Analysis of Tumor Burden as a Biomarker for Patient Survival with Neuroendocrine Tumor Liver Metastases Undergoing Intra-Arterial Therapies: A Single-Center Retrospective Analysis
Miszczuk M, Chapiro J, Do Minh D, van Breugel JMM, Smolka S, Rexha I, Tegel B, Lin M, Savic LJ, Hong K, Georgiades C, Nezami N. Analysis of Tumor Burden as a Biomarker for Patient Survival with Neuroendocrine Tumor Liver Metastases Undergoing Intra-Arterial Therapies: A Single-Center Retrospective Analysis. CardioVascular And Interventional Radiology 2022, 45: 1494-1502. PMID: 35941241, PMCID: PMC9587516, DOI: 10.1007/s00270-022-03209-9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeuroendocrine tumor liver metastasesMedian overall survivalIntra-arterial therapyLow tumor burdenTumor burdenOverall survivalLiver metastasesPrognostic factorsTumor diameterTB groupLonger median overall survivalRetrospective single-center analysisSingle-center retrospective analysisHigh TB groupLow TB groupRespective hazard ratiosHigh tumor burdenSingle-center analysisIndependent prognostic factorStrong prognostic factorDrug-eluting beadsLargest liver lesionPrediction of survivalHazard ratioPatient survivalOptimization of the BCLC Staging System for Locoregional Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma by Using Quantitative Tumor Burden Imaging Biomarkers at MRI.
Borde T, Nezami N, Laage Gaupp F, Savic LJ, Taddei T, Jaffe A, Strazzabosco M, Lin M, Duran R, Georgiades C, Hong K, Chapiro J. Optimization of the BCLC Staging System for Locoregional Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma by Using Quantitative Tumor Burden Imaging Biomarkers at MRI. Radiology 2022, 304: 228-237. PMID: 35412368, PMCID: PMC9270683, DOI: 10.1148/radiol.212426.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMedian overall survivalAdvanced-stage hepatocellular carcinomaTransarterial chemoembolizationHepatocellular carcinomaBCLC BBCLC COverall survivalTumor burdenBarcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) staging systemLiver Cancer staging systemCancer (AJCC) staging systemConventional transarterial chemoembolizationDrug-eluting beadsAllocation of patientsContrast-enhanced MRIBackground PatientsSurvival benefitRetrospective studyStaging systemC tumorsTumor volumePatientsHeterogeneous patientsMonthsChemoembolization
Thermal ablation alone vs thermal ablation combined with transarterial chemoembolization for patients with small (<3Â cm) hepatocellular carcinoma
Chai NX, Chapiro J, Petukhova A, Gross M, Kucukkaya A, Raju R, Zeevi T, Elbanan M, Lin M, Perez-Lozada JC, Schlachter T, Strazzabosco M, Pollak JS, Madoff DC. Thermal ablation alone vs thermal ablation combined with transarterial chemoembolization for patients with small (<3 cm) hepatocellular carcinoma. Clinical Imaging 2021, 76: 123-129. PMID: 33592550, PMCID: PMC8217099, DOI: 10.1016/j.clinimag.2021.01.043.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOverall survivalTransarterial chemoembolizationHepatocellular carcinomaThermal ablationTA groupEarly-stage hepatocellular carcinomaMedian overall survivalTherapy-naïve patientsKaplan-Meier analysisMaximum tumor diameterStage hepatocellular carcinomaLog-rank testDrug-eluting beadsSmall hepatocellular carcinomaTerms of TTPHIPAA-compliant IRBSignificant differencesLipiodol-TACELocoregional therapyBCLC stageComplication rateTreatment cohortsTumor diameterAFP levelsPatient group
Dual-phase Cone-beam Computed Tomography to See, Reach, and Treat Hepatocellular Carcinoma during Drug-eluting Beads Transarterial Chemo-embolization
Tacher V, Lin M, Bhagat N, Jaoudeh N, Radaelli A, Noordhoek N, Carelsen B, Wood B, Geschwind J. Dual-phase Cone-beam Computed Tomography to See, Reach, and Treat Hepatocellular Carcinoma during Drug-eluting Beads Transarterial Chemo-embolization. Journal Of Visualized Experiments 2013, 50795. PMID: 24326874, PMCID: PMC3910428, DOI: 10.3791/50795.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHepatocellular carcinomaDP-CBCTDual phase CBCTDrug-eluting beadsCone-Beam Computed TomographyRole of CBCTMagnetic resonance imagingDEB-TACETreatment successInvasive therapyLiver tumorsComputed tomographyHCC treatmentInterventional radiologyResonance imagingAngiography suiteDiagnostic imagingSelective therapyCone beamDiagnostic accuracyCBCT techniqueInterventional suiteCarcinomaCBCTTherapy
Intraprocedural C-Arm Dual-Phase Cone-Beam CT: Can It Be Used to Predict Short-term Response to TACE with Drug-eluting Beads in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma?
