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Innovation and Implementation Core Projects

  1. Scaling up of bidirectional IPV screening dissemination based on pilot implementation findings.
  2. Conflict to Connection (C2C): an individual, manual-based therapeutic intervention to prevent violence, improve communication, and strengthen relationships.
  3. Fathers for Change: an individual treatment for fathers who use IPV and have co-occurring substance use challenges. See more here.
  4. Growth, Resilience, Insight, and Togetherness (GRIT): a retreat-based suicide prevention program for women Veterans with interpersonal violence exposure, including childhood abuse, IPV, military sexual trauma, and/or other adult physical or sexual violence.

Research Core Projects

IPV-CIRE peer reviewed publications to date:

Portnoy, G.A., Relyea, M. R., Webermann, A. R., Presseau, C., Iverson, K. M., Brandt, C. A., & Haskell, S. G. (2024). Patterns of Intimate Partner Violence Among Veterans: A Latent Class Analysis. Journal of interpersonal violence, 8862605241284087. Advance online publication.

Stover, C. S., Relyea, M. R., Presseau, C., Brandt, C. M., Haskell, S., Portnoy, G. A. (2024). Childhood histories of family violence and adult intimate partner violence use among U.S. military veterans. Psychology of Violence.

Portnoy, G. A., Relyea, M. R., Dichter, M. E., Iverson, K. M., Presseau, C., Skanderson, Brandt, C. A., M., Bruce, L. E., & Martino, S. (2024). Implementation and impact of intimate partner violence screening expansion in the Veterans Health Administration: Protocol for the PRISM initiative, a mixed methods evaluation. JMIR Research Protocols.

Presseau, C., Carney, J. R., Kline, N. K., Grimshaw, A. A., DeMoss, L., Gunderson, C., & Portnoy, G. A. (2024). Child maltreatment, adult trauma, and mental health symptoms among women veterans: a scoping review of published quantitative research. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 15248380241234345.

Webermann, A. R., Gianoli, M. O., Rosen, M. I., Portnoy, G. A., Runels, T., & Black, A. C. (2024). Military sexual trauma-related posttraumatic stress disorder service-connection: Characteristics of claimants and award denial across gender, race, and compared to combat trauma. Plos one, 19(1), e0280708.

Webermann, A. R., Nester, M. S., Gianoli, M. O., Black, A. C., Rosen, M. I., Mattocks, K. M., & Portnoy, G. A. (2023). Compensation and Pension Exams for Military Sexual Trauma–Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Examiner Perspectives, Clinical Impacts on Veterans, and Strategies. Women's Health Issues.

Webermann, A. R., Merians, A. N., Gross, G. M., Portnoy, G. A., Rosen, M. I., & Pietrzak, R. H. (2023). Military sexual trauma and its association with mental health among sexual minority and heterosexual veterans in the United States. LGBT health, 10(S1), S61-S69.

Portnoy, G.A., Relyea, M.R., Presseau, C., Orazietti, S., Bruce, L.E., Brandt, C.A., & Martino, S. (2023). Screening for Intimate Partner Violence Experience and Use in the Veterans Health Administration. JAMA Network Open. 2023;6(10):e2337685. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.37685

Warren, A. R., Gross, G. M., Portnoy, G. A., Relyea, M. R., Eleazer, J., Goulet, J. L., Brandt, C. A., & Haskell, S. G. (2023). IPV use and experience among lesbian, gay, and bisexual veterans. Psychological Services. Advance online publication.

Relyea, M.R., Presseau, C., Runels, T., Humbert, M.M., Martino, S., Brandt, C.A., Haskell, S.G., Portnoy, G.A. (2023). Understanding Veterans’ Intimate Partner Violence Use and Patterns of Healthcare Utilization. Health Services Research.

Portnoy, G. A., Bruce, L. E., & Buckholdt, K. E. (2023). Intimate Partner Violence Programs for Veterans: Future Directions for Research and Clinical Practice. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 1-10.

Buckholdt, K. E., Bruce, L. E., & Portnoy, G. A. (2023). Introduction to the Special Issue on the Systematic Response to Intimate Partner Violence and Programs for Veterans. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 1-9.

Webermann, A. R., Relyea, M. R., Portnoy, G. A., Martino, S., Brandt, C. A., & Haskell, S. G. (2023). The role of unit and interpersonal support in military sexual trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Online first. doi: 10.1177/08862605231165764

Iverson, K. M., Dardis, C. M., Cowlishaw, S., Webermann, A. R., Shayani, D. R., Dichter, M. E., Mitchell, K. S., Mattocks, K. M., Gerber, M. R. & Portnoy G. A. (2022). Effects of intimate partner violence during COVID-19 and pandemic-related stress on the mental and physical health of women veterans. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 37(3), 724-733.

Portnoy, G. A., Relyea, M. R., Presseau, C., Orazietti, S., Martino, S., Brandt, C., & Haskell, S. G. (2022). Longitudinal analysis of persistent postconcussion symptoms, probable TBI, and intimate partner violence perpetration among Veterans. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 37(1), 34-42. doi: 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000759

Portnoy, G. A., Doran, J. M., Isom, J. E., Wilkins, K. M., DeViva, J. C., & Stacy, M. A. (2021). An evidence-based path forward for diversity training in medicine. The Lancet Psychiatry, 8(3), 181-182.

Portnoy, G. A., Iverson, K. M., Haskell, S. G., Czarnogorski, M., & Gerber, M. R. (2021). A multisite quality improvement initiative to enhance the adoption of screening practices for intimate partner violence into routine primary care for women veterans. Public Health Reports, 136(1), 52-60.

Portnoy, G. A., Colon, R., Gross, G. M., Adams, L. J., Bastian, L. A., & Iverson, K. M. (2020). Patient and provider barriers, facilitators, and implementation preferences of intimate partner violence perpetration screening. BMC health services research, 20(1), 1-12.

Relyea, M.R., Portnoy, G. A., Combellick, J., Brandt, C., & Haskell, S. G. (2020). Military Sexual Trauma and Intimate Partner Violence: Subtypes, Associations, and Gender Differences. Journal of Family Violence. 35, 349-360.

Portnoy, G. A., Relyea, M. R., Street, A. E., Haskell, S. G., & Iverson, K. M. (2020). A longitudinal analysis of women veteran’s partner violence perpetration: the roles of interpersonal trauma and posttraumatic stress symptoms. Journal of Family Violence, 35, 361-372.

Portnoy, G. A., Relyea, M. R., Decker, S., Shamaskin-Garroway, A., Driscoll, M., Brandt, C. A.,

& Haskell, S. G., (2018). Understanding gender differences in resilience among veterans: Trauma history and social ecology. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 31(6), 845-855.

Portnoy, G. A., Haskell, S. G., King, M. W., Maskin, R., Gerber, M. R. and Iverson, K. M.,

(2018). Accuracy and acceptability of a screening tool for identifying intimate partner violence perpetration among women veterans: A pre-implementation evaluation. Women's Health Issues. 28(5) 439-445.

Evaluation Core

  • Completed Year 1 Program Evaluation and created a Strategic Action Plan to guide highly partnered program evaluation with IPVAP for FY24.
  • Conducting Year 2 IPVAP Program Evaluation.
  • Conducting Partnered Evaluation of Relationship Health Innovations and Services through Mixed Methods (PRISM) Initiative to evaluate the implementation and impact of national IPV screening rollout in the VA healthcare system.
    • Co-funded through QUERI and IPVAP (10/1/23 - 9/30/26)