anything that falls short of this
  • 39:26mark should be called either
  • 39:28suspicious or just left at a typical.
  • 39:30So if you've got,
  • 39:31you know some classic morphological features,
  • 39:33but the immunostains are not confirm
  • 39:36atory step back and advise biopsy.
  • 39:39Advised correlation with clinical and
  • 39:41radiological findings discussed at the
  • 39:44clinical meetings or multidisciplinary
  • 39:46meetings as we call them here in the UK.
  • 39:49And of course,
  • 39:50if the morphology is not classic
  • 39:53and the immunostains are not
  • 39:55confirm atory either then you stop
  • 39:57at a typical musical proliferation
  • 40:00and advise further investigation.
  • 40:02So,
  • 40:03uhm.
  • 40:04A recognizable abnormal cell
  • 40:07population should be present and
  • 40:10adequate for a robust diagnosis on
  • 40:13which clinical management may be
  • 40:15based in the malignant categories.
  • 40:18The cell types should be specified
  • 40:20either on morphology alone or
  • 40:22supported by immuno chemistry and
  • 40:24which would allow you to reach a
  • 40:27final diagnosis by the mesothelioma or
  • 40:29metastatic cost. Sonoma lymphoma etc.
  • 40:31And of course you would need to
  • 40:33do some primary.
  • 40:34Organ site investigation in terms
  • 40:37of adenocarcinomas, which is,
  • 40:39you know,
  • 40:40not something that you can do for
  • 40:42melanomas or small cell carcinoma
  • 40:46or squamous customers.
  • 40:48So final case then discussions case
  • 40:50number 6 the 45 year old female with ascites,
  • 40:5435 mil of bloodstained fluid and
  • 40:57of course you know I'm sure this
  • 40:59is a spot diagnosis.
  • 41:01For those of you with experience in.
  • 41:04Cyto pathology we have got large three
  • 41:09dimensional variable sized cohesive
  • 41:11clusters of the malignant epithelioid cells,
  • 41:16displaying course abundant
  • 41:19cytoplasmic vacuolation nuclear
  • 41:22hyperchromasia irregularity,
  • 41:23high NC ratio,
  • 41:26and variation of the nucleus size
  • 41:28and shape from one group and
  • 41:30one nucleus to the next,
  • 41:31which is not a feature of
  • 41:33mesothelioma as I said.
  • 41:34Earlier.
  • 41:35And again on the games are you
  • 41:37have the same features the large
  • 41:40groups tightly cohesive,
  • 41:42no gaps or windows,
  • 41:44unlike me, they feel proliferations,
  • 41:47and these may be infiltrated by
  • 41:49lymphocytes and and neutrophils.
  • 41:52But then. In the background,
  • 41:55you still have some uh lymphocytes,
  • 42:00A4 size comparison. Once you do,
  • 42:03your cell block or your plot section,
  • 42:04you will be able to appreciate the
  • 42:07microarchitecture of these groups as
  • 42:09well with little glandular formations.
  • 42:10Or perhaps some signet ring cells.
  • 42:13And once you do your TTF one
  • 42:15stain and it comes back positive,
  • 42:18you have confirmation of metastatic cost
  • 42:21Sonoma adenocarcinoma from the lung.
  • 42:24And so this isn't an ever growing
  • 42:27list of site specific markers.
  • 42:32And you know,
  • 42:33this is again constantly renewed and updated
  • 42:36as some of the older markers become.
  • 42:39You know less favorable because
  • 42:41there are increasing numbers of
  • 42:43studies that show that they're not
  • 42:45particularly specific to those sites,
  • 42:46and as new emerging markers turn up,
  • 42:50but this is a sort of a rough guide
  • 42:53to ascertaining the primaries
  • 42:55with adenocarcinomas,
  • 42:55and so a sample report for such a case is,
  • 43:00again as follows.
  • 43:01You gave your description.
  • 43:02You assign it to the
  • 43:04malignant secondary category,
  • 43:05and then you perform your immunostains
  • 43:08to ascertain the primary site.
  • 43:10So my last couple of slides,
  • 43:11diagnostic categories linking to
  • 43:13clinical management once on the
  • 43:16routine preparations and stains you
  • 43:18make final call of nondiagnostic.
  • 43:21Then of course you would ask
  • 43:23for a repeat sample,
  • 43:24ideally 50 to 75 mil if it is a
  • 43:28negative for malignancy sample then the
  • 43:31patient might be discharged or simply.
  • 43:33Clinically followed up if it is in the
  • 43:36Gray zone of a tipiya and suspicious,
  • 43:38you need your ancillary work up and
  • 43:41correlation with biopsy and clinical
  • 43:43data to try and push as many of
  • 43:45the atypical into negative and as
  • 43:48many of suspicious into malignant.
