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The Birth and Evolution of Medical Renal Pathology

April 25, 2022

April 21, 2022

Yale Pathology Grand Rounds

Michael Kashgarian, MD, FASN



  • 00:00Quantum everyone for the forest.
  • 00:05In person grand wrong
  • 00:07of pathology department.
  • 00:08After two years and then required this.
  • 00:13This is a special marker lectureship for
  • 00:16excellence in search of the apology and,
  • 00:20very fittingly, it goes through the area.
  • 00:24It's so it's pretty because Mike
  • 00:29was the one who actually started
  • 00:33raising funds for this lecture ship
  • 00:36to honor his teacher and mentor,
  • 00:39William Barry.
  • 00:41Listen junior Barry McAllister was
  • 00:45a graduate of the college and of the
  • 00:49Johns Hopkins Medical School and the
  • 00:52Department of Pathology at Johns.
  • 00:55Pockets after this training he
  • 00:57came back as chief of surgical
  • 01:00typology for the memorial dynamic
  • 01:03of the year new in the hospital.
  • 01:07In that position, he said for 25 years,
  • 01:11from 1953 to 1978.
  • 01:15It was during that period that.
  • 01:18Michael was a resident in the topology,
  • 01:21rotated with him, and learned from him.
  • 01:25This too was a consumer diagnostic
  • 01:29apologist and educator whose teachings were
  • 01:32not limited to the science of medicines,
  • 01:36but they also extended to to
  • 01:39the art of living.
  • 01:40She was an extraordinary motor advisor,
  • 01:44friend and confidant to students,
  • 01:48residents, who workers and
  • 01:52physicians from all disciplines.
  • 01:55With that introduction from the department,
  • 02:00we have a 200 gratitude.
  • 02:05Owner Mike,
  • 02:06as well as the listener.
  • 02:12Thank you so much Mike.
  • 02:20Hello, a long time colleague
  • 02:23of mine. When they get short.
  • 02:31OK, thank you, Manju.
  • 02:33And it is a great honour.
  • 02:38For me to introduce today's
  • 02:42McAllister Memorial Lecture, speaker,
  • 02:44Doctor Mike Fisherian Mike came to
  • 02:48Yale 68 years ago to attend medical
  • 02:52school after graduating from NYU.
  • 02:54And he has been associated
  • 02:57with the ever since,
  • 02:59was just short interruption of internship
  • 03:02at Barnes Hospital in Saint Louis
  • 03:06and Research Fellowship in Germany.
  • 03:09Might is known for being one of the
  • 03:12founders of the field of renal pathology.
  • 03:16And he has worked all of his professional
  • 03:18life to move the field forward and
  • 03:21disseminate the knowledge of renal pathology.
  • 03:24But then he was giving the lifetime
  • 03:27achievement award the Robert
  • 03:28Heptinstall Lifetime Achievement
  • 03:30award by the Renal Pathology Society.
  • 03:34Moreover, Mike would say
  • 03:36quintessential physician scientist.
  • 03:38During residency,
  • 03:39he spent a year in the Physiology department
  • 03:43of Cuttington University in Germany,
  • 03:46working with the renowned leaders
  • 03:48of German Physiology that called
  • 03:51Krama Cal Orey had called.
  • 03:53Throughout his professional career as
  • 03:55an academic pathologist here at Yale,
  • 03:58he forged many collaborations with
  • 04:00faculty and Department of Physiology,
  • 04:03Cell biology and Internal Medicine,
  • 04:05which led to over 350 peer
  • 04:09reviewed papers in top journals.
  • 04:12And these collaborations
  • 04:14were very dear to him.
  • 04:17I remember when I started out in
  • 04:20renal pathology at Yale that very
  • 04:23prominent physicians and scientists
  • 04:25would walk in and ask for Mike.
  • 04:28They never asked for Professor Casparian.
  • 04:31They always ask this Mike here.
  • 04:33Can I meet with them?
  • 04:34So he had this very personal relationship
  • 04:38to all these stranded collaborators?
  • 04:41Umm?
  • 04:42So Mike's achievements and the list of his
  • 04:48achievements in the city is sold on all
  • 04:50the leadership positions that he has held.
  • 04:53All of the prices he has won all the
  • 04:56communities that it would take another
  • 04:59hour to go through all of that.
  • 05:01I just want to mention that in addition to
  • 05:05being an exceptional physician and scientist,
  • 05:09Mike is also exceptional human being.
  • 05:12This specific activities over many
  • 05:14years in the Church of Christ,
  • 05:17Yale,
  • 05:17New Haven Symphony Orchestra,
  • 05:19and in the Connecticut Fund for the
  • 05:21Environment show his deep and broad interest,
  • 05:24dedication in the local community,
  • 05:27where he has lived over 65 years.
  • 05:30I think that we are the best would
  • 05:33have Michael Sharian as a leader and
  • 05:35Mayor Thomas and our department,
  • 05:37and especially for the
  • 05:39junior faculty and trainees.
  • 05:41Mikes life achievements are
  • 05:44great template for their all
  • 05:47professional professional life model.
  • 05:50So when it's title is the birth
  • 05:52and growth of renal pathology,
  • 05:55today's Macalister Memorial lecturer
  • 05:57please welcome micro sharing.
  • 06:07Well, it's a particular,
  • 06:10particularly wonderful honor,
  • 06:12but also an interesting
  • 06:13experience to be here in the at
  • 06:17the podium instead of up there.
