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Division of Public Psychiatry


The Division serves as home for investigators and practitioners, both within the Medical School and across the university, who are committed to conducting innovative research in the expanding field of public psychiatry. Public psychiatry, the practice of psychiatry in the public sector, exists at the crossroads of medicine and society, a complex interface in which every aspect of life—environment, community safety, income levels, the basic rights of citizenship, and more—combine to influence the mental and physical health of every person. The Division seeks to foster collaborations in research and evaluation that will lead to better outcomes for people with mental health and addictions problems who are served by publicly funded agencies, maximizing the benefit to patients and to the public at large.


  • Program Director

    Professor of Psychiatry; Medical Director, Connecticut Mental Health Center; Director, Yale Fellowship in Public Psychiatry; Co-Director, Yale Division of Public Psychiatry

  • Associate Program Director, Attending, Inpatient Services

    Assistant Professor of Psychiatry; Associate Program Director of Yale Public Psychiatry Fellowship, Yale Psychiatry; PGY-2 Didactic Training Co-Director , Psychiatry; Psychiatry Pre-clerkship Director, Master Course Directors: Connection to the World

  • Deputy Medical Director, CMHC; Medical Director, Wellness Center

    Associate Professor of Psychiatry; Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health; Director, Adult Refugee clinic; Director, Wellness Center, Connecticut Mental Health Center

  • Deputy Medical Director, CMHC; Medical Director, MCI and STEP Programs

    Associate Professor of Psychiatry; Residency Program Director, Psychiatry; Deputy Medical Director, Connecticut Mental Health Center; Chief of Behavioral Health, Continuum of Care Inc., --

  • Medical Director, Hispanic Clinic

    Professor of Psychiatry; Medical Director Hispanic Clinic and Latino Behavioral Health System; Associate Director Psychiatry Residency Program

  • Medical Director, DMHAS

    Professor of Psychiatry; Co-Director, Law and Psychiatry Division, Psychiatry; Medical Director, Commissioner's Office, Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services

  • Medical Director, Street Psychiatry Services

    Assistant Professor of Psychiatry; Medical Director, Street Psychiatry Team, Psychiatry; Co-director, Public Psychiatry Track, Psychiatry; Clinical Faculty, Division of Addictions; Clinical Faculty, Adult Psychiatry

  • Medical Director, Substance Abuse Treatment Unit

    Associate Professor of Psychiatry; Associate Program Director, Addiction Psychiatry Residency at Yale; Medical Director of the Substance use & Addiction Treatment Unit (SATU), Department of Psychiatry, Yale School of Medicine; Medical Director, South Central Crisis Service, Yale Behavioral Health Services; Fellow, Davenport College; Chair, Research/Data Subcommittee/OSAC, CT Opioid Settlement Advisory Committee, Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services
