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Heather Reynolds

Lecturer; Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health

Contact Information

Heather Reynolds

Research Summary

adolescent health, primary health care health policy, health care delivery to underserved/underserved communities, health care delivery to minority populations

Extensive Research Description

Cromwell, P., Levanthal, J., Moriarty, A., Reynolds, H., (co-investigators), American Academy of Pediatrics-Community Access to Child Health (CATCH) Planning Grant. Developing a Community-wide program for dealing with adolescents with negative pregnancy tests. Completed.

Intervention to Reduce HIV/STD risk in Pregnant Teens With Ickovics, J.R.(P.I.), co-investigators: Rising, S., Klima, C., Reynolds, H., et al

Intervention to reduce HIV/STD Risk in Teen Pregnancy. J. Ickovics (PI), co-investigators: Sikkema, K., Cicchetti, D., Niccollai, L., Magriples, U., Klima, C., & Reynolds, H. Funded by The Office of AIDS Research at NIMH.

A New Group model for prenatal care. With Urania Magriples, MD (P.I.), Co-investigators: Reynolds, H., Picagli, D., Klima, C., & Tangirs, J.(HIC # 11040) 7/99 unfunded research, completed.

Intensive Care for Teens with Negative Pregnancy Tests. (2000) Sadler, L. (P.I), Co-investigators: Reynolds, H., Moriarty-Daley,A., Leventhal, J. and Ickovics, J.


Selected Publications