Albert E. Kent Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Associate Professor of Cellular and Molecular Physiology; Director of Scientist Diversity and Inclusion, YSM Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Department of Psychiatry
Diversity Task Force
Diversity Committee
In response to the recommendations and in 2015, the Task Force's mandate was extended permanently to create a Diversity Committee and a position of Assistant to the Chair for Diversity and Inclusion was also created. In 2015, Cindy Crusto, PhD, was appointed to that position. The Committee coordinates its efforts with the Faculty Advisory Committee to the School of Medicine, the Committee on the Status of Women in Medicine, and the Deputy Dean for Diversity and Inclusion, Yale School of Medicine.
The Diversity Committee continues to welcome input relevant to its charge. Please feel free to contact the co-chairs of the Committee or any of the members individually. Please know that if you have concerns that require immediate action or investigation for individual complaints, you should contact Merle Waxman, Associate Dean and Director of the Office for Women in Medicine, who is trained to help assist in resolving disputes and managing conflict. Her confidential line is 203-737-4100, or you can email her at
Diversity Committee Members
Professor Adjunct of Psychiatry; Associate Dean for Gender Equity, Yale School of Medicine; Director, Office for Women in Medicine and Science, Yale School of Medicine; Deputy Chair for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Psychiatry; Professor, Social and Behavioral Sciences; Director, Program Evaluation and Child Trauma Research , The Consultation Center, The Consultation Center
Director of Faculty Affairs and Staff Administration for Psychiatry and the Child Study Center
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry; VA Site Training Director, Addiction Psychiatry Fellowship; Director Opioid Treatment Program, Veterans Affairs Connecticut Healthcare System, Yale Department of Psychiatry
Assistant Professor Adjunct of Psychiatry; Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health
Professor of Psychiatry; Chief of Psychiatry, VA Connecticut Healthcare System
Charles B. G. Murphy Professor of Psychiatry and Professor in the Child Study Center, of Neuroscience and of Pharmacology; Director Division of Molecular Psychiatry, Psychiatry; Deputy Chair for Basic Science Research, Dept. of Psychiatry; Director, Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program
Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Associate Professor Adjunct of Law; Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health; Faculty, Law and Psychiatry Division; Supervising Faculty, Psychosomatic Medicine Division
Professor of Psychiatry, Deputy Dean for Professionalism and Leadership; Associate Dean for Global Health Education, Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health; Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health
Associate Professor of Psychiatry; Attending Psychiatrist, Young Adult Service; Medical Director, West Haven Mental Health Clinic
December 15, 2020: The Yale Department of Psychiatry hosts a presentation by Secretary and Vice President for University Life Kimberly Goff-Crews and Vice Provost for Faculty Development and Diversity Gary Desir, MD, who discussed university initiatives on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging.
The Connecticut Mental Health Center's LGBTQ+ committee, GenSIS, conducted a series of Zoom interviews in June 2020. Four Connecticut guests shared their stories in interviews by Walker Keenan, Jillian Celentano, and Melissa Dennis.
Credit for these videos go to CMHC's LGBTQ+ committee - Jillian Celentano, Bob Cole, Melissa Dennis, Swapnil Gupta, Nathan Ha, Glendaly Valle-Izquierdo, Jeanne LeBlanc, Andrea Mendiola, Defna Paltin, Jeff Pollito, Erica Reshard, and Tim Van Deusen.