CARE Program
The Child and Adolescent Research and Education (CARE) Program is dedicated to work with children and families involved with protective services. The goals and objectives of the CARE program are broad --- and span from neurobiology to social policy. The focus on neurobiology derives from preclinical (e.g. animal) and clinical studies that suggest that stress early in life can promote long-term changes in stress reactivity and brain development. The focus on social policy comes from: 1) preclinical studies demonstrating that the neurobiological effects of early stress can be altered by the quality of the subsequent caregiving environment; 2) clinical studies which suggest the availability of a positive supportive relationship is the most important factor in promoting resiliency in vulnerable children; and 3) knowledge of the problems that can occur once children enter the protective service system (e.g. separation from siblings, multiple changes in foster care placements, re-abuse) which can increase the likelihood of the development of long-term mental health problems.
It is the goal of the CARE program to better understand risk and resiliency in traumatized children, and to utilize what we learn to develop effective interventions and social policies to help each traumatized child reach his or her potential.
Interested students, fellows or faculty are welcome to contact for additional information.