Jürgen Holleck
Assistant Professor of Medicine (General Medicine)Cards
Effect of empiric antibiotics against Pseudomonas aeruginosa on mortality in hospitalized patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Hunter C, Marhoffer E, Holleck J, Alshaeba S, Grimshaw A, Chou A, Carey G, Gunderson C. Effect of empiric antibiotics against Pseudomonas aeruginosa on mortality in hospitalized patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal Of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2024, dkae422. PMID: 39656468, DOI: 10.1093/jac/dkae422.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPrevalence of P. aeruginosaEffects of empiric antibioticsEmpirical antibioticsUrinary tract infectionSoft tissue infectionsCommunity-acquired pneumoniaTract infectionsTissue infectionsP. aeruginosaMortality benefitHospitalized patientsPseudomonas aeruginosaPooled adjusted ORP. aeruginosa infectionType of infectionStudy of patientsAbsolute mortality benefitIntensive care settingSystematic literature searchNosocomial pneumoniaSeptic shockMeaningful benefitAdjusted ORWeb of ScienceCompare mortality ratesRisk of Serious Adverse Gastrointestinal Events with Potassium Binders in Hospitalized Patients: A National Study
Holleck J, Han L, Skanderson M, Bastian L, Gunderson C, Brandt C, Perkal M, Chang J, Akgün K. Risk of Serious Adverse Gastrointestinal Events with Potassium Binders in Hospitalized Patients: A National Study. Journal Of General Internal Medicine 2024, 1-7. PMID: 39103605, DOI: 10.1007/s11606-024-08979-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAdjusted odds ratiosSodium zirconium cyclosilicateU.S. Department of Veterans Affairs healthcare systemDepartment of Veterans Affairs healthcare systemVA Corporate Data WarehouseVeterans Affairs Healthcare SystemCorporate Data WarehousePotassium bindersHospitalized patientsGI eventsHealthcare systemOdds ratioAdverse GI eventsSodium polystyrene sulfonateNational studyPotassium-binding drugsComparative riskAdverse gastrointestinal eventsGI adverse eventsTreatment of hyperkalemiaZirconium cyclosilicateGastrointestinal eventsPatiromerAdverse eventsGender Disparity in Full Professor Rank Among Academic Physicians: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Marhoffer E, Ein-Alshaeba S, Grimshaw A, Holleck J, Rudikoff B, Bastian L, Gunderson C. Gender Disparity in Full Professor Rank Among Academic Physicians: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Academic Medicine 2024, 99: 801-809. PMID: 38498314, DOI: 10.1097/acm.0000000000005695.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSystematic reviewAcademic Search PremierMeta-analysisMedical school facultyGender disparitiesWeb of SciencePooled aORUnadjusted ORInternal medicineOdds ratioAcademic physiciansStatistical heterogeneityInclusion criteriaUnited StatesMeta-regressionSystematic searchPrimary outcomeAORCochrane LibraryAcademic medicineGoogle ScholarDisparitiesGrant fundingSchool facultyWomenGender Disparity in Full Professor Rank among Academic Physicians: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Marhoffer EA, Ein-Alshaeba S, Grimshaw A, Holleck J, Rudikoff B, Bastian L, Gunderson C. Gender Disparity in Full Professor Rank among Academic Physicians: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Academic Medicine. 2024.Peer-Reviewed Original Research In Press
Estimated mortality with early empirical antibiotic coverage of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in hospitalized patients with bacterial infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Carey G, Holleck J, Alshaeba S, Jayakrishnan R, Gordon K, Grimshaw A, Gunderson C. Estimated mortality with early empirical antibiotic coverage of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in hospitalized patients with bacterial infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal Of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2023, 78: 1150-1159. PMID: 36964648, DOI: 10.1093/jac/dkad078.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCommon infectious syndromesEmpirical antibioticsPrevalence of MRSAInfectious syndromesMRSA infectionIll patientsMortality rateSystematic reviewAbsolute mortality benefitAnti-MRSA therapyEmpirical antibiotic coverageLow-risk infectionsSoft tissue infectionsUrinary tract infectionAbsolute risk reductionMethicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureusCatheter-related infectionsStudy of patientsBaseline mortality ratesSystematic literature searchWeb of ScienceMRSA coverageAntibiotic coverageEmpirical antimicrobialsMortality benefitProviding Structured Real-Time Feedback on Postdischarge Outcomes Using Electronic Health Record Data
Zegarek M, Holleck J, Merchant N, Windish D, Hay S. Providing Structured Real-Time Feedback on Postdischarge Outcomes Using Electronic Health Record Data. Southern Medical Journal 2023, 116: 305-311. PMID: 36863053, DOI: 10.14423/smj.0000000000001522.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPostdischarge outcomesTransitions of carePoor patient outcomesInternal medicine residentsPatient outcomesInpatient rotationsMedicine residentsElectronic health record dataTime of dischargeHealth record dataElectronic health recordsDischarge planningFuture practiceFree-text responsesPostintervention surveysHealth recordsRecord dataOutcomesAdditional staffPatientsMedical student participantsReducing Nighttime Interruptions and Improving Sleep for Hospitalized Patients by Restructuring Nighttime Clinical Workflow
Holleck M, Tikkanen K, Holleck J, Frank C, Falco N, Cosentino D, Chang J. Reducing Nighttime Interruptions and Improving Sleep for Hospitalized Patients by Restructuring Nighttime Clinical Workflow. Journal Of General Internal Medicine 2023, 38: 2091-2097. PMID: 36697927, PMCID: PMC10361944, DOI: 10.1007/s11606-022-08005-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBlood pressure checkPressure checkHospitalized patientsSleep disruptionClinical workflowNighttime sleep disruptionsVenous thromboembolism prophylaxisGeneral medical wardsPercentage of patientsCross-sectional studyVeterans Administration HospitalWorse sleep qualityKey ResultsAfterNocturnal disruptionsTelemetry patientsThromboembolism prophylaxisMedical wardsImproved sleepMedication administrationAdministration HospitalSleep qualityPatientsNighttime disruptionsSleep surveyHospital
Septic Arthritis of Native Joints: Are Outcomes Better with Medical or Surgical Management?
McConnell I, Baghban A, Holleck J, Gupta S. Septic Arthritis of Native Joints: Are Outcomes Better with Medical or Surgical Management? Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2017, 4: s92-s92. PMCID: PMC5631936, DOI: 10.1093/ofid/ofx163.058.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDuration of antibioticsNative joint septic arthritisSeptic arthritisSurgical groupSurgical managementFull recoveryPoor outcomeInclusion criteriaSingle-center retrospective chart reviewCulture-negative septic arthritisMedical groupSixty one casesRetrospective chart reviewLength of staySignificant differencesCorrelation of outcomesChart reviewJoint drainageSurgical treatmentRisk factorsOdds ratioJoint diseaseEvaluated outcomesOutcome dataCommon pathogens
One Physician’s Unusual Dilemma
Holleck J. One Physician’s Unusual Dilemma. Journal Of Emerging Diseases And Virology 2016, 1 DOI: 10.16966/2473-1846.107.Commentaries, Editorials and Letters
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Internal Medicine
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