  • 43:49Of course,
  • 43:50for the malignant category you would
  • 43:52be performing ancillary testing,
  • 43:54not necessarily to confirm malignancy,
  • 43:57but to establish the primary site
  • 44:00of origin and also prognostic
  • 44:02and predictive markers.
  • 44:04Just as the you know,
  • 44:06manuscript last year was
  • 44:07about to go to the publishers,
  • 44:09I came across this a great article by
  • 44:12Doctor Farahani and Doctor Bellotte
  • 44:15in diagnostic psychopathology,
  • 44:16the journal and they looked at the
  • 44:19historic data before the publication of
  • 44:22the Serious of Fluids Phytopathology book,
  • 44:25of course,
  • 44:26which looked at the risk of
  • 44:29malignancy across the different
  • 44:31diagnostic categories as reported.
  • 44:34In literature Pre TS and what was
  • 44:37noticeable was how high the risk
  • 44:41of malignancy was in the atypical
  • 44:44category and that is probably
  • 44:46because there is a big overlap
  • 44:49between the atypical and suspicious
  • 44:51categories and with the application
  • 44:54of appropriate criteria.
  • 44:55Perhaps the risk of malignancy in
  • 44:57this category will move closer
  • 44:59to that of the negative and that
  • 45:01or the suspicious category would
  • 45:03move closer to malignancy.
  • 45:05And this separation of the risk of
  • 45:08malignancy between the different
  • 45:10categories is the basis for the
  • 45:13justification of any reporting
  • 45:15terminology system, be it the faster Milan,
  • 45:17Paris or the international systems and.
  • 45:20And so this really is the data that I
  • 45:23would be hoping that you will be
  • 45:26collecting through auditing your cases
  • 45:29prospectively and retrospectively to
  • 45:31see you know before and after that.
  • 45:35Number of cases and the risk of
  • 45:38malignancy that you put into the
  • 45:40uh into into the reporting system.
  • 45:43So with that I thank you.
  • 45:45I am going to stop sharing my screen
  • 45:48and I am available to take any.
  • 45:52Questions or comments from the audience?
  • 45:54Thank you so much.
  • 45:55Thank you so much Ashish is.
  • 45:58Wonderful, I really like it.
  • 46:00It's many, many questions in
  • 46:02my mind has been addressed,
  • 46:04so while the people are preparing their
  • 46:07question so maybe I can ask you too.
  • 46:09Small question. Actually one of them.
  • 46:12It's related to your last page,
  • 46:15so the the risk of malignancy.
  • 46:19The risk of malignancy in
  • 46:21negative for malignancy category.
  • 46:23According to my manager Palaj if about 20%.
  • 46:30Well, he was 20% meaning if
  • 46:33we say negative malignancy,
  • 46:35one in every five we are wrong.
  • 46:38So what in your mind, this, uh,
  • 46:40for this negative mallegni should be?
  • 46:43Absolutely, that that's a great question.
  • 46:45Peter and I think what we have looked
  • 46:48at in that table is the historic data
  • 46:52of how we have over the last 50 years,
  • 46:56reported serious fluid cyto pathology and
  • 46:59what the clinical outcomes of these cases
  • 47:02have been if we but we don't know what
  • 47:05the sample volumes of these cases were,
  • 47:08we don't know whether they would have
  • 47:11fulfilled the the sort of site, the.
  • 47:15The criteria for good cellular
  • 47:19preservation and celularity,
  • 47:21as suggested by the international
  • 47:22system so we don't have that
  • 47:25data in this reported literature,
  • 47:27and that I hope, will be the strength
  • 47:29of the system going forward.
  • 47:30Once we link this risk of malignancy
  • 47:34to volume and to sell content,
  • 47:36we might have a clearer picture to
  • 47:38be able to say to our clinicians.
  • 47:39Well, if you send us a 5 mil sample,
  • 47:42the risk of malignancy could be considerably.
  • 47:45Different to when you send
  • 47:46us a 50 to 75 mill sample,
  • 47:48but the problem there is of course that,
  • 47:51uh, the follow up of patients with
  • 47:54negative cytology is typically very
  • 47:56difficult across all terminology systems.
  • 47:59Whether it's urine,
  • 48:01cytology or FNA,
  • 48:02cytology the patients who have any fusion
  • 48:05that resolves do not have any Histology,
  • 48:08may not have much clinical follow up,
  • 48:10and so you're left with this kind
  • 48:12of no follow up of these cases.