  • 06:19And I noticed that you that
  • 06:22things have improved around here.
  • 06:24You all have a box ledge instead
  • 06:26of having to go and get pieces
  • 06:28of of of whatever is left.
  • 06:30Over one of the the attractions
  • 06:34of the of the.
  • 06:36Grand rounds at but of pathology
  • 06:38is that it brought in an enormous
  • 06:40number of people because there
  • 06:41were there were good lunches here.
  • 06:48I'd like to make one a couple of
  • 06:52comments about Barry McAllister.
  • 06:54I think he was a consummate
  • 06:58surgical pathologist.
  • 07:00He was he was a general surgical pathologist.
  • 07:03Everything he and everything that
  • 07:05came to him, he would look at.
  • 07:08He would be an expert in the memorial
  • 07:12unit was populated primarily by.
  • 07:17Community physicians and surgeons.
  • 07:20And they actually really look to
  • 07:24him for for help and assistance.
  • 07:27Now it was this very small room
  • 07:30and with the way we did frozen
  • 07:33sections was kind of interesting.
  • 07:36We I would take get the specimen,
  • 07:39take a small piece of it,
  • 07:41put it in a bottle cap with full
  • 07:44formalin and put it over a Bunsen burner.
  • 07:47To cook it,
  • 07:48and once it was cooked then I put it.
  • 07:51I froze it on a freezing microtome
  • 07:54and and and and that made sections
  • 07:58which we stay in primarily with H&E.
  • 08:02But if necessary,
  • 08:03we had the opportunity to use
  • 08:05some special stains as well.
  • 08:07So it was.
  • 08:08It was really an interesting
  • 08:10way of doing things,
  • 08:12but it was one where at least
  • 08:15for residents who worked there,
  • 08:17we there was a broad ordening experience
  • 08:20on how to deal with different surgeons.
  • 08:24And there was one surgeon
  • 08:26that the gynecology,
  • 08:27who thought that he knew it all.
  • 08:30And he would come down.
  • 08:32And it was, if it was a particularly
  • 08:34if it was an ovarian tumor,
  • 08:36he would never take a Barry
  • 08:40diagnosis for granted.
  • 08:41He would have to look at it
  • 08:44himself and finally decide that,
  • 08:45yeah, it was a bit what it,
  • 08:47what,
  • 08:48what Barry was saying is really what it was.
  • 08:50He had been in in Boston.
  • 08:52And so he thought that some
  • 08:54of that Bostonian stuff had
  • 08:56rubbed off of him on him.
  • 09:00And I actually, you know,
  • 09:03we have a student plays.
  • 09:06And I actually was.
  • 09:09Took his part and I sang song
  • 09:13that my name is John McCain.
  • 09:16John McCain.
  • 09:19And and and a marvelous GYN surgeon, am I?
  • 09:25And and that's sadistic
  • 09:28statistic is my characteristic,
  • 09:31and I'm in love with a wonderful guy.
  • 09:35And and but, but he really.
  • 09:38But Barry was able to handle
  • 09:40any anything that came as well.
  • 09:42And it was. It was.
  • 09:44It was a joy to work with him as a.
  • 09:48As a matter of fact,
  • 09:50I started working with him in the summer
  • 09:52and he would always leave at 4:00 o'clock.
  • 09:55The reason he had to leave at 4:00 o'clock
  • 09:57is that was he had to catch the the
  • 09:59the ferry out to his island in the thimbles,
  • 10:02and so I would.
  • 10:03I would be I would be left taking care of
  • 10:06all of these private surgeons all by myself,
  • 10:09and it was quite an experience.
  • 10:13Well. Uh.
  • 10:16It knows surgical pathology is
  • 10:21relatively new as a sort of a discipline.
  • 10:24You know people were
  • 10:25doing autopsies for many,
  • 10:27many years,
  • 10:28but none of them ever really made
  • 10:31a connection with the with the.
  • 10:34With the clinical experience they
  • 10:36just did it mostly for anatomy and
  • 10:39anatomists were the primarily dissectors,
  • 10:41but surgeons would also dissect,
  • 10:44but they they would not really use the
  • 10:48their findings in an academic way until
  • 10:51Giovanni Battista Morgani, who is?
  • 10:54Who we can call the father of modern
  • 10:58anatomic pathology, he wrote this book.
  • 11:00They said it was a crisis mode.
  • 11:02All of them that are in the in the goddess.
  • 11:06In 1917. Sixty one.
  • 11:10And the.
  • 11:11That's translated and I'm not,
  • 11:14and I will somebody else translated for me.
  • 11:16I'm not good at.
  • 11:18At Latin the seats and causes of
  • 11:21disease are as investigated by anatomy.
  • 11:25And in him,
  • 11:26and in his thesis he just says the
  • 11:30description of gross pathology.
  • 11:32Represents the cry of suffering
  • 11:35from the organs,
  • 11:37so the organs sang to him and
  • 11:40and and and he really and his.
  • 11:42His book was really one one of
  • 11:47the only theses that that had
  • 11:50used anatomic pathology.
  • 11:51Anatomic pathology as part
  • 11:53of overall part of medicine.
  • 12:00That's it.
  • 12:05Nephrology in those days was
  • 12:09didn't really exist unless you
  • 12:12wanted to and because most of the
  • 12:15diagnosis was done by **** prophets.
