Research Associate-1
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Yale Co-Authors
Frequent collaborators of Srividhya Venkatesan's published research.
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A big-picture view of Srividhya Venkatesan's research output by year.
Dhanpat Jain, MD
Jennifer Loza
Jonathan Leventhal, MD
Nikhil Joshi, PhD
Smita Krishnaswamy, PhD
William Damsky, MD, PhD
PD-1 maintains CD8 T cell tolerance towards cutaneous neoantigens
Damo M, Hornick N, Venkat A, William I, Clulo K, Venkatesan S, He J, Fagerberg E, Loza J, Kwok D, Tal A, Buck J, Cui C, Singh J, Damsky W, Leventhal J, Krishnaswamy S, Joshi N. PD-1 maintains CD8 T cell tolerance towards cutaneous neoantigens. Nature 2023, 619: 151-159. PMID: 37344588, PMCID: PMC10989189, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06217-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCitationsAltmetricMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsEffector CD8 T cellsCD8 T cellsAntigen-specific effector CD8 T cellsAntigen-specific CD8 T cellsAntigen-expressing cellsT cell tolerancePD-1T cellsAdverse eventsCell toleranceCD8 T cell toleranceImmune-related adverse eventsPeripheral T cell repertoirePeripheral T cell toleranceNon-lesional skinT cell repertoireT-cell antigensPeripheral toleranceCheckpoint receptorsSkin biopsiesLocal infiltrationLocal pathologyCell repertoireMouse modelSkin tolerance
An In Vivo Model for Elucidating the Role of an Erythroid-Specific Isoform of Nuclear Export Protein Exportin 7 (Xpo7) in Murine Erythropoiesis
Modepalli S, Martinez-Morilla S, Venkatesan S, Fasano J, Paulsen K, Görlich D, Hattangadi S, Kupfer G. An In Vivo Model for Elucidating the Role of an Erythroid-Specific Isoform of Nuclear Export Protein Exportin 7 (Xpo7) in Murine Erythropoiesis. Experimental Hematology 2022, 114: 22-32. PMID: 35973480, PMCID: PMC10165728, DOI: 10.1016/j.exphem.2022.08.001.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCitationsAltmetricMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsErythroid-specific isoformStress erythropoiesisNuclear condensationPenetrant embryonic lethalityStress response factorsGene-targeted mouse modelsEmbryonic lethalityTerminal erythropoiesisDefinitive erythropoiesisExportin-7Cell divisionSteady-state erythropoiesisUbiquitous isoformErythroid isoformComplete knockdownMurine erythropoiesisSpecific isoformsXPO7Response factorIsoformsFunctional differencesExon 4Fetal liverErythropoiesisExpression
Roles of Bone Morphogenetic Protein Receptor 1A in Germinal Centers and Long-Lived Humoral Immunity
Tomayko MM, Karaaslan S, Lainez B, Conter LJ, Song E, Venkatesan S, Mishina Y, Shlomchik MJ. Roles of Bone Morphogenetic Protein Receptor 1A in Germinal Centers and Long-Lived Humoral Immunity. ImmunoHorizons 2021, 5: 284-297. PMID: 33975878, DOI: 10.4049/immunohorizons.2100019.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCitationsAltmetricMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsBone marrow-resident plasma cellsBone morphogenetic protein receptor 1AMemory B cellsMultiple stem cell populationsGene deletionStrong selective pressureGC B cellsStem cell populationGerminal centersB cellsReceptor 1aSelective pressureExpression studiesResultant establishmentNovel roleClass-switched memory B cellsEGFP reporter mice
miR-181a regulates erythroid enucleation via the regulation of Xpo7 expression
Figueroa A, Fasano JD, Martinez-Morilla S, Venkatesan S, Kupfer G, Hattangadi SM. miR-181a regulates erythroid enucleation via the regulation of Xpo7 expression. Haematologica 2018, 103: e341-e344. PMID: 29567782, PMCID: PMC6068031, DOI: 10.3324/haematol.2017.171785.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCitationsAltmetric
Erythroid-Specific Variant of the Nuclear Exportin Xpo7 Conserved Only in Mammals May Explain Functional Differences Between Mammalian Definitive and Lower Vertebrate (or Primitive) Erythropoiesis
Martinez-Morilla S, Venkatesan S, Katharina S, Cooney J, Paw B, Gorlich D, Hattangadi S. Erythroid-Specific Variant of the Nuclear Exportin Xpo7 Conserved Only in Mammals May Explain Functional Differences Between Mammalian Definitive and Lower Vertebrate (or Primitive) Erythropoiesis. Blood 2016, 128: 2440. DOI: 10.1182/blood.v128.22.2440.2440.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFetal liver erythropoiesisTranscription start siteWild typeChromatin condensationLiver erythropoiesisLower vertebratesGlobal chromatin condensationFetal liver erythroblastsErythroid-specific isoformNormal Mendelian ratioAmino acid residuesCongenital dyserythropoietic anemiaVertebrate erythropoiesisMammalian erythroblastsEmbryonic lethalityMouse erythropoiesisDefinitive erythropoiesisExportin-7Start siteSteady-state erythropoiesisErythroid differentiationFirst intronKO embryosFirst exonVivo function
Mmu-Mir-181a Regulates Terminal Erythroid Nuclear Maturation By Regulating Levels of Xpo7