  • 48:15Or this kind of imagined follow up
  • 48:16that we show that they were all
  • 48:18right because they didn't come back
  • 48:20to us with malignancy in the next.
  • 48:22You know, two or three years,
  • 48:23so we need to agree to certain
  • 48:26surrogate markers and goal posts
  • 48:27and we don't know what those are in
  • 48:30terms of the negative categories.
  • 48:32So that's a great question in terms
  • 48:34of calculating the sensitivity
  • 48:36and the negative predictive value
  • 48:38over serious fluid sample.
  • 48:40We don't really have great data,
  • 48:42but I suspect it would be linked to volume.
  • 48:45And a sample quality.
  • 48:47Thank you for a great question,
  • 48:48Peter,
  • 48:49thank you. Thank you so much.
  • 48:51Uh, another question from my end.
  • 48:55Is that special staying for P16 so.
  • 48:59P-16 you agree with a fish analysis
  • 49:03kind of fish usually is pretty
  • 49:06challenging for cytology sample
  • 49:09and many people like immunostains.
  • 49:12And I see this debating like animal Stampede.
  • 49:1616 How you know how useful?
  • 49:18How placable was your position here?
  • 49:22So thank you. Another great question.
  • 49:24Very very specialist and technical.
  • 49:29I have to say the published data really
  • 49:33mostly supports using P-16 mutation,
  • 49:39you know, so we're not talking
  • 49:41about the wild type P-16.
  • 49:42We're talking about the mutated
  • 49:44P-16 demonstrated by fish.
  • 49:46So if you're using the appropriate
  • 49:49immuno chemistry, of course not.
  • 49:50For the wild type P-16,
  • 49:52but for for the mutated one you
  • 49:56should get you know good data.
  • 49:59And I think that is something that
  • 50:01we want to see more work done on
  • 50:04before it can be accepted as a
  • 50:07recommended clinical practice.
  • 50:08You're absolutely right,
  • 50:09there is a growing body of evidence
  • 50:12and data that is suggesting that we
  • 50:14could perhaps just do immuno chemistry
  • 50:16rather than fish and that would solve
  • 50:18a big problem because as you say,
  • 50:20access to cytogenetics and fish
  • 50:23is not easy for all laboratories.
  • 50:26You know we're lucky to work in
  • 50:28institutions where we do have.
  • 50:30As to genetics and ancillary tests,
  • 50:32uh, but you know,
  • 50:34we these international terminology
  • 50:36systems are meant to be used by the
  • 50:40global psychopathology community,
  • 50:41and if we set our benchmark,
  • 50:43which is unachievable,
  • 50:44then the project sort of loses its
  • 50:46value because we've set the bar so
  • 50:48high that it is completely unachievable by,
  • 50:51you know,
  • 50:51by the vast majority of our
  • 50:54colleagues practicing cyto pathology.
  • 50:56So I think we do have to be realistic,
  • 50:58I think.
  • 51:00Using that and that's why I emphasized
  • 51:03so much the use of you know commonly
  • 51:06used immunochemical immuno histo and
  • 51:09cytochemical panels that include
  • 51:12desmin and epithelial membrane antigen
  • 51:14and bap one which it is easier for a
  • 51:18smaller psychopathology laboratory
  • 51:20to standardize and validate and
  • 51:23be able to perform reproducibly
  • 51:25and accurately within their own
  • 51:27laboratory or at least have access.
  • 51:30To the immunostains,
  • 51:31but I know there are parts of the
  • 51:33world where, uh,
  • 51:34the diagnosis of MISO?
  • 51:35Thi Lio Ma actually is just based on
  • 51:38cyto morphology and perhaps some immuno
  • 51:41cytochemical stains like oil red O
  • 51:43positive iti in in in in mesothelioma.
  • 51:46And that was a great point that
  • 51:49Professor Claire Michael who's the
  • 51:50lead chapter also for me the helium
  • 51:52appointed out and she said you
  • 51:54know we should try and find good
  • 51:57cheap and easy stains for you know,
  • 52:00mesothelioma.
  • 52:00Because not everybody will have
  • 52:03access to cytogenetics and to even
  • 52:06immuno chemistry and to you know some
  • 52:09colleagues practicing in constrained
  • 52:12resources just histochemistry with
  • 52:14oil red O and some other immunity
  • 52:16and some other stains could be very
  • 52:19very beneficial in the context of
  • 52:21a good strong clinical suspicion
  • 52:23of a mesothelioma for instance.
  • 52:25So thank you for bringing up
  • 52:27that very pertinent question.
  • 52:29Thank you, thank you thank
  • 52:30I have a question. Copying.