  • 12:20And they juggled the *******
  • 12:23and we have to juggling.
  • 12:25The ******* would come up with a
  • 12:28diagnosis and now that wasn't that
  • 12:30it was not with one single profit,
  • 12:34but the profits used to
  • 12:37help and consultation.
  • 12:39And you could see runners coming going
  • 12:42across the city carrying despots from
  • 12:44one place to another for diagnosis.
  • 12:47Well this was this. Uh.
  • 12:52This treatise here is a criticism of of
  • 12:56of the process and and and and and it,
  • 13:01Brian says the fraudulent use
  • 13:04of uroscopy by by examining the
  • 13:07patients by is by some physicians.
  • 13:12He called them quacks.
  • 13:14And so you're right,
  • 13:18Nephrology was really that
  • 13:21much well developed.
  • 13:28However, Richard Bright.
  • 13:32In English physician.
  • 13:34Decided that he was be that the.
  • 13:38The physicians were seeing
  • 13:41patients with dropsy.
  • 13:44And and where they had.
  • 13:47Albuminuria.
  • 13:50And so they were swollen.
  • 13:52They had the nephrotic syndrome.
  • 13:55And he decided that he should
  • 13:58look at all of the patients with
  • 14:00them and he came across him.
  • 14:02He created a,
  • 14:04a categorization of the diseases
  • 14:07which were associated with dropsy.
  • 14:11And they they covered into
  • 14:15the inflammatory diseases.
  • 14:17And and he talks about acute and
  • 14:20chronic popular in Ireland on Fridays,
  • 14:23lipoid,
  • 14:24nephrosis acute and chronic
  • 14:27pyelonephritis and nephrosclerosis
  • 14:29associated with cardiac hypertrophy.
  • 14:32And that and and that combination
  • 14:34of of nephrosclerosis and
  • 14:36hypertrophy was actually looking
  • 14:38at patients with hypertension.
  • 14:41Umm?
  • 14:42And his categorization of of renal
  • 14:46diseases lasted not because there
  • 14:49was no real nobody else who even
  • 14:52took on the attempt to look at the
  • 14:56cause of dropsy and and and whatnot.
  • 14:59So his.
  • 15:03But on the other hand,
  • 15:05the in the and in the 19th
  • 15:09century there were several.
  • 15:12Anatomists,
  • 15:12who were interested in the
  • 15:14kidney and one was the Alcop,
  • 15:17had Henley.
  • 15:19And he was the one who was
  • 15:23looked at the kidney and saw
  • 15:25that it was made up of tubules.
  • 15:28And the tubules were the organ,
  • 15:31and not the not,
  • 15:33not the the overall organ,
  • 15:35and he I,
  • 15:37I think you probably all remember that
  • 15:41that we talked about the the Henleys loop,
  • 15:45which was is responsible for
  • 15:48maintaining our internal environment
  • 15:50and the concentration of your.
  • 15:53So.
  • 15:55As it turned out,
  • 15:57when I had a fellowship in Germany,
  • 16:00I went to Gottingen which was
  • 16:02the same place that he had been
  • 16:04so kind of a double honor.
  • 16:09And the other person of of of
  • 16:11prominence in the 19th century
  • 16:13was been a glaude bell now.
  • 16:15He described the the million terrier.
  • 16:20He he was saying that the the the,
  • 16:24the fluid that exists in
  • 16:26our bodies surrounding it,
  • 16:28surrounding the cells with very important,
  • 16:32and it had to be kept in relatively.
  • 16:37Close concentration and of ions
  • 16:41and also in terms of its tonicity
  • 16:46and that it had to be stable.
  • 16:50And so the interstitial fluids
  • 16:52had to be actively maintained
  • 16:54around stable settings,
  • 16:56so that and that the stability was
  • 16:59a prerequisite for the development
  • 17:01of a complex nervous system.
  • 17:03Umm?
  • 17:07Uh, so that the fluids where it
  • 17:10being interested were were were of
  • 17:12interest and but we're not really
  • 17:15being investigated very well,
  • 17:17so I'm jumping to the Yale
  • 17:20University to Yale Medical School,
  • 17:22the Internal medicine,
  • 17:25internal Medicine department in the
  • 17:28early 20th century, relatively small.
  • 17:30They had maybe had four or five professors,
  • 17:33and. The giant planet Peters.
  • 17:40There was a case,
  • 17:42and so he established chemical laboratories.
  • 17:45And and he saw almost every patient
  • 17:50in the in the hospital and to
  • 17:53look at at at their electrolyte
  • 17:57balance and and water balance.
  • 18:00And he set up these laboratories and he
  • 18:05became with a with a a chemist colleague.
  • 18:09He wrote this book,
  • 18:10the clinical Chemistry which
  • 18:12established a whole.
  • 18:16Science of clinical chemistry.
  • 18:18So there was interest in looking at the
  • 18:22body's fluids, but not the we weren't.
  • 18:25They weren't really looking at how the
  • 18:28body fluids were being maintained.
  • 18:31Aside story about. Leaders.
  • 18:36Is that during the time when?
  • 18:43People were being examined for
  • 18:46being communists and and whatnot.
  • 18:49He was that he was attacked
  • 18:52and and and his his he.
  • 18:56Famously, his NIH grants were cut off.
  • 19:00Uh, and he went and he. Umm?
  • 19:07He challenged that in the courts.
  • 19:11All the way up to the Supreme Court.
