Alexej Abyzov, PhD
Transgenerational transmission of post-zygotic mutations suggests symmetric contribution of first two blastomeres to human germline
Jang Y, Tomasini L, Bae T, Szekely A, Vaccarino F, Abyzov A. Transgenerational transmission of post-zygotic mutations suggests symmetric contribution of first two blastomeres to human germline. Nature Communications 2024, 15: 9117. PMID: 39438473, PMCID: PMC11496613, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-53485-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSomatic mosaicism in schizophrenia brains reveals prenatal mutational processes
Maury E, Jones A, Seplyarskiy V, Nguyen T, Rosenbluh C, Bae T, Wang Y, Abyzov A, Khoshkhoo S, Chahine Y, Zhao S, Venkatesh S, Root E, Voloudakis G, Roussos P, Network B, Park P, Akbarian S, Brennand K, Reilly S, Lee E, Sunyaev S, Walsh C, Chess A. Somatic mosaicism in schizophrenia brains reveals prenatal mutational processes. Science 2024, 386: 217-224. PMID: 39388546, PMCID: PMC11490355, DOI: 10.1126/science.adq1456.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTranscription factor binding sitesWhole-genome sequencingOpen chromatinMutational processesSomatic mutationsFactor binding sitesSchizophrenia casesSchizophrenia risk genesSomatic mosaicismSomatic variantsRisk genesG mutationGene expressionGermline mutationsBinding sitesGenesMutationsIncreased somatic mutationsChromatinMosaic somatic mutationsPrenatal neurogenesisContext of schizophreniaBrain neuronsSchizophrenia brainVariantsResolving the 22q11.2 deletion using CTLR-Seq reveals chromosomal rearrangement mechanisms and individual variance in breakpoints
Zhou B, Purmann C, Guo H, Shin G, Huang Y, Pattni R, Meng Q, Greer S, Roychowdhury T, Wood R, Ho M, Dohna H, Abyzov A, Hallmayer J, Wong W, Ji H, Urban A. Resolving the 22q11.2 deletion using CTLR-Seq reveals chromosomal rearrangement mechanisms and individual variance in breakpoints. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2024, 121: e2322834121. PMID: 39042694, PMCID: PMC11295037, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2322834121.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLong-read sequencingPulse-field gel electrophoresisBase-pair resolutionDNA methylation patternsCell-type specific analysisCell type-specificChromosomal interactionsSequence assemblySegmental duplicationsGenome sequenceGenomic rearrangementsGenomic regionsChromosomal breakpointsHuman genomeGenomic recombinationMethylation patternsSequence analysisHaplotype-specificDeletion haplotypesGel electrophoresisGenomeAmplification-freeBreakpoint locationsMicrodeletion disorderType-specificGenome-wide analysis and visualization of copy number with CNVpytor in igv.js
Panda A, Suvakov M, Thorvaldsdottir H, Mesirov J, Robinson J, Abyzov A. Genome-wide analysis and visualization of copy number with CNVpytor in igv.js. Bioinformatics 2024, 40: btae453. PMID: 39018173, PMCID: PMC11303504, DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btae453.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMassively parallel characterization of regulatory elements in the developing human cortex