  • 52:37OK, can you hear me now?
  • 52:39Yeah yeah OK alright
  • 52:44thanks for your great this great talk so.
  • 52:49So based on this you know that international
  • 52:53reporting systems and since we know,
  • 52:57recommend the volume of the
  • 53:00specimen is you know 75.
  • 53:05Uh CC, which is you know,
  • 53:07largely based on the.
  • 53:10The Hopkins study recommended.
  • 53:13But there's other study out
  • 53:15there in the literatures.
  • 53:16They actually recommend larger variance,
  • 53:19you know, talk about 200 or 250 miles,
  • 53:23and you know in in the age now is
  • 53:28proficient precision medicines.
  • 53:31You know a lot this specimen.
  • 53:32Not only you know,
  • 53:34Rick required health diagnostic work
  • 53:37up also for the answering tests which
  • 53:40may guide clinical management patient.
  • 53:43So I just wonder,
  • 53:44you know for this kind of system out there,
  • 53:47you kind of flat out recommended you
  • 53:50know 75 mil specimen weather you know.
  • 53:55You know whether you're consider
  • 53:57you know whether this you know,
  • 54:00particularly in the setting of the,
  • 54:02you know malignancy and weather,
  • 54:05has any room.
  • 54:06You know I, because the the the the one.
  • 54:11The issue would be,
  • 54:12you know clinical thing and look at
  • 54:15the old you are you even you are
  • 54:17report you are sitting recommended
  • 54:19only 75 and mail you know specimen.
  • 54:22So that's one one of my question.
  • 54:24The other question I had.
  • 54:26One day I notice,
  • 54:27you know,
  • 54:27in this system you don't have a
  • 54:30category you know call for new problem,
  • 54:33which many other system has this category
  • 54:36robust sister you know Milan and you know,
  • 54:40PSC, you know,
  • 54:41and because particularly you talk about
  • 54:44one the sample you you talk about in your,
  • 54:48you know presentation is.
  • 54:50You know pseudo makes Soma,
  • 54:53which you know you ****.
  • 54:56Basically you see them using or
  • 54:59missing like material without without,
  • 55:01you know,
  • 55:02without absolute component you put in the
  • 55:05category called suspicious for malignancy.
  • 55:07The same issue will be also raised
  • 55:11for like a borderline tumors and
  • 55:13which also shows this kind of you
  • 55:17know sales or material in your.
  • 55:21Uh, and aside, is opera Tonio you know,
  • 55:23public watch specimen?
  • 55:25So, because this particular category
  • 55:27is switched from Milligan and carry,
  • 55:29the risk is about 80%,
  • 55:32so I don't know how this will
  • 55:34have any clinical impact.
  • 55:35How you do on clinic,
  • 55:37because basically there's no surgical
  • 55:39diagnosis clad out malignancy,
  • 55:41but you called speech for Magnus.
  • 55:44Thank you.
  • 55:45Yeah,
  • 55:46great questions.
  • 55:46I'll try and be brief in the
  • 55:48interest of time, but I acknowledge.
  • 55:50The limitations of the data that we
  • 55:54have at the moment at the time of
  • 55:58publication of the first edition,
  • 55:59but what it has done is opened up
  • 56:02this conversation that we're having
  • 56:05today and which is what I was
  • 56:08asked at the European Congress of
  • 56:10Psychology in in Poland just last
  • 56:12week where we had a whole session
  • 56:15devoted to a tipiya versus NEO
  • 56:17plasm in serious effusion cytology.
  • 56:19Well seriously, in.
  • 56:20All specimen doubts,
  • 56:21but also addressing serious fluids,
  • 56:24and that's a great question about
  • 56:26taking your second question first,
  • 56:27and I'll go back to the first
  • 56:29time in a moment.
  • 56:31So the new plasm category for fluids
  • 56:34is is quite a tricky one to use.
  • 56:37It will be very rarely used and
  • 56:39in the kind of scenarios where
  • 56:41you pointed out you know you've
  • 56:42got mucinous material and you
  • 56:44know it could be a NEO plasm,
  • 56:46which may or may not be malignant,
  • 56:47and so you know should that
  • 56:49go into the tipiya category.
  • 56:51Should that go into suspicious category,
  • 56:52should that be in a NEO plasm category,
  • 56:55I think at the moment what
  • 56:57we are suggesting is that we
  • 56:59put the query new plasm.
  • 57:01The bland neoplasms including the
  • 57:03borderline tumors into the atropia of
  • 57:06undetermined significance category.
  • 57:08So that is your sort of surrogate
  • 57:11new plasm category for the moment.