  • 19:15And the Supreme Court upheld his position.
  • 19:18Unfortunately,
  • 19:19he never heard it because he died just
  • 19:23before the Supreme Court made its.
  • 19:26Decision that that and so.
  • 19:31It he's his, his legal.
  • 19:39History is also important.
  • 19:40It's in that it's in the
  • 19:42archives here at the library.
  • 19:49The brides characterization
  • 19:50is the renal disease,
  • 19:51which remain the standard.
  • 19:54Until the 20th century.
  • 19:57And in the early 20th century. 2 Germans.
  • 20:03Full height when far wrote a textbook.
  • 20:07I'm diseases of the kidney. And.
  • 20:13Are made pet plants painstakingly accurate?
  • 20:18Drawings of the Histology of
  • 20:20rights disease and if you look
  • 20:23at at at his drawings you think
  • 20:25that they were microscope.
  • 20:27They were microscopically produced,
  • 20:29but no, he did it by drawing.
  • 20:33Umm? And there's this was
  • 20:36published in the British.
  • 20:40And early in 1914,
  • 20:43so there was beginning interest in.
  • 20:48Renal diseases and their
  • 20:51effects in patients.
  • 20:54It was not until the 1950s that.
  • 20:59There was a lot of valuable
  • 21:01to take biopsies of the
  • 21:04kidney and examine them and.
  • 21:09Robert Clark and Robert Merky at
  • 21:12the University of Illinois decided
  • 21:14that they would try and do it,
  • 21:15so they actually started
  • 21:17to do needle biopsies of.
  • 21:22Of the kidney, and they needed
  • 21:24a pathologist to look at them.
  • 21:29And the chairman of Pathology
  • 21:31there went to the the youngest
  • 21:34pathologist in the in the.
  • 21:38In the department because he didn't
  • 21:40think anything would come of it.
  • 21:42That was that what it was
  • 21:44totally useless to do this.
  • 21:47The pathologist was Conrad Pirani.
  • 21:50Ohh became one of the leaders of retail
  • 21:55pathology in the 20th century. Umm?
  • 22:01In 19 six enough people.
  • 22:03Not very many people were doing.
  • 22:05If I have this other kidney,
  • 22:08but it was in in in in 1961 the Ciba
  • 22:13Foundation hold held a symposium in London.
  • 22:18And 29 physicians and pathologists met.
  • 22:23To discuss what they thought was the
  • 22:26utility of doing needle biopsies of
  • 22:28the kidney and what it would find out.
  • 22:36It was it they came through
  • 22:38some interesting conclusions.
  • 22:40One is they felt that if if
  • 22:41the biopsies were being done,
  • 22:43they should be looked at by people
  • 22:45who were expert in looking at them.
  • 22:49And that.
  • 22:52And that they should be done
  • 22:55in an organized fashion. And.
  • 23:01And they came up with some standards
  • 23:04of Care now this this is a little
  • 23:07bit of expansion of the standards
  • 23:09of care that they came up with,
  • 23:11but the standard of care.
  • 23:13For the medical renal biopsy became
  • 23:16serial thin section paraffin embedded.
  • 23:21Umm? Slides stained with HEPS Jones
  • 23:25silver triple that bottle of water.
  • 23:40Thank you.
  • 23:48Some immunologists were also becoming
  • 23:51interested in in in the renal disease.
  • 23:56And they decided that that some of the
  • 23:58diseases that they were looking at,
  • 24:00like commercial or Fridays,
  • 24:02were immune mediated and so they
  • 24:05started to look at that real biopsies
  • 24:07using fluorescence techniques where
  • 24:10the antibodies were directed against.
  • 24:13Immunoglobulin is kind of
  • 24:15complement components,
  • 24:17and if there if was known of any
  • 24:20specific antibodies to the antigens.
  • 24:23And and, and and and so that fluorescence
  • 24:29examination of the biopsies became also
  • 24:31part of the of the standard of care.
  • 24:38Are they some centers? Also felt that
  • 24:43electron microscopy might be useful and.
  • 24:50But the cell biologist felt that
  • 24:53that was in there first purview,
  • 24:55that that wasn't for pathologists.
  • 24:58They got to be a cell biologist
  • 25:01to look at and Marilyn Farquhar.
  • 25:04Decided that she would look at the
  • 25:07at the kidney and she did look at
  • 25:10the kidney and then actually found
  • 25:12the that that the effacement of
  • 25:15the foot processes in patients with
  • 25:18dropsy or or nephrotic syndrome. Yes.
  • 25:23But that expanded very quickly to
  • 25:27other electronic microscopists and.
  • 25:31I'm I was in. I came back from my my.
  • 25:39My fellowship in Germany in 1962
  • 25:42and I was able to not only establish
  • 25:46my micropuncture laboratory,
  • 25:49but I went and started to do a kidney
  • 25:56biopsies, but I needed a clinician.
  • 25:59Because you can't do it by yourself.
  • 26:03And the nephrology section who
  • 26:07helped me in establishing my my my.
  • 26:12My laboratory also sent me a fellowship,
  • 26:17a fellow.
  • 26:18His name was John Hazlett and he was he.
  • 26:22He was beginning to learn how to
  • 26:24do a micropuncture and we did a
  • 26:27number of studies looking at at
  • 26:29the maintenance of the electrical
  • 26:32potential across proximal 2 views so
  • 26:34that we absorption could occur but
  • 26:37at the same time he ran a clinic.
