Subacromial Balloon Spacer Implantation for Massive Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tears Is Associated With Restoration of the Acromiohumeral Interval and Glenohumeral Center of Pressure: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Controlled Laboratory Studies
Kunze K, Moran J, Taylor S, Fu M, Rodeo S, Warren R, Dines D, Gulotta L, Dines J. Subacromial Balloon Spacer Implantation for Massive Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tears Is Associated With Restoration of the Acromiohumeral Interval and Glenohumeral Center of Pressure: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Controlled Laboratory Studies. The American Journal Of Sports Medicine 2023, 51: 3870-3879. PMID: 36883577, DOI: 10.1177/03635465221150652.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIrreparable rotator cuff tearsSubacromial balloon spacerRotator cuff tearsMassive irreparable rotator cuff tearsIrreparable Rotator CuffBalloon spacerCuff tearsHumeral head positionSystematic reviewClinical benefitRotator cuffShoulder abductionMassive Irreparable Rotator CuffTear stateCadaveric modelOvid/MedlineLevel of evidenceDerSimonian-Laird methodGlenohumeral centerSubacromial contact pressureHead positionGlenohumeral contact pressureHumeral head translationAnteroinferior translationAcromiohumeral interval
Poorer functional Outcomes in Patients with Multi‐Ligamentous Knee Injury with Concomitant Patellar Tendon Ruptures at 5 years Follow‐Up
Mojica ES, Bi AS, Vasavada K, Moran J, Buzin S, Kahan J, Alaia EF, Jazrawi LM, Medvecky MJ, Alaia MJ. Poorer functional Outcomes in Patients with Multi‐Ligamentous Knee Injury with Concomitant Patellar Tendon Ruptures at 5 years Follow‐Up. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2022, 31: 325-331. PMID: 36048200, DOI: 10.1007/s00167-022-07110-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMulti-ligamentous knee injuriesPatellar tendon ruptureTendon ruptureBody mass indexKnee injuriesFunctional outcomeInternational Knee Documentation Committee Subjective Knee FormPoorer Functional OutcomesWorse functional outcomeExtensor mechanism injuriesSubjective Knee FormHigh-energy injuriesPatient-reported outcomesPatellar tendon injuryPropensity-score matchingSchenck classificationTegner scoreLysholm scoreMulticenter cohortClinical outcomesMechanism injuriesRare presentationSurgical repairKnee FormMass indexPosteromedial tibial plateau bone bruises are associated with medial meniscal ramp lesions in patients with concomitant anterior cruciate ligament ruptures: a systematic review & meta-analysis
Green JS, Moran J, Marcel A, Joo PY, McLaughlin WM, Manzi JE, Yalcin S, Wang A, Porrino J, Jimenez AE, Medvecky MJ, Katz LD. Posteromedial tibial plateau bone bruises are associated with medial meniscal ramp lesions in patients with concomitant anterior cruciate ligament ruptures: a systematic review & meta-analysis. The Physician And Sportsmedicine 2022, 51: 531-538. PMID: 35915996, DOI: 10.1080/00913847.2022.2108350.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMedial meniscal ramp lesionsMeniscal ramp lesionsMagnetic resonance imagingPreoperative magnetic resonance imagingRamp lesionsEgger's linear regression testBone bruisingACL ruptureBone bruiseGreater oddsPublication biasPre-operative magnetic resonance imagingAcute ACL injuryBone bruise patternsConcomitant ACL ruptureConcomitant anterior cruciate ligamentAnterior cruciate ligamentFunnel plot analysisLinear regression testTimes greater oddsWeb of ScienceACL injuryCochrane LibraryMethodological IndexPooled studiesAcute Surgical Repair of Simultaneous Bilateral Proximal Hamstring Tendon Avulsion
Green JS, Moran J, Kahan JB, McLaughlin WM, Wang A, Medvecky MJ. Acute Surgical Repair of Simultaneous Bilateral Proximal Hamstring Tendon Avulsion. JBJS Case Connector 2022, 12: e22.00147. PMID: 36099532, DOI: 10.2106/jbjs.cc.22.00147.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsProximal hamstring tendon avulsionPostoperative rehabilitation courseSimultaneous surgical repairSurgical repairTendon avulsionRehabilitation courseAcute surgical repairProximal hamstringRare injuryPostoperative managementSurgical interventionBilateral avulsionAvulsionActivity levelsPatientsRepairSignificant improvementComplicationsHamstringsInjuryCourse