Loffroy R, Lin M, Yenokyan G, Rao PP, Bhagat N, Noordhoek N, Radaelli A, Blijd J, Liapi E, Geschwind JF. Intraprocedural C-Arm Dual-Phase Cone-Beam CT: Can It Be Used to Predict Short-term Response to TACE with Drug-eluting Beads in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma? Radiology 2012, 266: 636-648. PMID: 23143027, PMCID: PMC3558876, DOI: 10.1148/radiol.12112316.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsArea Under CurveCarcinoma, HepatocellularChemoembolization, TherapeuticCone-Beam Computed TomographyDoxorubicinFemaleHumansLeast-Squares AnalysisLiver NeoplasmsMagnetic Resonance ImagingMaleMiddle AgedPredictive Value of TestsProspective StudiesRadiation DosageROC CurveSwineTreatment OutcomeConceptsDual-phase cone-beam CTTranscatheter arterial chemoembolizationPartial tumor responseDrug-eluting beadsTumor responseTumor enhancementCone-beam CT scansHepatocellular carcinomaLogistic regression modelsCone-beam CTVenous phaseCT scanMR findingsMultivariate logistic regression modelMR imagingHCC tumor responseRadiation doseDoxorubicin-eluting beadsMagnetic resonance imagingInstitutional review boardArterial chemoembolizationLiver (EASL) guidelinesRegression modelsProspective studyHCC lesionsPhase II Study of Chemoembolization With Drug-Eluting Beads in Patients With Hepatic Neuroendocrine Metastases: High Incidence of Biliary Injury
Bhagat N, Reyes D, Lin M, Kamel I, Pawlik T, Frangakis C, Geschwind J. Phase II Study of Chemoembolization With Drug-Eluting Beads in Patients With Hepatic Neuroendocrine Metastases: High Incidence of Biliary Injury. CardioVascular And Interventional Radiology 2012, 36: 449-459. PMID: 22722717, PMCID: PMC3596485, DOI: 10.1007/s00270-012-0424-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTransarterial chemoembolizationTumor sizeNeuroendocrine tumorsHigh incidenceNational Cancer Institute Common Terminology CriteriaEastern Cooperative Oncology Group statusHepatic neuroendocrine metastasesUnderwent percutaneous drainageCommon Terminology CriteriaObjective response ratePhase II studyPhase II trialMultiple small lesionsMethodsInstitutional review board approvalDrug-eluting beadsReview board approvalAlanine amino transferaseTerminology CriteriaAbdominal painBiliary injuryII trialDEB-TACEII studyEASL criteriaPercutaneous drainage
Evaluating tumors in transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) using dual-phase cone-beam CT
Lin M, Loffroy R, Noordhoek N, Taguchi K, Radaelli A, Blijd J, Balguid A, Geschwind J. Evaluating tumors in transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) using dual-phase cone-beam CT. Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied Technologies 2010, 20: 276-281. PMID: 21082901, PMCID: PMC4337876, DOI: 10.3109/13645706.2010.536243.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTranscatheter arterial chemoembolizationTumor-feeding vesselsParenchymal stainingTACE treatmentArterial chemoembolizationContrast injectionDual-phase cone-beam CTTumor feeding vesselsDrug-eluting beadsContrast-enhanced scansDegree of embolizationFeeding vesselsMR/CTSingle injectionCatheter positionInitial experienceCBCT scansCone-beam CTEmbolization effectConventional CTCTChemoembolizationC-armInjectionCBCT system