  • 26:39The clinic for patients with lupus.
  • 26:43And so he he talked to me, and he said,
  • 26:47well, maybe we should biopsy them.
  • 26:49I said, OK, if you can biopsy them,
  • 26:51we can look at them together and
  • 26:53that any any did,
  • 26:54and we we collected and biopsies
  • 26:59from some 200 patients with lupus.
  • 27:05Uh, we we actually.
  • 27:10And engaged a British epidemiologist who
  • 27:13is in the Department of Medicine at that
  • 27:17time to help us in in analyzing what,
  • 27:21what, what we found. And we found some
  • 27:25very interesting things by this time.
  • 27:28By this time I had a small
  • 27:31electron microscope,
  • 27:31so we were doing EM here and one
  • 27:35and we found one of the interesting
  • 27:38thing is that the the patients
  • 27:41with the most severe disease had
  • 27:45subendothelial electron dense deposits
  • 27:47and they had my immunofluorescence.
  • 27:51Multiple immunoglobulins and compliment.
  • 27:55And so we. We were able to look
  • 28:00at these patients overtime.
  • 28:02And and at that time the only
  • 28:04you know therapy was used.
  • 28:09Azathioprine and so.
  • 28:10All of these patients were
  • 28:12treated in exactly the same way,
  • 28:14and we could see what the outcome was.
  • 28:18And we, with the aid of the epidemiologists,
  • 28:22we wrote papers on on what
  • 28:25was what were signs of and of
  • 28:29of progression, and so on.
  • 28:32And he did something really,
  • 28:34really interesting.
  • 28:37He selected, I think it was about
  • 28:4120 nephrologists in in Canada.
  • 28:44And he gave them the history of
  • 28:48those patients. Without the biopsy.
  • 28:53And he asked them to come.
  • 28:55And and the. The agreement between
  • 29:00them was not really great and there
  • 29:03was a lot of questions about it.
  • 29:05He then gave them the results of
  • 29:08the biopsy and everything codified
  • 29:10into the groups of patients that
  • 29:13were existed and one and that the
  • 29:15treatment actually was was useful
  • 29:17in in diminishing the inflammatory
  • 29:20process that was that with lupus and
  • 29:23and so it became that the biopsy
  • 29:27actually became a very useful tool.
  • 29:30In in clinical nephrology.
  • 29:34Umm? So, so the standard of care,
  • 29:39and this is an expansion of that.
  • 29:41Was that the medical renal biopsy
  • 29:43had to be done on biopsy on serial
  • 29:49thin section paraffin embedded
  • 29:51slides so that they were we.
  • 29:54We would have a a bunch of slides.
  • 29:58At and looked at serially so we could
  • 30:01see a a greater number of glomeruli
  • 30:06and and variety of vessels. Umm?
  • 30:10Uh, and and we we we we did as the
  • 30:14immunologists were taught, told us to do.
  • 30:17We look for immunoglobulins.
  • 30:19And indeed we found them.
  • 30:21And one other outcome of the
  • 30:25treatment was that there was a
  • 30:27shift from the acute inflammatory.
  • 30:32Elephantitis of lupus to the membranous
  • 30:35of form of lupus which was not
  • 30:38which had no inflammation at all.
  • 30:41But it had the deposits of
  • 30:44immunoglobulin in the peripheral
  • 30:47basement membrane and and and the
  • 30:51patients all had an abnormal.
  • 30:54Your ends with with a lot of protein in them.
  • 30:58Umm?
  • 31:03Now, so that a renal biopsy has with or
  • 31:10with all of these different parameters.
  • 31:14That you have is is not a
  • 31:18simple means of diagnosis.
  • 31:21You know you're a surgical pathologist.
  • 31:23You look at the slide,
  • 31:24you call it cancer.
  • 31:25Tell the surgeon would take
  • 31:26it out and that's about it.
  • 31:30Here with the renal biopsy that the
  • 31:33nephrologists were more interested in,
  • 31:36the not only the the the disease process,
  • 31:41but what what could be
  • 31:44predicted about the possible.
  • 31:47The possible response to therapy and
  • 31:49those days it was immuno immunosuppressive
  • 31:52therapy was just beginning and
  • 31:55cyclophosphamide and some other
  • 31:58immunosuppressants were were being used
  • 32:00and so they wanted more information.
  • 32:03And so it was necessary to do all three.
  • 32:09Types of microscopy to come up with
  • 32:12an come up with a diagnosis. Now.
  • 32:18The approach for for diagnosing renal
  • 32:23biopsy requires information from
  • 32:25these several different sources to be
  • 32:29integrated into a single interpretation.
  • 32:32The sources included the clinical
  • 32:34data examination by light microscopy,
  • 32:38immunohistology and electron microscopy.
  • 32:41Each of the sources.
  • 32:44Has several individual variables in
  • 32:48terms of which which immunoglobulins
  • 32:50are involved with the local localization
  • 32:53of the immune complex as well and and
  • 32:57and they had to either be included
  • 33:00or dismissed in in in order to
  • 33:03make the final diagnosis.
  • 33:04George boole who was a 19th century.
  • 33:12Pastor, he was a he was at.
  • 33:14He was a clergyman.
  • 33:19And he developed. Umm?
  • 33:23A A branch of algebra.
  • 33:28Which which this this?
  • 33:31Either that variables could
  • 33:34either be included or dismissed.
  • 33:38And that they were either
  • 33:40positive or negative.