Figueroa A, Martinez-Morilla S, Venkatesan S, Hattangadi S. Mmu-Mir-181a Regulates Terminal Erythroid Nuclear Maturation By Regulating Levels of Xpo7. Blood 2014, 124: 2669. DOI: 10.1182/blood.v124.21.2669.2669.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsErythroid developmentGenomic structureExportin-7Chromatin condensationMiR-181aRed blood cell developmentTermination of transcriptionBlood cell developmentHematopoietic lineage differentiationNormal erythroid developmentTerminal erythroid differentiationSuch important processesCell cycle arrestErythroid nucleiMiR-181a binding siteNuclear maturationMouse erythroblastsHematopoietic stem cellsCore histonesNuclear proteinsStart siteLineage differentiationMegakaryocyte developmentXPO7Erythroid differentiationHistones to the cytosol: exportin 7 is essential for normal terminal erythroid nuclear maturation
Hattangadi SM, Martinez-Morilla S, Patterson HC, Shi J, Burke K, Avila-Figueroa A, Venkatesan S, Wang J, Paulsen K, Görlich D, Murata-Hori M, Lodish HF. Histones to the cytosol: exportin 7 is essential for normal terminal erythroid nuclear maturation. Blood 2014, 124: 1931-1940. PMID: 25092175, PMCID: PMC4168348, DOI: 10.1182/blood-2013-11-537761.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsMost nuclear proteinsExportin-7Nuclear proteinsLate erythroblastsNuclear protein exportTerminal erythroid maturationFetal liver erythroblastsNuclear export proteinErythroid nucleiProtein exportTerminal erythropoiesisHistone H2AChromatin condensationErythroid differentiationExport proteinErythroid maturationNuclear condensationProteomic examinationProteinXPO7HistonesHemoglobin accumulationSevere inhibitionErythroblastsFetal liver
Histones To The Cytosol: Role Of Nuclear Protein Export In Erythroid Nuclear Condensation
Figueroa A, Venkatesan S, Hattangadi S. Histones To The Cytosol: Role Of Nuclear Protein Export In Erythroid Nuclear Condensation. Blood 2013, 122: 310. DOI: 10.1182/blood.v122.21.310.310.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCitationsConceptsNuclear protein exportErythroid-specific promoterProtein exportNuclear condensationChromatin condensationLate erythroblastsReplacement of histonesFetal liver erythroblastsMouse fetal liverNuclear exportinCargo proteinsMouse erythroblastsHistone H2AChromatin immunoprecipitationExportin-7Nuclear exportRACE-PCRNuclear proteinsLower vertebratesKnockdown cellsXPO7Erythroid differentiationCell biology conceptsProteomic examinationErythroblast nucleiGraft-Versus-Host-Disease Recruits Both Monocyte and Pre-Conventional Dendritic Cell-Derived Tissue Antigen Presenting Cells Independent Of CCR2 and CCR6
Morin-Zorman S, Wysocki C, Matte-Martone C, Juchem K, Tan H, Venkatesan S, Rothstein D, Lakkis F, Shlomchik W. Graft-Versus-Host-Disease Recruits Both Monocyte and Pre-Conventional Dendritic Cell-Derived Tissue Antigen Presenting Cells Independent Of CCR2 and CCR6. Blood 2013, 122: 4463. DOI: 10.1182/blood.v122.21.4463.4463.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAntigen presenting cellsDonor T cellsDendritic cellsT cellsGVHD miceDC populationsBlood monocytesAllogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantationAlloreactive donor T cellsHematopoietic stem cell transplantationMyeloid hematopoiesisInitial T cell activationRole of CCR2Role of CCR6Role of CX3CR1Stem cell transplantationSecondary lymphoid organsModels of inflammationWild-type BMSuppressor of inflammationWT T cellsT cell activationGraft-VersusGVHD lesionsGVHD reactions
Memory T cells from minor histocompatibility antigen–vaccinated and virus-immune donors improve GVL and immune reconstitution
Li N, Matte-Martone C, Zheng H, Cui W, Venkatesan S, Tan HS, McNiff J, Demetris AJ, Roopenian D, Kaech S, Shlomchik WD. Memory T cells from minor histocompatibility antigen–vaccinated and virus-immune donors improve GVL and immune reconstitution. Blood 2011, 118: 5965-5976. PMID: 21917752, PMCID: PMC3228506, DOI: 10.1182/blood-2011-07-367011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCitationsAltmetricMeSH Keywords and ConceptsMeSH KeywordsAnimalsCell ProliferationGraft vs Leukemia EffectHematopoiesisImmunologic MemoryLymphocytesLymphocytic ChoriomeningitisLymphocytic choriomeningitis virusMiceMice, Inbred C3HMice, Inbred C57BLMice, KnockoutMinor Histocompatibility AntigensTissue DonorsT-LymphocytesTransplantation ImmunologyUp-RegulationVaccinationConceptsDonor T cellsMemory T cellsImmune reconstitutionT cellsAllogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantationSingle minor histocompatibility antigenHematopoietic stem cell transplantationVirus-immune donorsLeukemia cellsStem cell transplantationMinor histocompatibility antigensT-cell manipulationChronic myeloid leukemiaLymphocytic choriomeningitis virusGVL effectLeukemia relapseAdoptive immunotherapyMinor histocompatibilityTreatment failureCell transplantationMyeloid leukemiaHistocompatibility antigensGVHDVaccinationInfection