Menstrual Health and Hygiene among Adolescents in the United States
Trant AA, Vash-Margita A, Camenga D, Braverman P, Wagner D, Espinal M, Kisanga EP, Lundsberg L, Sheth SS, Fan L. Menstrual Health and Hygiene among Adolescents in the United States. Journal Of Pediatric And Adolescent Gynecology 2022, 35: 277-287. PMID: 34999229, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpag.2021.12.014.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentChildFemaleHealth EducationHealth Knowledge, Attitudes, PracticeHumansHygieneMenstrual Hygiene ProductsMenstruationSchoolsSurveys and QuestionnairesUnited StatesConceptsMenstrual health educationHealth educationSurvey response rateHealth careResponse rateMenstrual healthTertiary academic centerAdolescent medicine clinicMedicine clinicPatient interviewsPatient surveyGynecology practiceProvider surveyAcademic centersPatientsThematic saturationProvider perspectivesThematic content analysisProvider rolesAnonymous surveyCarePediatric facultyDescriptive statisticsMenstrual productsHealth
Screening for Nonviral Sexually Transmitted Infections in Adolescents and Young Adults
Murray P, Braverman P, Adelman W, Breuner C, Levine D, Marcell A, Murray P, O’Brien R, Burstein G. Screening for Nonviral Sexually Transmitted Infections in Adolescents and Young Adults. Pediatrics 2014, 134: e302-e311. PMID: 24982099, PMCID: PMC8194454, DOI: 10.1542/peds.2014-1024.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsMeSH KeywordsAdolescentFemaleHealth Knowledge, Attitudes, PracticeHumansMaleMass ScreeningPediatricsPractice Patterns, Physicians'Sexually Transmitted Diseases, BacterialSocieties, MedicalYoung Adult
Adolescent Preferences for Human Immunodeficiency Virus Testing Methods and Impact of Rapid Tests on Receipt of Results
Mullins T, Braverman P, Dorn L, Kollar L, Kahn J. Adolescent Preferences for Human Immunodeficiency Virus Testing Methods and Impact of Rapid Tests on Receipt of Results. Journal Of Adolescent Health 2009, 46: 162-168. PMID: 20113922, DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2009.06.015.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHIV testingRapid human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testsAdolescent primary care clinicHuman immunodeficiency virus testRapid oral fluid testingUrban primary care settingTraditional HIV testingRapid testPrimary care clinicsPrimary care settingHIV testing methodsLogistic regression modelingReceipt of resultsOral fluid testingHalf of participantsCare clinicsBlood testsAdolescents' preferencesCare settingsVirus testHealthcare providersFluid testingOral fluidDemographic characteristicsFingerstick testing
Man 2 Man: A Promising Approach to Addressing The Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of Young Men
Sherrow G, Ruby T, Braverman P, Bartle N, Gibson S, Hock‐Long L. Man 2 Man: A Promising Approach to Addressing The Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of Young Men. Perspectives On Sexual And Reproductive Health 2003, 35: 215-219. PMID: 14668024, DOI: 10.1111/j.1931-2393.2003.tb00157.x.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Braverman P, Strasburger V. Contraception. Clinical Pediatrics 1993, 32: 725-734. PMID: 8275606, DOI: 10.1177/000992289303201204.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsMeSH KeywordsAdolescentAdolescent BehaviorAttitude of Health PersonnelContraceptionEvaluation Studies as TopicFemaleHealth Knowledge, Attitudes, PracticeHealth SurveysHumansMalePregnancyPregnancy in AdolescenceUnited States