  • 57:13Let's see by the time of the second edition,
  • 57:16in four or five years,
  • 57:17if there is enough data out there
  • 57:20to justify having an additional
  • 57:23NEO plasm category.
  • 57:25In addition to ATYPIA,
  • 57:26we would be very much prepared to
  • 57:28consider it. So that is a great question.
  • 57:31But it wasn't something that we
  • 57:34had enough data on to be able
  • 57:36to address in the first issue.
  • 57:38In the first edition,
  • 57:39and so we have actually just put them
  • 57:42or suggest that we put those under tipiya,
  • 57:44but the discussion that we had in
  • 57:47Poland was that a tip here actually
  • 57:49includes the kind of cases which
  • 57:52probably sit better in a NEO plasm category.
  • 57:55Also, for instance,
  • 57:57benign music Thielen preparations,
  • 57:58though well differentiated papillary miso?
  • 58:01Thi lio ma.
  • 58:02Or the localized musically OMERS,
  • 58:04which are essentially benign tumors?
  • 58:06Should they all be called miso?
  • 58:08Thi Lio Ma's,
  • 58:09where do you know a typical or benign
  • 58:12mesothelial proliferations go in the system,
  • 58:15so those were all questions
  • 58:17that are now being raised,
  • 58:18and we hope that we will have
  • 58:21more data in in the next few
  • 58:24years to be able to answer that.
  • 58:26Going back to your first question in
  • 58:28terms of volumes of recommended sample.
  • 58:31Again at the time of publication,
  • 58:33we had a good study which you know
  • 58:35was based on a very large sample size,
  • 58:38and so we've gone with it.
  • 58:40And since the publication of
  • 58:42the international system,
  • 58:43and even while it was in publication,
  • 58:45there was a whole flurry of
  • 58:48articles that suggested different
  • 58:49volumes, some smaller volumes
  • 58:51and some higher volumes,
  • 58:52which in their institutional data was.
  • 58:56A better marker for the sub you
  • 58:59know for for the optimal volume,
  • 59:01and I think there will be an institutional
  • 59:04bias depending on whether you work in
  • 59:07a Cancer Center or whether you work
  • 59:09in a Community Hospital because your
  • 59:11caseload is completely different.
  • 59:14You're you know the sample volumes
  • 59:16that you might get in a Cancer
  • 59:18Center may be small volume samples,
  • 59:21but they're all almost positive samples,
  • 59:23so you know that they're not being
  • 59:25sent to you for making a diagnosis.
  • 59:27You already know the diagnosis they're
  • 59:29actually sending you the sample just
  • 59:31for the ancillary World Cup and as long
  • 59:33as the sample is high in cell content,
  • 59:35it doesn't matter whether it is 50
  • 59:37mil or it's 75 mil or it's 200 mil.
  • 59:40So the 75 mil optimal volume sample
  • 59:43was really based on that curve which
  • 59:46showed that once you have reached
  • 59:49the 50 to 75 mil mark after that,
  • 59:52there is no particular advantage
  • 59:54because if the sample is negative.
  • 59:57It is probably going to be negative,
  • 59:58even if it's 200 mill.
  • 60:00That is where you know that data came from,
  • 01:00:03but the converse is also true.
  • 01:00:05You might, you know,
  • 01:00:08have a sample that's really really
  • 01:00:10cellular and rich in malignant cells,
  • 01:00:12for which you could get away with
  • 01:00:14a much smaller sample.
  • 01:00:15So I think the it's opened up
  • 01:00:18a conversation around volumes
  • 01:00:19around cell content,
  • 01:00:21and I think there is quite a lot of work to
  • 01:00:24be done before the 2nd edition comes out,
  • 01:00:26but they're all.
  • 01:00:27Things that I'm taking on board
  • 01:00:28from our discussion today.
  • 01:00:30So thank you very,
  • 01:00:31very much.
  • 01:00:32Thank you, thank you,
  • 01:00:34uh, any more questions.
  • 01:00:38So send I think Doctor Lu will
  • 01:00:40have a separate zoom meeting, yes.
  • 01:00:45So thank you so much, Ashish.
  • 01:00:46So it's very nice to meet you and like
  • 01:00:49you say we have so many discussions.
  • 01:00:52Kind of good discussion and we're
  • 01:00:54looking forward to your second edition.
  • 01:00:57Thank you so much.
  • 01:00:58Thank you very much.
  • 01:00:59It's been a great honor and
  • 01:01:01privilege to be able to talk
  • 01:01:02to you this afternoon.
  • 01:01:03Many Many thanks again for inviting me.
  • 01:01:06Thank you, thank you.