  • 33:42And this branch of algebra,
  • 33:46which the value variables or
  • 33:49truths or or or or false.
  • 33:52And then this expanded the range of
  • 33:55applications that had to be handled
  • 33:58from proportion propositions that
  • 34:00only have two potential values
  • 34:03to those that have many and.
  • 34:06And really so that looking at the
  • 34:09kidney biopsy is is is a method.
  • 34:12We're all doing Boolean algebra.
  • 34:17Now.
  • 34:21He wasn't the only clergyman who was
  • 34:25interested in looking at things in
  • 34:28a different way, and Thomas Bayes.
  • 34:32Uh. Decided that that his
  • 34:38statistic using statistics.
  • 34:40It was that one that Bayes theorem
  • 34:44provides a way to revise the findings of.
  • 34:50Of the findings of the biopsy,
  • 34:53both light microscopy and whatnot,
  • 34:55and put them into categories again.
  • 35:01Again. Saying OK,
  • 35:05This is the pattern that we would
  • 35:08see and and then with with with
  • 35:12Bayesian statistical methods.
  • 35:14That's the way AI started.
  • 35:18So AI actually is using Bayesian
  • 35:21statistics to take a large number of
  • 35:24of variables and look at the of the
  • 35:27individual variables as variables
  • 35:29as well as individuals as well as
  • 35:33the variables of themselves and
  • 35:36in the patterns there are, and.
  • 35:38So what what happens is that you
  • 35:41look at the light microscopy and
  • 35:43you have one level of of. Of.
  • 35:46Of information you add on to that a
  • 35:50second level of the immunofluorescence.
  • 35:54And then you add on the third
  • 35:56level of immunofluorescence.
  • 35:57And if you think about what I what
  • 36:00AI does is it looks like it looks
  • 36:03like it looks at the data and at
  • 36:06one level and then looks at the
  • 36:09second level and and decides whether
  • 36:11or not it has a contributory way
  • 36:14of looking at a final result.
  • 36:19And and. AI does does this with with
  • 36:25with large volumes of of of data,
  • 36:29and so you really need to have the
  • 36:33computer backing that to do this with.
  • 36:36Umm?
  • 36:36And so the data of the single
  • 36:39biopsy went are analyzed further
  • 36:41by using our AI and and and within
  • 36:46the background of existing data.
  • 36:48The predictive value of the biopsy
  • 36:51in the sector in the selection of
  • 36:54therapy and outcome is greatly enhanced.
  • 36:56So. You know the.
  • 36:59The application of AI to looking at the
  • 37:04kidney biopsy has become at least somewhat.
  • 37:11Of interest, there's a group in and in Paris,
  • 37:15which is looking at patients with lupus
  • 37:18and and looking at all the data and and
  • 37:21that can be obtained by from the biopsy
  • 37:24and lupus and and and predict. See.
  • 37:29The. There's a group here at at Yale
  • 37:35that is looking at donor donor biopsies.
  • 37:39There's a, there's a problem,
  • 37:41and that we don't have enough
  • 37:43donors and a lot of donor kidneys
  • 37:47that are dismissed without good.
  • 37:50Reason and so they are.
  • 37:53They're working on on and and actually
  • 37:58those of you who have to do the the
  • 38:00the county of the Gloria glomeruli.
  • 38:02And looking at the vessels and donut
  • 38:06donor biopsies should realize that they
  • 38:08that there's a lot of information there.
  • 38:11But you can't just look at it and say OK,
  • 38:15no good because we have too many goals,
  • 38:17sclerotic,
  • 38:17Andreoli or the vessels show arterial.
  • 38:20Sclerosis and so.
  • 38:22The group here is is using
  • 38:26artificial intelligence to look
  • 38:29at the at at digitized images.
  • 38:33Of the of the donor biopsies and coming
  • 38:37up with algorithms to to separate out
  • 38:41those which which is going to be useful
  • 38:44and those that are not so I think.
  • 38:50The the renal biopsy now is is an
  • 38:54experiment in, in and of itself.
  • 38:59You know, when and and and it requires a
  • 39:03lot of data and it's sort of interesting
  • 39:06that when I came back from Germany in
  • 39:121961, nineteen 62. The number
  • 39:16of biopsies that would have
  • 39:17been done here at Yale was 10.
  • 39:22We we now have, what is it over 10,000?
  • 39:28Yeah, but without that thousand
  • 39:31a year so overall for overall,
  • 39:34maybe even more than 10,000.
  • 39:37So we so we have the the data
  • 39:43bank which is necessary to use
  • 39:47artificial intelligence and and
  • 39:50and and come up with new ideas.
  • 39:56And the The thing is that the
  • 39:58what we get from our artificial
  • 40:01intelligence is what the data tells us.
  • 40:04But once put, when they're when they're
  • 40:06put in the context of the clinical situation.
  • 40:10Well, there there are some visual
  • 40:13findings that that that that can be
  • 40:17linked to disease outcomes and that
  • 40:19and that and can be mined to discern
  • 40:23previously unknown molecular mechanisms.
  • 40:26So my advice to all of you in surgical
  • 40:30pathology is when you look at a slide think.
  • 40:36You know when when, when desktop computers
  • 40:40first came out and you at a very high
  • 40:44price IBM would give you this then this
  • 40:48desktop computer at $10,000 and not
  • 40:50very much information on how to use it.
  • 40:53But all also gave you a plaque.
