Sarah Riley, MD
Assistant Professor of PsychiatryCards
The Impact of Duration of Untreated Psychosis on Functioning and Quality of Life Over One Year of Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC)
Hazan H, Tayfur S, Zhou B, Li F, Gibbs-Dean T, Karmani S, Kline E, Ferrara M, Corbera S, Riley S, Cahill J, Tek C, Keshavan M, Srihari V. The Impact of Duration of Untreated Psychosis on Functioning and Quality of Life Over One Year of Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC): PLOS ONE. 10.1371/journal.pone.0312740.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
The anomalous effect of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions on the duration of untreated psychosis
Nicholls-Mindlin J, Hazan H, Zhou B, Li F, Ferrara M, Levine N, Riley S, Karmani S, Mathis W, Keshavan M, Srihari V. The anomalous effect of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions on the duration of untreated psychosis. BJPsych Open 2024, 10: e216. PMID: 39628123, DOI: 10.1192/bjo.2024.813.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchThe Anomalous Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic Restrictions on the Duration of Untreated Psychosis (DUP).
Nicholls-Mindlin J, Hazan H, Zhou B, Li F, Ferrara M, Levine N, Riley S, Karmani S, Mathis WS, Keshavan MS, Srihari V. The Anomalous Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic Restrictions on the Duration of Untreated Psychosis (DUP). MedRxiv 2024 PMID: 38766117, DOI: 10.1101/2024.05.09.24306737.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchThe impact of early detection (ED) campaigns on care presentations: Beyond DUP reduction
Hazan H, Ferrara M, Riley S, Li F, Zhou B, Kline E, Gibbs-Dean T, Karmani S, Tayfur S, Tek C, Keshavan M, Srihari V. The impact of early detection (ED) campaigns on care presentations: Beyond DUP reduction. Schizophrenia Research 2024, 264: 457-461. PMID: 38266513, PMCID: PMC10923115, DOI: 10.1016/j.schres.2024.01.022.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCoordinated specialty careDuration of untreated psychosisImpact of early detectionEarly detectionEarly detection campaignsSpecialty careAdjustment scoresCampaign yearDetection campaignsMediation analysisEffects of EDRegression modelsCareUntreated psychosisPositive symptomsGAFPatientsSalutary effects
The effect of duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) on the risk for hospitalization after admission to a first episode service
Ferrara M, Guloksuz S, Hazan H, Li F, Tek C, Sykes L, Riley S, Keshavan M, Srihari V. The effect of duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) on the risk for hospitalization after admission to a first episode service. Schizophrenia Research 2023, 260: 198-204. PMID: 37688984, DOI: 10.1016/j.schres.2023.08.005.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFirst-episode psychosis servicesLength of stayUntreated psychosisPsychiatric hospitalizationFirst-episode servicesDuration of hospitalizationIncidence rate ratiosNon-affective psychosisNew Haven areaPoisson regression modelsPatient characteristicsHospitalization ratesRecent onsetMedical recordsHospitalizationEffect of durationNegative binomial regressionSpecialized treatmentPsychosisRate ratioBinomial regressionAdmissionDUPEnrollmentFirst yearA Novel Approach to Delivering Evidence-based, High-quality Care in Psychiatry Through an Electronic Integrated Care Pathway (eICP) Pilot
Li L, Kruger M, Kim N, Ong S, Riley S, Cameron K, Koslosky K, Rhodes D. A Novel Approach to Delivering Evidence-based, High-quality Care in Psychiatry Through an Electronic Integrated Care Pathway (eICP) Pilot. Psychiatric Quarterly 2023, 94: 103-111. PMID: 36840898, PMCID: PMC9959944, DOI: 10.1007/s11126-023-10016-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsElectronic health recordsUser-friendly experienceEvidence-based decision support toolUsage trackingDecision support toolSupport toolHealth recordsIntegrated care pathwayNovel approachService areaTeam structureImplementationEarly adoptionAdoptionTechnology columnHealth service areasAcademic medical centerQuality of careHigh-quality careTrackingAdoption resultsCare pathwayFuture directionsMedical CenterTechnology
Methemoglobinemia in a Patient Presenting with an Undisclosed Intentional Overdose
Gibson C, Abdallah S, Neumann N, Millard H, Riley S. Methemoglobinemia in a Patient Presenting with an Undisclosed Intentional Overdose. Harvard Review Of Psychiatry 2022, 30: 361-368. PMID: 36534838, DOI: 10.1097/hrp.0000000000000348.Peer-Reviewed Case Reports and Technical NotesFirst Episode Psychosis and Pituitary Hyperplasia in a Patient With Untreated Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: A Case Report
Lipkes C, Haider S, Rashid A, Angarita GA, Riley S. First Episode Psychosis and Pituitary Hyperplasia in a Patient With Untreated Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: A Case Report. Frontiers In Psychiatry 2022, 13: 863898. PMID: 35401262, PMCID: PMC8987109, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.863898.Peer-Reviewed Case Reports and Technical NotesHashimoto's thyroiditisCase reportThorough medical workupThyroid hormone replacementUntreated primary hypothyroidismNew-onset psychosisDuration of treatmentFirst-episode psychosisUntreated Hashimoto's thyroiditisPsychiatric emergency departmentInitial workupHormone replacementPrimary hypothyroidismOrganic causeEmergency departmentHigh thyroidMedical workupPituitary hyperplasiaEpisode psychosisFirst episodeOnset psychosisPsychiatric historyAdjunctive antipsychoticsThyroiditisPhysical symptoms
A randomized phase II study of docetaxel with or without vandetanib in recurrent or metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck (SCCHN).
Limaye S, Riley S, Zhao S, O'Neill A, Posner M, Adkins D, Jaffa Z, Clark J, Haddad R. A randomized phase II study of docetaxel with or without vandetanib in recurrent or metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck (SCCHN). Oral Oncol 2013, 49: 835-41. PMID: 23727257, DOI: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2013.04.010.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchInduction chemotherapy followed by concurrent chemoradiotherapy (sequential chemoradiotherapy) versus concurrent chemoradiotherapy alone in locally advanced head and neck cancer (PARADIGM): a randomised phase 3 trial.
Haddad R, O'Neill A, Rabinowits G, Tishler R, Khuri F, Adkins D, Clark J, Sarlis N, Lorch J, Beitler JJ, Limaye S, Riley S, Posner M. Induction chemotherapy followed by concurrent chemoradiotherapy (sequential chemoradiotherapy) versus concurrent chemoradiotherapy alone in locally advanced head and neck cancer (PARADIGM): a randomised phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol 2013, 14: 257-64. PMID: 23414589, DOI: 10.1016/S1470-2045(13)70011-1.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Academic Achievements & Community Involvement
- February 13, 2024Source: WNPR
Mindmap 2.0 on Connecticut Public Radio
- October 10, 2023
Riley Appointed Medical Director of STEP Clinic
- July 20, 2017
Yale Psychiatry Residents' Association elects new officers
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Specialized Treatment for Early Psychosis (STEP) Program
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New Haven, CT 06519
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