Deng C, Whalen S, Steyert M, Ziffra R, Przytycki P, Inoue F, Pereira D, Capauto D, Norton S, Vaccarino F, Pollen A, Nowakowski T, Ahituv N, Pollard K, Akbarian S, Abyzov A, Ahituv N, Arasappan D, Almagro Armenteros J, Beliveau B, Bendl J, Berretta S, Bharadwaj R, Bhattacharya A, Bicks L, Brennand K, Capauto D, Champagne F, Chatterjee T, Chatzinakos C, Chen Y, Chen H, Cheng Y, Cheng L, Chess A, Chien J, Chu Z, Clarke D, Clement A, Collado-Torres L, Cooper G, Crawford G, Dai R, Daskalakis N, Davila-Velderrain J, Deep-Soboslay A, Deng C, DiPietro C, Dracheva S, Drusinsky S, Duan Z, Duong D, Dursun C, Eagles N, Edelstein J, Emani P, Fullard J, Galani K, Galeev T, Gandal M, Gaynor S, Gerstein M, Geschwind D, Girdhar K, Goes F, Greenleaf W, Grundman J, Guo H, Guo Q, Gupta C, Hadas Y, Hallmayer J, Han X, Haroutunian V, Hawken N, He C, Henry E, Hicks S, Ho M, Ho L, Hoffman G, Huang Y, Huuki-Myers L, Hwang A, Hyde T, Iatrou A, Inoue F, Jajoo A, Jensen M, Jiang L, Jin P, Jin T, Jops C, Jourdon A, Kawaguchi R, Kellis M, Khullar S, Kleinman J, Kleopoulos S, Kozlenkov A, Kriegstein A, Kundaje A, Kundu S, Lee C, Lee D, Li J, Li M, Lin X, Liu S, Liu J, Liu J, Liu C, Liu S, Lou S, Loupe J, Lu D, Ma S, Ma L, Margolis M, Mariani J, Martinowich K, Maynard K, Mazariegos S, Meng R, Myers R, Micallef C, Mikhailova T, Ming G, Mohammadi S, Monte E, Montgomery K, Moore J, Moran J, Mukamel E, Nairn A, Nemeroff C, Ni P, Norton S, Nowakowski T, Omberg L, Page S, Park S, Patowary A, Pattni R, Pertea G, Peters M, Phalke N, Pinto D, Pjanic M, Pochareddy S, Pollard K, Pollen A, Pratt H, Przytycki P, Purmann C, Qin Z, Qu P, Quintero D, Raj T, Rajagopalan A, Reach S, Reimonn T, Ressler K, Ross D, Roussos P, Rozowsky J, Ruth M, Ruzicka W, Sanders S, Schneider J, Scuderi S, Sebra R, Sestan N, Seyfried N, Shao Z, Shedd N, Shieh A, Shin J, Skarica M, Snijders C, Song H, State M, Stein J, Steyert M, Subburaju S, Sudhof T, Snyder M, Tao R, Therrien K, Tsai L, Urban A, Vaccarino F, van Bakel H, Vo D, Voloudakis G, Wamsley B, Wang T, Wang S, Wang D, Wang Y, Warrell J, Wei Y, Weimer A, Weinberger D, Wen C, Weng Z, Whalen S, White K, Willsey A, Won H, Wong W, Wu H, Wu F, Wuchty S, Wylie D, Xu S, Yap C, Zeng B, Zhang P, Zhang C, Zhang B, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Zhou X, Ziffra R, Zeier Z, Zintel T. Massively parallel characterization of regulatory elements in the developing human cortex. Science 2024, 384: eadh0559. PMID: 38781390, DOI: 10.1126/science.adh0559.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGene regulatory elementsRegulatory elementsRegulation of enhancer activityCharacterization of regulatory elementsCis-regulatory activityNeuronal developmentPrimary cellsEnhanced activityGene regulationHuman neuronal developmentNucleotide changesEnhancer sequencesSequence basisUpstream regulatorComprehensive catalogHuman cellsDeveloping cortexSequenceVariantsOrganoidsCellsCerebral organoidsCortexHuman cortexNucleotideCross-ancestry atlas of gene, isoform, and splicing regulation in the developing human brain
