Featured Publications
Adult Inactivation of the Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease Gene Causes Polycystic Liver Disease.
Besse W, Roosendaal C, Tuccillo L, Roy SG, Gallagher AR, Somlo S. Adult Inactivation of the Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease Gene Causes Polycystic Liver Disease. Kidney360 2020, 1: 1068-1076. PMID: 33554127, PMCID: PMC7861569, DOI: 10.34067/kid.0002522020.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAutosomal recessive polycystic kidney diseaseSomatic second-hit mutationsAutosomal dominant polycystic kidney diseaseSecond-hit mutationsPolycystic liver diseaseLiver phenotypePolycystic kidney diseaseBile duct homeostasisSecond hit mutationLiver cystsLiver diseaseKidney diseaseCyst formationGenetic interactionsPattern of inheritanceDisease genesRecessive polycystic kidney diseaseGermline inheritanceDominant polycystic kidney diseaseDuctal plate formationWeeks of ageRecessive genotypeSubset of adultsSomatic mutationsPlate formatGenetic Analysis of Severe Polycystic Liver Disease in Japan
Mizuno H, Besse W, Sekine A, Long K, Kurihara S, Oba Y, Yamanouchi M, Hasegawa E, Suwabe T, Sawa N, Ubara Y, Somlo S, Hoshino J. Genetic Analysis of Severe Polycystic Liver Disease in Japan. Kidney360 2024, 5: 1106-1115. PMID: 38689396, PMCID: PMC11371350, DOI: 10.34067/kid.0000000000000461.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSevere polycystic liver diseaseAutosomal dominant polycystic kidney diseaseDisease genesPolycystic liver diseasePKD2 patientsGenetic analysisWhole-exome sequencingSuspected pathogenic variantsLiver diseaseSpectrum of phenotypesPKD2 variantsExome sequencingAutosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease cohortPathogenic variantsPKD2PKD1Genetic etiologyDominant polycystic kidney diseaseGenesPolycystic kidney diseaseKidney cystsNo significant differenceKidney volumePLD patientsKidney disease
Sex, Genotype, and Liver Volume Progression as Risk of Hospitalization Determinants in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Liver Disease
Schönauer R, Sierks D, Boerrigter M, Jawaid T, Caroff L, Audrezet M, Friedrich A, Shaw M, Degenhardt J, Forberger M, de Fallois J, Bläker H, Bergmann C, Gödiker J, Schindler P, Schlevogt B, Müller R, Berg T, Patterson I, Griffiths W, Sayer J, Consortium G, Ambrose J, Arumugam P, Bevers R, Bleda M, Boardman-Pretty F, Boustred C, Brittain H, Caulfield M, Chan G, Elgar G, Fowler T, Giess A, Hamblin A, Henderson S, Hubbard T, Jackson R, Jones L, Kasperaviciute D, Kayikci M, Kousathanas A, Lahnstein L, Leigh S, Leong I, Lopez J, Maleady-Crowe F, McEntagart M, Minneci F, Moutsianas L, Mueller M, Murugaesu N, Need A, O’Donovan P, Odhams C, Patch C, Pereira M, Perez-Gil D, Pullinger J, Rahim T, Rendon A, Rogers T, Savage K, Sawant K, Scott R, Siddiq A, Sieghart A, Smith S, Sosinsky A, Stuckey A, Tanguy M, Tavares A, Thomas E, Thompson S, Tucci A, Welland M, Williams E, Witkowska K, Wood S, Popp B, Torres V, Hogan M, Somlo S, Watnick T, Nevens F, Besse W, Gall E, Harris P, Drenth J, Halbritter J. Sex, Genotype, and Liver Volume Progression as Risk of Hospitalization Determinants in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Liver Disease. Gastroenterology 2023, 166: 902-914. PMID: 38101549, DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2023.12.007.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAutosomal dominant polycystic liver diseasePolycystic liver diseaseDisease-related hospitalizationsLiver diseaseLiver eventsPathogenic variantsPrimary clinical end pointCombination of female sexCohort of patientsClinical end pointsInternational multicenter cohortPrediction of disease progressionGenotype-phenotype correlationPrimary clinical endpointTotal liver volumeUnderlying genetic defectSymptomatic hepatomegalyDesign of randomized controlled trialsRandomized controlled trialsFemale patientsIndependent of sexMulticenter cohortFemale preponderanceRare conditionSymptomatic disease
An update on ductal plate malformations and fibropolycystic diseases of the liver
Mirza H, Besse W, Somlo S, Weinreb J, Kenney B, Jain D. An update on ductal plate malformations and fibropolycystic diseases of the liver. Human Pathology 2022, 132: 102-113. PMID: 35777701, DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2022.06.022.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDuctal plate malformationLiver diseaseAdult polycystic liver diseaseAutosomal dominant polycystic kidneyFibropolycystic liver diseaseIsolated liver involvementCongenital hepatic fibrosisPolycystic liver diseaseVon Meyenburg complexesGenetic underpinningsMultiple clinical phenotypesFibropolycystic diseasePortal hypertensionCaroli's diseaseLiver involvementLiver cystsMeyenburg complexesHepatic fibrosisFibrocystic lesionsHepatocellular malignanciesCyst enlargementAbnormal organ developmentPolycystic kidneysAnimal modelsHepatocellular malignancy