  • 40:56Not the Plackett said think you had
  • 41:00to hang a plaque over the computer
  • 41:02so that it would work. So I think.
  • 41:07Umm? We're now we, we are now.
  • 41:10I guess we have a a something which would
  • 41:15where we can digitize our our our specimens.
  • 41:20And and if we digitize.
  • 41:25Do this over a period of time.
  • 41:27We will get sufficient data so that
  • 41:30we can can come up with new ideas.
  • 41:35Ideas that we didn't without premises.
  • 41:39And I think we're in a new new way,
  • 41:44so my advice to the residents and especially
  • 41:50residents who are in the front lines,
  • 41:55is think how you can use the multi source
  • 41:58data obtained from digital biopsies.
  • 42:01When we begin to apply.
  • 42:05So I'm happy to answer any questions.
  • 42:18Yes.
  • 42:20I was a young president
  • 42:21here. One of the things that impressed
  • 42:24upon me was said, you know, I didn't
  • 42:26know. The rest is true.
  • 42:29Comment on what you say.
  • 42:33Well, it says that in to the
  • 42:37results from immunofluorescence or
  • 42:39have several variables in that are
  • 42:43intrinsic in the preparation so.
  • 42:49The the, the nature and strength
  • 42:51of the antibodies is 1.
  • 42:54The preparation and of the
  • 42:58specimen is another.
  • 43:00The combination of of of
  • 43:03the ability to have good.
  • 43:10Good samples that you can compare,
  • 43:14and so when you're looking at,
  • 43:16you're looking at new antibody with.
  • 43:19For IgG it's a common.
  • 43:23Common antibody you have to look at.
  • 43:27You can't just look at 1 biopsy
  • 43:30and say oh the IGT is in in the
  • 43:33mesangial We haven't know that
  • 43:36when you look at it normal.
  • 43:38Of kidney that with that same
  • 43:41antibody that it shows nothing.
  • 43:44We need the controls and so it's tricky.
  • 43:48You have to really know what you're doing.
  • 43:52You have your selection of bio of of
  • 43:56your 8 reagents is important your your.
  • 43:58Yeah.
  • 43:59Your validation of those
  • 44:01agents is very important.
  • 44:05And I think, but on the other hand,
  • 44:09you know with experience and.
  • 44:14Of using fluorescence and I
  • 44:17know that you've done a lot,
  • 44:19particularly in terms of
  • 44:22quantitative fluorescence,
  • 44:23it all of these things take it are
  • 44:26have to be taken into consideration,
  • 44:29but it was tricky enough for you to do.
  • 44:36What were you ever bored?
  • 44:39Bored, bored? What's that?
  • 44:45No, you know that's that's the thing
  • 44:49that every time you do something,
  • 44:51something else pops up.
  • 44:54And you never sit there and and
  • 44:57try and sit on your laurels.
  • 45:00You have to look at it and and say OK,
  • 45:03what, what, what, what does this mean
  • 45:06and and does it really mean that?
  • 45:08You you really and and the.
  • 45:12The fact that I was constantly
  • 45:15interacting with clinicians,
  • 45:17they never let it be bored or boring.
  • 45:20They never let it.
  • 45:22They would never let me do things
  • 45:24without complete explanation.
  • 45:26I would have to go over
  • 45:29every slide and with them,
  • 45:30and they had to learn as much
  • 45:32pathology as I could teach them.
  • 45:37So I think. So much for
  • 45:41this historical perspective
  • 45:43that I think
  • 45:44you glossed over very
  • 45:46modestly. Thank you, your contributions,
  • 45:50but I'm just struck by a couple of things.
  • 45:53That first of all,
  • 45:55to share that it was also hepatologists
  • 45:59and gastroenterologists who made
  • 46:01ologists look at tiny liver dies and
  • 46:04tiny and discovered the obtained Posa.
  • 46:09Jerry Askin right here in the
  • 46:12liver with Grandmaster and they
  • 46:13sorted that out and sign.
  • 46:15Ruben was one of the fathers of modern.
  • 46:20So that's one comment, and so the
  • 46:24analogy is that our pathologist
  • 46:27had to be pulled along.
  • 46:30And I wonder the analogy being with today,
  • 46:34as you're making this comment that
  • 46:36we are also being asked today to
  • 46:40go along again with with digital
  • 46:44and AI and machine learning.
  • 46:45And so this is another in
  • 46:48the right direction.
  • 46:50So I have to see it instead of the treatment.
  • 46:53Well, you know it always interested
  • 46:56me that the two that two Protestant
  • 47:00clerical clerical clerics in the 19th
  • 47:05century came up with ideas about thought.
  • 47:09And how thought and came out
  • 47:12in terms of of giving answers.
  • 47:16And I said, well, maybe look,
  • 47:19maybe they're looking for a proof of God.
  • 47:24They're looking at what's
  • 47:25what's going on in the world,
  • 47:27and they looking at the statistics
  • 47:30of what they see and so.
  • 47:32But the Boolean algebra and the Bayesian
  • 47:36statistics are really interesting things
  • 47:39that can't come come from clerics.
  • 47:43Who you know you think?
  • 47:46Well, the only thing they
  • 47:47ever do is read the Bible.
  • 47:49And read it over and over and over again.
  • 47:52But you know,
  • 47:53if you read it over and over and over again,
  • 47:55you have a different interpretation
  • 47:56of what you read from the last time.
