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SHI Alumni

The Sustainable Health Initiative provides opportunities for Yale students, faculty, and alumni to work toward solutions to some of the most complex global health challenges using business-minded approaches creative problem-solving, and multi-disciplinary solutions. Below is a list of alumni from the program, specifically highlighting their startup and their innovations.

Aero Therapeutics Aero Therapeutics is a medical device company that helps physicians in low-resource settings treat neonatal respiratory issues with sustainable, rugged and affordable devices. Aero’s first device is a low-cost self-sterilizing humidified high-flow nasal cannula (S-HHFNC) that oxygenates, warms, humidifies, and sterilizes air before it is delivered in a single, compact, and mobile enclosure. Their device was developed iteratively on the ground in Ethiopia with feedback from physicians, nurses, mothers, and the community. The team has received 4 grants for a total $580,000 and one year of office space from Yale Ventures.
AgriCORE AgriCORE distributes soil-testing kits that make sustainable land management more accessible to the agricultural industry. Quantifying the efficacy of sustainable practices is crucial for more widespread adoption. There’s currently no easy, affordable, in-field analysis method, so we’ve developed a kit that makes soil sampling and carbon-content analysis field-ready and efficient
Ceramic Water Filters & the Hidden Hunger Cheldina Jean (Ph.D. ‘26) is proposing the use of Ceramic water filters (CWFs) to effectively provide safe and clean drinking water, which also has the potential to be a viable delivery foundation for essential minerals. Over two billion people today still lack access to safe drinking water and suffer from “hidden hunger” – a term used for micronutrient malnutrition. Both a lack of access to clean water and nutrients lead to chronic health outcomes and impact economic advancement. CWF fortified with micronutrients can serve as a consumer-focused, easy-to-implement and cost-effective measure to improve nutrition and access to drinking water globally.
De-Stress Arinze Agu (MPH ‘25) is the founder of De-Stress, a personalized mental healthcare and productivity app that guides students and professionals to manage daily stressors with the help of an AI buddy. The idea of a "buddy" is to convey the mode of operation; a conversational and interactive friend that recognizes the "overwhelming situation" and offers to help right when you need it.
ExpoKEY Our mission is to transform health management and promotion, by establishing a sustainable bigdata system to predict risks of major chronic diseases and pregnancy outcomes, provide personalized prevention strategies, and create comprehensive risk-factor databases for population health analytics through leveraging cutting-edge health sciences, algorithms and blockchain technology.
Healthcare Company X Miguel Agreda (MBA/MPH ‘25) is an SOM/YSPH student and founder of Healthcare Company X, an information platform capable of facilitating knowledge and resource sharing between health care organizations and allied partners. By 2025, Miguel hopes to have a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), which is an early form of product with features for pilot customers.
iDocta iDocta is aimed at enabling access to affordable and quality healthcare in both urban and rural areas. Our mission is to provide quality healthcare by increasing access to health professionals for patients everywhere through telemedicine services and in-person appointments/home care services.
indeHealth Tsikata Apenyo (MBA ’24) founded indeHealth. Motivated by personal experiences and a profound appreciation of the challenges students encounter in accessing care, indeHealth serves as an intermediary between students and colleges, helping students seek professional medical help when needed, while alleviating the burden on university health centers. Tsikata hopes to bring indeHealth to market in the next year.
JioVio Healthcare An AI-powered, wearable device monitors and tracks the vitals of pregnant women and transmits the collected data to healthcare professionals. The vitals collected are analyzed using deep learning algorithms which identifies women at high risk for pregnancy and other health complications.
Lucid.Care Clara Guo (MD/MBA ’24) and Aleks Galaszewicz (MBA ’24) co-founded Lucid.Care, a behavioral health diagnostic and monitoring platform. Since founding, they have completed a 3-month patient pilot and are currently working on a mobile app to scale with financing from Yale's Henry F. McCance Entrepreneurial Award and Pear VC. Clara and Aleks plan to launch Lucid.Care within the next few months and establish external partnerships in the next year.
Matcha Scrubs MiChaela Barker (MBA/MPH ‘24) is the founder of Matcha Scrubs, where innovation meets inclusivity in healthcare attire. The satin-lined scrub caps are designed to protect diverse hairstyles like braids, afros, locs, and more, and feature a surgical glasses holder, alleviating pressure on ears during long shifts. MiChaela anticipates bringing Matcha Scrubs to market in the next year.
MedCon (Medical Consumables) Jeffrey Boateng (MPH ‘24) is the founder of MedCon, a digital platform that aims to consolidate medical devices suppliers in African countries in order to better patient care outcomes. Currently, in Ghana, and similar African countries, due to the limited number of suppliers and lack of a centralized purchasing system hospitals and healthcare facilities face overpricing of medical goods, and are often unable to locate niche healthcare devices. This results in inefficiencies in healthcare delivery, increased costs for healthcare facilities, and potentially compromised patient care due to equipment shortages or delayed treatments.
Metamagics GridSense HealthTM by Metamagics is a digital healthcare startup focused on creating proactive and preventive solutions for managing complex chronic care. Leveraging its expertise in data engineering, data science and machine learning, GridSense HealthTM is a platform for disease-specific patient monitoring & decision support tools for better patient outcomes. With a cloud-based secure database, a combination of web, mobile apps and smart tracking devices, it is a connected ecosystem for patient care. GridSense HealthTM now has a comprehensive offering for organ transplant care.
