Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Prehabilitation (PrePFPT) for the prevention of low anterior resection syndrome
Coppersmith N, Schultz K, Esposito A, Reinhart K, Ray E, Leeds I, Pantel H, Reddy V, Longo W, Mongiu A. Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Prehabilitation (PrePFPT) for the prevention of low anterior resection syndrome. Surgical Oncology Insight 2024, 1: 100097. DOI: 10.1016/j.soi.2024.100097.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLow anterior resection syndromeAnterior resection syndromePelvic floor physical therapyQuality of life outcomesSymptoms of low anterior resection syndromeImprove patient qualityPhysical therapyRectal cancerPrehabilitationDevelopment of low anterior resection syndromeStudy designTreatment of low anterior resection syndromeTreatment of rectal cancerIncidence of low anterior resection syndromeLife outcomesEvaluated pre-Patients' qualityRectal cancer patientsCancer patientsDevelopment of symptomsNeoadjuvant chemoradiotherapyDefecatory dysfunctionImproved recoveryInternational trialsSyndromeCoding the issue: low anterior resection syndrome following rectal cancer treatment
Fick C, Linhares S, Schultz K, Esposito A, Coppersmith N, Pantel H, Reddy V, Leeds I, Mongiu A. Coding the issue: low anterior resection syndrome following rectal cancer treatment. Frontiers In Surgery 2024, 11: 1503410. DOI: 10.3389/fsurg.2024.1503410.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAssociation Between Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy and Low Anterior Resection Syndrome
Linhares S, Schultz K, Coppersmith N, Esposito A, Leeds I, Pantel H, Reddy V, Mongiu A. Association Between Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy and Low Anterior Resection Syndrome. Cancers 2024, 16: 3578. PMID: 39518019, PMCID: PMC11545659, DOI: 10.3390/cancers16213578.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLow anterior resection syndromeChemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathyAnterior resection syndromeSystemic therapyRectal cancerPeripheral neuropathyAssociated with low anterior resection syndromeRetrospective review of patientsPlatinum-based chemotherapy agentsLow anterior resectionReview of patientsSphincter-preserving surgeryRectal cancer treatmentNeoadjuvant chemoradiationTumor distanceAnal vergeAnterior resectionRetrospective reviewChemotherapy-inducedChemotherapy agentsSide effectsCancer treatmentDebilitating conditionPatientsCIPNBy Any Other Name: Bowel Dysfunction After Proctectomy for Cancer and Its Predictive Factors in Administrative Databases
Leeds I, Coppersmith N, Moore M, Saleh A, Cruickshank K, Pantel H, Reddy V, Mongiu A. By Any Other Name: Bowel Dysfunction After Proctectomy for Cancer and Its Predictive Factors in Administrative Databases. Journal Of Surgical Research 2024, 303: 342-351. PMID: 39413695, DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2024.09.027.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBowel dysfunctionRehabilitation proceduresPredictive factorsCosts of healthcare utilizationAssociated with bowel dysfunctionPopulation-based studyNeoadjuvant chemotherapy administrationLow anterior resection syndromeLow anterior resectionAdministrative claims dataRetrospective cohort studyAnterior resection syndromePostoperative bowel dysfunctionHealthcare utilizationPoisson regressionDiagnostic codesFollowed surgeryChemoradiation therapyFollow-up costsMultiagent chemotherapyStatistically significant covariatesAnterior resectionClaims dataCohort studyIndependent predictorsFor whom the bell tolls: assessing the incremental costs associated with failure to rescue after elective colorectal surgery
Schultz K, Moore M, Pantel H, Mongiu A, Reddy V, Schneider E, Leeds I. For whom the bell tolls: assessing the incremental costs associated with failure to rescue after elective colorectal surgery. Journal Of Gastrointestinal Surgery 2024, 28: 1812-1818. PMID: 39181234, DOI: 10.1016/j.gassur.2024.08.019.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchFailure-to-rescueMedian total hospital costTotal hospital costsColorectal surgeryNational Inpatient SampleUneventful recoveryRetrospective study of adult patientsFailure-to-rescue patientsAssociated with increased healthcare costsStudy of adult patientsElective colorectal resectionHospital costsElective colorectal surgeryNationally representative cohortColorectal resectionElective colectomyPostoperative complicationsRetrospective studyAdult patientsRescue attemptsMedical futilityElective surgeryRepresentative cohortHealthcare costsPrimary outcome1224 PREOPERATIVE PSYCHOSOCIAL RISK BURDEN AMONG PATIENTS UNDEROING MAJOR THORACIC AND ABDOMINAL SURGERY
