Lauren Dennehy, MS, LCSW
Ms. Dennehy is a clinician whose work with the Provence-Harris Child Development Unit specializes in assessment and treatment of children under age 5. She conducts developmental assessments of young children and enjoys dynamically oriented psychotherapy with children. She is currently utilizing a range of evidence based treatments for young children including Child Parent Psychotherapy, a relationship-enhancing treatment for young children who have experienced trauma, Circle of Security parenting, and Parent Child Interaction Therapy. Ms. Dennehy also enjoys working with adolescents, conducting family therapy, and supporting effective school advocacy. She provides services in the Child Study Center clinics in New Haven and in Madison. Additionally, Ms. Dennehy is a developmental specialist and consultant in the Mothers and Toddlers Program. This program works with mothers with substance abuse histories and toddlers; it has a dual service and research component focused upon supporting parent child attachment and the development of reflective function.
Child Study Center
Assistant Clinical ProfessorPrimary
Other Departments & Organizations
- Advanced Clinical Social Work Fellowship
- Child Study Center
- Yale Medicine
Education & Training
- Postgraduate Associate Clinical Social Work Fellow
- Yale School of Medicine (2009)
- Loyola University of Chicago Stritch School of Med (2008)
- MS
- Erikson Institute (2007)
Clinical Care
Clinical Specialties
Psychotherapy Psychology; Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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Academic Office Number
Mailing Address
Child Study Center
40 Temple Street
New Haven, CT 06510
United States