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    Tracy Rabin, MD, SM

    Associate Professor of Medicine (General Medicine) and Clinical Professor of Nursing; Director, Office of Global Health, Internal Medicine; Program Co-Director, Global Health Ethics Program, Yale Institute for Global Health; Founding Member/Core Faculty, Women's & Gender Health Education Program, Internal Medicine; Director, Global Health & Equity Distinction Pathway, Internal Medicine; Affiliated Faculty, Program for Biomedical Ethics; Affiliated Faculty, Yale Center for Asylum Medicine, Internal Medicine; Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health; Director for Global and Community Health, Yale Primary Care Internal Medicine Residency Program, Internal Medicine; Uganda Collaboration Director, Yale/Stanford Global Health Scholars Program

    Dr. Rabin is an Internist and Pediatrician, Director of the Office of Global Health (Department of Internal Medicine), and Associate Program Director for Global and Community Health in Yale Primary Care Internal Medicine Residency Program. She co-directs the Makerere University-Yale University medical education capacity building collaboration which is based in Kampala, Uganda. Her areas of interest include both domestic and international global health and education; global health ethics; and the prevention and management of diabetes.