Predictors of Outcome for Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation with a Reduced Intensity Pentostatin/TBI Conditioning Regimen in T-Cell Lymphomas: A Single Center Experience
Hamouche R, Foss F, Mirza S, Di M, Isufi I, Bar N, Gowda L, Perreault S, Roberts K, Seropian S, Sethi T. Predictors of Outcome for Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation with a Reduced Intensity Pentostatin/TBI Conditioning Regimen in T-Cell Lymphomas: A Single Center Experience. Blood 2023, 142: 2172. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-189414.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchT-cell lymphomaTotal body irradiationAggressive T-cell lymphomaReduced intensity conditioning regimenHematopoietic stem cell transplantationRefractory T-cell lymphomaNodal T-cell lymphomasIntensity conditioning regimenPotential curative optionStem cell transplantationConditioning regimenAdult patientsCurative optionRetrospective reviewBody irradiationCell transplantationSingle agentPatientsRegimenPentostatinAlloSCTTransplantationLymphoma
Risk Factors for Cardiac Toxicities Associated with Proteasome Inhibitor Chemotherapy during Treatment of Multiple Myeloma
Chen J, Lenihan D, Phillips S, Jagasia M, Goodman S, Kassim A, Lacy S, McDonagh K, Moslehi J, Sethi T, Slosky D, Ukaegbu O, Cornell R. Risk Factors for Cardiac Toxicities Associated with Proteasome Inhibitor Chemotherapy during Treatment of Multiple Myeloma. Blood 2015, 126: 5363. DOI: 10.1182/blood.v126.23.5363.5363.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCardiac adverse eventsIndependent risk factorCardiac eventsCumulative incidenceRisk factorsMultiple myelomaPrior historyAdverse eventsAntithrombotic therapyPI therapyMedian durationPrior linesMore patientsMale genderAtherosclerotic cardiovascular disease riskC groupCardiac Toxicity AssociatedMedian prior linesLipid-lowering medicationsB groupCardiovascular disease riskStem cell transplantationCourse of treatmentProteasome inhibitor bortezomibIncidence of PI