Protocol for the Catheter-Related Early Thromboprophylaxis With Enoxaparin (CRETE) Studies.
Faustino E, Kandil S, Leroue M, Sochet A, Kong M, Cholette J, Nellis M, Pinto M, Chegondi M, Ramirez M, Schreiber H, Kerris E, Glau C, Kolmar A, Muisyo T, Sharathkumar A, Polikoff L, Silva C, Ehrlich L, Navarro O, Spinella P, Raffini L, Taylor S, McPartland T, Shabanova V. Protocol for the Catheter-Related Early Thromboprophylaxis With Enoxaparin (CRETE) Studies. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 2024 PMID: 39560771, DOI: 10.1097/pcc.0000000000003648.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRandomized clinical trialsDose of enoxaparinCatheter-relatedEarly thromboprophylaxisHigher risk of clinically relevant bleedingRisk of clinically relevant bleedingProphylactic doses of enoxaparinTherapeutic dose of enoxaparinOlder childrenMarkers of thrombin generationClinically relevant bleedingEfficacy of prophylaxisDeep venous thrombosisRemoval of CVCsCritically ill childrenPlatelet-poor plasmaPost hoc analysisGestational ageInternational unitsInstitutional review boardRelevant bleedingProphylactic doseUsual careAge-dependent heterogeneityVenous thrombosis
Hospital-acquired venous thromboembolism during invasive mechanical ventilation in children: a single-center, retrospective cohort study
Havlicek E, Goldman Z, Faustino E, Ignjatovic V, Goldenberg N, Sochet A. Hospital-acquired venous thromboembolism during invasive mechanical ventilation in children: a single-center, retrospective cohort study. Journal Of Thrombosis And Haemostasis 2023, 21: 3145-3152. PMID: 37423387, DOI: 10.1016/j.jtha.2023.06.035.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHospital-acquired venous thromboembolismInvasive mechanical ventilationRetrospective cohort studyVenous thromboembolismMechanical ventilationEndotracheal intubationCohort studyIll childrenRisk factorsGeneral pediatric intensive care unit populationPediatric intensive care unit populationConcurrent central venous cathetersIntensive care unit populationExtremity deep venous thrombosisPediatric intensive care unitHypercoagulability risk factorsDeep venous thrombosisCentral venous cathetersIntensive care unitEligible encountersIMV durationPulmonary embolismSecondary outcomesVenous cathetersPrimary outcome
Mechanical Ventilation and Hospital-Acquired Venous Thromboembolism Among Critically Ill Children.
Sochet A, Havlicek E, Faustino E, Goldenberg N. Mechanical Ventilation and Hospital-Acquired Venous Thromboembolism Among Critically Ill Children. Hospital Pediatrics 2022, 12: 1099-1109. PMID: 36349533, DOI: 10.1542/hpeds.2022-006697.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHospital-acquired venous thromboembolismDeep venous thrombosisMechanical ventilationMultivariable logistic regressionIll childrenVenous thromboembolismCohort studyVenous thrombosisRegistry-based cohort studyExtremity deep venous thrombosisLogistic regressionHA-VTE eventsInvasive mechanical ventilationRetrospective cohort studyVTE risk factorsCentral venous catheterizationYears of ageHospital dischargePulmonary embolismPrimary outcomeVenous catheterizationRisk factorsClinical trialsProspective validationSystem registry
Thromboprophylaxis in critically ill children in Spain and Portugal
Núñez A, Fonte M, Faustino E, del estudio multicéntrico internacional PROTRACT E. Thromboprophylaxis in critically ill children in Spain and Portugal. Anales De PediatrÃa (English Edition) 2015, 82: 144-151. DOI: 10.1016/j.anpede.2014.05.002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDeep venous thrombosisLow molecular weight heparinMolecular weight heparinIll childrenInternational PICUsWeight heparinRisk factorsEffectiveness of thromboprophylaxisUse of thromboprophylaxisPercentage of patientsFemoral vein catheterPharmacological thromboprophylaxisThromboprophylaxis useMechanical thromboprophylaxisCentral cathetersVenous thrombosisVein catheterFemoral veinResultsA totalThromboprophylaxisMethodsSecondary analysisPrior historyPatientsPICUsCranial trauma