Mudder AI Nadia Ahmad (Ph.D. ‘25) is the founder of Mudder AI, which models flood risk down to the neighborhood and household level by combining satellite imagery, climate data, and on-the-ground sensor networks to forecast flood risk. are facing intensifying climate impacts, existing flood prediction models lack the granularity and accuracy to truly empower local climate resilience. We then work hand-in-hand with vulnerable communities to implement tailored resilience solutions, whether that's deploying flood barriers, creating emergency response plans, or relocating at-risk infrastructure.
Naps and Nibbles Culturally appropriate child wellness mobile app for Indian and diaspora parents covering topics including child sleep, breastfeeding and nutrition through a series of 5-7-minute videos. The content is designed and delivered by top doctors and specialists keeping in mind the Indian cultural nuances.
Navi Health Navi Health is an early-stage startup seeking to ensure all college students can navigate their journey to mental wellness. We do this by developing care coordination technology, specifically student-facing resource recommendation tools and administrator-facing care management products.
Nurturing Community Anjali Mangla (BS ‘24) is the founder of Nurturing Community, a community aimed to develop community-based digital interventions by combining multi-sectoral approaches to social determinants of health. Often, many community resources exist in an area but there is poor coordination among local actors to address the burden of chronic noncommunicable diseases among the most vulnerable community members. Our proposed solution utilizes health economic policy tools and local resources to analyze and implement tailored interventions to local contexts.
Onward Assist AI-based predictive analytics platform to improve the speed and accuracy of breast and cervical cancer diagnostics.
Organ Sohi Patel (BS ‘27), is the founder of Organ, a health tech startup developing a modular, biorobotic wearable that autoregulates health by continuously measuring biomarkers, vitals, and lifestyle factors and reacting in real time, allowing for early detection and mitigation of issues like heart failure and hormonal imbalance before symptoms even show.
Period Equity Movement Gabi Wiggill (MPH ‘25) is a first year MPH student working on addressing equitable access to period products within and outside the United States. She founded the Period Equity Movement, which aims to ensure that individuals who menstruate have the products they need. Gabi is now working to expand similar projects to other U.S. universities and hopes to forge a collaboration with the U.S. Department of Education. She is also exploring the possibility of founding a non-profit organization to undertake this work in her home country of South Africa.
Pyari Nikita Paudel (BA '25) and Ranjan Poudel are the founders of प्यारी (Pyari), a groundbreaking initiative and movement dedicated to breaking the silence around menstruation in Syangja, Nepal. This initiative aims to meet the immediate need for menstrual health and empower women economically and hygienically through community-based approaches involving health workers, tailors, and other community members. Pyari will deliver essential knowledge on menstrual health while equipping participants with the skills needed to create reusable pads. Pyari fosters sustainability and inclusivity while reshaping attitudes around menstrual and reproductive health.
SciLink Youssef Ibrahim (BS ‘25) is the founder of SciLink, an AI-driven, personalized research assistant tool that simplifies the literature review process and provides customized updates and insights in scientific research. Traditional literature review tools are time-consuming and lack personalization, leading researchers often struggling to stay up to date with developments in their fields.
SHED Sooah Park (BA ‘27) is the founder of SHED. With the taboo and fear of judgment surrounding sexual topics, productive and comfortable conversations around sexual health are sorely lacking among youths. Additionally, schools often fail to balance progressive sex education with diverse cultural norms. To address this, Sooah is creating a subscription based app that can be used by schools and individuals to teach core concepts, suggest culturally appropriate curricula, and offer a forum to ask and answer questions with youth of the same age.
Spinertia Braeden Cullen (BS ‘27) is the founder of Spinertia, a pioneer in wearable technology that utilizes AI to generate a live, detailed model of the human spine for athletic trainers to visually analyze spinal movements and facilitate easier implementation of corrective actions in sports medicine. This innovative device precisely measures spinal curvature and converts this data through a proprietary algorithm into a real-time, accurate visualization of spinal movement. Spinertia is a tool for injury prevention and performance enhancement, offering unparalleled insights into spinal dynamics for long-term athletic development.
Upkeep Blake Robertson (MPH ‘24), is the founder of Upkeep, a comprehensive resource database, empowered with conversational AI, to streamline support access for older adults and their family caregivers. 9 out of 10 adults want to age in their homes, which causes a tremendous burden for their family caregivers, especially given how fragmented and difficult it is to locate resources for support. This database will offer monthly plans where users will be given a personal care coordinator that will provide healthcare navigation, admin task assistance, and weekly check-ins.
UrPharm UrPharm aims to provide easy access to authentic life-saving medications in sub-Saharan Africa by providing a platform where patients can search, find, and purchase these medications with just a few clicks. The team is rapidly expanding in Cameroon and plans extensive growth for 2023.
Wisteria Johannes Sieberer (YSEAS ‘28) is a second year Mechanical Engineering student working in orthopedics & rehabilitation and co-founder of Wisteria, a product that could revolutionize the IUD insertion procedure using cutting-edge soft robotics technology to ultimately increase access, comfort, and desirability of the most effective form of birth control on the market. Johannes expects to develop a working prototype in the next year.
Y2K Psilocybin Services Yale College juniors Sydney Morrison (YC ’25), Adriana Abad Castro (YC ‘25), Alika Ting (YC ‘25), and first-year PhD student Eduardo Castro Muñoz (YC ‘29) created Y2K Psilocybin Services to provide culturally-affirming, pharmaceutical agent-assisted psychotherapeutic care. Together, the Y2K team aspires to become one of the most affordable, and most culturally respectful service centers.