Wen C, Margolis M, Dai R, Zhang P, Przytycki P, Vo D, Bhattacharya A, Matoba N, Tang M, Jiao C, Kim M, Tsai E, Hoh C, Aygün N, Walker R, Chatzinakos C, Clarke D, Pratt H, Peters M, Gerstein M, Daskalakis N, Weng Z, Jaffe A, Kleinman J, Hyde T, Weinberger D, Bray N, Sestan N, Geschwind D, Roeder K, Gusev A, Pasaniuc B, Stein J, Love M, Pollard K, Liu C, Gandal M, Akbarian S, Abyzov A, Ahituv N, Arasappan D, Almagro Armenteros J, Beliveau B, Bendl J, Berretta S, Bharadwaj R, Bicks L, Brennand K, Capauto D, Champagne F, Chatterjee T, Chatzinakos C, Chen Y, Chen H, Cheng Y, Cheng L, Chess A, Chien J, Chu Z, Clement A, Collado-Torres L, Cooper G, Crawford G, Davila-Velderrain J, Deep-Soboslay A, Deng C, DiPietro C, Dracheva S, Drusinsky S, Duan Z, Duong D, Dursun C, Eagles N, Edelstein J, Emani P, Fullard J, Galani K, Galeev T, Gaynor S, Girdhar K, Goes F, Greenleaf W, Grundman J, Guo H, Guo Q, Gupta C, Hadas Y, Hallmayer J, Han X, Haroutunian V, Hawken N, He C, Henry E, Hicks S, Ho M, Ho L, Hoffman G, Huang Y, Huuki-Myers L, Hwang A, Iatrou A, Inoue F, Jajoo A, Jensen M, Jiang L, Jin P, Jin T, Jops C, Jourdon A, Kawaguchi R, Kellis M, Kleopoulos S, Kozlenkov A, Kriegstein A, Kundaje A, Kundu S, Lee C, Lee D, Li J, Li M, Lin X, Liu S, Liu J, Liu J, Liu S, Lou S, Loupe J, Lu D, Ma S, Ma L, Mariani J, Martinowich K, Maynard K, Mazariegos S, Meng R, Myers R, Micallef C, Mikhailova T, Ming G, Mohammadi S, Monte E, Montgomery K, Moore J, Moran J, Mukamel E, Nairn A, Nemeroff C, Ni P, Norton S, Nowakowski T, Omberg L, Page S, Park S, Patowary A, Pattni R, Pertea G, Phalke N, Pinto D, Pjanic M, Pochareddy S, Pollen A, Purmann C, Qin Z, Qu P, Quintero D, Raj T, Rajagopalan A, Reach S, Reimonn T, Ressler K, Ross D, Roussos P, Rozowsky J, Ruth M, Ruzicka W, Sanders S, Schneider J, Scuderi S, Sebra R, Seyfried N, Shao Z, Shedd N, Shieh A, Shin J, Skarica M, Snijders C, Song H, State M, Steyert M, Subburaju S, Sudhof T, Snyder M, Tao R, Therrien K, Tsai L, Urban A, Vaccarino F, van Bakel H, Voloudakis G, Wamsley B, Wang T, Wang S, Wang D, Wang Y, Warrell J, Wei Y, Weimer A, Whalen S, White K, Willsey A, Won H, Wong W, Wu H, Wu F, Wuchty S, Wylie D, Xu S, Yap C, Zeng B, Zhang C, Zhang B, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Zhou X, Ziffra R, Zeier Z, Zintel T. Cross-ancestry atlas of gene, isoform, and splicing regulation in the developing human brain. Science 2024, 384: eadh0829. PMID: 38781368, DOI: 10.1126/science.adh0829.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGenome-wide association studiesGenome-wide association study lociSplicing quantitative trait lociQuantitative trait lociSplicing regulationCross-ancestryTrait lociAssociation studiesRegulatory elementsCellular contextHuman brainTranscriptome regulationCoexpression networkRisk genesAutism spectrum disorderGenesCellular heterogeneityComprehensive landscapeSpectrum disorderIsoformsSplicingIncreased cellular heterogeneityLociNeuronal maturationRegulationSingle-cell multi-cohort dissection of the schizophrenia transcriptome
