2023 American College of Rheumatology (ACR)/American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST) Guideline for the Treatment of Interstitial Lung Disease in People with Systemic Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases
Johnson S, Bernstein E, Bolster M, Chung J, Danoff S, George M, Khanna D, Guyatt G, Mirza R, Aggarwal R, Allen A, Assassi S, Buckley L, Chami H, Corwin D, Dellaripa P, Domsic R, Doyle T, Falardeau C, Frech T, Gibbons F, Hinchcliff M, Johnson C, Kanne J, Kim J, Lim S, Matson S, McMahan Z, Merck S, Nesbitt K, Scholand M, Shapiro L, Sharkey C, Summer R, Varga J, Warrier A, Agarwal S, Antin‐Ozerkis D, Bemiss B, Chowdhary V, D'Amico J, Hallowell R, Hinze A, Injean P, Jiwrajka N, Joerns E, Lee J, Makol A, McDermott G, Natalini J, Oldham J, Saygin D, Lakin K, Singh N, Solomon J, Sparks J, Turgunbaev M, Vaseer S, Turner A, Uhl S, Ivlev I. 2023 American College of Rheumatology (ACR)/American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST) Guideline for the Treatment of Interstitial Lung Disease in People with Systemic Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases. Arthritis & Rheumatology 2024, 76: 1182-1200. PMID: 38978310, DOI: 10.1002/art.42861.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTreatment of interstitial lung diseaseSystemic autoimmune rheumatic diseasesInterstitial lung diseaseAutoimmune rheumatic diseasesLung diseaseChest PhysiciansInterstitial lung disease progressionAmerican CollegeProgressive interstitial lung diseaseRheumatic diseasesAmerican College of Chest PhysiciansClinical practice guidelinesGrading of RecommendationsEvidence-based recommendationsClinically relevant populationOutcome questionsPractice guidelinesSystematic literature reviewDiseasePhysiciansTreatmentGlucocorticoidTherapyRelevant populationRecommendations2023 American College of Rheumatology (ACR)/American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST) Guideline for the Screening and Monitoring of Interstitial Lung Disease in People with Systemic Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases
Johnson S, Bernstein E, Bolster M, Chung J, Danoff S, George M, Khanna D, Guyatt G, Mirza R, Aggarwal R, Allen A, Assassi S, Buckley L, Chami H, Corwin D, Dellaripa P, Domsic R, Doyle T, Falardeau C, Frech T, Gibbons F, Hinchcliff M, Johnson C, Kanne J, Kim J, Lim S, Matson S, McMahan Z, Merck S, Nesbitt K, Scholand M, Shapiro L, Sharkey C, Summer R, Varga J, Warrier A, Agarwal S, Antin‐Ozerkis D, Bemiss B, Chowdhary V, D'Amico J, Hallowell R, Hinze A, Injean P, Jiwrajka N, Joerns E, Lee J, Makol A, McDermott G, Natalini J, Oldham J, Saygin D, Lakin K, Singh N, Solomon J, Sparks J, Turgunbaev M, Vaseer S, Turner A, Uhl S, Ivlev I. 2023 American College of Rheumatology (ACR)/American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST) Guideline for the Screening and Monitoring of Interstitial Lung Disease in People with Systemic Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases. Arthritis Care & Research 2024, 76: 1070-1082. PMID: 38973729, DOI: 10.1002/acr.25347.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSystemic autoimmune rheumatic diseasesInterstitial lung diseasePulmonary function testsAutoimmune rheumatic diseasesMonitoring of interstitial lung diseaseChest radiographyHigh-resolution computed tomography of the chestInterstitial lung disease risk factorsLung diseaseChest PhysiciansInterstitial lung disease progressionAmerican CollegeDevelopment of interstitial lung diseaseRheumatic diseasesAmerican College of Chest PhysiciansHigh-resolution computed tomographyMonitoring interstitial lung diseasesSurgical lung biopsyIdiopathic inflammatory myopathiesConnective tissue diseaseClinical practice guidelinesWalk test distanceGrading of RecommendationsEvidence-based recommendationsLung biopsy2023 American College of Rheumatology (ACR)/American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST) Guideline for the Screening and Monitoring of Interstitial Lung Disease in People with Systemic Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases
