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Award Nominations

The following highly competitive national and international prizes limited to one submission, nominations are coordinated through the dean’s office. To nominate a YSM faculty member who merits this recognition, contact the dean's office by the internal deadline with the name and a brief summary of accomplishments for consideration of nomination by Dean Brown.

Awards & Nominations Calendar of Internal Yale Deadlines
Internal Yale Deadline Award Description / Eligibility Criteria

January 15 Heineken Prize for Medicine The prize recognizes pioneering work in medicine and is awarded to a researcher whose achievements have led or are expected to lead to important application in medical practice. The prize is awarded every two years.

January 31 Prince Mahidol Award Foundation

Two categories:

  1. Medicine: outstanding performance and/or research for the benefit of mankind.
  2. Public health: for outstanding contribusion for the sake of the well-being of people.

February 1 FASEB Excellence in Science Award

The FASEB Excellence in Science Award is given in recognition of outstanding achievement by women in biological science. Recipients are women whose career achievements have contributed significantly to further our understanding of a particular discipline by excellence in research. Nominators and nominees must be a member of at least one FASEB Full Member Soicety but do not have to be members of the same society; Award based on scientific achievements, impact on trainees and career development, service activities. Categories include:

  1. Lifetime Achievement
  2. Mid-career investigator
  3. Early-career investigator

February 7 Vin Future Grand Prize - Annually for breakthrough research and technological innovations that improve quality of human life and create a more equitable, sustainable world for future generations. Grand Prize open to all lreardless of nationality, age, gender, social status or economic background.

February 28 ASM Award for Early Career Basic Research An early career investigator within 10 years of their terminal degree (NIH time period) who demonstrates outstanding accomplishment in basic microbiological research.

March 1 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards Candidates will have made outstanding contributions in their field. No candidate can be nominated in more than one award category. Self-nomination not permitted.

March 1 August M Watanabe Prize in Translational Research This prize recognizes individuals focused on shepherding scientific discoveries into new therapies for patients. The nominee should have major translational research accomplishments in the fields of science and/or medicine.

May 1 The Sjoberg Prize The prize for cancer research is awarded to a scientist or a group of scientists who have made a fundamental discovery that is expected to advance our knowledge about disease mechanisms, prevention or treatment of cancer. The nominated scientist must be presently conducting highquality cancer research and be below 60 years of age. Confidential from nominee.

May 15 Laurie Prize in Biomedical Sciences Each year, the FNIH recognizes outstanding achievements by a promising young scientist in biomedical research by bestowing the Lurie Prize in Biomedical Sciences, a $100,000 award.

June 1 Bodossaki Foundation Distinguished Young Scientists Awards for Scientific Excellence in LifeSciences: Biomedical Sciences

Persons of Greek nationality, parentage or descent born after 12/31/80. Selection criteria:

  1. Outstanding achievements in their given field and completion of their research
  2. Their contribution to the cultural, scientific and economic development of Greece
  3. Their contribution to the international promotion of Greece through their work and ethics

June 1 Wolf Prize The prize is awarded to outstanding artists and scientists for their achievements for the benefit of mankind. Prize is by invitation only. Prize is awarded to individuals, not institutions. A person can not self-nominate. Existing nominations are valid for three years.

June 1 John Dirks Canada Gairdner Global Health Award Nominations may be from any field of research impacting global health and health inequity. The award is intended for research-focused candidates, not those primarily involved in administrative or advocacy roles. This award can be shared by multiple recipients.

June 1 National Academy of Sciences Richard Lounsberry Award The award is given in alternate years by the National Academy of Sciences and the French Académie des Sciences, to young (no older than 45 by October 5th) French and American scientists to recognize extraordinary scientific achievement in biology and medicine. Self-nominations are not accepted. Joint nominations are discouraged and will only be considered when nominees have collaborated closely — usually in the same laboratory — on the work to be recognized by the award. NAS membership is not required to nominate or to be nominated.

June 1 National Academy of Sciences Pradel Research Award The award is presented annually to recognize mid-career neuro-scientists whose work is making major contributions to our understanding of the nervous system. Self nominations not acccepted. Joint nominations are discouraged and will only be considered when nominees have collaborated closely — usually in the same laboratory — on the work to be recognized by the award. NAS membership is not required to nominate or to be nominated. International nominees are eligible for nomination unless explicitly

June 1 National Academy of Sciences James Prize in Scientific & Technology Integration

Honors outstanding contributions made by researchers who are able to adopt or adapt information or techniques from outside of their fields, and thus integrate knowledge from two or more disciplines (e.g., engineering, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, biomedicine, geosciences, astronomy, or computational sciences) to solve a major contemporary challenge not addressable from a single disciplinary perspective.

Self-nominations are not accepted. Joint nominations will only be considered when nominees have collaborated closely — usually in the same laboratory — on the work to be recognized by the award. NAS membership is not required to nominate or to be nominated.