Ruzicka W, Mohammadi S, Fullard J, Davila-Velderrain J, Subburaju S, Tso D, Hourihan M, Jiang S, Lee H, Bendl J, Voloudakis G, Haroutunian V, Hoffman G, Roussos P, Kellis M, Akbarian S, Abyzov A, Ahituv N, Arasappan D, Almagro Armenteros J, Beliveau B, Berretta S, Bharadwaj R, Bhattacharya A, Bicks L, Brennand K, Capauto D, Champagne F, Chatterjee T, Chatzinakos C, Chen Y, Chen H, Cheng Y, Cheng L, Chess A, Chien J, Chu Z, Clarke D, Clement A, Collado-Torres L, Cooper G, Crawford G, Dai R, Daskalakis N, Deep-Soboslay A, Deng C, DiPietro C, Dracheva S, Drusinsky S, Duan Z, Duong D, Dursun C, Eagles N, Edelstein J, Emani P, Galani K, Galeev T, Gandal M, Gaynor S, Gerstein M, Geschwind D, Girdhar K, Goes F, Greenleaf W, Grundman J, Guo H, Guo Q, Gupta C, Hadas Y, Hallmayer J, Han X, Hawken N, He C, Henry E, Hicks S, Ho M, Ho L, Huang Y, Huuki-Myers L, Hwang A, Hyde T, Iatrou A, Inoue F, Jajoo A, Jensen M, Jiang L, Jin P, Jin T, Jops C, Jourdon A, Kawaguchi R, Kleinman J, Kleopoulos S, Kozlenkov A, Kriegstein A, Kundaje A, Kundu S, Lee C, Lee D, Li J, Li M, Lin X, Liu S, Liu J, Liu J, Liu C, Liu S, Lou S, Loupe J, Lu D, Ma S, Ma L, Margolis M, Mariani J, Martinowich K, Maynard K, Mazariegos S, Meng R, Myers R, Micallef C, Mikhailova T, Ming G, Monte E, Montgomery K, Moore J, Moran J, Mukamel E, Nairn A, Nemeroff C, Ni P, Norton S, Nowakowski T, Omberg L, Page S, Park S, Patowary A, Pattni R, Pertea G, Peters M, Phalke N, Pinto D, Pjanic M, Pochareddy S, Pollard K, Pollen A, Pratt H, Przytycki P, Purmann C, Qin Z, Qu P, Quintero D, Raj T, Rajagopalan A, Reach S, Reimonn T, Ressler K, Ross D, Rozowsky J, Ruth M, Sanders S, Schneider J, Scuderi S, Sebra R, Sestan N, Seyfried N, Shao Z, Shedd N, Shieh A, Shin J, Skarica M, Snijders C, Song H, State M, Stein J, Steyert M, Sudhof T, Snyder M, Tao R, Therrien K, Tsai L, Urban A, Vaccarino F, van Bakel H, Vo D, Wamsley B, Wang T, Wang S, Wang D, Wang Y, Warrell J, Wei Y, Weimer A, Weinberger D, Wen C, Weng Z, Whalen S, White K, Willsey A, Won H, Wong W, Wu H, Wu F, Wuchty S, Wylie D, Xu S, Yap C, Zeng B, Zhang P, Zhang C, Zhang B, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Zhou X, Ziffra R, Zeier Z, Zintel T. Single-cell multi-cohort dissection of the schizophrenia transcriptome. Science 2024, 384: eadg5136. PMID: 38781388, DOI: 10.1126/science.adg5136.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGenetic risk factorsRisk factorsTranscriptional changesHeterogeneity of schizophreniaNeuronal cell statesSchizophrenia pathophysiologySingle-cell dissectionExcitatory neuronsEffective therapySchizophrenia transcriptomicsCortical cytoarchitectureSingle-cell atlasGenomic variantsCell groupsHuman prefrontal cortexMolecular pathwaysSchizophreniaTranscriptional alterationsTranscriptomic changesPrefrontal cortexCell statesAlterationsTherapyPathophysiologyDissectionA data-driven single-cell and spatial transcriptomic map of the human prefrontal cortex
Huuki-Myers L, Spangler A, Eagles N, Montgomery K, Kwon S, Guo B, Grant-Peters M, Divecha H, Tippani M, Sriworarat C, Nguyen A, Ravichandran P, Tran M, Seyedian A, Hyde T, Kleinman J, Battle A, Page S, Ryten M, Hicks S, Martinowich K, Collado-Torres L, Maynard K, Akbarian S, Abyzov A, Ahituv N, Arasappan D, Almagro Armenteros J, Beliveau B, Bendl J, Berretta S, Bharadwaj R, Bhattacharya A, Bicks L, Brennand K, Capauto D, Champagne F, Chatterjee T, Chatzinakos C, Chen Y, Chen H, Cheng Y, Cheng L, Chess A, Chien J, Chu Z, Clarke D, Clement A, Collado-Torres L, Cooper G, Crawford G, Dai