Implementing Peer Specialists in Suicide Prevention Efforts in the Veterans Health Administration
Schmutte T, Krishnamurti L, Davidson L, Klee A, Bullock J, Panas R, Pfeiffer P, Chinman M. Implementing Peer Specialists in Suicide Prevention Efforts in the Veterans Health Administration. Psychiatric Quarterly 2023, 94: 311-319. PMID: 37278930, PMCID: PMC10424796, DOI: 10.1007/s11126-023-10034-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsVeterans Health AdministrationHigh-risk veteransSuicide prevention effortsPeer specialistsHealth AdministrationSuicide riskPrevention effortsVHA medical centersSuicide prevention interventionsHigh suicide riskPeer support specialistsMedical CenterPrevention interventionsPrevention coordinatorsTeam approachSuicidal thoughtsSuicide preventionUnderused interventionVeteransClinical directorsPeer supportAdequate trainingAdministrationClinical supervisionIntervention
Peer Supports in Recovery
Schmutte T, Guy K, Davidson L, Bellamy C. Peer Supports in Recovery. 2020, 245-252. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-19847-3_21.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSerious mental illnessMental illnessCostly acute care servicesPeer supportPublic mental health settingsAcute care servicesCurrent evidence baseMental health settingsMental health systemPhysical health outcomesRecovery-oriented practiceEvidence-based practiceSystemic reviewHealth outcomesHealth settingsCare servicesHealth systemPeer supportersEvidence baseMental healthSubstance useIllnessPromising additionInvolvement of peopleCare
An update on the growing evidence base for peer support
Bellamy C, Schmutte T, Davidson L. An update on the growing evidence base for peer support. Mental Health And Social Inclusion 2017, 21: 161-167. DOI: 10.1108/mhsi-03-2017-0014.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTraditional clinical outcomesCurrent evidence basePeer support servicesClinical outcomesEvidence baseFurther high-quality researchPeer supportPhysical health domainMental health settingsQuality of lifeRecovery-oriented practiceHospitalization ratesLevel of hopeHigh-quality researchHealth settingsMental illnessSystematic reviewSymptom severityDate reviewSupport servicesMental healthPhysical healthHealth domainsIndividual studiesProgrammatic characteristics