June 23 National Science Foundation Alan T Waterman Award The award recognizes an outstanding young researcher in any field of science or engineering supported by the National Science Foundation. Candidates must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and must be 40 years old or younger, or not more than ten years beyond the receipt of the PhD degree by December 31 of the year in which they are nominated. Candidates should have demonstrated exceptional individual achievements in scientific or engineering research of sufficient quality to place them in front of their peers. Criteria include originality, innovation, and significant impact on the field.

July 1 Ho-Am Foundation Prize Candidates must be eople of Korean heritage (except in Community Service, in which foreigners who make contributions to Koreans at home and abroad may be nominated); Accomplishments and accumulated expertise which have contributed to society in their respective fields, and accumulated expertise that has been highly evaluated socially; Distinguished contributions to the nation and humanity through clearly creative mentality and spirit of service.

July 1 Warren Alpert Foundation Prize The prize recognizes and honors one or more scientists, physicians and researchers whose scientific achievements have led to the prevention, cure or treatment of human diseases or disorders, and/or whose research constitutes a seminal scientific finding that holds great promise of ultimately changing our understanding of or ability to treat diseases. Self nominations not accepted.

July 15 Steven C Beering Award The award honors an internationally recognized individual for outstanding research contributions to the advancement of biomedical or clinical science.

August 1 Dan David Prize The prize recognizes and encourages innovative and interdisciplinary research that cuts across traditional bountarries and paradigms. The prize covers three dimensions, past, present and future that represent realms of human achievement.

August 1 Shaw Prize for Life Science and Medicine Noinations must be invited. No self nominations. Each nominator may make only one nomination citing one contribution.

August 15 Vanderbilt Prize in Biomedical Science Nominees must be women scientists in any area of basic or clinical research or clinical practice. The nominee must have a national reputation, a stellar record of research accomplishments, and must be an active mentor of other women in science. We encourage nominators to consider women of underrepresented populations when selecting a nominee.

August 15 Mark Brothers Award The award recognizes nationally and internationally renowned medical scientists of Asian descent.

September15 American Society for Clinical Investigation Seldin Smith Award
  1. MD (or the equivalent) or MD/PhD
  2. More than 2 years but not more than 6 years from first faculty (or equivalent) appointment at the time of acceptance in April 2021
  3. Spends substantial time in research while providing direct patient care
  4. Not restricted to georgraphic location

Nominees do not need to be ASCI members.

October 1 Japan Prize The prize in the field of "Medical Science, Medicinal Science" is awarded to an individual(s) who has achieved scientific and technological breakthroughs, such as new discoveries or the development of innovative technologies on the "prevention", "diagnosis", "treatment" or "prognosis" of diseases, thereby contributing towards the healthand well-being of humankind.

October 1 Lasker Prize The purpose of these Awards is to honor individuals who have made significant contributions in basic or clinical research. The Lasker Foundation seeks nominations of outstanding scientists; nominations of women and minorities are encouraged.

October 7 Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize for Biology or Biochemistry The purpose of this prize is to reward scientists that have made recently transformative discoveries not yet recognized by high visibility international awards. The Prize may be awarded to an individual or group, with the honorarium being divided among each member of the group. Preference is given to work done in the recent past.

November 1 Keio Prize By invitation. Nominees must be researchers in medicine or life sciences closely related to medicine, and preferably currently active in their field of research. The nominee must have made a breakthrough in medicine and the life sciences, or a related field. The nominee must have made an outstanding contribution to basic and clinical medicine.

November 1 Princess of Asturias Awards The Princess of Asturias Foundation aims to contribute to extolling and promoting those scientific, cultural and humanistic values that form part of the universal heritage of humanity and consolidate the existing links between the Principality of Asturias and the title traditionally held by the heirs to the Crown of Spain.

December 1 Marion Spencer Fay Award The Institute for Women’s Health and Leadership of Drexel University College of Medicine invites you to nominate a woman physician or scientist who has made an exceptionally significant contribution to health care as a practitioner, medical educator, administrator or research scientist. This award is intended to recognize past contributions and support the ongoing work of an outstanding woman physician or scientist. The selection committee gives special consideration to the nominee’s potential for future impact.

December 1 King Faisal Prize in Medicine Benefiting Muslims in their present and future, and inspiring them to develop and participate in all aspects of civilization. Contributing to the development of mankind and enriching human knowledge.Nominations are accepted from universities, scientific institutions and research centers, not individuals. Nominated works must be published, likely to benefit mankind and enrich human knowledge. The prize is not awarded posthumously. Dissertations are not accepted. Former Laureates of King Faisal Prize shall not be awarded the prize again.

December 1 Breakthrough Awards All prizes are individual and should recognize a single person’s contribution to the field of life sciences, with special attention to recent developments; there are no age restrictions; a person can receive prize more than once.

December 1 Lucian Award for Research in Circulatory Diseases The Award is designed to honor outstanding research in the field of circulatory diseases by a scientific investigator or group of investigators whose contribution to knowledge in this field is deemed worthy of special recognition. Preference will be given to more recent work.