R, Daskalakis N, Davila-Velderrain J, Deep-Soboslay A, Deng C, DiPietro C, Dracheva S, Drusinsky S, Duan Z, Duong D, Dursun C, Eagles N, Edelstein J, Emani P, Fullard J, Galani K, Galeev T, Gandal M, Gaynor S, Gerstein M, Geschwind D, Girdhar K, Goes F, Greenleaf W, Grundman J, Guo H, Guo Q, Gupta C, Hadas Y, Hallmayer J, Han X, Haroutunian V, Hawken N, He C, Henry E, Hicks S, Ho M, Ho L, Hoffman G, Huang Y, Huuki-Myers L, Hwang A, Hyde T, Iatrou A, Inoue F, Jajoo A, Jensen M, Jiang L, Jin P, Jin T, Jops C, Jourdon A, Kawaguchi R, Kellis M, Kleinman J, Kleopoulos S, Kozlenkov A, Kriegstein A, Kundaje A, Kundu S, Lee C, Lee D, Li J, Li M, Lin X, Liu S, Liu J, Liu J, Liu C, Liu S, Lou S, Loupe J, Lu D, Ma S, Ma L, Margolis M, Mariani J, Martinowich K, Maynard K, Mazariegos S, Meng R, Myers R, Micallef C, Mikhailova T, Ming G, Mohammadi S, Monte E, Montgomery K, Moore J, Moran J, Mukamel E, Nairn A, Nemeroff C, Ni P, Norton S, Nowakowski T, Omberg L, Page S, Park S, Patowary A, Pattni R, Pertea G, Peters M, Phalke N, Pinto D, Pjanic M, Pochareddy S, Pollard K, Pollen A, Pratt H, Przytycki P, Purmann C, Qin Z, Qu P, Quintero D, Raj T, Rajagopalan A, Reach S, Reimonn T, Ressler K, Ross D, Roussos P, Rozowsky J, Ruth M, Ruzicka W, Sanders S, Schneider J, Scuderi S, Sebra R, Sestan N, Seyfried N, Shao Z, Shedd N, Shieh A, Shin J, Skarica M, Snijders C, Song H, State M, Stein J, Steyert M, Subburaju S, Sudhof T, Snyder M, Tao R, Therrien K, Tsai L, Urban A, Vaccarino F, van Bakel H, Vo D, Voloudakis G, Wamsley B, Wang T, Wang S, Wang D, Wang Y, Warrell J, Wei Y, Weimer A, Weinberger D, Wen C, Weng Z, Whalen S, White K, Willsey A, Won H, Wong W, Wu H, Wu F, Wuchty S, Wylie D, Xu S, Yap C, Zeng B, Zhang P, Zhang C, Zhang B, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Zhou X, Ziffra R, Zeier Z, Zintel T. A data-driven single-cell and spatial transcriptomic map of the human prefrontal cortex. Science 2024, 384: eadh1938. PMID: 38781370, PMCID: PMC11398705, DOI: 10.1126/science.adh1938.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRNA sequencing dataCell type compositionGene expression platformSpatial transcriptomics technologiesAnterior-posterior axisCell-cell interactionsTranscriptome mapExpression platformHuman dorsolateral prefrontal cortexTranscriptomic technologiesSingle-cellCell typesPrefrontal cortexMolecular organizationDorsolateral prefrontal cortexHuman prefrontal cortexSingle-cell genomics and regulatory networks for 388 human brains
Emani P, Liu J, Clarke D, Jensen M, Warrell J, Gupta C, Meng R, Lee C, Xu S, Dursun C, Lou S, Chen Y, Chu Z, Galeev T, Hwang A, Li Y, Ni P, Zhou X, Bakken T, Bendl J, Bicks L, Chatterjee T, Cheng L, Cheng Y, Dai Y, Duan Z, Flaherty M, Fullard J, Gancz M, Garrido-Martín D, Gaynor-Gillett S, Grundman J, Hawken N, Henry E, Hoffman G, Huang A, Jiang Y, Jin T, Jorstad N, Kawaguchi R, Khullar S, Liu J, Liu J, Liu S, Ma S, Margolis M, Mazariegos S, Moore J, Moran J, Nguyen E, Phalke N, Pjanic M, Pratt H, Quintero D, Rajagopalan A, Riesenmy T, Shedd N, Shi M, Spector M, Terwilliger R, Travaglini K, Wamsley B, Wang G, Xia Y, Xiao S, Yang A, Zheng S, Gandal M, Lee D, Lein E, Roussos P, Sestan N, Weng Z, White