Johnson S, Bernstein E, Bolster M, Chung J, Danoff S, George M, Khanna D, Guyatt G, Mirza R, Aggarwal R, Allen A, Assassi S, Buckley L, Chami H, Corwin D, Dellaripa P, Domsic R, Doyle T, Falardeau C, Frech T, Gibbons F, Hinchcliff M, Johnson C, Kanne J, Kim J, Lim S, Matson S, McMahan Z, Merck S, Nesbitt K, Scholand M, Shapiro L, Sharkey C, Summer R, Varga J, Warrier A, Agarwal S, Antin‐Ozerkis D, Bemiss B, Chowdhary V, D'Amico J, Hallowell R, Hinze A, Injean P, Jiwrajka N, Joerns E, Lee J, Makol A, McDermott G, Natalini J, Oldham J, Saygin D, Lakin K, Singh N, Solomon J, Sparks J, Turgunbaev M, Vaseer S, Turner A, Uhl S, Ivlev I. 2023 American College of Rheumatology (ACR)/American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST) Guideline for the Screening and Monitoring of Interstitial Lung Disease in People with Systemic Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases. Arthritis & Rheumatology 2024, 76: 1201-1213. PMID: 38973714, DOI: 10.1002/art.42860.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSystemic autoimmune rheumatic diseasesInterstitial lung diseasePulmonary function testsAutoimmune rheumatic diseasesMonitoring of interstitial lung diseaseChest radiographyHigh-resolution computed tomography of the chestInterstitial lung disease risk factorsLung diseaseChest PhysiciansInterstitial lung disease progressionAmerican CollegeDevelopment of interstitial lung diseaseRheumatic diseasesAmerican College of Chest PhysiciansHigh-resolution computed tomographyMonitoring interstitial lung diseasesSurgical lung biopsyIdiopathic inflammatory myopathiesConnective tissue diseaseClinical practice guidelinesWalk test distanceGrading of RecommendationsEvidence-based recommendationsLung biopsy2023 American College of Rheumatology (ACR)/American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST) Guideline for the Treatment of Interstitial Lung Disease in People with Systemic Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases
Johnson S, Bernstein E, Bolster M, Chung J, Danoff S, George M, Khanna D, Guyatt G, Mirza R, Aggarwal R, Allen A, Assassi S, Buckley L, Chami H, Corwin D, Dellaripa P, Domsic R, Doyle T, Falardeau C, Frech T, Gibbons F, Hinchcliff M, Johnson C, Kanne J, Kim J, Lim S, Matson S, McMahan Z, Merck S, Nesbitt K, Scholand M, Shapiro L, Sharkey C, Summer R, Varga J, Warrier A, Agarwal S, Antin‐Ozerkis D, Bemiss B, Chowdhary V, D'Amico J, Hallowell R, Hinze A, Injean P, Jiwrajka N, Joerns E, Lee J, Makol A, McDermott G, Natalini J, Oldham J, Saygin D, Lakin K, Singh N, Solomon J, Sparks J, Turgunbaev M, Vaseer S, Turner A, Uhl S, Ivlev I. 2023 American College of Rheumatology (ACR)/American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST) Guideline for the Treatment of Interstitial Lung Disease in People with Systemic Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases. Arthritis Care & Research 2024, 76: 1051-1069. PMID: 38973731, DOI: 10.1002/acr.25348.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTreatment of interstitial lung diseaseSystemic autoimmune rheumatic diseasesInterstitial lung diseaseAutoimmune rheumatic diseasesLung diseaseChest PhysiciansInterstitial lung disease progressionAmerican CollegeProgressive interstitial lung diseaseRheumatic diseasesAmerican College of Chest PhysiciansClinical practice guidelinesGrading of RecommendationsEvidence-based recommendationsClinically relevant populationOutcome questionsPractice guidelinesSystematic literature reviewDiseasePhysiciansTreatmentGlucocorticoidTherapyRelevant populationRecommendations
Implementation of a Best Practice Advisory to Improve Infection Screening Prior to New Prescriptions of Biologics and Targeted Synthetic Drugs
Baker H, Fine R, Suter F, Allore H, Hsiao B, Chowdhary V, Lavelle E, Chen P, Hintz R, Suter L, Danve A. Implementation of a Best Practice Advisory to Improve Infection Screening Prior to New Prescriptions of Biologics and Targeted Synthetic Drugs. Arthritis Care & Research 2023 PMID: 37382043, DOI: 10.1002/acr.25181.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBest practice advisoryHepatitis B virusAutoimmune rheumatic diseasesBPA implementationSynthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugsDisease-modifying antirheumatic drugsHepatitis C virus infectionHepatitis B surface antigenC virus infectionUse of biologicsB surface antigenQuality improvement initiativesElectronic health recordsEligible patientsAntirheumatic drugsRheumatic diseasesRheumatology practiceSociety guidelinesB virusPractice advisoryComputerized decision support systemVirus infectionRoutine screeningPatient screeningPatients