Expression of GABAC receptor ρ1 and ρ2 subunits during development of the mouse retina
Greka A, Lipton S, Zhang D. Expression of GABAC receptor ρ1 and ρ2 subunits during development of the mouse retina. European Journal Of Neuroscience 2000, 12: 3575-3582. PMID: 11029627, DOI: 10.1046/j.1460-9568.2000.00247.x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRetinal developmentGamma-aminobutyric acid type C receptorMouse retinaRho subunitsReceptor-mediated currentsPostnatal day 6Type C receptorsBipolar cell differentiationMouse retinal developmentΡ2 subunitsBipolar cellsC receptorRho2 subunitsRho1 subunitDay 6ReceptorsEye openingSubunit transcriptionSubunit messageAdulthoodRetinaFuture studiesCompetitive PCRCell differentiationP9Evidence for coassembly of mutant GABACρ1 with GABAAγ2S, glycine α1 and glycine α2 receptor subunits in vitro
Pan Z, Zhang D, Zhang X, Lipton S. Evidence for coassembly of mutant GABACρ1 with GABAAγ2S, glycine α1 and glycine α2 receptor subunits in vitro. European Journal Of Neuroscience 2000, 12: 3137-3145. PMID: 10998097, DOI: 10.1046/j.1460-9568.2000.00198.x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsDose-Response Relationship, DrugElectrophysiologyGABA AntagonistsGamma-Aminobutyric AcidGene ExpressionIn Vitro TechniquesMutagenesisNeural InhibitionOocytesPicrotoxinProtein Structure, TertiaryRatsReceptors, GABAReceptors, GABA-AReceptors, GABA-BReceptors, GlycineRetinaXenopus laevisConceptsGlycine alpha1Rho1 subunitAlpha2 subunitHeteromeric receptorsGABA dose-response curveBlockade of GABAVoltage-clamp recordingsGamma-aminobutyric acidXenopus laevis oocyte expression systemTwo-electrode voltage-clamp recordingsDose-response curveResponse propertiesPicrotoxinin sensitivityOocyte expression systemGamma2 subunitGABAReceptor subunitsPharmacological propertiesReceptorsUnique gatingFunctional evidenceGABAAAlpha1Gamma2Homomeric
Cloning and characterization of mouse GABAC receptor subunits
Greka A, Koolen J, Lipton S, Zhang D. Cloning and characterization of mouse GABAC receptor subunits. Neuroreport 1998, 9: 229-232. PMID: 9507960, DOI: 10.1097/00001756-199801260-00010.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Cloning of a gamma-aminobutyric acid type C receptor subunit in rat retina with a methionine residue critical for picrotoxinin channel block.
Zhang D, Pan Z, Zhang X, Brideau A, Lipton S. Cloning of a gamma-aminobutyric acid type C receptor subunit in rat retina with a methionine residue critical for picrotoxinin channel block. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 1995, 92: 11756-11760. PMID: 8524843, PMCID: PMC40481, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.92.25.11756.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAmino Acid SequenceAnimalsBase SequenceChloride ChannelsCloning, MolecularDose-Response Relationship, DrugDrug ResistanceElectric ConductivityGABA AntagonistsIon ChannelsMethionineMolecular Sequence DataMutagenesis, Site-DirectedPicrotoxinProtein ConformationRatsReceptors, GABARetinaSequence Homology, Amino AcidSesterterpenesStructure-Activity RelationshipConceptsGABAC responsesRat retinaRho 2 subunitsGamma-aminobutyric acidPTX resistanceHeteromeric receptorsReceptor subunitsFunctional homomeric receptorsRho 1 receptorsGABA receptor subunitsInhibitory neurotransmissionMechanism of blockGABA receptorsMammalian retinaConvulsant picrotoxininHomomeric receptorsRat receptorRetinaIonotropic receptorsReceptorsChannel blockPicrotoxininSecond membrane-spanning regionNative receptorPredominant determinantMultiple GABA receptor subtypes mediate inhibition of calcium influx at rat retinal bipolar cell terminals
Pan Z, Lipton. Multiple GABA receptor subtypes mediate inhibition of calcium influx at rat retinal bipolar cell terminals. Journal Of Neuroscience 1995, 15: 2668-2679. PMID: 7722621, PMCID: PMC6577770, DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.15-04-02668.1995.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBipolar cell terminalsGABA receptor subtypesGABA receptorsRetinal bipolar cell terminalsGABAC receptorsGABAA receptorsReceptor subtypesCell terminalsMultiple GABA receptorsDihydropyridine-sensitive Ca2Pharmacologic profileCalcium imaging methodSynaptic transmissionCalcium influxSlow onsetInhibitory effectReceptorsSubtypesReversible increaseAgonistsGABACa2FA kineticsFunctional roleInhibition
Characterization of GABA- and glycine-induced currents of solitary rodent retinal ganglion cells in culture
Tauck D, Frosch M, Lipton S. Characterization of GABA- and glycine-induced currents of solitary rodent retinal ganglion cells in culture. Neuroscience 1988, 27: 193-203. PMID: 3200439, DOI: 10.1016/0306-4522(88)90230-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGanglion cellsBicuculline methiodideRodent retinal ganglion cellsReversal potentialRetinal ganglion cellsWhole-cell recordingsAgonist-induced currentsRodent retinaD-tubocurarineMicroM GABAMicroM glycineReceptor desensitizationGABAPatch electrodeDesensitizationStrychnineMembrane conductancePicrotoxininMethiodideTaurineCellsSolitary cellsSpace clampTissue cultureResponseNicotinic Antagonists Enhance Process Outgrowth by Rat Retinal Ganglion Cells in Culture
Lipton S, Frosch M, Phillips M, Tauck D, Aizenman E. Nicotinic Antagonists Enhance Process Outgrowth by Rat Retinal Ganglion Cells in Culture. Science 1988, 239: 1293-1296. PMID: 3344435, DOI: 10.1126/science.3344435.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRetinal ganglion cellsNicotinic antagonistsGanglion cellsFunctional nicotinic cholinergic receptorsRetinal ganglion cell processesRat retinal ganglion cellsRetinal ganglion cell neuronsNicotinic cholinergic drugsSpecific nicotinic antagonistsProcess outgrowthGanglion cell neuronsNicotinic cholinergic receptorsGanglion cell processesNormal control mechanismsApplied acetylcholinePostsynaptic effectsCholinergic receptorsAmacrine cellsCholinergic drugsPharmacologic blockadeSpontaneous leaksRemoval of inhibitionRetinal culturesAcetylcholineCell neurons