Park E, Schultz K, Pantel H, Mongiu A, Reddy V, Leeds I. 1224 PREOPERATIVE PSYCHOSOCIAL RISK BURDEN AMONG PATIENTS UNDEROING MAJOR THORACIC AND ABDOMINAL SURGERY. Gastroenterology 2024, 166: s-1850-s-1851. DOI: 10.1016/s0016-5085(24)04735-8.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
More problems, more money: Identifying and predicting high-cost rescue after colorectal surgery
Leeds I, Moore M, Schultz K, Canner J, Pantel H, Mongiu A, Reddy V, Schneider E. More problems, more money: Identifying and predicting high-cost rescue after colorectal surgery. Surgery Open Science 2023, 16: 148-154. PMID: 38026825, PMCID: PMC10656212, DOI: 10.1016/j.sopen.2023.10.007.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchColorectal surgeryElective surgeryMedian total inpatient costsAdditional major proceduresElective colorectal surgeryPreoperative clinical predictorsCongestive heart failureGreater healthcare utilizationMultivariable Poisson regressionNational Inpatient SampleTotal inpatient costsElective colectomyCost-conscious careAdult patientsUneventful recoveryClinical predictorsHeart failureHealthcare utilizationInpatient costsSecondary proceduresInpatient SampleHealthcare costsMedian increaseSurgeryPatientsManagement of Colonic Emergencies
Pantel H, Reddy V. Management of Colonic Emergencies. Surgical Clinics Of North America 2023, 103: 1133-1152. PMID: 37838460, DOI: 10.1016/j.suc.2023.06.006.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsDirect stick embolization of a rectal venous malformation via transanal minimally invasive surgery
Bitar R, Ayoade O, Yekula A, Reddy V, Pantel H, Nassiri N. Direct stick embolization of a rectal venous malformation via transanal minimally invasive surgery. Journal Of Vascular Surgery Cases And Innovative Techniques 2023, 9: 101124. PMID: 37427040, PMCID: PMC10323409, DOI: 10.1016/j.jvscit.2023.101124.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRectal venous malformationsVenous malformationsInvasive surgeryElevated D-dimer levelsD-dimer levelsRare clinical entityLocalized intravascular coagulopathyComputed tomography urographyMagnetic resonance imagingPostembolization syndromeIntravascular coagulopathyPostoperative recoveryRectal massInterventional managementClinical entityTomography urographyVascular anomaliesRare caseResonance imagingSurgeryTAMISTargeted strategiesComplicationsEmbolizationMalformationsSo You Want to be a Program Director? Career Paths of Colon and Rectal Surgery Residency Program Directors
Esposito A, Coppersmith N, Flom E, Chung M, Reddy V, Leeds I, Longo W, Pantel H, Yoo P, Mongiu A. So You Want to be a Program Director? Career Paths of Colon and Rectal Surgery Residency Program Directors. Journal Of Surgical Education 2023, 80: 588-596. PMID: 36658062, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsurg.2022.12.009.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
How Far Is Too Far? Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Regionalized Rectal Cancer Surgery
Leeds I, Xu Z, Loria A, Pantel H, Mongiu A, Longo W, Reddy V. How Far Is Too Far? Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Regionalized Rectal Cancer Surgery. Diseases Of The Colon & Rectum 2022, 66: 467-476. PMID: 36538713, DOI: 10.1097/dcr.0000000000002636.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMultivariable probabilistic sensitivity analysesCost-effectiveness standardsIncremental cost-effectiveness ratioProbabilistic sensitivity analysesCost-effectiveness analysisCost-effectiveness ratioTotal societal costsSensitivity analysisDecision analysis modelEl análisisSocietal perspectiveIncremental costPacientes con cáncerSocietal costsLos costosLargo plazoPolicy levelDecision analysisTotal costCostDo Cultures From Percutaneously Drained Intra-abdominal Abscesses Change Treatment? A Retrospective Review
Esposito A, Zhang Y, Nagarkatti N, Laird W, Coppersmith N, Reddy V, Leeds I, Mongiu A, Longo W, Hao R, Pantel H. Do Cultures From Percutaneously Drained Intra-abdominal Abscesses Change Treatment? A Retrospective Review. Diseases Of The Colon & Rectum 2022, 66: 451-457. PMID: 36538708, DOI: 10.1097/dcr.0000000000002644.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIntra-abdominal abscessPercutaneous drainAntimicrobial therapyLos pacientesAbdominal abscessSingle university-affiliated institutionRetrospective medical record reviewEmpiric antibiotic regimensSolid organ transplantsMedical record reviewUniversity-affiliated institutionCulture dataAntibiotic coursesAbdominal infectionAntibiotic regimensActive smokersMedian ageActive chemotherapyRecord reviewEvidence-based practiceMedian lengthUtility of cultureFemale sexIntraoperative culturesInclusion criteria
Should Respiratory Protection Be Used In All Anorectal Operations That Generate Smoke?