  • 47:59Yes,
  • 48:00Mike, thanks for this greater lecture,
  • 48:02so I don't know if we use you
  • 48:05remember the first time you
  • 48:07start doing the the real biopsy?
  • 48:13So how do they transform the service?
  • 48:18Well, the first time I had to do
  • 48:21a biopsy on a kidney transplant.
  • 48:24Well, I was my wife and I
  • 48:26were at a cocktail party.
  • 48:30Have you had a cocktail party?
  • 48:33And I got a phone call saying
  • 48:36that I had to come in.
  • 48:38Because I had to look at
  • 48:41some transplants. Now the.
  • 48:45The the electrical surgeon who was
  • 48:47who was also at the cocktail party
  • 48:49so so we we the two of us went
  • 48:53into totally unknown territory.
  • 48:58And we had a we had.
  • 49:02Basically what we were looking at was
  • 49:05to see the viability of the tissues
  • 49:08that we were getting because the our
  • 49:11our patients were a group of Yale
  • 49:14undergraduates who are coming back from
  • 49:17chasing girls up in in in Massachusetts.
  • 49:22Because that's where the girls all the
  • 49:24troops were and they they ran into fog.
  • 49:27Mine on I-91 and it was it terrible
  • 49:33and six or eight of them were killed.
  • 49:37And their parents actually were
  • 49:40the ones who suggested that they
  • 49:44that they that they be selected
  • 49:47for transplant at the donors,
  • 49:50and so that was those were the first ones,
  • 49:53that that way I had to look at.
  • 49:57And then The thing is that we
  • 49:59hadn't got transplants here before.
  • 50:02These were the first transplants.
  • 50:04And it was important to know whether.
  • 50:08That whether they were.
  • 50:10Whether they would they would
  • 50:12bear with rejection or not at all
  • 50:14over the period of time that they
  • 50:16were being observed clinically.
  • 50:18And so again, we had to learn.
  • 50:21Or I had to learn.
  • 50:24And I, but again,
  • 50:26I learned with the clinician.
  • 50:28And and and we we came up
  • 50:32with actually the 1st.
  • 50:35Regret categorization of of of
  • 50:38transplant rejection and it was because.
  • 50:43I I if I did it alone,
  • 50:46it would not have been as as important.
  • 50:49The fact that the that I did it with a
  • 50:53clinician at my side was was very important.
  • 50:57And actually,
  • 50:58when when you talked about that the klatskin,
  • 51:03the first renal biopsies that were
  • 51:05that were being done when I came
  • 51:08back in Doctor Clasko's laboratory.
  • 51:10Because he was.
  • 51:11He's already experienced at
  • 51:13doing liver biopsies,
  • 51:15and his laboratory was experienced
  • 51:17in making the thin sections and
  • 51:21staining them well and limiting the
  • 51:24variabilities and it it gave us.
  • 51:28The opportunity to do it.
  • 51:30The other thing that he did was.
  • 51:33With every biopsy that he did.
  • 51:36He he had,
  • 51:38he created a card with punch holes in them.
  • 51:43You had a card with punch holes in them,
  • 51:45and each of the punch holes meant meant
  • 51:48meant something about the the the.
  • 51:50The laboratory findings that
  • 51:52clinical findings and so on.
  • 51:54So if you wanted to find out something
  • 51:56would stick a needle into the into the
  • 51:59bunch and then pull out the pull out
  • 52:01the the group and and so that was when.
  • 52:09Actually I was working with working
  • 52:12with John Hazlett in the in in the.
  • 52:15In these patients with lupus,
  • 52:18and we essentially did the same thing,
  • 52:20but I didn't.
  • 52:21I didn't have punch cards,
  • 52:22but but it was a matter of
  • 52:25tabulating the data in such a way
  • 52:28that the data was not static.
  • 52:32The data was was was.
  • 52:35Something which was was predictive
  • 52:38and and was and and we didn't even
  • 52:42know it was going to be predicted.
  • 52:45And so without trying we could.
  • 52:48We couldn't do anything.
  • 52:50But but we try and we did.
  • 52:54And and you know, that's.
  • 52:56The opportunities here.
  • 52:59In pathology are enormous.
  • 53:02You just have to.
  • 53:03You just have to decide to think for
  • 53:05them and think about them and do.
  • 53:11And I like doing it if the in in
  • 53:13renal disease and and the fact
  • 53:16that we now have over 10,000,
  • 53:19maybe even more a year, years of experience.
  • 53:24Well, I I produced in Atlas.
  • 53:28Yes, it was actually.
  • 53:30A clinician who wrote a
  • 53:32big tone on nephrology.
  • 53:35Came to me, I think maybe 20 years ago and
  • 53:40said we need an Atlas of the pathology.
  • 53:44To go along with this with this arbeitete,
  • 53:49our big textbook of of of nephrology.
  • 53:53And so I I got I got I.
  • 53:59Wanted to do it by myself.
  • 54:01I know I couldn't.
  • 54:02And I didn't.
  • 54:04I was unhappy about doing
  • 54:06it with a with a committee.
  • 54:09The committees don't get very much done.
  • 54:14And so I was lucky to recruit Agnes Fogel.
  • 54:20And so the two of us.
  • 54:24Put everything that we knew and from
  • 54:27our selections in into that book.
  • 54:30And so the. The 4th edition
  • 54:32just came out just came out.
  • 54:42Well, thank you for listening.