K, Won H, Girgenti M, Zhang J, Wang D, Geschwind D, Gerstein M, Akbarian S, Abyzov A, Ahituv N, Arasappan D, Almagro Armenteros J, Beliveau B, Berretta S, Bharadwaj R, Bhattacharya A, Brennand K, Capauto D, Champagne F, Chatzinakos C, Chen H, Cheng L, Chess A, Chien J, Clement A, Collado-Torres L, Cooper G, Crawford G, Dai R, Daskalakis N, Davila-Velderrain J, Deep-Soboslay A, Deng C, DiPietro C, Dracheva S, Drusinsky S, Duong D, Eagles N, Edelstein J, Galani K, Girdhar K, Goes F, Greenleaf W, Guo H, Guo Q, Hadas Y, Hallmayer J, Han X, Haroutunian V, He C, Hicks S, Ho M, Ho L, Huang Y, Huuki-Myers L, Hyde T, Iatrou A, Inoue F, Jajoo A, Jiang L, Jin P, Jops C, Jourdon A, Kellis M, Kleinman J, Kleopoulos S, Kozlenkov A, Kriegstein A, Kundaje A, Kundu S, Li J, Li M, Lin X, Liu S, Liu C, Loupe J, Lu D, Ma L, Mariani J, Martinowich K, Maynard K, Myers R, Micallef C, Mikhailova T, Ming G, Mohammadi S, Monte E, Montgomery K, Mukamel E, Nairn A, Nemeroff C, Norton S, Nowakowski T, Omberg L, Page S, Park S, Patowary A, Pattni R, Pertea G, Peters M, Pinto D, Pochareddy S, Pollard K, Pollen A, Przytycki P, Purmann C, Qin Z, Qu P, Raj T, Reach S, Reimonn T, Ressler K, Ross D, Rozowsky J, Ruth M, Ruzicka W, Sanders S, Schneider J, Scuderi S, Sebra R, Seyfried N, Shao Z, Shieh A, Shin J, Skarica M, Snijders C, Song H, State M, Stein J, Steyert M, Subburaju S, Sudhof T, Snyder M, Tao R, Therrien K, Tsai L, Urban A, Vaccarino F, van Bakel H, Vo D, Voloudakis G, Wang T, Wang S, Wang Y, Wei Y, Weimer A, Weinberger D, Wen C, Whalen S, Willsey A, Wong W, Wu H, Wu F, Wuchty S, Wylie D, Yap C, Zeng B, Zhang P, Zhang C, Zhang B, Zhang Y, Ziffra R, Zeier Z, Zintel T. Single-cell genomics and regulatory networks for 388 human brains. Science 2024, 384: eadi5199. PMID: 38781369, PMCID: PMC11365579, DOI: 10.1126/science.adi5199.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSingle-cell genomicsSingle-cell expression quantitative trait locusExpression quantitative trait lociDrug targetsQuantitative trait lociPopulation-level variationSingle-cell expressionCell typesDisease-risk genesTrait lociGene familyRegulatory networksGene expressionCell-typeMultiomics datasetsSingle-nucleiGenomeGenesCellular changesHeterogeneous tissuesExpressionCellsChromatinLociMultiomicsCharacterization of enhancer activity in early human neurodevelopment using Massively Parallel Reporter Assay (MPRA) and forebrain organoids
Capauto D, Wang Y, Wu F, Norton S, Mariani J, Inoue F, Crawford G, Ahituv N, Abyzov A, Vaccarino F. Characterization of enhancer activity in early human neurodevelopment using Massively Parallel Reporter Assay (MPRA) and forebrain organoids. Scientific Reports 2024, 14: 3936. PMID: 38365907, PMCID: PMC10873509, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-54302-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMassively parallel reporter assaysGene expressionRegulation of gene expressionForebrain organoidsHuman fetal tissuesHigh-throughput assayReporter assayFetal tissuesStem cellsNeurodevelopmentHuman neurodevelopmentActivation signalsEnhanced activityGenesOrganoidsForebrainBrain organoidsAssayBrain
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