Pantel HJ, Einarsdottir H, Reddy VB, Longo W. Should Respiratory Protection Be Used In All Anorectal Operations That Generate Smoke? Diseases Of The Colon & Rectum 2020, 63: 10.1097/dcr.0000000000001736. PMID: 32433042, PMCID: PMC7342802, DOI: 10.1097/dcr.0000000000001736.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Indications for Surgery in Patients with Severe Clostridium Difficile Colitis
Reddy V, Longo W. Indications for Surgery in Patients with Severe Clostridium Difficile Colitis. Difficult Decisions In Surgery: An Evidence-Based Approach 2017, 275-281. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-40223-9_25.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchClostridium difficile colitisDifficile colitisFulminant colitisSurgical therapySurgical interventionSevere Clostridium difficile colitisMultisystem organ failureTiming of surgeryCourse of diseaseMajority of casesRefractory colitisUnnecessary colectomyAntibiotic therapyMedical therapyOrgan failureFatal outcomeHigh morbidityPoor outcomeMild diarrheaNosocomial diarrheaColitisTherapyDiarrheaSurgeryIntervention
Reoperative surgery for the failed low pelvic anastomosis
Reddy V, Einarsdottir H. Reoperative surgery for the failed low pelvic anastomosis. Seminars In Colon And Rectal Surgery 2015, 26: 194-199. DOI: 10.1053/j.scrs.2015.09.005.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLow pelvic anastomosisWorse oncologic outcomesGood functional outcomeRectal cancer surgeryQuality of lifeReoperative surgeryColoanal anastomosisRedo surgeryLate complicationsOncologic outcomesSinus tractSerious complicationsCancer surgeryChronic sepsisHigh morbidityPelvic anastomosisFunctional outcomeSurgical challengeAnastomosisSurgeryComplicationsOutcomesOnly optionTechnical difficultiesSepsis
Anorectal Reconstruction
Reddy V. Anorectal Reconstruction. 2014, 231-239. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4471-6609-2_16.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLess Common Rectal Tumors
Bello D, Einarsdottir H, Reddy V, Longo W. Less Common Rectal Tumors. 2014, 323-347. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4471-6609-2_22.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSquamous cell carcinomaGastrointestinal stromal tumorsCell carcinomaNeuroendocrine carcinomaFrequent histologic subtypeMalignant rectal neoplasmsEvidence-based approachAnal malignanciesAnorectal melanomaRectal lymphomaCarcinoid tumorsHistologic subtypeRectal tumorsStromal tumorsRare tumorTreatment optionsRectal neoplasmsVascular lesionsKaposi's sarcomaSarcomatous lesionsClinical practiceTumor biologyNatural historyTumorsRectumOperative Confidence of Graduating Residents: Need for Improvement
Fonseca A, Reddy V, Gusberg R, Longo W. Operative Confidence of Graduating Residents: Need for Improvement. Journal Of Surgical Research 2014, 186: 544-545. DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2013.11.437.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Su1613 Risk Factors for Mortality for Surgical Clostridium difficile Colitis: A Review and Meta-Analysis
Wood S, Skrip L, Einarsdottir H, Reddy V, Longo W. Su1613 Risk Factors for Mortality for Surgical Clostridium difficile Colitis: A Review and Meta-Analysis. Gastroenterology 2013, 144: s-1073. DOI: 10.1016/s0016-5085(13)64001-9.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Reconstructing the Irradiated Rectum
Reddy V, Longo W. Reconstructing the Irradiated Rectum. 2012, 113-122. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84882-413-3_10.Peer-Reviewed Original Research