Oxytocin regimen used for induction of labor and pregnancy outcomes
REDDY U, SANDOVAL G, TITA A, SILVER R, MALLETT G, Hill K, EL-SAYED Y, RICE M, WAPNER R, ROUSE D, SAADE G, THORP J, CHAUHAN S, COSTANTINE M, CHIEN E, CASEY B, SRINIVAS S, SWAMY G, SIMHAN H, MACONES G, GROBMAN W, Network E. Oxytocin regimen used for induction of labor and pregnancy outcomes. American Journal Of Obstetrics & Gynecology MFM 2024, 6: 101508. PMID: 39357802, PMCID: PMC11663098, DOI: 10.1016/j.ajogmf.2024.101508.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchInduction of laborLow-risk nulliparous patientsOxytocin regimensAdjusted relative risksAdjusted odds ratiosCesarean deliveryComposite of perinatal deathConfidence intervalsNeonatal respiratory supportLow-dose regimensHigh-dose oxytocin regimenSevere neonatal complicationsOperative vaginal delivery rateFrequency of cesarean deliverySecondary analysisEstimate adjusted relative risksElective induction of laborPerinatal deathRoutine induction of labourEstimate adjusted odds ratiosVaginal delivery rateRespiratory supportNulliparous patientsMHD groupMultivariable Poisson regression
Desirability of outcome ranking for obstetrical trials: illustration and application to the ARRIVE trial
SANDOVAL G, GROBMAN W, EVANS S, RICE M, CLIFTON R, CHAUHAN S, COSTANTINE M, GIBSON K, LONGO M, METZ T, MILLER E, PARRY S, REDDY U, ROUSE D, SIMHAN H, THORP J, TITA A, SAADE G, Network E. Desirability of outcome ranking for obstetrical trials: illustration and application to the ARRIVE trial. American Journal Of Obstetrics And Gynecology 2023, 230: 370.e1-370.e12. PMID: 37741532, PMCID: PMC10939984, DOI: 10.1016/j.ajog.2023.09.016.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchElective inductionARRIVE trialCesarean deliverySecondary outcomesPrimary outcomeVaginal deliveryDesirability of outcomeEunice Kennedy Shriver National InstituteSpontaneous vaginal deliverySevere neonatal complicationsWeeks of gestationOperative vaginal deliveryBetter overall outcomesPerson-centred careNeonatal complicationsObstetric trialsExpectant managementPerinatal deathRandomized trialsDecreased riskPoor outcomeClinical trialsChild healthTreatment scoresOutcome rankingsMaternal and Delivery Characteristics and Self-Reported Perceived Control During Labor
Mallett G, Hill K, Doherty L, Grobman W, Reddy U, Tita A, Silver R, Rice M, El-Sayed Y, Wapner R, Rouse D, Saade G, Thorp J, Chauhan S, Costantine M, Chien E, Casey B, Srinivas S, Swamy G, Simhan H, Macones G. Maternal and Delivery Characteristics and Self-Reported Perceived Control During Labor. Obstetrics And Gynecology 2023, 142: 117-124. PMID: 37290106, PMCID: PMC10330140, DOI: 10.1097/aog.0000000000005230.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBody mass indexWeeks of gestationLabor Agentry ScaleScale scoreLabor painPrivate health insuranceDelivery characteristicsLabor pain scoresPrevious pregnancy lossSpontaneous vaginal deliverySevere neonatal complicationsHealth insuranceMode of deliveryFinal multivariable modelMultivariable linear regressionSelf-administered questionnaireSelf-reported raceNeonatal complicationsExpectant managementPain scoresLabor inductionNonprivate insuranceOperative deliveryCesarean deliveryVaginal delivery
Hypertension in pregnancy and adverse outcomes among low‐risk nulliparous women expectantly managed at or after 39 weeks: a secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial
Bartal M, Premkumar A, Rice M, Reddy U, Tita ATN, Silver RM, El‐Sayed Y, Wapner R, Rouse DJ, Saade GR, Thorp JM, Costantine M, Chien EK, Casey BM, Srinivas SK, Swamy GK, Simhan HN, Health H. Hypertension in pregnancy and adverse outcomes among low‐risk nulliparous women expectantly managed at or after 39 weeks: a secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial. BJOG An International Journal Of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2022, 129: 1396-1403. PMID: 34927787, PMCID: PMC9207156, DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.17059.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAdverse maternal outcomesLow-risk nulliparous womenHypertensive disordersMaternal outcomesSecondary outcomesNulliparous womenAdverse outcomesComposite adverse maternal outcomeIntensive care unit admissionSecondary analysisCare unit admissionSevere neonatal complicationsWeeks of gestationMode of deliveryNulliparous individualsMaternal compositeNeonatal complicationsPerinatal compositePostpartum infectionUnit admissionCaesarean deliveryExpectant managementPlacental abruptionVenous thromboembolismGestational age
Labor Induction Versus Expectant Management in Low-Risk Nulliparous Women
Grobman W, Rice M, Reddy U, Tita A, Silver R, Mallett G, Hill K, Thom E, El-Sayed Y, Perez-Delboy A, Rouse D, Saade G, Boggess K, Chauhan S, Iams J, Chien E, Casey B, Gibbs R, Srinivas S, Swamy G, Simhan H, Macones G. Labor Induction Versus Expectant Management in Low-Risk Nulliparous Women. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey 2019, 74: 7-9. DOI: 10.1097/01.ogx.0000550506.01685.a7.Peer-Reviewed Original Research